10.2.03: Attention readers: I'm getting an over abundance of spam at the address I have on all of my fan fictions. If you are writing to me to either say you liked something I wrote or hated it, please put the title of the fiction and/or the name "Magenta" in the subject bar. Otherwise, it will be deleted. It's nothing against anyone except the stupid spammers.

Also, I have some stories in the works. I don't get much time to write lately, but I am working on them. They will be posted as soon as I finish them...

*hugs* to all!

The stories...

(This drop down menu will open the stories in a new window.)

Text Links:

(These stories will open in this window.)



The Kiss

Temptation of Balance (incomplete)


So, So Much

And Never Can Be Told

The Fragile

Her Little Secret


Impetus Viscus

Silence is Golden

Storybook Romance - graphics by Magenta

Prime Gig screencaps

This Dancer in the Dark site
is owned by Magenta.

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All the graphics on this site were manipulated by me (Magenta) and are copyrighted as such with the original pictures belonging to whomever holds the papers. The pics provided to me are from my friend Evy and I don't know where she got them. If you are a provable copyright holder and wish for me to take down your pics, please let me know and I will remove them.