Special Operations:      by Robin:

Written: November 2001 - April 2002          SMK time: June 1987

*** ***

Amanda was finishing up the last of the breakfast dishes when she glanced out the window and noticed movement in the shadows. Within moments she realized it was her husband hiding in the back bushes. She laughed quietly to herself.

"Mother, I'm going to put the garbage in the garage. If we leave it in the kitchen for the weekend, it's going to smell awful in here when we get back," Amanda called out, making a logical excuse to see her husband for one last time before the weekend camping trip began.

"That's a good idea, sweetheart," Dotty called out from the family room. "I'll go upstairs and make sure the boys are ready to go."

Amanda grabbed the plastic bag from the kitchen garbage, tied it shut and headed out the back door. She nodded towards Lee signaling him to meet her in the garage.

"What are you doing here this early?" she teased as she tossed the garbage into the metal container and replaced its lid tightly.

Lee pulled her into his arms, kissing her brusquely. "I'm going to miss you; that's all."

"You know, we're only going away for three days. We'll be back Sunday," she reminded him as she kissed his nose gently and nuzzled in his tight embrace.

Lee stole a quick kiss before he answered. "Three whole days," he sighed in frustration. "It just seems that we never spend any real time together outside of work. Last time it was my trip to New York…"

"Why don't I call you when we get back on Sunday and we can have a pizza party?" she suggested.

"I'd prefer Beef Wellington," Lee said with a twinkle in his eye.

Amanda frowned. "Lee, there's nothing I'd like more…"

"I know; I know," he replied, wishing already that he hadn't mentioned it. "It's just that we've barely had any time together lately."

"Dr. Smyth gave you two weeks off last month," Amanda reminded him.

"Yeah, and two days later he put me on a new assignment!" Lee corrected.

"Well, maybe this summer we can take the boys somewhere for a weekend and steal some time together, just you and me?" she hinted, but she knew that deep down it would be almost impossible to arrange.

Lee nodded, knowing it would probably never happen as well. "Yeah, we'll have to work on that."

Amanda turned and looked back towards the house with obvious reluctance. "I, um, I'd better get going. We're supposed to be leaving in a few minutes and you're supposed to be at the office."

Lee kissed his wife, their lips lingering on each other before they finally pulled apart. Lee cleared his throat then put on his best poker face and winked at his wife. "Have a safe trip. See you Sunday."

Amanda gave him one last hug before walking back to the house, closing and locking the back door.

Lee waited in the garage. He watched as several minutes later, Amanda, Dotty and the two boys cheerfully loaded the Wagoneer and left for the camping trip. He locked the garage door on his way out, checked the doors to the house and walked down the block to where he'd parked his car and drove to the Agency with little enthusiasm.

He trudged up the steps to the Q Bureau barely acknowledging Mrs. Marston; he unlocked the office door and flopped down wearily into his chair. It had been a long time since he had a weekend alone. Before Amanda came into his life he'd never be alone for long. He only needed to turn a few pages in one of his little black books to find a suitable companion for a day or two.

He sighed loudly as he looked out the window. The weather was going to be warm and sunny all weekend, perfect for camping.

"I should have gone with them," he mumbled thinking back to the invitation that had been extended to him, not only by Amanda, but also Phillip.

Unexpectedly, the phone in his office rang, bringing him out of his reverie. "Scarecrow," he answered as he grabbed the receiver.

"You finally got in?" Billy remarked wryly. "I was beginning to wonder if you'd taken the day off as well as your partner."

"I was just running a few minutes late," Lee argued unanimatedly.

"I need to see you in my office," his supervisor responded.

"Something up?" Lee asked curiously, noting an odd tone in Billy's voice.

"My office, Scarecrow, ten minutes!" he repeated without divulging any additional information and then hung up the phone.

Lee groaned as he put down the receiver and looked over at Amanda's empty desk, unhappily, "I miss you already."

Lee wandered over to her desk and glanced at the pictures that Amanda kept of Phillip and Jamie as well as a photo of the whole family taken last Christmas. Lee picked up the picture and closed his eyes. He wished himself into the picture, his arm around Amanda, Phillip and Jamie on each side of them and Dotty sitting in front.

"OK, Stetson, enough daydreaming," he scolded himself with a deep sigh. "Time to get back to work. She'll be back before you know it…."

He went down to the bullpen and Billy motioned for him to come in. "So what's brewing now?" Lee asked, not sure he wanted to know.

"Have a seat, Lee," Billy instructed as he pulled out a file.

Lee complied as Billy glanced through what looked like an official Agency manual.

"You applied for this so long ago, that I'd pretty much forgotten about it," Billy continued, his face grimacing as if he was in pain. "You know how the government is, hurry up and wait…"

"Billy, what are you talking about?" Lee asked with a shrug.

Billy tossed the packet across the desk for Lee to read.

Lee picked up the packet and thumbed through it quickly, then he glanced over to Billy in amazement. "N.E.S.O.T.?"

"You're application was approved, Scarecrow," Billy congratulated him with a forced smile.

"Approved?" he questioned sharply. "Billy, I applied for that over a year ago! I assumed that I wasn't what they were looking for."

Billy nodded his head. "I can understand that, but apparently it's not unusual for it to take a year before a National Emergency Special Operations Training request is granted. The selection process is thorough, but we're talking the cream of the Agency's crop, just like the Army Rangers or the Navy Seals. Most applicants aren't advised of their acceptance until just before the next class starts. Because it's such an elite group, the training site is changed regularly. I'm not even familiar with the curriculum - pretty hush, hush group."

Lee picked up the packet and glanced through it a little more thoroughly, then his eyes studied the date and widened in alarm. "Billy, according to this I'm to report to 'MCMWTC' by 1800 hours tomorrow! What and where exactly is that and why am I getting less than 48 hours notice?"

"It's the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center in California, south of Reno. The directions are in the packet. I take full blame for not getting you the information sooner, Lee," Billy answered, swallowing hard. He knew the short notice would upset Lee and he had every right to be angry. "The packet got shoved in my pending file instead of my 'IN' box. I'm not even certain how long it was in there."

Lee gritted his teeth, knowing that Billy would never have intentionally postponed giving him the news. He had applied to 'Special Operations' as a whim just weeks after Joe King came back from Estoccia. He'd been running from his emotions; no he'd been running from his feelings for Amanda. Back then he thought 'Special Operations' was a good idea; now, however, he realized it was anything but…

"What was I thinking?" he mumbled out loud, realizing that he never had fully thought out the idea and knew little about what he might be getting himself into.

"It's a wonderful opportunity," Billy answered, trying to sound more cheerful than he felt. He never liked losing good agents, and Lee was one of the best. "You should be extremely proud of getting this far. In all the years I've worked for the Agency, I've only known one other agent who was accepted into training. Only a quarter of those whose applications are forwarded by their supervisors are accepted. I hear it's a pretty rigorous training regimen, half wash out before successfully completing the program."

Lee looked up at his boss, still in shock about the whole matter. "Just how long is the training program?"

"Well, like I said, I've only known one other agent to be accepted in the program. The program itself has always been very secretive, but you've been reassigned for the next nine weeks. After that, I've been advised that you can choose to come back to the DC office or relocate to one of the overseas offices," Billy explained. "Of course, I hope you'll come back to DC…"

"Billy, I know this is a great opportunity…" Lee began hesitantly, but was interrupted by the phone.

Billy grabbed it quickly. "Melrose here…WHAT? Where? Yeah, I'll be there in a few minutes." He got up from his desk and started to put his suit jacket on. "Lee, we've got a situation downtown; I've got to go!"

"Billy, wait!" Lee appealed in a slightly desperate voice.

"Don't worry, Scarecrow, your travel arrangements have already been made. You can pick up your airplane tickets downstairs," Billy called out as he rushed through the bullpen. "Good luck to you, buddy, and I hope to see you in nine weeks!"

Lee didn't remember the walk back to the Q Bureau. He just sat and stared at the information packet that sat on his desk. He ran his hand nervously through his hair. 'And I thought Amanda had a knack of getting herself into trouble.'

He wasn't sure how long he sat there before a quick rap on the office door interrupted him. It jolted him back to reality.

"Scarecrow, I'm leaving early today and I wanted to make sure you had your ticket before I left," the flirtatious administrative assistant greeted with a charming smile.

"Oh, yeah, thanks," Lee stuttered as he reached out for the tickets. "Thanks for bringing them up."

"It was my pleasure. Maybe when you get back we can meet for drinks and you can tell me all about Reno," she suggested with a wink. "I've always wanted to go there."

"I'll probably be pretty busy catching up when I return," he responded with a shrug of his shoulders and a fake smile.

The administrative assistant smile turned to a disappointed frown. "Have a safe trip," she sulked before exiting the office.

Lee flipped through his travel arrangements. They had him on a morning flight to Reno, Nevada landing early afternoon. Then he'd be met at the airport and taken to the base where he'd be living for the next nine weeks. Lee noticed with a sinking feeling that his return flight had yet to be booked. He looked at his watch. He had less than 24 hours before his plane left and he had no way to reach Amanda to tell her what had happened…

** ** ** ** ***

Lee spent most of the day in the Q-Bureau tying up loose ends. Finally, in the late afternoon, he drove back to his apartment. From there he called Amanda's house and left a message for her on the answering machine that he was called out of town. That would suffice for the family. He'd leave her a note as to what had happened, but he really needed to start packing. His information packet told him that most of his survival gear would be provided for him, but there were a few things that Lee would prefer to have 'up his sleeve'. When he finally finished his packing he looked for a notepad to write his wife. After filling the trashcan up with rejects, he finally settled on a brief explanation.

'Dear Amanda,

By the time you're reading this I'll be somewhere in the California mountains. I'd applied for a position on the 'Special Operations' team a while ago and had literally forgotten all about it. Friday morning Billy sprang the 'good news' on me that I was not only accepted into the program, but that I had to report within 36 hours.

The training program lasts nine weeks, if I make it through. I've thought seriously about withdrawing my name but that could negatively affect my career, our partnership and even reflect badly on Billy as well. I'm certain it was his glowing recommendation that helped me get into the program in the first place.

I hope that I can call you, but to be honest, I'll probably be in the field with little or no access to civilizations let alone modern conveniences like the telephone. If I get the chance, you know that I'll try.

I miss you already and will be counting the days when we're back together. When this is all over, we'll make some time for just us.'

He read it back to himself, wanting to say so much more, but not sure how to achieve with a pen what his heart was saying. He added: 'All my love, Lee' before he finally put the letter in an envelope addressed it to 'Amanda' and placed it in his dining room where he was sure she would see it. He knew that once she got his telephone message, she would make some kind of excuse to run by his apartment to find out what exactly had transpired.

End Part 1


The rain came down in torrents as Amanda drove back to Arlington from the camping trip. Her windshield wipers raced back and forth but did little to improve visibility. The spray from the road caught up in the tire wells and made navigating the highway very treacherous.

"Thank goodness it didn't rain like this during the camping trip," Dotty commented anxiously as her daughter drove slowly through the bad storm. "Our tent would have floated away…"

"I'm just glad we're almost home," Amanda sighed as she gripped the steering wheel tightly. "Only a few more miles."

Another flash of lightning burst nearby and the ensuing crack of thunder even made the boys a bit on edge.

"I hope we have power when we get home," Jamie replied nervously as he ducked from yet another clapping roll of thunder which seemed to be getting closer to the car.

"Well at least we know where all the flashlights are. I think it would be kind of cool to spend the night in the dark," Phillip boasted. "That is, if you're not scared!"

"I'm not scared of thunder and lightning, jerk!" Jamie shouted back at his brother.

Dotty turned around and chastised her grandsons. "Boys, settle down. Your mother doesn't need any distractions from you two. It can be very dangerous driving in severe weather."

The boys quieted down for the remainder of the trip. Phillip watched in awe as the lightning streaked across the sky. Jamie seemed less than thrilled by the loud claps of thunder and was relieved when his mother finally maneuvered the car into the safety of their driveway.

"OK, boys, grab whatever is essential and pass it up. Everyone needs to carry a bag or two on the way in. We'll get the rest when it stops raining. Just give me a few seconds to open the door," Amanda directed as the storm continued with all its intensity.

Carrying two bags, Amanda made a mad dash for the back door, fussed with the key in the lock and finally let herself into the house. She signaled the boys and her mother to follow and within a few seconds they all stood dripping wet in the kitchen.

"I'll get some towels, don't anybody move," Amanda warned as she went into the laundry room. She flicked the light switch on, but frowned when the lights didn't go on. "Looks like you got your wish, Phillip. There's no power. We're going to need flashlights and candles."

She came back into the room with a pile of towels, handing them out, and keeping one for herself. Jamie rummaged through his knapsack and pulled out his flashlight.

"Here's a flashlight, Mom."

"Thanks, sweetheart. Shoes and socks off. Then you two head upstairs and get into some dry clothes," she directed as she looked at her mother with a frustrated face.

"It's going to be a long night!" Dotty mumbled unhappily as she wiped her wet face and dripping hair. "I'll get into some dry clothes as well then I'll light some candles."

"Thanks, Mother," Amanda replied gratefully as her mother left the room.

Amanda tossed the heap of soggy towels back into the laundry room. Then she walked over to the phone. The answering machine was out too. 'Oh, well, hopefully nobody left any important messages,' she muttered to herself. Then she picked up the phone to call Lee knowing he'd be worried about them considering the weather.

It took three rings before Lee's answering machine picked up. "Hi, I can't come to the phone right now, so please leave a message after the beep…"

Amanda waited for the beep and then left a message. "Hi, Lee, it's me. We just got home a few minutes ago. Sorry we're so late, but the weather slowed us down. We don't have any power here, but we'd planned on pizza for dinner anyway. Give me a call when you get this message or even better stop by. See you soon," she sighed with frustration after hanging up the phone. Then without further hesitation she kicked off her soggy sneakers and pulled off her drenched socks and went upstairs to dry off.

*** *** *** *** *** ***

The storm outside finally began to subside. The doorbell rang and Amanda smiled, assuming it would be Lee.

"I'll get it," she called out to her family as she hurried towards the door. She was disappointed however to find it was the pizza deliveryman.

"That was fast!" she remarked as she paid him for the pizza. "I thought with this weather you wouldn't be here for a while."

"You called just as the storm ended. We had a few other pizzas to deliver in your neighborhood. Earlier this evening people were waiting well over an hour," the deliveryman explained.

Amanda closed the door and called out, "Pizza's here!"

"I'm starved," Phillip yelled as he bolted for the table.

"Me, too," Jamie chorused as he raced down the stairs.

Within a few moments, Dotty joined the boys and the four of them ate at the table, illuminated by a hurricane lamp.

"Do you think we'll have power before we go to bed?" Jamie asked curiously.

"I hope so, sweetheart," Amanda commented as she looked out the window. "I'm sure the power company will be working on the lines now that the storm has subsided.

"Maybe we'll get lucky and there will be no power at school and we can have the day off," Phillip commented with a hopeful look in his eye.

"I wouldn't count on that, Phillip," Dotty remarked in a warning voice.

"Aw, man," Phillip grumbled.

"If you're finished eating, I suggest you get upstairs and finish your homework, young man!" Amanda warned.

"But, Mom, how can I do homework in the dark?" he asked logically.

"You can use your flashlight, Phillip," Amanda counseled with a glare that meant there would be no further discussion. "So get moving! You too, Jamie!"

The boys didn't argue anymore and grabbed their plates, put them into the dishwasher and then went upstairs to finish their homework.

The night dragged on with no word from Lee. After the boys finished their homework they found that being home without electricity was less than exciting - no TV, Nintendo or videos. Cards and charades had quickly lost their interest. Finally they both headed for bed without being told.

"I think I'll call it a night, too. I'm looking forward to sleeping in my real bed," Dotty announced as she got up and kissed her daughter on the cheek.

"Good night, Mother," Amanda called as she watched her mother disappear from the dark room.

Amanda went to the window and looked out. The moon was now peeking through the remainder of the clouds. With the light of the moon she could see the damage that the storm had left behind. Leaves and small branches were littered all over the yard and street. There was little movement outside. No cars drove down the street; there were no brave souls taking a late evening stroll.

"I hope you're safe where ever you are," Amanda whispered as she let the curtain close behind her. Then reaching for the hurricane lamp, she went upstairs to bed as well.

*** *** *** *** ***

Amanda arrived at the office early Monday morning. She rushed up to the Q Bureau before the roll call meeting hoping to catch up with Lee and share a few stolen minutes together. The weekend had seemed so long without him and she'd looked forward to the pizza party that he missed last night. She opened the office door and immediately glanced over at Lee's desk, but found it empty. With a grimace on her face she placed her purse on her desk, sighed in frustration and dropped into her chair in disappointment.

"Tough weekend?" Francine greeted her with false cheerfulness as she came out of the vault.

"Francine!" Amanda gasped, as she caught her breath. "What are you doing here so early in the morning?"

"Trust me, it was Billy's idea, not mine," Francine advised with haste and a look of disgust. "I've been reassigned to the Q Bureau for the next few weeks or so…"

"WHAT?!" Amanda groaned with a mix of confusion and desperation.

Francine shrugged. "Well, I'm here until Lee gets back; whenever that might be. The sooner the better!"

Amanda's stomach started to churn. Her hands reached up to her temples and her fingers beginning to massage the ache that was starting to throb. She looked at Francine, waiting for more of an explanation.

"Where exactly is Lee?" Amanda asked, then added, "and don't tell me it's need to know; he's my partner!"

"Was your partner," Francine corrected, knowing from the briefing she received from Billy that Lee could choose not to return to the DC office once his training was complete.

"What do you mean 'was'?" Amanda questioned in a slightly shaky voice, swallowing hard as the throbbing in her temples increased.

"You mean he didn't tell you?" Francine remarked in astonishment.

"Francine, I've been in the Shenandoah Mountains since Friday, camping with the boys," she reminded her coworker. "What's going on?"

Francine pulled out the chair to Lee's desk and sat down, then she put the files that she was holding in her hand on top of the desk. Amanda sat opposite her, gritting her teeth waiting, trying not to let Francine know how irritated she was.

"Lee applied to N.E.S.O.T. and his application was approved. He shipped out over the weekend sometime for training," Francine explained cockily. "I don't know all of the details. All I know is I'm stuck here in the Q Bureau until he gets back."

Amanda's frowned. "What exactly is 'N.E.S.O.T.?" she croaked out in puzzlement, trying to conceal her dismay.

"National Emergency Special Operations Team, or more commonly know as 'Special Operations'. It's an elite, specially trained group of agents. You know… explosives, hostage negotiations, assault, you name it, they handle it," Francine explained, in a somewhat detached voice. "Quite an opportunity for Lee; nice boost in pay too, I'm sure. I'm really surprised that he hadn't mentioned it."

"Yeah," Amanda mumbled, she tried to hide her hurt feelings, but it was mired on her face. She too was more than a little surprised that her husband had failed to mention it.

"Well, we can go over what you two were working on after roll call. Then we'll divide up the workload and get to it. I'll meet you downstairs," she suggested awkwardly as she looked at her watch.

"Yeah," Amanda nodded in a whisper. "I'll be right behind you."

Francine gave her a quick nod and left the office. Amanda sat stunned by the revelations Francine had just shared. She quickly rifled through her desk drawers searching for a note from Lee. Surely he wouldn't just up and leave. There had to be a reasonable explanation of why he left without any word but there was no note. Her frustration level was increasing, as was the throbbing in her head. She glanced around the room in desperation but finally walked out the door knowing the roll call meeting waited.

Amanda was the last to arrive and quickly sat down in the remaining vacant chair. Billy's voice began to fill the room reviewing the current security situation and updates for the coming week, but Amanda didn't hear a word. Questions raced through her mind, but they were plagued by unknown answers. Why had Lee left without any explanation? How long had he known? How long would he be gone? The meeting dragged on and it wasn't until she heard Billy mention Lee's code name that she snapped out of her reverie trying to put together what he was saying, not sure how much she missed.

"…Scarecrow has been selected for training in Special Operations. Francine will be helping Amanda out in the Q Bureau until he returns. If Scarecrow makes it through training he has the option of choosing an overseas assignment. If that happens, I'll be looking for someone to transfer up there permanently." Billy lectured to his staff but stared directly at Francine. He then closed his notebook and headed for the door. "That's about it, people. Let's make this another good week."

Amanda sat there, stunned. The other agents drifted out of the room, chattering to one another about Billy's directive and their current assignments, oblivious to her.

Francine called to Amanda as she reached the door. "Amanda, snap out of it! We've got a lot to handle this week. I need to know where you and Lee were on things."

Amanda turned her head, and nodded mutely. She took a deep breath and pushed away from the table. Her hands gripped the table firmly until her wobbly legs were forced to hold her slight frame.

"I'll be right up," she advised softly with a forced smile. With that, Francine turned and briskly left the room. Amanda mumbled to herself, 'I need to know where I stand with Lee on things too!'

When she reached the Q Bureau, Francine was already moving Lee's personal belonging off of his desk into an old box. Amanda gritted her teeth, but didn't say anything. She needed to get out of the office and over to Lee's apartment. She knew there had to be some explanation of his sudden disappearance, but she also knew she needed to get Francine off her back as well.

"OK, Amanda," Francine addressed her authoritatively. "You two were working on a few things it seems, but what's the most pressing?"

"The reception for the Duke of Northumberland in two weeks," Amanda began but was interrupted.

"That's right," Francine said with a pleased smile. "I remember Billy gave that assignment to you two. What needs to be done with that?"

"I made the initial contact with the Duke's staff last week so we need to follow up with them. I've got the list of hotel personnel but we need to get similar lists from the caterers, florist and the like that will be used for the banquet…"

"Why don't you start working on the background checks for the hotel personnel," Francine directed quickly, "and I'll get in touch with the Duke's staff and coordinate the banquet."

Amanda was about to balk, knowing that Francine had chosen the cushy job for herself while leaving Amanda with hours of tedious personal interviews and computer checks. Then she realized it would give her the much-needed excuse to get out of the Agency for a while.

"I'll get started on that this morning," Amanda concurred. However, she wasn't going to let Francine dictate over her the whole time Lee was away. "But I'll need your help with the security checks. There's a significant number of employees that we're going to have to investigate; we'll figure out how we want to divvy up the workload."

The tone in Amanda's voice made it clear to Francine that she wouldn't allow her to walk all over her. Francine arched her eyebrow, staring silently across the room at Amanda.

"I'll meet you back here around three," Amanda asserted. "I should have some information then so we can schedule who handles what."

Francine nodded and watched Amanda reach for her purse and keys. Without further discussion Amanda left the Q Bureau and headed for Lee's apartment.

**** **** **** ****

Normally a careful driver, she drove the short distance to Lee's apartment at break neck speed. She needed answers. Amanda quickly let herself inside his apartment. Her eyes darted about the place and soon spotted a white envelope on the dining room table. She rushed across the room and ripped open the envelope that was addressed simply to 'Amanda'. Without really noticing, she sunk into a dining room chair as she read.

"Nine weeks?" she cried out in disbelief when she finished his letter; her hand allowed the note to drop to the table. Neither Billy nor Francine had mentioned how long he would be gone. That seemed like an eternity to someone who had only been married for four months and could easily recall the nights they spent together as husband and wife, let alone count them. Now he was going to be clear across the country for two long months. She couldn't even expect a phone call.

Finally she stood up, went into the bedroom and stared at the calendar. Then she carefully turned the page, first past July, then to August.

"The middle of August? There goes the summer," she whispered out loud as she circled the date with a red pen. "Lee, I don't know how I'm going to make it through the next nine weeks without you."

Amanda sat down on his bed, still staring at the calendar as if she could speed up time if she stared at it long enough. She sat there for a while before the silence started to grip her. She tried to shake herself free of the melancholy feeling that encompassed her. Reluctantly, she stood up and grabbed her things and headed out the door. Work would help pass the time and certainly if she left things up to Francine, she would be handling the bulk of the work - alone.

End Part 2

SPECIAL OPERATIONS   -   Part 3                 by Robin

Amanda spent most of the next two weeks interviewing and running security checks on the banquet centers' personnel. At Amanda's insistence, Francine finally agreed to help with this tedious task.

Amanda clicked the save button on the computer and looked across the room. Instead of Lee's face smiling back, it was Francine's face that barely noticed she was there as she worked diligently on the other computer. It had been a long two weeks and she missed Lee. Francine had a way of ordering her around that made her feel insignificant. At times she wondered if she was being too sensitive… she and Francine had never really hit it off. No matter who sat at the desk across the room, it wasn't her husband and she missed him dearly.

"That was the last of the hotel staff. They're all logged into the computer. They all came back clear, no wants or warrants," Amanda noted in relief.

"Good," Francine mumbled as she finished up what she was doing on the computer. Then looking over at Amanda she added. "The Duke and his entourage will arrive tomorrow afternoon. I'm meeting them at the airport and will coordinate the procession to their Embassy. If you meet me at the Embassy tomorrow afternoon, I'll introduce you to the staff and we can tie up any loose ends or changes for the banquet."

"Yes, I'm looking forward to meeting the Duke," Amanda remarked casually.

"Well, I'm not sure that the Duke will have the time to meet you. He'll probably be tired after his flight," Francine reminded her, "but you'll meet him at the reception."

"Francine," she answered through gritted teeth, trying to hold back her rising temper. "I'm part of the security staff. I really think it's in the best interest of the Duke to meet me in person before the banquet."

"Amanda, sometimes you really get star struck," Francine commented condescendingly, rolling her eyes. "He's a regular person just like you; it's basically an honorary title," she noted abruptly, then sighed heavily. "I guess it wouldn't take too long for a quick introduction."

Amanda ignored Francine and her lofty attitude. "I think we've got everything pretty much under control then."

"Yes, you just need to double check on the caterer and make sure their staff is clear and check them into the banquet room on Saturday night," Francine remarked casually.

"You were supposed to clear the caterer's staff, Francine!" Amanda snapped angrily.

"I simply didn't have the time to handle it, Amanda. I'm chief of security of this operation. I've arranged the transportation for the Dukes' entourage and handled all the florists for the party just to name a few details I haven't bothered you with. Partners need to be flexible. I would've thought with Scarecrow as a partner you'd be used to last minute things," she replied derisively.

"Francine," Amanda exclaimed in exasperation, "that's over thirty people to run through the computer. That'll take hours."

Francine looked across the room at her temporary partner. "Well, it's a good thing we found out this little problem tonight then, isn't it? I've other details that I need to handle tonight. I'll get out of your way so I won't distract you." She calmly gathered her things and walked out the door without once glancing behind her.

Amanda sat in a speechless rage knowing that she'd been had. Now instead of getting home early for the first night all week, she'd be spending another late night working alone. She knew tomorrow night she'd be busy seeing to last minute details for the banquet and then Saturday night the banquet would most likely keep her occupied until midnight or later.

She stood up and crossed the room to Lee's desk. She refused to call it Francine's desk. Only seven more weeks to go with her temporary partner. She searched the folders until she found the one with the caterer's name on it. She picked it up, went back to her desk and began the tedious task of running the staff through the governmental computers.

**** **** *** ****

Amanda arrived at the Embassy late the next afternoon. The Duke had yet to arrive, but the staff was quite busy handling details awaiting his entrance. It wasn't long before the entourage of black limousines started pulling up to the front portico. The staff lined up at the door to greet the Duke.

She watched as he walked into the room. He looked older in person than he had in the pictures she'd seen of him. He was tall and very distinguished looking with gray hair mottling into his dark brown hair at his temples. He was slightly portly, but carried it well with excellent posture and a captivating smile.

Amanda stood in the back, not wanting to interfere with the formal greetings. Francine entered the Embassy a few moments later and signaled for Amanda to follow her. When things finally settled down she guided Amanda over to the Duke.

"The Grand Duke of Northumberland, I'd like you to meet my assistant, Amanda King," Francine stated lackadaisically. "She will be helping out at the reception tomorrow night. If there's anything you need, please feel free to call upon Mrs. King."

The Duke smiled politely at Amanda.

"It's an honor to meet you, Your Grace," Amanda replied quickly. "If there's anything I can do to make your stay more enjoyable please don't hesitate to ask."

"I'm sure I can rely on you, Mrs. King," the Duke answered with a pleasant smile.

"That will be all for now, Amanda," Francine announced curtly. "I'll call you tonight and give you an update."

Amanda gritted her teeth once again at being dismissed so casually. She turned and left without saying a word out loud. As she left the building, certain that she wasn't within earshot of anyone, she muttered angrily, "Assistant! I am not now, nor will I ever be YOUR assistant."

She got into her car and checked her daily planner for the things that she needed to get done before the banquet tomorrow night. She was ahead of schedule at the moment, since her introduction to the Duke was so brief. There was still a long list of details that she needed to attend to. She sighed heavily as she turned on the ignition to her car.

"I guess I'll head over to the banquet center and check on the progress they're making over there," she said out loud to herself. She backed out of her parking spot and waited for a lull in the heavy afternoon traffic before pulling into the street. "I really miss you, Lee. More than I ever realized was possible."

*** *** ***

"Amanda, is that you?" Dotty called out from the couch in the family room.

"Yes, Mother, it's me," she answered tiredly. "Did the boys leave already?"

"Joe picked them up hours ago," Dotty advised.

Amanda flopped down on the other end of the couch. "I wanted to get to see them before they left for the weekend, but I lost track of time. I haven't seen them much this week."

"I thought with Lee out of town you might be home a little more," her mother queried with a raised eyebrow.

"Unfortunately, there's twice the work, leaving me with most of it," Amanda sighed as her hands rubbed the back of her tired neck.

"I saved you some dinner. I'll go warm it up," Dotty offered as she started to get up.

"No, Mother, I'll get it in a minute. Right now it feels good just to sit and relax," she confessed.

"You do look a bit frazzled, sweetheart," Dotty admitted, looking at her daughter's tired face. "What you need is a hot dinner, a long relaxing bath and a good night's sleep."

"How about a week of sleep?" Amanda countered.

"Why don't you take some time off?" Dotty suggested.

Amanda shook her head and sighed. "With Lee out of town, I can't, Mother."

"I'm really surprised that you haven't heard from him at all," Dotty said in an inquiring tone.

"I don't expect to, Mother," Amanda sighed with a sad lilt in her voice. "He's in the mountains somewhere doing a documentary on survival techniques. No phones, no luxuries…"

"You make it sound like he's trapped on Gilligan's Island," Dotty laughed.

Amanda didn't find the situation very humorous. She missed her partner, her confidant, her husband. She missed being able to confide in someone. The secrecy of her life made her loneliness even more unbearable.

"I think I'll go warm up that plate and then take that bath you suggested," Amanda replied gloomily, not wanting to continue the depressing conversation.

"Did you want to watch a movie or something?" Dotty suggested tentatively, noting Amanda's disheartened attitude.

"Thanks, Mother, but no," she said as she got up from the couch and kissed her mother's forehead. "I'm afraid I'm not very good company tonight."

"If you change your mind, dear, I'll be here," Dotty said as she watched her daughter head into the kitchen.

*** *** *** *** ***

The soothing hot bath had rejuvenated Amanda's worn out body. As she got into bed she reached over for the book on the night table. She opened it up and began to read, but quickly found her eyelids drooping. The next thing she remembered was the sound of bells ringing. Amanda opened her eyes to find the book she had started hours ago laying on her chest and the phone ringing.

"Hello?" she answered as her heart raced.

"Oh good, you're still awake. I thought you might have gone to bed already," Francine remarked then continued on without allowing Amanda a chance to reply. "You have a big problem and not a lot of time to handle it. You need to get in touch with the florists before they deliver the floral arrangements to the reception. I just found out that the Duke is allergic to roses."

"What?!" Amanda gulped. "You've got to be joking?"

"Amanda, I don't have time to joke," Francine snapped back. "The names of the florists are in the file. I suggest you get on it first thing in the morning. I don't know what time they planned to begin delivering the arrangements…"

"Francine, you were in charge of the flowers," Amanda interrupted testily. "Sounds like it's your problem and you should handle it!"

"I don't have time, my dear. I've more important details to handle. Besides, who would have thought the Duke would be allergic to roses? You're lucky I found out tonight or the reception tomorrow would have been a disaster. So get on it first thing in the morning," Francine reminded her, then promptly hung up the phone.

"FRANCINE!" Amanda shouted into the receiver, but it was clear that the call was over. Amanda continued to rant as she hung up the phone. "I don't believe this. You screw up and leave me to fix your errors! I should let them deliver all those roses and tell the Duke whose mistake it really was."

Amanda tried to calm down as she settled herself back in bed. Although now she was far from sleepy, she put the book she was reading away. She was in no mood for a romance novel.

"The next time I speak to you Francine, I'm going to give you a piece of my mind…"

With that barely spoken the phone rang again. Amanda pounced on it like a hungry lioness waiting for its prey.

"Francine, whatever the problem is, you'd better handle it yourself. It's late, I'm tired and I don't want to hear another word from you! Do you understand?" Amanda snarled into the phone.

At first there was no reply, just dead silence on the other end of the phone. Finally she heard a voice.

"Would you mind a few words from me?" Lee ventured in a tentative voice.

"LEE!" Amanda gasped with delight. "I'm so sorry. I thought you were Francine and…"

"I gathered that from the tongue lashing you just gave me, I mean her," he chuckled.

"Are you all right? Where are you? Are you home?" she asked rapid fire.

"I'm fine, but I'm not home. I'm still in California," he answered just as quickly.

"California, huh," she answered in a deflated voice. As selfish as it was for her to wish Lee wouldn't succeed with the Special Operations team, part of her did. She missed him more than she could stand at times and wanted him back home. "I've really missed you these last two weeks."

"I've missed you, too," he replied. "Are you OK? You sounded pretty upset at Francine."

"I'm fine, really. You know how she is. Nothing that I can't handle," Amanda answered trying not to sound as angry as she really was with her co-worker. "I'm so surprised that you called. How are things going out there? When can I expect you back?"

"I miss you so much. Training's been difficult, but I've learned a lot. They keep me on my toes, but I'm holding my own. Our class finishes training second week of August and I'll be on the first plane home; I promise," Lee explained.

"I'm counting the days," she replied as she looked across the room at the calendar. August seemed so far away.

"So… how is everyone, your mother, Phillip and Jamie?  I miss you all..." Lee asked with interest.

"Everyone's fine. The boys are enjoying summer vacation. They're with Joe this weekend; it's his turn to take them camping. Mother's fine, although she's been wondering where you are," Amanda teased.

"I figured she'd be curious. Good thing I left the message on your answering machine. That ought to have helped," Lee reminded her.

Amanda laughed. "You left a message on the answering machine?"

"Yeah, of course I did. Then I wrote you the note and left it at my apartment," Lee answered and then questioned. "You did get the note, right? You've been to my apartment?"

"When we got home that Sunday afternoon we had had a power failure. Any messages that were left on the answering machine were lost - the batteries were dead. It wasn't until Monday at roll call that I found out about this Special Operations assignment," Amanda explained, leaving out some of the details so as to not upset her husband.

"Amanda," Lee replied with heartfelt sincerity. "I’m really sorry. This whole situation is a mess. I promise to make this all up to you when I get back."

"It's not your fault. Besides, it's just wonderful to hear your voice," she answered with a grin on her face.

Lee could hear the smile in her voice. He closed his eyes and allowed the picture to form in his mind of his beautiful wife, her dark eyes and that beautiful smile.

"Lee, are you still there? Lee?" Amanda called out to him, concerned with the dead silence on the phone.

He cleared his throat, trying to stop his body's reaction to the image he was creating of his wife. "Yeah, I'm still here."

"I thought maybe we got cut off," she worried.

"No, just daydreaming a bit," he replied, knowing she would understand.

Amanda blushed. "Yeah, I know the feeling."

"Amanda, sweetheart," Lee said looking at his watch. "I wish I could talk to you longer, but I have to be back before bed check."

"Bed check? You're not AWOL or anything are you?" she questioned in apprehension.

"Not if I get back in time, I'm not," he answered confidently.

"Lee, you shouldn't have called," she lectured in a guilty voice.

"I had to hear your voice, Amanda. It was bad enough I left without saying goodbye and I miss you," Lee answered quietly. The training had been difficult. He was the oldest agent in the class. Many of his colleagues were ten years younger than he was.

"Well, you better get moving then - be careful. I love you," she said softly and blew a kiss into the phone.

Lee closed his eyes and imagined her lips upon his. Then with a deep sigh of his own he answered her back. "Be careful out there and I'll try to call again. Sweet dreams. I love you, too."

With that said Amanda heard the click of the phone being hung up. She allowed the phone to drop from her ear and cradled the receiver on her chest, not wanting the conversation to end or the images of her husband to fade from her mind. Finally she hung up the phone and turned out the light.

End Part 3

SPECIAL OPERATIONS:   Part 4   by Robin

Despite the last minute problems, the banquet for the Duke, went off without a hitch. When it was over both Amanda and Francine were exhausted, but relieved. After filing a preliminary briefing with Billy, they were ready to call it a night.

"You both did a great job," Billy commended proudly. "The Duke was very pleased with the banquet. You know, the two of you work surprisingly well as a team."

Amanda and Francine stared at Billy then looked at one another. Neither of them knew what to say. It had been a difficult two weeks and they'd butted heads on several occasions, but the banquet went as smooth as glass.

"Thanks, Billy," Francine finally replied as they turned to leave his office. "I don't know about you, Amanda, but I'm going home and sleep until Monday."

"Considering how well you two handled the banquet, I'll take you off roll call for Monday. I'll see you both on Tuesday," Billy called out as he stood in the bullpen.

"Tuesday, sir?" Amanda questioned in disbelief.

"I know how much time you've put in over the last two weeks. I'm sure you could use an extra day off," he commented. He'd been surprised but pleased that Francine and Amanda had seemed to work out their personal differences without him having to referee. He smiled to himself thinking that if Lee chose to leave the DC office, perhaps this temporary partnership could work out long term.

"Thanks, Billy," Francine and Amanda said in turn. "See you Tuesday."

"I might sleep that long," Amanda commented casually as both of the women took the elevator and left through the Georgetown foyer. As Amanda reached her car she called out to Francine. "See you next week."

Francine waved to her temporary partner then got into her car and drove towards her apartment for a good night's sleep.

*** *** *** ***

Tuesday came all too quickly and both Amanda and Francine returned to the grind at the Agency. Although neither of them were involved in a substantial case as they had over the previous week, there was still plenty of work to do. This week, however, they hadn't spent much time together with the exception of when they ran into each other in the Q Bureau.

Before the end of the week, Amanda checked in with Beaman for her bi-weekly freshman candidate review.

"An interesting turn of events, Mrs. King," Efram Beaman noted as his top agent candidate came into his office.

"You mean the banquet?" Amanda guessed, not following his logic.

"No, I mean Scarecrow being out of town for so long. Nine weeks with a new partner," he commented, glancing at her to see her reaction. "I just received Desmond's report on your work for the Duke's banquet."

With that last comment, Amanda grimaced noticeably. They certainly had had a few shouting matches during the last few weeks and she could only imagine what Francine had put down on paper.

"It's difficult being thrust into a new partnership," she offered lamely in her own defense. "I'm sure with time things will improve once we develop a working relationship."

Beaman looked up at Amanda. "Actually, much to my surprise, she scored you higher in several areas than Scarecrow ever has. I've always thought that Scarecrow was too easy on you, but maybe I'll have to reconsider my opinion. Desmond thinks rather highly of you as an agent."

Amanda was speechless. She knew that Lee had always been generous to her in his reports that he sent to Beaman, but part of that she assumed was bias. But Francine Desmond writing something nice about her in a report? That was implausible.

"Can I see that?" Amanda requested.

Beaman was more than happy to share the report with Amanda. Her eyes quickly scanned the document. Then she sat down in the chair next to Beaman's desk and read it over again, this time more thoroughly.

"Oh my gosh!" Amanda commented. "I, um, never expected a review like that from Francine."

Beaman nodded his head, knowing Francine wasn't someone to give false praise. "Keep up the good work, Amanda. You're almost done with your training, but don't get sloppy out there. I'll be keeping my eye on you until your training is complete."

Amanda handed him back the report and stood up. "Was there anything else you wanted to discuss with me?"

He shook his head. "No, that's all for now."

Amanda walked up the stairs to the Q Bureau, not sure what to think. Sure, her relationship with Francine had come a long way since she started at the Agency as a part time civilian, but the report she filed with Beaman was something else. When she opened the door to the Q Bureau Francine was working at Lee's desk.

"How did your meeting go with Beaman?" Francine asked as she glanced up, noticing Amanda was staring at her.

Amanda shook her head. "You know, Francine, sometimes I think I understand you, but now you really have me perplexed."

"Amanda," Francine complained as she put her pen down. "What are you talking about?"

"The freshman candidate field report you sent to Beaman," Amanda rapidly began to explain. "First, you bossed me around for days. When you finally agreed to do some of the more tedious work… you know, the security checks for the caterer, I was shocked. I did appreciate that you made even the smallest of concessions to my requests, but then your lack of effort left me to handle all of them myself at the last minute. The last straw was sticking me with the florist disaster where I had to yank out some of the roses from the displays by hand since you missed the tiny little detail that the Duke was allergic to them. So, just when I assume you and I will never see eye to eye you go and do something totally out of character by filing a glowing report to Beaman!"

Francine had to conceal a chuckle. She could see from the look on Amanda's face that she was rather confused. Not to mention the tone and pace of Amanda's argument still had Francine trying to comprehend all that her temporary partner just blurted out.

"How could I not send Beaman a positive report about the Duke's reception after Billy and the Duke himself made such comments?" Francine asked her partner. "I'd look pretty foolish if I did."

Amanda shook her head, not buying the explanation. "Francine, I read your report. You could have easily said I handled all aspects of the assignment satisfactorily and left it at that."

"Amanda, sit down," Francine suggested as she crossed the room and leaned on the corner of Amanda's desk. "I wrote what I did because you did an excellent job. You stood up to me when you needed to and when I needed you in a pinch, to handle my blunder with the florist you never said a word to anyone. Well, other than me, that is. Amanda, I've worked hard all my life to get where I am today. This is a man's world and I know how hard it is for a woman to compete in it. I know we got off to a rather rocky start. You came to the Agency in a rather unorthodox manner and in some ways I was… I guess envious of you."

"Envious of me?" Amanda countered, in a confused voice.

Francine held up her hand, requesting Amanda to hear her out. "You have everything most women only dream of: a wonderful family… a nice, although admittedly small house in the suburbs, and an exciting job. I'm envious of the way you seem to juggle it all."

"Francine, my life isn't as neat and simple as it seems," Amanda tried to explain.

"Amanda, whose life is?" Francine inquired. "Basically, what I'm trying to say, is when I needed your help, despite everything, you got the job done. When I became demanding and unreasonable, you got in my face and wouldn't back down. There are some men who would've taken what I dished out, but you didn't. I respect you for that. I can see now why Lee depends upon you as his partner. You're a reliable, quick thinking person and I'm not ashamed to admit that to you, Billy or put it in writing for Beaman!"

Amanda stood up totally amazed and hugged Francine. "Thanks!"

"Now, don't go and get all mushy on me, Amanda," Francine warned as she stepped away from Amanda's embrace and adjusted her blouse. "I might understand you more and we seem to work reasonably well together. However, you and I are very different. I'm more like champagne and you're more like…"

"An inexpensive domestic wine?" Amanda suggested flatly.

"I didn't say that, you did," Francine replied with a friendly grin. "How about we call ourselves… casual friends."

"Does that mean we can 'do lunch'?" Amanda asked curiously. "I don't know about you, but I'm starved."

"Lunch sounds good. There's a new Japanese restaurant off of C Street. They have the best Unagi," Francine suggested.

"Unagi?" Amanda questioned with a frown. "I was thinking the deli down the street."

"You mean your suburban taste buds don't care for grilled eel?" Francine teased.

"I guess it doesn't mix well with inexpensive wine!" Amanda commented as she grabbed her purse. "How about we compromise and go to Nedlinger's?"

"Deal," Francine agreed and grabbed her pocketbook as well.

*** *** *** *** ***

Amanda arrived the following Monday at the Q Bureau with a batch of homemade cookies she had made over the weekend. She normally brought Lee a sample of whatever she baked and figured she should extend the courtesy to Francine. If it helped elongate the peace they'd developed over the last few weeks, all the better. If not, Amanda smirked and giggled to herself… 'Once on the lips, forever on the hips!'

She placed a plateful on Francine's desk and then proceeded to sit down at her desk and got herself situated for the daily tasks at hand. A few minutes later Francine came in.

"Cookies," Francine remarked as she looked over her shoulder. "I assume they're homemade."

"Of course, Francine, double chocolate, chocolate chip. I seem to remember from a conversation we once shared about your fondness for chocolate," Amanda teased.

"That's supposed to be classified information," Francine reminded her temporary partner.

"Don't worry, Francine," she reassured her teasingly. "Nobody knows that I'm bribing you with chocolate."

Francine laughed, picked up a cookie, then asked. "How does Scarecrow stay so thin with you baking all these homemade goodies all the time?"

Amanda blushed and turned away, pretending to look for something in her desk drawer. Without looking up, she answered casually. "I suspect he goes to the gym a lot and works out."

Francine glanced at Amanda but could barely see her face. When she sat back up at her desk she could see the red color still in Amanda's cheeks and raised her eyebrow. "Hmm, well, I better only have one for now. I don't have time for the gym today..."

Their awkward conversation was interrupted when Billy Melrose rapped on the door and walked into the Q Bureau.

"Homemade cookies?" he queried as he looked on Francine's desk and then over to Amanda.

"Yes, sir," Amanda confirmed.

"Do you mind?" he asked.

"Help yourself, Billy," Francine suggested, as their supervisor grabbed a cookie from the plate. "So what brings you up here this morning?"

"We got a call from a snitch last night; he asked for you. Does the name Vince Aloni ring a bell?" he asked his agent.

Francine nodded her head. "Yeah, on occasion he's been known to run into some interesting information. What does he have?"

"He wouldn't go into any specifics. He wanted to set up a meet. He said it was something important," Billy explained. "All he would say is it was 'space' related."

"Space as in Strategic Defense?" Amanda prompted, looking first at Francine then over to Billy.

"With Vince you never know. It could be space as in NASA, or something totally useless. He was working on a degree in engineering before he developed some nasty habits he couldn't break. He's got some interesting contacts," Francine grumbled as she explained to Amanda. Then she glanced over to Billy. "Did he leave a number?"

Billy crossed the room handing her the information on a piece of paper. "Francine, this sounds a little 'iffy' to me. There have been several attacks lately at drops around town. I don't want you to be the next one."

"Billy, I'll be fine. I can handle the likes of Vinnie Aloni," Francine snorted angrily at his insinuation. "Besides, aren't there some meetings in a few weeks on the Strategic Defense Initiative in Arlington?"

"Yes, they're meeting the middle of August," Billy confirmed with concern. "Never the less, I want you to take Amanda with you for backup and I want to be kept informed about this."

"Billy…" Francine began to balk.

Billy turned from Francine and looked directly at Amanda. "Amanda, see to it that you back her up whenever this 'meet' goes down. I want to know where and when. If we have a problem brewing with the Strategic Defense Initiative Meetings in August, we need to know now!" he demanded.

"Yes, sir," Amanda concurred meekly.

"I'll expect to hear from you later then," Billy replied before reaching for yet another cookie and then walked out of the office.

End Part 4

SPECIAL OPERATIONS:        Part 5          by ROBIN

Amanda and Francine sat in the car and waited outside an old warehouse near the waterfront. It had been a hot and muggy summer day and even after the sun had set, there was little relief from the oppressive humidity.

"Next time Vinnie wants a meet, we're going to make it in an air conditioned mall," Francine complained as she fanned herself with a map, trying to keep cool.

"You could start the car up and put on the air conditioning for a few minutes," Amanda suggested as she wiped her brow with a leftover napkin.

"We're trying to be inconspicuous, Amanda," Francine reminded her partner.

Amanda looked over at Francine and nodded her understanding. "Let's just hope he shows up soon. Then we can go home and take a long, cold shower and cool off."

"Mmmm, that would feel so nice right now," Francine concurred with a heavy sigh. "I really hate summers in DC."

"It's been a long summer," Amanda mumbled.

"It's only July. We still have two long, hot months to go," Francine reminded her. Then she glanced over at Amanda and noticed a disheartened look on her face. "You miss him, don't you?"

"What?" Amanda asked blankly.

"I know you haven't said anything, but I saw the look on your face. You really miss Lee," Francine commented sympathetically.

"Yeah, no offense, but it seems like the summer's just dragging by. He's only been gone a little over a month," Amanda answered sadly.

"So he'll be back in about four weeks," Francine replied encouragingly. "Maybe sooner…"

Amanda shook her head. "No, Lee will make it through training. I know he will."

"You don't seem worried at all that he might choose to take an overseas position?" Francine commented.

"I'm pretty sure he'll stay. There's a lot about DC that he'd miss too much if he left," Amanda answered definitively. Although Lee hadn't mentioned the Special Operations task force to her before he left, she was certain he planned to return.

"You sound pretty confident for someone who didn't even know her partner applied for the position in the first place," Francine reasoned doubtfully. "I know Billy's a little worried about him moving back overseas."

Amanda didn't reply although she did have some reservations of her own as to why Lee had left so suddenly, without once mentioning 'Special Operations' to her. During his brief phone conversation he talked about missing her and promised he'd come back. She trusted Lee and believed he would return to DC. Amanda glanced quickly over towards Francine, who thankfully, didn't press the issue further. They just both stared out the front windshield hoping that their informant would soon show up.

"Is there any more iced tea left?" Francine finally asked, breaking the silence.

Amanda reached into the back seat and grabbed the thermos. "Not much, but you can have what's left."

Francine took the thermos from Amanda and started to pour the last of the cool beverage into a cup. As she was about to take a sip, a car came down the road towards them with its high beams on.

"Duck down," Francine warned, but the next thing she realized her blouse was soaked with iced tea. "Damn!"

"What's wrong?" Amanda asked in concern.

"I just spilled iced tea all over me," Francine grimaced. "Can you get me my purse? I think I have some extra napkins in there."

"Sure," Amanda answered as she reached into the back seat and grabbed her co-worker's purse.

"What a mess!" Francine fussed at her drenched blouse as she tried to dry herself with napkins.

As she was drying herself off, Amanda whispered to her. "Francine, is that Vinnie?"

Francine looked out the window and noticed a small, pudgy man lurking by the door to the warehouse.

"He couldn't have shown up before I spilled tea all over myself!" Francine snarled as she finished blotting her stained blouse, then tossed her purse into the back seat. "OK, call Billy and tell him that he showed up. Keep an eye out for any additional movement around here. If all goes well, I should be back in just a few minutes."

"Gotcha!" Amanda concurred as Francine got out of the car, still trying to wipe herself dry of the tea while hurrying towards the warehouse.

Amanda opened the glove compartment, but didn't see the car phone in there. She looked on the floor and reached under her seat, then under Francine's seat, but still no phone.

"Where do you keep your mobile phone, Francine?" she asked out loud in frustration.

She turned and started sifting through the back seat of the car. She looked under the basket that had held the remnants of what had been their dinner and the soggy napkins Francine had used to dry herself off with. The only thing she hadn't searched was Francine's purse. Amanda grabbed it and brought it to the front seat. She opened up the zipper and was searching through the large bag when she felt a familiar object. She pulled it out and looked at it, her heart sinking. She glanced out the car window, but Francine was already inside the warehouse.

"OK, Amanda," she reminded herself calmly as she held her partner's revolver. "Francine said Vinnie was a tame guy. She probably didn't want her weapon, or maybe she has another with her? Besides, you've been to plenty of meets yourself - unarmed."

Amanda continued rummaging through the bag until she finally found the phone. She dialed Billy at the Agency.

"Melrose, here," he answered.

"Hello, sir," Amanda replied. "I'm calling to let you know that Vinnie finally showed up for the meet with Francine. We're down at the old Kesham warehouse. With any luck we'll have this wrapped up in the next few minutes."

"OK, Amanda, I'll expect a report first thing in the..."

Something caught Amanda's eye and she looked out the window at the entrance to the warehouse. There was another man walking into the old warehouse.

"I've got to go, sir," she interrupted him apprehensively. "Someone else just went into the warehouse and I'm pretty sure Francine's not expecting any company."

"Did you get a good look at him?" he asked anxiously.

"Not really," she answered as she tucked Francine's weapon into her pocket. "White male, dark hair, tall, maybe six foot two, 250 pounds or so."

"I'll send some backup, Amanda," Billy advised promptly.

"I've got to go, sir," Amanda replied distractedly. "I've got a bad feeling about this…"

"Amanda, wait…" Billy called after her.

She ended the call, put the phone back into Francine's purse and got out of the car, closing the door as silently as possible. She scanned the area, but it was dark and deserted. Amanda carefully skulked toward the entrance that Vinnie, Francine and the other man had used just a few minutes prior.

She took a deep breath before entering the warehouse door and winced as it creaked shut. She looked around the abandoned entry area, while pressing herself tightly against the wall, still as a statue, not sure which way any of them had gone. Finally she prowled down the dimly lit hall.

The hallway seemed to go on endlessly. Amanda wished Lee was with her, not Francine. She wished she knew if Francine had another weapon with her. Over the last four years she and Lee had developed a working rapport. They knew what each other was thinking. Although she and Francine had been getting along, that rapport was a long way from being cohesive. Reaching down into her pocket she felt the revolver that had been in Francine's purse, then continued down the hallway. As she neared the door she could make out voices.

"Vinnie, I know all about the SDI meeting in August," Francine snapped.

"But do you know who else plans to visit the meetings, Frannie?" Vinnie teased.

"Vinnie, it's too hot for twenty questions and I'm way past my tolerance level with you," Francine griped. "What's it worth to you? How's forty bucks sound?"

"No way, Frannie, what I've got is worth more than that," he demanded.

"OK, fifty's my last offer. Just stop playing games with me so we can both go home. What, if any, information do you have?" she snapped.

Vinnie didn't answer Francine. Instead Amanda heard a commotion and a loud thud. Amanda didn't wait any longer, but hastily pushed through the door to what was a storage room.

"Hold it right there," Amanda called out to Vinnie when she saw Francine sprawled out on the floor. He tried to stash the cash in his pocket as he was heading towards her and the door.

Vinnie looked back at Francine then took another step towards Amanda. Amanda reached into her pocket and pulled out the revolver. "Please, don't make me use this," she ordered Vinnie in a direct, but anxious tone.

"OK, lady, just take it easy," Vinnie pleaded nervously as he raised his hands and took two steps slowly back towards Francine.

She nodded towards a startled Francine. "Are you OK?"

"Yeah," Francine answered as she caught her breath. She sat up and rubbed the bump on the back of her head. "Boy, am I glad to see…"

Before she could finish the sentence, Amanda was blind-sided. A large menacing man rushed through the door and grabbed her arm. Amanda held the gun tightly, not wanting to relinquish her grasp of the gun's handle. The large man pushed Amanda against the wall, her head hitting it squarely, yet her hand still held fast onto the weapon. The next few moments were a blur. Her head throbbed and then a smashing pain seared through her arm. She was unable to hold onto the gun any longer and it flew across the room, clanking loudly onto the floor. The large man's threatening hold of her body ended and she dropped to the floor.

"Don't move," Francine warned the two men in an icy voice as she scrambled across the floor, swiftly recovering her gun.

The menacing man took one step forward then stopped after Francine cocked the gun. She briefly glanced at Vinnie, but he wasn't going to give her any grief.

"Face down, on the floor, both of you," she demanded angrily as she glanced over at Amanda. "Amanda, are you OK?"

"I will be," Amanda groaned as she winced, holding her right hand. "Backup's on the way."

"You two… arms out to the side," Francine ordered the two men who were face down on the floor, making sure she had control over the situation.

A few minutes later Billy Melrose and Efram Beaman arrived with backup. They handcuffed and arrested both men. Francine and Amanda watched as one of the agents found another gun in an ankle holster on the larger man.

Billy then turned his attention to his two agents. "Are both of you all right?" Billy asked as he took in the sight of each of his agents.

Francine nodded to Billy. "I'm OK, but I'm not sure about Amanda."

Billy crossed the short distance to where Amanda sat on the floor. Her hand was dangling limply from her wrist. He grimaced at the sight, but then took action.

"We'd better get you down to the hospital for an x-ray," he advised. "We'll call for an ambulance."

"No, sir, I don't need an ambulance…" Amanda objected. "It's probably just a bad sprain."

Beaman took a quick glance at Amanda's bruised wrist and hand. He flinched just at the sight of it then volunteered. "Billy, I can drive her over to the hospital."

Billy nodded, not aware that the pained look on Amanda's face wasn't just from her wrist injury. She felt suddenly very alone, wishing hopelessly for Lee.

"Francine, are you ready to go?" Billy asked. "We've got a lot of questions that need some answers."

"Yes, sir," she nodded. Francine glanced at her temporary partner and gave her a sympathetic look, but wanted no part of an evening with Efram Beaman, either.

Beaman helped Amanda up and they all left the warehouse together.

*** *** *** ***

The door opened to the Q Bureau and Amanda entered. Her right hand was encased in a cast that ended shy of her elbow.

"I didn't expect to see you in here today. I thought Billy had given you the day off," Francine inquired as her temporary partner sat down across the room from her.

"We still have a lot of paperwork from last night. I thought you might like some help with it. Besides," Amanda continued with a loud sigh. "My mother has been pestering me about how I broke my wrist in the first place. I really wasn't in the mood for the third degree this morning."

Francine shook her head. "I don't know how you handle your double life sometimes, Amanda."

"Sometimes I wonder that question myself," Amanda chuckled, aware that Francine didn't know the half of it. She turned on her computer and looked at her right hand. "I'd better get started with my report. I don't think I can type 90 words a minute with this thing on."

"Just take your time. I filed my preliminary last night, so no one should be breathing down your neck," Francine reassured her.

Amanda began to work on her report, but was interrupted by a phone call a few minutes later.

"Yeah, she's here, just a minute," Francine replied as she covered the receiver. "Beaman's on the line. He wants to talk to you."

"Good morning," Amanda replied as she picked up the phone. Then after another moment she answered. "I'm still typing it… OK, I'll be down in a few minutes."

"What's gotten into him?" Francine asked curiously, irked by Beaman's intrusion.

"It's something about the freshman candidate accident report he has to fill out," Amanda answered, somewhat frustrated.

Francine rolled her eyes. "Beaman is a paper pusher. To him the most grievous injury is a paper cut. Your broken wrist must have him really freaked out."

"I'm not sure how long I'll be. Knowing Beaman I'll be filling out paperwork all morning and my signature won't match since I can't write with this thing on," Amanda said as she pointed to her cast.

"I guess I'll have to finish the paperwork for you. I'll leave a copy of my report on your desk and you can add an addendum to it if need be," Francine replied with a heavy sigh as Amanda shrugged and left the office.

Francine assumed she would be done with the report long before Amanda returned to the Q Bureau. She knew Beaman was a stickler for paperwork. He did everything by the book and in triplicate. However, she'd barely started the report when the door flew open and Amanda returned.

"That was fast. You didn't have to hurry back here. I was just kidding about the report," Francine commented. "But since you're here…"

"You'll have to finish it yourself, Francine," Amanda snapped angrily as she threw an Agency training manual on her desk. "I've been suspended."

"WHAT?" Francine gasped.

Amanda was rummaging through her own desk searching for her purse. Finally she found it in the bottom drawer, where she always kept it. She grabbed it and slammed the drawer loudly.

"That's why Beaman needed to see me so urgently this morning - to suspend me. I'm so glad I made the effort to come in with this damn cast on my arm after less than five hours sleep!" she ranted angrily.

"Amanda, calm down," Francine demanded as she stood up and blocked her partner from leaving the office. "Now what's going on? Why would Beaman suspend you?"

Amanda nodded towards her desk at the Agency training manual. "It's in there. I think he quoted page 73, paragraph two. Something about a freshman agent is not permitted to enter a building without proper backup when more than one suspect is involved."

"Amanda, that's ridiculous. If you hadn't come in last night when you had, I might not be here to have this conversation," Francine admitted. "You probably saved my life."

"Well, in the 'World According to Beaman', there's never a justifiable reason to risk both members of a field team," Amanda snapped sarcastically. Her emotions were starting to get the best of her. She was tired, her wrist ached and her head was beginning to throb. She looked at Francine and pushed by her not wanting to break down in front of her co-worker. "I'm tired of quibbling with Beaman; it won't change anything anyway. To be honest, I'm just plain sick and tired of it all."

"Amanda," Francine called out in concern as her partner rushed towards the stairs in double time.

However, Amanda didn't slow her pace. All Francine could hear was the clacking of heels down the stairwell and the door to the Georgetown entrance as it slammed forcefully.

End Part 5

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