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Harleigh Elizabeth Samora is a 26 years old ATF Agent working to the New York Division.

She joines the Denver Division after the trip to Disney World.

Trip arranged by her sister, Suzanne, who wanted to give Harleigh a break from New York as the two year anniversary of her husband's death neared.

She started out in law enforcement after getting a BA in Psychology and quickly moved into negotiations. Her extraordinary diplomacy and patience lead her to great success in her career and she was quickly recruited by the ATF New York Division.

Her husband of three years, Scott, was killed while covering a story. He was a reporter for the New York Times. Harleigh has a five year old daughter named Bailey. After her's husband's death, Harleigh devoted all her time to her daughter as well as her career.

Harleigh is fluent in Spanish. She is also fluent in Sign Language as is Bailey due to the fact that Suzanne was born deaf.

She also has all the attentions of ATF Agent Ike McSwain.



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This character was created by Dayna