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Puzzled Paramedics Page

Hey there! Grab a cup of java to get your brain functioning. If you're a puzzle fan, and I know I am. I mean, all that time I waste... er... spend... waiting on that workaholic Kelly Brackett to ask me to marry him can really get to me. So, to pass the time while I'm waiting, I do pencil puzzles. I thought we could do these ones together... if you're up for it. Maybe you're waiting on some big lug to stop beating around the bush and pop the question too... we can always brood... I mean do puzzles together to pass the time. Ok... I'll wait while you get the coffee... and the chocolate... don't forget the chocolate...

How do you do a cryptoquiz? Each letter is a substitute for another letter. For example, if your word was JOHNNY, it could be encoded as KPRAAC... the K is for J, the P is for O, etc. In a cryptoquiz, the whole list has the same code, so if K is really J... then all the K's are J's... and you can begin to see the letters all fill in to break the code. If you get stuck, you can always cheat and look at the answers by clicking below the puzzle. Have fun brooding over "afraid-to-commit" men... er... I mean... doing puzzles. Oh... you'll have to cut and paste the puzzle to wordpad or notebook to do it. Feel free to print them out if you want to too.

Cryptoquiz #1
topic: items used in a hospital examination room
e.g. bandage


(needle) 2.