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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the name of Sony's new system?

Sony's new system will be called the Playstation 2. A simple enough title as compared to Sony's first system, the Playstation.

How much will the PS2 will cost in the U.S.?

The Japanese release price is about $370. This is how much the PSX cost in Japan when it first came out. Since $300 was how muched the PSX cost at U.S. launch, the PS2 will probably be $300 as well.

How much will games cost?

Well now this is just simple improvisation. Since some PS2 games will be on CD-ROM, they will probably cost as much a a current PSX game. As for DVD games, well, my best guess is to just add 5-10 dollars to your average DVD movie.

When will the PS2 have it's U.S. release?

A Fall 2000 release has been scheduled by Sony.

What does the system look like?

There is a picture at the top of the screen of the Playstation 2.

How will the Playstation 2 relate to the Playstation?

One of the greatest things about the Playstation 2 will be it's complete backwards compatibility. You will be able to play Playstation games, use Playstation peripherals, (official ones, anyway) and use Playstation controllers. From what I have heard, you can not use Playstation 2 things on a Plastation. Design will not be similar to the Playstation, but the controllers and memory cards, as well as their slots, will look familiar.

What will the controllers/memory cards be like?

They will look the same, but be very different. The Dual Shock 2 will look at feel like the Dual Shock 1, but in the 2 all of the buttons are fully analog. Which will probably be cool. The memory card looks, feels, and is the same size as the PSX memory card. But the PS2 memory card will hold an astonishing 8MB of memory. As for other peripherals, I am not sure.

Can I play Playstation 2 games on the Playstation?

No way. The only way it works is when the Playstation 2 plays Playstation games, not the other way around.

Why only 2 controller ports?

A Sony representative stated that 2 controller ports was a cost saving measure to keep the price down.

What comes right out of the box when I buy the PS2?

The Playstation 2 comes out of the box with a system, a Dual Shock 2 controller, an 8MB memory card, and a Demo Disc, an AV Multi Cable, and an AC Power Cord.

How many games will there be at launch?

There were 3 launch games in Japan and an American launch lineup has not yet been given.

Why doesn't the Playstation 2 have a modem like the Dreamcast? And what's this I keep hearing about a "Broadband Network?"

Sony chose a Broadband Network over a conventional modem for the future of gaming. Online Multiplayer will usually only work on a Broadband Cable Modem Network. We are talking megabytes and megabytes every second. This will mean video and audio download in seconds, not to mention online multiplayer games.

What extra features will the PS2 have?

As usual with any disc system, the Playstation 2 will play music CDs but that's not all. The PS2 will be DVD ready straight out of the box.

What discs will the PS2 read? What kind of ROM is in the PS2?

The Playstation 2 will have color-coded discs. Regular Playstation games(CD-ROMs) will continue to come on black discs, blue discs will be Playstation 2 CD-ROMs, and silver discs for the Playstation 2 will be DVD-ROMs, which can hold huge games. The PS2 will have a DVD-ROM.

Now that the PS2 is out in Japan, will the Japanese system play US games or the US system play Japanese games?

I highly doubt that the PS2 will be converter ready on either version of the system. If you want to play imports, you will probably need a MOD Chip or a Game Shark if they make one for the PS2.

When/Will a MOD chip or Game Shark come out for the PS2?

At first I thought that this would happen and right quick, too. But now, it doesn't look that way. Because of the illegal imports (see below) it must mean that the PS2 is some of Japan's best hardware at this point of time, which also means that "cracking the code" (what Game Sharks and MOD chips have to do to the system's central core to change te game's cpabilities and convert them in a Japan to US and US to Japan form) is extremely difficult to do as Sony has their little black box sealed

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