The Harsh Light of Day
The first of the crossover episodes between Buffy and Angel and what a crossover....we see the return of Spike, Harmony (yes Spike's girlfriend!) and Anya. There's a lot of "connections" going on in this ep :) Anya and Xander, Spike and Harmony, and yes...Buffy and Parker. She makes a mistake of perspective and the "relationship" she thinks is there between Parker and herself. We really see the vulnerability
of Buffy as a college student in this episode, particularly when she keeps checking the answering machine for messages from him, and finally confronts him. Meanwhile Spike is back in Sunnydale to dig up the Gem of Amara, a mythical ring that, when worn, makes the vampire wearer unkillable. He finds it and fights Buffy on campus in broad daylight just after he has seen her talk to Parker. Buffy, with the help of the Scooby Gang obtains the ring and gives it to
Oz to take to L.A. and give to Angel.
Regular characters: Oz, Giles, Willow, Xander, Anya, Spike, Buffy, Harmony
Villain: Spike, and depending on your point of view...Parker :)