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BJ is very young, at age of 19 she is already an important part of Team 14.

Requested to join the team by Justice as back up, she showed an oustanding talent and determination.

She was raised by her grandparents, who homeschooled her, and had no relationship with her mother, Rebecca.

Rebecca was romantic but not caring, and has avoided BJ since then. BJ is frankly glad about it, and if the situation arose, would avoid Rebecca with the same fervor. She knew her father's name, and that he had also been a cop, but she'd never met him, and never acknowledged that she wanted to.

She met him accidently, since he's an agent with team 7, Buck Wilmington. He didn't recognize her, but she knew him right away, and didn't say anything. He found out when she was hospitalized. Since then he's been trying to build a relationship with her, and she has become friendly with the woman he loves, Jacy Scott.

BJ is also dealing with her feelings towards Agent Jimmy Hickok, their relationship grew during the last two cases case and both seem not to be aware of what the future has kept to them.


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This character was created by Mady