Xena and Ares (Are They or Aren't They)

***** Due to the end of the series and my lack of interest because of the way the season ended, I will not be updating anymore => as you might have already noticed. I used to get ideas from the series for my stories as well as gratification from those certain eps where we actually was able to see Xena and Ares together. Once the season ended, I guess my Xena/Ares dream did too. I am sorry for those people who actually visited and liked my site. I was even going to move the entire page over to a geocities account, but the space was entirely too small. So here I am... and I guess this is it. Goodbye everyone, it's been fun. I hope you Xena/Ares enthusiasm didn't and will not die. *****

~ Katrina

Thanks for stopping by. E-mail me at XenaAresForever@aol.com.