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**Kim and Bobby are traveling in the rig. She looks down at the gas guage and it reads empty.**
Kim - What the hell!
Bobby - What?
Kim - Son of a bitch. We're out of gas.
Bobby - You didn't check it when we got in?
Kim - They were supposed to fill it up. Those bastards left the rig empty.
Bobby - Relax, you're going to pop a vessel. I'll call matinence.
Kim - Like hell you will. There's a gas station on the next block. We're putting in half a tank...that should get us through the day.
Bobby - What?
Kim - Yeah, leave it just as empty for them
**Bobby turns to get out of the rig**
Kim - Where are you going?
Bobby - To get gas.
Kim - We can't just leave the rig. What if we get a call?
Bobby - How are we supposed to get it to the station?
**Kim looks at him as if saying, "how do you think...push it." Bobby looks at her like "you've gotta be kidding."

**Kim and Bobby are standing next to the rig after Sunny's death.**
Bobby - I met him when I went to get your wallet.
Kim - I thought she brought it back
Bobby - I sort of helped her out with that.

**Kim is tending to Doherty's wrist in one ambulance while Bobby is watching her from one directly across when Doc comes over**
Doc - Why do you do this to yourself?
Bobby - I thought I was hiding it pretty well.
Doc - You haven't told her?
**Bobby looks away from him**
Doc - Maybe she feels the same way.
Bobby - I doubt that.
Doc - You never know. Make a move.
**Carlos comes over**
Carlos -Make a move on who?
Bobby - Just talking
Doc - You should tell her
Carlos - Tell who?

**Kim and Bobby are sitting in chairs infront of the station**
Bobby - I've been meaning to talk to you about somethin'. I was talkin' to Doc aboout it earlier but I forget to bring it up. It's's complicated.
Kim - You okay?
Bobby - Yeah, it's nothing like that.
**Bobby leans in to kiss her but she says his name right before their lips meet and he turns away thinking she doesn't want to kiss him.**

**The next time we see them they are in the rig.**
Kim - We going to talk about what just happened?
Bobby - I hope not.
Kim - You don't think we should?
Bobby - Look, I'm sorry. Can't we just leave it at that?
Kim - You wanna know what I think?
Bobby - That we work together, we're best friends, why screw up this great thing we've got going together, it wouldn't make sense, it...we...
Kim - You done?
Bobby - Yeah
Kim - I'm incredibly attracted to you. I'm not really a good person, you deserve better.
Bobby - You're saying that we shouldn't be together because you don't deserve me?
Kim - You don't want to be with me Bobby. I'd just end up hurting you and then hating myself for it. Then I'd resent you for making me feel even worse about myself.
Bobby - Look, that's the...hey!
**Bobby looks at the gas guage**
Kim - I though I put enough in to get us through 'till the end of the shift.
**They both look at each other**

BOBO: You'll never guess what happened.
KIM: You got chest pains?
BOBO: No, no that came later. What happened was she insisted on being on top.
**Bobby looks at Kim with a smile on his face.**
BOBO: Well I tell ya, I got my clothes and got the hell out of there in a hurry. I was runnin' for the train and that's when the chest pains started. I took a nitro and the next thing I'm starin' up into a ring of faces.
**Bobo looks over at Bobby**
BOBO: But can you believe that?
BOBBY: You mean to tell me men used to get to be on top?

***At a lunch table***
KIM: This is not a good idea Bobby.
BOBBY: It's going to work **Sees his mother coming in.** Hey.
MOM: Roberto. **Hugs her son** How's your little Joey? **Hugs Kim**
KIM: He's not so little anymore.
MOM: So why do you want to have lunch with me on a work day?
BOBBY: Well, it's about Matteo.
MOM: Roberto?
BOBBY: ...90 days sober.
MOM: He hasn't even been out of jail that long.
BOBBY: Yeah, but he got out of the program while he was still in. That's three months total.
KIM: Shouldn't they only count the time when he can actually get something.

**During the meeting, Matteo came in and his mom left...then Matty left**
KIM: That worked like a charm.
**Bobby gives her a 'give me a break' look.

**Bobby and Kim are drinking coffee at the table in the station**
BOBBY: Matty and Serena Candiz. I can't stop thinking about it.
KIM: I think it's good. He wanted to make amends.
BOBBY: He was doing her the whole time.
KIM: How long were you together?
BOBBY: Two years
KIM: Ouch. My girlfriend, Jean. She was going through AA and she had to tell me how she and Jimmy got it on one night, while we were engaged.
BOBBY: No kidding.
KIM: Yeah, she said if she didn't get it off her chest we couldn't be friends anymore.
**A voice comes over the loud speakers for a call**
BOBBY: Did it work?
KIM: Did what work?
BOBBY: You and your friend Jean.
KIM: I don't know. I haven't talked to her since she told me--about six years ago.

**They are trying to "skate" across an ice rink to get to a patient**
KIM: You ever skate?
BOBBY: Does it look like I skate?
MAN: Hurry up please.
KIM: This is us hurrying.


**The other coach comes over**
COACH: I'm Fanny Capri, the coach from the other team.
KIM: Game get a little rough?
FANNY: That's why they call it hockey.
KIM: If that's a joke I don't get it.
FANNY: Hey look at Portis over there. He's practically crying.
MAN: You sicced your wings on her. You told them to take her out; I heard you.
FANNY: If you don't toughen up you outta get out of the game.. This isn't campfire girls. It's a contact sport. That's why it's called hockey.
KIM: You said that already. What? Is your needle stuck?
FANNY: Am I getting attitude from you now?
KIM: Yeah. What are you going to do? Take me outta the league too?
BOBBY: Hey, is everything fine here?
KIM: Oh, yeah, fine.

More to come!

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