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Last Updated 1/29/00
Bosco and Yokas

**Bosco and Yokas are investigating the killing of a young boy and they just visited the house of the suspected killer...another young boy**
BOSCO: Look, I know you're upset but if we're going to have to rely on me being the level-headed one, we're going to have some serious problems.
YOKAS: We already have some problems.
BOSCO: Well, you jumping down everyones' throat isn't going to help.
YOKAS: Don't go all touchy-feely on me Bos. It's not your style.

**Bosco and Yokas are in the squad car. She's making a chicken costume for her daughter.**
BOSCO: Is that supposed to be a chicken??
YOKAS: It will be when I'm done.
BOSCO: Buy a costume.
YOKAS: In the first place, Emily expects me to make it...
BOSCO: Do you have to do it here?
YOKAS: Sorry. I'll try to make sure no one knows we're together. It won't be the first time.
**Yokas places the feathers around Bosco.**

**They are at a call for a presumed dead body in a car**
YOKAS: Will you hurry up?
BOSCO: I can't believe it.
YOKAS: You know that guy's not going to be gone long.
BOSCO: They match. **He comes out from under the car** The serial numbers match. Do you have any idea how rare that is in a car like this?
YOKAS: Do you know how little I care?
BOSCO: **Goes back under the car** Oh, this car is beautiful!
YOKAS: Looks like a piece of crap to me.
BOSCO: Could you not see the possibilities?
YOKAS: Bos, it's falling apart
MAN: Hey, what the hell are you doing?
BOSCO: Hi. How are you doing? Look, uh, I can see you're having some hard times here. Clearly you could use a little help huh? I'm willing to take this car off your hands.
MAN: Really?
BOSCO: Oh yeah! I can give you, say uh, $50 for
YOKAS: $50! Bos!
MAN: You'd give me $50 cash?
BOSCO: Right in your hand.
MAN: For a car worth $12,500? A car which happens right now to be my house?
YOKAS: Bos, let's go.
MAN: Let's see. With $50 I get myself a nice little duplex on the west side. First and last month plus security. Have a little set aside for a rainy day. Thanks to you officer my crappy life is suddenly turning the corner.
BOSCO: We can negotiate. 50 is just a jumping off point.
MAN: The car is not for sale!

BOSCO: You know what I don't get? Why rich people spend a couple of thousand dollars a head to go climb a mountain in the Antarctic or something. Like 50 below zero. Why should you do that?
YOKAS: They climb mountains in the Himalayas. In Antarctica they're looking for the South Pole.
BOSCO: Hey, cold is cold.

BOSCO: Yokas?
YOKAS: What do you care? You didn't even put your name on the report.
BOSCO: You call that a report? "In my opinion it wasn't rape." "In my opinion this. In my opinion that." When I do a report, it's name, place and date.
YOKAS: You know what? When you do a report it's one big, long spelling error.

More to come!!
