TO Kathys' WebOffice 2000
Welcome to the WebOffice 2000. I am so glad you decided to stop in for the tour of the offices'.
I am almost sure you will find something here to your liking,...
Right here in the front lobby you will notice this old '57 Chevy.
(just like at the Detroit Metro Airport, where they too, have a car displayed in their lobby. see all the cool places park cool cars!)
I am a member of the pit crew at the
"USA Drifters"
. an internet tour group of all the states in the United States.
Being a member of the pitcrew, means that I have put together webpages for them. I've done a few states and a couple of presidents of the United States. So if you want to check out the USA DRIFTERS go ahead.(besure to come back here when done)
Now speaking of being a member of something, along the office walls here you can see 2 very nice paintings of a group that I am a member of.
~ come see the webpage I made called ~in_Kathys_garden ~
I have put together a tour, to take you to all the offices here at Kathy's WebOffice. Please feel free to stop any where along the way to check things out. And where ever you see a guestbook, please leave me some words. Praise or complaints or maybe just to say Hi.
W O W !!!!
What do ya' know ~speaking of guestbooks~>
Here is the first guestbook/ledger to sign-in, right here in the lobby,... How about that! See things aren't that hard to find at all around here ~ !!
And there is a pencil right next to the book too.(ps) you've no excuse not to sign now!!
view my guestbook
sign my guestbook
get your free guestbook
and to view thw old book look here, Bravenet changed their look so much it's hard to read so I took the sign-in part off.
The CEO and President, Landlord and Owner, janitor and webmaster of the WebOffice 2000 is;
K a t h y
The first office to see is the owners office, built over at the webtv pagebuilder site.
This is our Tour Guide;
* ChicLady *
She is our resident addict: dontyaknow!
(addicted to the web/internet! )
The tour of the office will start shortly, until then,......
We have some refreshments for you. Please help yourself at our Refreshment Center. This way please***~>
All Aboard who wants to see the sights of this old office building, we will start here in the lobby where you will see the complete list of OFFICES that are available, posted right here on this wall.
To see what is in each office just open the door and PLEASE go right in (click on the logo office banner).
And Please take a moment to see the flash animation on each banner.(it might take a sec.or two to load up). There will be info at the end of the tour on how to order a banner for yourself.
*The Tour has Started*
Here is the
In here you will find the
and W E B R I N G S for the office.
Pop in and take a peek!
As you travel down the main hallway you will see offices to your right and left, or left and right, depends if your right handed or not.
"Did I hear a question????"
"Excuse me? What did you say???"...
"Oh Yes!... The bathroom in this building is even an office, LOL, ha ha ha,(good thing it's not outside and then I'd be sending people to the outhouse) LOL, excuse me!
"...it is down the hall on your right.
Run along we will wait for you. Don't forget to read the writings on the wall. "LOL"
Better yet POTTY BREAK for everybody, you don't want to miss this "office!" LOL
Now remember in each cubicle office you will find specific helpfull things to look at (like images) or (stories) or things to listen too (midis).etc.
Look and Listen but if you Take
visit the office here.
...Now you can transload things to your own place. :)
This WebOffice 2000 does have a
....... last office down the hall,
you will spend time here if you are caught taking without transloading... (fat chance of getting caught you say!)..... well ........... we will just change things here then, so it won't work for you but it will still work for us...... ha ha ha..so there.!!!
*Chic Lady*
wants to remind you that there are workers/employees/partners, working as we take this tour, so please do not distub them.
They do tend to bang their heads on their desk when memory leaves their minds from being distracted. But sooner or later it does return, and then they are fine once again.
This office will have many places to go to get images of all kinds.( all mine that I have transloaded :)
I should say I found everything here on the internet, so things here should be public domain, BUT if there are some private, or copyrighted, or stuff that I should not have, please tell me, then I'll do something about it.
This office is really an extension of the Images office. Here you can find backgrounds,bars (no not the local pub), lines and sound, midis. etc.
This is one of the smaller offices, but it is growing in size, we may have to move it to a larger office soon. You'll find words of love, faith, hope and peace in here.
And I might add, the best comfortable chairs to snuggle in and read a bit. We lose a lot of employees to this room during their break time.{smile}
Well here is the place to get the news,communication, possiably from newsgroups. and some Information about webpages. Tutorials etc.etc.
This~Ladies and Gentelmen is our Library. It is by far the biggest office in the building. Not sure if it's because of the sofas and chairs needed to read the stories. Or if maybe it's the stories themselves. Take you time here and look around.........
Excuse me while I go answer the phone or buff my nails while you browse.I'll be right back or a.s.a.p.
This is the People room, some call it the Day Room. Unlike some offices, that want to stay away from the competion, here we link with pride to the pages of other people. Some that we feel deserving to take another look at.
Also a reminder, when you sign the guestbook ( or office ledger as we call it), if you have the time click on someones webpage there to look at it. As I am upper management I'm looking for ways to cut cost, so why take the time to list those webpages here when they are already listed there. See! That's why I am the boss. LOL-ha ha ha .
This is the cafeteria.
The 'cook' demanded equal time, so to speak. So we call it the
Cafe Office.
The tour will stop here for lunch, and will resume afterwards.
By the way, lunch is on us today~ enjoy!
If you need to contact the office please send your letters to the mail office. The owner *Kathy* will get all your letters.
Don't forget,Please fill out/sign the office ledger. (the guestbook in the lobby, near the beginning ) We really appreciate the time you took to visit the office.
And we would like to know you and the handle you go by.
Well I see some of you are wandering around the halls.(checking out the artwork on the walls)??!!
Fine, fine. It will be sometime yet until the tour starts up again.
Need a little excersize? Why don't you take the stairs up to the next floor and look around. there are more offices there.
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There are 12 more offices located at the other end of the hall, that belong to upper management.And if you know anything about upper management. And as a worker you know management does not work all the time so neither will these pages. lol
Well now ~ I see the tour group has gotten smaller, as a matter of fact,
are the only one left. I do hope you had a nice day here.Please come back again soon. We expect this office building to be done with the construcion sooner or later. Send your friends to take the tour too.
~don't forget to sign the guestbook~ please!
T H A N K-Y O U !