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Maleah Eshe Sachar is a 17 years old girl born is Palestine.

Her parents died when she was two, and she was adopted by American Missionaries

Maleah means "unique little girl" or "beautiful young woman" and Eshe means "life".

Eshe grew up in Jerusalem, but when she was fifteen, her father became ill, and the family returned to America. Her father died soon after their return, and her mother a year later, so at sixteen she found herself on her own in a strange country.

She speaks English rather well, because her adoptive parents were American, but has had some trouble getting used to the culture. Her father's brother lived in Tuscosa, and sent for her to live with him.

When she got there, though, she found he had died. He had left no land or money, so she was forced to take a job at the saloon. So far she's been able to avoid having to do anything other than wait tables, but the saloon owner has been making more and more advances on her, and she is afraid he will soon force her to become one of the working girls. With her exotic beauty, he is sure his business would do better than ever, and he hates to think of the money he is loosing.



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This character was created by Aimee