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Wild at Heart

The attraction between Oz and Veruca is blatant. Willow tries to join in conversation between the two but just gets left in the cold. She can tell something is wrong but Oz (not usually Mr. communication anyway) is not letting anything on. It's confirmed that Veruca is a werewolf and Oz cannot fight the animal attraction between them. Unlike Oz, Veruca has accepted the 'animal within her' and kills indiscriminately, shocked at Oz's voluntary incarceration for 3 days of the month. He locks her in with him, believing it's the only way to protect others, and the inevitable happens.... he cheats on Willow whilst in werewolf form. She finds them together the next morning and is understandably devastated. Meanwhile, Spike is tazer-ed by the mysterious soldiers on campus, and captured. Oz decides the only option is to leave Sunnydale so that he can't hurt Willow anymore. The scene between the two of them is wonderfully acted with a particularly special effort on the part of Alyson Hannigan. It's a heart-breaking scene, Willow asking Oz, "Don't you love me"? and Oz replying, "My whole life, I've never loved anything else". The final scene shows Oz getting into his van, and leaving Sunnydale....

Regular characters: Buffy, Xander, Willow, Oz, Giles, Spike, Riley
Villain: Veruca (werewolf)