A Night to Remember

By Robin

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters copyrighted by Warner Brothers and Shoot the Moon Production Company. It is meant for enjoyment purposes only, I retain the right to the plot and not the characters. Do not distribute or copy this story in part or full without the express written consent of the author.

Authors Note - A missing scene or two from the end of the third season after "All the World's A Stage"

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"You sure are in a good mood, Amanda. Did you finally get that raise you keep asking for?" Dotty asked, noting her daughter's exuberant behavior. She had been humming and whistling since she got home and seemed to have a grin painted on her face.

"No, mother," Amanda answered cheerily. She tried unsuccessfully to hide her smile as she looked at her mother. "Just finished up something that I've been working on for a long while."

She felt so giddy as she remembered the kiss she had shared with Lee. She had almost become convinced that the moment would never happen. She had thought that they would once again be interrupted, as they had been time after time. She had watched in disbelief as Lee locked the door to the Q bureau, locking Billy out.

She closed her eyes and she let the scene play in her mind once more. Lee whispered, 'Not this time.' It was moments later that he kissed her. It wasn't like the few kisses they had shared on assignments in an attempt to maintain their covers. This time it was Lee, kissing her - Amanda King. His warm lips pressed gently on hers, his arms drew her closer...

"Amanda?" she heard a voice call out to her from a distance. "Amanda," the voice repeated more sharply.

Amanda opened her eyes. Her mother was standing beside her, holding the phone. She blushed noticeably; she hadn't even heard it ring.

"It's for you. I think it's your boss," Dotty said as she handed her the phone.

Amanda grabbed the receiver from her mother. She stared at her, trying to will her away.

"Uh, huh. I'd just like to see that project you finished today," Dotty mumbled as she left the room.

"Hello," Amanda finally said into the phone as soon as her mother was out of earshot.

"Hi!" Lee replied with a smile in his own voice. "What are you doing tonight?"

Amanda's heart began to flutter. A small part of her had wondered if Lee would call her this evening. They had left the Agency and went to a small coffee shop after their 'kiss'. They had agreed to dinner and a movie - soon. But Amanda wasn't sure when 'soon' would be.

"I was just finishing up in the kitchen. Joe left a few minutes ago with the boys..."

"Great! That means you're free tonight?" Lee interrupted eagerly.

Lee thought back to their conversation about going out on a real date - soon. Only he didn't want to wait; he wanted to see her - no, he had to see her tonight. He called all over town and finally got a pair of choice seats for The Kennedy Center. It cost him a small fortune, but he wanted to be with her tonight.

"Well, I didn't have any plans," Amanda replied, nervously twisting a defenseless dishtowel that she held in her hand.

Lee grinned. "I'll pick you up at 7:30, the curtain goes up at eight."

"The curtain? I thought we were going to the movies," she asked self-consciously.

"Well, I kind of got lucky and got two seats to The Kennedy Center tonight, but if you'd prefer a movie, I'm sure I can find someone to take them off my hands for me," Lee teased.

"The Kennedy Center? Tonight's the last performance. It's been sold out for weeks," Amanda replied hastily.

"See you at 7:30 then?"

"I'd love to," she responded happily as she hung up the phone. She dashed up the stairs, passing her mother on the way.

"Amanda, you nearly knocked me over," Dotty complained.

"I'm sorry, mother. I've only got an hour to get ready."

"Get ready? Ready for what? I thought you were staying in tonight?"

Amanda glanced at her mother, blinked twice, and then calmly replied. "I totally forgot about this premiere tonight."

"That was why Mr. Steadman called?" Dotty asked, unconvinced.

"Why yes, mother, he offered to give me a ride. He knows I don't like to drive into the city at night alone," Amanda explained.

"A premiere, huh?"

"Yes, so I'll probably be home kind of late. Don't wait up for me," Amanda answered as she closed her bedroom door.

* * *

Lee's arm was carefully wrapped around Amanda's waist as he escorted her into The Kennedy Center. They sat down in their seats just moments before the orchestra began playing.

"You look lovely tonight," he whispered, gazing at her.

"Thank you," she smiled bashfully. "You're looking quite handsome yourself."

Lee reached for her hand, entwined his fingers in hers and gave them a gentle squeeze. She smiled at him briefly before turning her attention back to the curtain, which was now rising. Throughout the performance they took turns stealing glances at each other. Sometimes they caught each other's eye, sometimes not.

After the show, Lee escorted her back to his car.

"I did promise you dinner; I know it's late, but would you care for some dessert?"

"As enjoyable as it sounds, I really shouldn't eat this late," she replied as she looked up into his twinkling eyes.

Lee felt his heart sink at her reply. He just wasn't ready yet to allow this evening to end. He silently opened the car door and helped her in. As he got in himself, Amanda smiled at him. Her dark eyes gave him the reassurance that he was looking for; apparently she also wanted this evening to continue.

"How about a night cap at my place?" he asked, welcoming the thought of having her alone.

"Perhaps a quick one," she answered with warm glowing eyes.

Lee flicked the lights on in his apartment, guiding Amanda in as if she had never been there before. He chuckled silently to himself; she had been in his apartment many times. Why then was he so nervous? He admonished himself, 'Because she's special.'

Amanda looked back at him, seeing a funny look on his face. "Penny for your thoughts."

"I was just thinking, I have a bottle of champagne that I've been keeping for a special occasion: Dom Perignon '73. Of course if you would prefer something else..." he added.

"That sounds delightful. Would you mind if I freshened up while you pour us each a glass?" Amanda replied with a bright smile. This truly was going to be a night to remember.

"It would be my pleasure," Lee grinned as he watched her cross the room.

Amanda quickly checked her makeup, then carefully dabbed a drop of perfume behind her ear lobe. She was feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. She still couldn't believe what had happened today. There were times over the last few months when she had thought for sure that Lee had feelings for her. But then he would abruptly pull away from her; filling her with doubts yet again. But here she was in Lee's apartment after a lovely evening together, purely pleasure - no business and with Lee's own words reminding her - 'It was a special occasion.'

She sat down on his couch as Lee came back into the room, two glasses of champagne in his hand.

"Here you go," he said as he sat down beside her.

"Thank you," she grinned as she reached out and took the glass. She sipped at it carefully and nodded happily. "Oh, Lee, this is marvelous."

"I thought you would like it," he grinned, pleased at his choice. As they drank their champagne Lee continued with pleasant small talk. "Did you know that Dom Perignon champagne got its start from a blind monk?"

Amanda looked up at Lee, not sure if this was one of his tall tales. "No, actually I didn't."

"It was."

"Well he had a very distinguished palate," Amanda said as she finished the glass of champagne. Lee finished his as well.

"Would you like another glass?" he asked.

"Maybe later," she smiled, as she put her glass aside.

Lee nodded in agreement, putting his glass down as well. "There is something that just can't wait."

"What's that?" she asked, her curiosity peaked.

He leaned in towards her. With a hand placed tenderly on each side of her face, he kissed her gently. As he sensitively caressed her, he could feel her relax in his arms.

She leaned into him, eagerly returning his kiss. Amanda had waited so long for this moment; she enjoyed their intimacy, not wanting the moment to end. She luxuriated in his touch and how sensitive and fulfilling his kisses were.

Lee pulled away ever so slowly. His eyes soaked in the soft features of her face: her dark eyes, her ruby red lips and the smile which adorned them sublimely. His hand caressed her face as he smiled at her.

"I've really enjoyed this evening. I meant what I said earlier today, I'm really looking forward to getting to know you a lot better," Lee whispered huskily.

Amanda's heart began to flutter, she couldn't believe she was hearing those wonderful words coming from Lee's lips. "I'm looking forward to that too," she replied with pleasure.

Lee looked at her and shook his head, a moment of doubt creeping into his mind. "Amanda, this is going to complicate things a great deal, are you sure..."

"I think it's too late to worry about that. I don't want to hide my feelings from you anymore," Amanda confessed.

Lee smiled; she was right and he knew it. "I just don't want you to regret... I can't make you any promises..." he stammered uneasily.

Amanda kissed him again. "Aren't you getting ahead of yourself? You promised me dinner and a movie. Let's just take this one step at a time. And by the way, you still owe me dinner," she teased with a broad smile.

"Anytime, anyplace," he answered softly, taking her hands in his and kissing them gently.

Amanda looked at her hands in his, feeling his lips brush gently against them. Without thinking, her lips were moving closer towards his. They met without hesitation, melting together like they were meant to be. Their arms held each other in a comfortable, natural embrace. They were again lost in the magic they were just beginning to believe in....

The end

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