Spider-Boy |
Spider-boy is not apart of the marlvel univers he is in the Amalgam univers story line But he is a aMalgamation of spider-Man and superboy But In the Amalgam univers he is a clone of Peter parker (go figure)
Real Name: Pete
Occupation: Photographer for the Daily Planet/ Cadmus Agent
Base of Operations: New York City
Group Affiliation: None. But helped out the Legion of Galactic Guardians
Marital Status: Engaged
Age: around 16 or so
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde (Pete)/Black (Spider-Boy)
Real Name: pete Ross
Birth place: Genetic research facities of poject cadmus
Base of Operations: New York City
Group Affiliation: None. But helped out the Legion of Galactic Guardians alot.
Marrital status:Singel (Spider-Boy is engaged to marry Insect Queen in the very near future)
Age: around 16 or so
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde (Pete)/Black (Spider-Boy)
Known allies:doc ock, insect Queen(marry jane watson)
Worst Enemis: Blizarnage(a ice-carnage),king lizard
super human powers: super strength , manipulation of gravity,stick ot walls, and spider like agilty.
web gun,and a matter transformer that transformes him from dark haired
spider-boy into a blond four eyed geek. and the web-slinger which is a giant
catapult that can fling him anywhere in New York due to it's sentinent computer
base called Computo
Other info:Spider-Boy, agent of Cadmus , Pete Ross, photographer for the Daily Planet.
General "Thunderbolt" Ross, the last surviving witness of the Super Soldier experiment that created the perfect soldier and ordered camus to fulfill its mission to recreate the super soldier experiment using octavius's protege Peter parker Idea. Parker had the idea to create a clone with the abilty to manipulate gravity .half-way through the experiment there was a mysterious power surg that killed peter parker , wiped out most of the re-birth files and woke up The clone at a young age .The clone powers disrupted befor they could reach thir full potential..The the clone could change the focus of his personal gravity, cling to walls, and had a certain amount of super strenght but it was no super soldier. from the reconstrution of parkers notes a commission decided parkers inexperince caused the accident,though sabotage was not totally ruled out.general ross felt it was his falt and took the clone under his wing trying to set things right and taught the clone that with Great power comes great resonsibility.The clone took the name peter ross and loved the general like a uncle.a toe bit burglar killed uncle gen in a back street he thought a grown man could hive him more trulbe than some kid "big mistake"thats when peter ross made sure that he was never just some kid who got ignored while other people git hurt.he got a coutume and became a hero .Peter realized that Uncle Gen was right, with great power comes great responsibility.....and way too much fun!