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To My Love.......


My All

Last night, right before I fell asleep

I wanted you to be with me.

I had an aching in my heart

to feel you beside me.

I wanted to feel your arms

wrapped around me.

I needed so much to lay my head upon your chest

to hear your heartbeat.

And to feel the rise and fall of your breath.

I could have cried

knowing how long it would be until I was beside you

and knowing that no matter the length of time

it would feel like an eternity to me.


Without you, my heart has to remember to beat.

I struggle to breathe, and cannot truly live

for you are my life,

the light that keeps my soul on fire,

the one thing that fuels my desire.


You are my all,

my sunshine.

My dreams are with you,

and my fears and my sadness.

You are the place I call home,

where I seek refuge from the harsh world.

You are where I lay my head to cry

and you are my voice when I laugh.


I live my life because I am able

to live it with you.

I have a reason to look forward to forever

because you will be with me

each and every step of the way.

Your hands will shield my eyes

when I do not want to see.

Your hands will cover my ears

when I cannot bear to hear.

My hands will find yours

when I cannot go any further.

And when that time comes,

the angel I'll see will be you.

Your arms will carry me home.

Because you ....................,


You promised forever ...............











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