Disclaimer: Jake, Rachel, Tobias, Cassie, Marco, Melissa and David, all aliens, other characters and the name Animorphs are all copyright of K. A. Applegate/Scholastic but I am not making any profit from this story. Heather is copyright of me.

The Battle



Hi I'm Rachel. You know the drill. I can't tell you my last name, where I live or anything that might lead the Yeerks to me and my friends. You know about the Yeerks. If you don't, the Yeerks are evil parasitic slugs from outer space. They will rap themselves around your brain and make you do anything they want you to do. You can't move your eyes, make a fist or even breathe unless the Yeerk in your brain wants you to. It was a normal Saturday, and by normal I mean normal. There had not been anything from the Yeerks in a while and although it worried me I was not complaining. I was just sat watching Ricki Lake and the phone rang. “Honey, it's for you” my mom shouted up. “I'll get it up here” I replied. “Hello?” I answered. “Hi Rachel” said a familiar voice. “Hi Melissa” I said. “Ummmm...... Rachel could we have a talk?” she sounded like she had been crying. I didn't know what to do but Melissa was daughter of our principal, who was known to be a high ranking controller plus me and Melissa used to be really good friends before all this...... well stuff, you know what I mean. “Okay” I said. “I'll be right around”.



As much as I would have loved to fly there I couldn't risk it. So I took the ten minute walk to Melissa's house. I knocked on the familiar red front door. "Hey” Melissa said answering.“Can I come in?” I asked looking past her into the lounge. “Yeah, no-one's in” she said. As I sat on the couch Melissa poured her heart out to me. She told me how her Mom and Dad didn't care anymore. She said that they had put some money into the building of a nightclub. I knew that they hadn't put any money into this at all, that it was a yeerk scheme. But why? I had to get the others. “Melissa could I use the bathroom?” I asked. “Yeah sure, first door on the left” she said. “I know” I said with a smile. I went into the bathroom and locked the door. My mind raced what should I do? Then I remembered Melissa's house wasn't far of Tobias' territory. But I couldn't leave Melissa's house what if she knocked on the door? Suddenly I knew what to do.



It was going dark and I hadn't eaten all day. I had just spotted a nice plump vole. But then I heard a familiar voice. A familiar thought voice. < Tobias! > said Rachel, she must be in morph. < Rachel where are you? > I asked. < Tobias I am in cat morph at Melissa's > she said. < Look Tobias I'm okay just call a meeting and I'll be there in half an hour >. I didn't question, Rachel didn't call meetings often so I thought I'd better get over to Jake's house.



I was feeding an injured fawn some milk. Her mother had been killed on the highway three days ago so my dad had come to try and help the deer and found this fawn. “Cassie, phone I think it's Jake” my Dad shouted. I ran inside. “Hi Jake” I said. "Hi Cassie, look Rachel's friend just told me he and Rachel were coming up to the barn and wondered if I wanted to come” he said. This wasn't really what he meant. You see we don't trust phone lines. What he really meant was Tobias had told Jake that Rachel wanted a meeting in the barn. “Okay” I said. "You can bring that friend of yours if you like, ummmm..... what's his name....... Marco” I said. I knew his name but I didn't want to look to suspicious. “I'll be there in ten minutes” he said.



< She should be here by now > said Tobias. At that second an owl swooped in and landed on a table in Cassie's barn. We all knew it would be Rachel. She demorphed. “What's this all about, why did you call this meeting” said Marco. “The Yeerks are working on a nightclub” she said. Marco nearly burst out laughing. I can hardly see the Yeerks getting Saturday Night fever Rach” said Marco. “Shut up Marco this is serious” screamed Rachel. “Melissa is really upset about this and she has done nothing to deserve this so it's personal okay?!”. “Who the hell do you think you are Rachel!” screamed back Marco. “Me, Jake, Cassie, Tobias, Ax, You and even David have done nothing to deserve this and yet we fight!”. Marco seemed to be furious. “My mother is Visser One every battle I fight is personal!”. Marco turned away, I think he was crying. “Marco, I'm sorry” said Rachel. “Just carry on” said Marco wiping a tear from his eye. “Anyway so this club it opens tonight it's called Heaven” said Rachel. “So I say we go and investigate” she added.



We were in the nightclub. We had split up so that we didn't look suspicious. I was talking to some girl called Sally. Just then a guy asked Sally to dance. She said sure. As they walked to the dance floor the guy pulled Sally into a room with a 'Do Not Enter' sign on the door. I didn't bother to guess if they were in there kissing. I went to the middle of the room were there was a skylight and scratched my head. Tobias was sat on the skylight and this was the sign for him to tell the others that one of us had seen something. Within two minutes me, Jake, Rachel and Cassie were all stood in front of the 'Do Not Enter' door. We all walked into the store room next to it, luckily no-one saw us. Two minutes later out came a Siberian Tiger, a Grizzly Bear, a Gorilla and a Wolf. A few people looked at us but they were really drunk so I guess they just thought that they were seeing things. I knocked down the door with my sledge hammer fists and we went down the winding stairs. < You know that this is gonna be a Yeerk pool entrance right? > said Rachel. < Yeah > said Jake. < Lets just free as many people as we can and get out okay? >. < Okay > said Cassie. < The Yeerks won't infest these people tonight > said Jake. < Oh that's kind of them > said Rachel sarcastically. < Not really > said Cassie. < The Yeerks only infest people every three days when they need the kandrona rays >. < So they'll leave these people in cages or whatever for a day? > said Rachel. < Yeah, pretty much > I said. As Jake, Cassie and Rachel got to the bottom of the stairs they froze, and I mean froze. I had a flashback to when we had fought Visser Three's twin brother Joe Bob Fenestre. < Oh my god > I thought. < It's a bio-statis chamber >. It was then that I saw the six Hork-Bajir come from the shadows. The four of us could have taken them on but there wasn't the four of us, it was just me. < Don't kill the Andalite scum > said Visser Three. < He may prove useful to us >. I was thrown backwards and then everything stopped.



I was just clambering over my rock. A hated this rat body but I had learned to deal with it. I was trying to find food when I noticed that I felt different. Looking down I had my human hands. I was human again! But how? Looking to my left I saw a tall boy with scraggly blonde hair. “Tobias?” I said. “David! What the hell are you doing here?”. “I have brought you here” said a booming voice. “The Ellimist” said Tobias. “The Animorphs are in trouble, they have been captured by the Yeerks and their demise seems imminent” said the Ellimist. “This world must not die, I will aid them by aiding you”. The Ellimist looked stern but something made me sure that something good would come of this. “Tobias, David, you are both nothlits stuck in the form of a hawk and a rat” he continued. “I will return you to your human forms and give you the ability to morph on the condition that you will use this power to help save the Animorphs”. “I am one of the Animorphs” said Tobias. “Yeah but what about me” I said “The Yeerks know me, they will find me sooner or later”. “David as I give you back human form and the power to morph, the Yeerks will forget all about you, they will think that you are another 'Andalite bandit'” said the Ellimist. “You will live with what earth call an 'adopted family', but if you choose to use your ability against the Animorphs than you shall be trapped as a rat for all eternity”. I guess I must have looked shocked but I knew what he meant. “I understand” I said. “Tobias, I have discovered a relative of yours that would be suitable for you to live with I believe you call her Ruth, I will arrange it so that she moves near to the place you currently live”. “This is all very well but how are the two of us supposed to fight off all the Yeerks and save the others?” said Tobias. “There will be two more to aid you” said the Ellimist. “The first shall be a young girl I have already chosen her and given her the morphing technology”. A girl stepped out from behind The Ellimist, she was about as tall as Marco with brown hair and green eyes. “Hey” said the girl. “I'm Heather”



Heather was kinda nice looking. But I had other things on my mind, like saving Rachel and the others. “And who will be the second?” I asked. “You must choose” said The Ellimist. My mind raced. I didn't really know anyone. Then I remembered earlier that day and why we had got into this mission. “Melissa” I said. Before I could blink, Me, David and Heather were in what I could only presume was Melissa's house. “Someone's coming down the stairs!” said Heather. Melissa come into the lounge and screamed at the top of her voice. “Melissa calm down it's me Tobias” I said. “Who are you?!” said Melissa. “I'm Tobias, Rachel's friend” I said. “How did you get into my house?” she said. I explained to her all about the Andalites, The Ellimist, about The Animorphs, and Yeerks including that her parents were controllers. “No” she said. “No your lying”. “Watch” I said. She watched as I turned from a human boy to a red-tailed hawk and back again. “Okay” she said with a tear in her eye. “I'll do it”. I realised that David was holding The Escafil Device. He handed it to me. Place your hand on one side of this. Melissa did. Then I did, and so did David and Heather. After a few seconds she took her hand away. “It tickled” she said. "We need to get to The Gardens” I said. “Before it gets light”. We had a long few days ahead of us.



As we walked down the dark streets to The Gardens I wondered what it would feel like to morph into an animal. By the way I know you're probably thinking that you know my last name but you don't. Chapman, it's a cute little name but it's not my real name. I wish I could tell you it was but that's just the way it is. “Me and Tobias could fly there and catch up with you” said David. But seeing Tobias' look at this suggestion he added. “Just kidding”. We finally reached The Gardens. We climbed over the fence and went over to the animal habitats. “How are we going to get in?” I asked. David turned the door handle and the door opened. “And they call this security” said Heather with a laugh. We went down the corridors but the rooms meant nothing to us. “I wish Cassie was here” muttered Tobias. We decided to split up. I went with David while Heather went with Tobias. “Oh hell” I said opening the nearest door, I was bored of just wandering around corridors. When I went in the habitat I almost didn't see the creature. It was a Leopard. Suddenly I felt something warm up near my leg. I looked down to see another Leopard. “Just touch it and imagine becoming it” said David at the door. As I touched the leopard it began to purr. “Right got it” I said and we got out of there.



We were outside The Gardens. “Okay what morphs did you get?” Tobias asked us. “A leopard, a buzzard, a chimpanzee, a dolphin, a green mamba, a spider and a bat ” said Melissa. “Actually I got the dolphin too” said David. “What about you Heather?” he said. I thought about all the animals I had acquired in the last hour and I smiled. “A giant panda, a fox, a merlin, a rabbit, a tawny owl, a dolphin and a gecko” I said. Just then I grabbed something that had been bugging me. It was a small insect with a bright light at the end of it's tail. I acquired it. “Oh and a firefly” I said. “No-one's at my house they'll be away all weekend with this......” Melissa cut off, I guess that she must have realised that her parents were really working for Visser Three at that moment not in a hotel. “We'd love to stay” said David. That suprised me. Tobias had told me that David had tried to kill him and another member of the Animorphs called Jake last time he was with them. “Okay lets morph and get to Melissa's house and get some sleep” said Tobias. “Just concentrate on your bird morph and think about becoming it” said Tobias. I could see that Tobias was morphing a Red-Tailed Hawk, David was morphing a Golden Eagle and Melissa was morphing a Buzzard, screaming but morphing. I almost morphed my Merlin but I decided my Owl would be better so I concentrated on that. < Now Melissa, Heather think about what you want to say and who you want to say it to and that's how you use thought speak > said Tobias. < Yeeeee hahhhh > Melissa screamed. < The sight of this owl is amazing > I said. < It's like it's in the day >. By the time we got to Melissa's house I didn't want to demorph. But when I remembered that I had nearly eaten a mouse on the way I decided that I needed sleep.



I woke up to find that I was on Melissa's couch and Heather was on the other. We both had blue covers and pillows over us. Heather was watching David and Melissa talking in the kitchen. They seemed to get on really well, I suppose it was because they could sympathise with each other. They both had both parents who were controllers. It reminded me of Rachel, I missed her and I was going to save her. Even if it meant sacrificing my own life. “Hey lovebirds” said Heather. Melissa smiled and David blushed. “We gotta be ready” I said. “Tonight we gotta go to Heaven and save Jake, Rachel, Marco and Cassie. And Heather and Melissa need to practice morphing, I know just the place”. As we flew in our bird of prey morphs to the woods were me and Ax used to live. But now I was human again and we had managed to send Ax back to his home world so no-one would be there. We landed and demorphed. “Right” I said. “Battle morphs”. It was strange but with Jake gone I guess I was the leader. I would have usually used my hawk for my battle morph but I knew that we needed power. I started to concentrate on the polar bear. I felt the white fur come on my arms and legs. I began to grow. I could see David morphing his lion, Melissa morphing a leopard and Heather was morphing a panda. Just then Melissa lunged at me. I knocked her down with my paw and pinned her on the ground. < Oh my god! > screamed Heather. < Melissa! > said David. < Melissa get a grip >. < I'm okay > said Melissa. < Sorry Tobias >. < No problem > I said. It was what I had expected Melissa to do. She had never been a leopard before and the instincts must have been strong. < How come Heather didn't attack anyone? > said Melissa. < Pandas are peaceful by nature they don't kill to survive > answered Heather. After practising for a while we morphed birds of prey and went to Melissa's.



It felt good to morph again. The power of the lion, the flight of the golden eagle. I knew that Tobias didn't really fully trust me but he had no choice. His first priority was saving his friends. I didn't know how they'd react when they found out I was back. Melissa was really nice, I think we had a lot in common. Sadly one of those things was that both our parents were controllers. We were all in Melissa's. It had been our headquarters for the past two days. “So what do we do now?” I asked. “We relax, watch TV, there is only two and a half hours till Heaven opens and we save the others” said Tobias. “Shouldn't we have a plan or something? I mean are we insane?!” said Heather. Tobias smiled. I guess that Heather saying insane reminded him of Marco. “What if” I said. “Go on” said Tobias. “What if we could destroy this bio-statis chamber?” I said. “Or even better reverse it” said Heather. “Melissa have you got a computer?” I asked.



David and Heather spent the next hour on the web trying to find out about bio-statis. “I wish Ax was here, he'd know what to do”. Then it hit me. Heather set me up for an e-mail. I began to type my message.


Hey Erek

How's it going?

I was just wondering if you'd like to stop by maybe?

Jake and the others have gone on some trip and I kind of need some help, nothing major.



“What do you mean nothing major?!” said Heather. “I can't exactly right 'Hey Erek wanna help me and my morphing friends save the galaxy from a bunch of evil parasitic slugs?'” I said getting a bit over angry. “Only if we can go to McDonalds afterwards” said Melissa. Everyone laughed. I guess it eased things a little. Just then there was a knock on the door. “Hey Erek” I said. “Hi Tobias” said Erek said. “And you would be....?” he said looking at the others. “Oh right, this is David, Melissa and Heather, they're new Animorphs”. “What happened to the others?” asked Erek. “It's a long story” I said.



< Could we look any weirder? > I said. We were in the air vent of Heaven. It had 5 minutes till it opened. I was in a spider morph, Heather was a gecko, Tobias was a fly and David was a flea. < Not that I know how we look because I have about sixty billion eyes > I said. < Come on hurry up we've got to save them > said Tobias. Then added. < And I have this feeling Melissa is going to eat me >. We got to the end of the vent outside the 'Do Not Enter' door. Erek was staying in the club when it opened. For back up. We dropped out of the vent and crawled under the door. < Now demorph and then battle morphs > said Tobias. I demorphed and then focused on the feirce leopard that I had been earlier that day. My skin turned yellow and spots began to appear on it. Then all the spots become 3D and it was really weird but I loved it. The fur tickled. My mouth puffed out. I could see in the dark closet as if it was the brightest day. Soon at the top of a stair case was a leopard, a lion, a giant panda and a polar bear. We charged down the stairs. As we got near to the bottom I stood on some loose concrete and fell. David jumped after me. We both landed at the same time. < Melissa are you okay? > said David. < Yeah I'm fine > I said. I saw a machine that seemed to be generating a force field around some animals that I presumed would be Rachel and the others. < What should we do? > I asked. < Hold on I've got an idea > said David. < Off > he said to the computer. And the forcefield disappeared. < You have got to be kidding me one of the most advanced machines in the galaxy and all you have to do is say 'off'? > I said.



< Heeeeeellllllllllllllllllpppp! > I screamed in thought speech. < Huh?! >. I looked around and saw Jake, Cassie and Rachel in their battle morphs, shaking their heads (it would have been funny if I wasn't so confused). As I looked around more I saw a polar bear, a lion, a panda and a leopard, and about ten Hork-Bajir running after us. < Oh crap! > I screamed. I threw my sledgehammer fist and knocked over two of the Hork-Bajir. < Hey watch out > said the person in panda morph. The panda then barrelled into a Hork-Bajir who was charging at me from behind. < Thanks > I said. < Don't worry about it > said the panda.

To be Continued

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