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Doc and Carlos' Quotes and Scenes

**Carlos is getting stitches in the corner of his mouth by Dr. Morales**
Carlos - Ah.
Dr. Morales - Stay still.
Carlos - I heard that women think a scar makes a guy sexy.
Dr. Morales - Yah well, you're not going to have a scar.
**She finishes stitching him up and leaves, leaving Doc and Carlos in the room**
Doc - Hey, she gets any hotter for you and her thong's going to melt.

**Doc and Carlos are outside of the rig**
Doc - Where do you think you're going?
Carlos - I'll drive, you ride in the back
Doc - Since when?
Carlos - You've only let me drive twice. I'm in training...if I'm not driving, I'm not getting trained. It's a milk run.
Doc - No lights, no sirens
Carlos - Promise. I'll bring it back with a full tank of gas Dad.

CARLOS: I'm going to go take care of that girl first. You be a hero, okay?

More to Come!

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