At the Amtrak                     *FILK* 
The Birthday                       *S*
Lee's Birthday                     *S*
Christmas                           *S*
DOA                                 *AU*
Do You Take This Spy (Amanda)   *F*
Do You Take This Spy (Lee)        *F*
Eyes Have It                        *S*
Mandy                                *S* 
Mandy                                *FILK*
Mission of Gold                       *T*
Mistaken Identity                    *S*
Simone                                *N*
Snowstorm                            *S*
The German Connection              *N*
"What If..."                         *AU*

NOTE!!!T Do NOT copy or distribute ANY of the stories without the author's consent!

                        Key to Stories:                    Back to:  IFF Film Library
                AU - Alternate Universe
                 F  - Filler                    Go to:  Kate Star Page
                 N  - Novela
                 S  - Short Story
                 T  - TAG