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Chapter 67-70

Annie´s house

Ben came home. He saw Annie sitting by the table with some papers. He noticed some sadness in her eyes when she looked up at him.

Ben: Annie? How are you? What is that?

Annie: Divorcepapers. Gregory sent them.

Ben: Oh...

Ben saw the dotted line, where Annie was going to get her name printed. It was empty.

Annie: I was just remembering... How everything went wrong between me and Gregory.

Ben: I see.

Annie: Well, that´s in the past. I can´t dwell in that any more. Time to move on.

She picked up the pen and wrote down her name.

Ben: How do you feel?

Annie: I´m Ok. I really did love him once.

Ben: You don´t have to convince me.

Annie: So you don´t think I only married him for his money?

Ben: At first I did. I never in my wildest dreams could have seen you two get married even the week before you did.

Annie: I know. - She laughed. We weren´t really the ideal couple...

Ben: Tell me about it!

Annie: So, is he and Olivia back together now?

Ben: Yes. I think they are going to get remarried just as soon as the divorce is final.

Annie: Good for them.

Ben: Good for them?! OK, where is Annie and what have you done with her?

Annie: I know, it´s no secret how Olivia and I feel about each other. But I know that they belong together. They love each other.

Ben: They do.

Annie smiled.

Annie: And I love you.

Ben: I love you too, Annie.

They kissed.

Amber´s place

Amber and Sean had talked for an hour about what had happened in their lives.

Amber: So, where is Spike now?

Sean: I don´t know. I haven´t seen him in months. He probably got enough of our family issues and left. He is smart...

Amber: Too bad. I really wanted to see him again.

Sean: Oh, look at the time. I really better go now.

Amber: OK. It was fun, catching up on old times...

Sean: It was.

Amber: You can call me anytime. If you want that is. You don´t have to.

Sean: I want to.

Amber smiled. Sean left.

Forresters mansion

The Forresters were still at the hospital with Stephanie. Olivia had taken Trey to the park. Gregory was alone. Elaine came by.

Gregory: Elaine. Hi. Olivia is out.

Elaine: Oh... Well, do you mind if I wait for her? Is she coming back soon?

Gregory: I think so. Come in.

Elaine: Thank you.

Gregory and Elaine went into the livingroom. Gregory offered Elaine coffee. She accepted and they were soon sitting on the couch, drinking coffee and talking about old times.

Elaine: ...I remember your face when Bette walked in.

Gregory: It was indeed priceless.

They laughed. Elaine took her chance and put her hand on Gregorys thigh. Just then Olivia walked in with Trey. She saw them having a good time. She didn´t suspect anything. She knew that Gregory loved her and Elaine was their friend. She went over to them. Gregory got up and kissed her. Elaine looked a little annoyed. Olivia had gotten back sooner than she had expected.

Olivia: What are you two talking about?

Gregory: Oh, just old times.

Olivia: Old times... God, we had a lot of fun back then.

Elaine: We did. But who says we can´t have fun now?

Olivia: No one.

Elaine: How about tomorrow? Madison avenue?

Olivia: Sure! That sounds great!

Gregory: Hope you´ll have fun.

Elaine: Aren´t you coming?

Gregory: I can´t. I have so much work to do.

Elaine put her hand on Gregory´s shoulder.

Elaine: Put then on hold for just one night. Join us.

Gregory: I can´t. I have already set a time with Ben Evans.

Elaine: OK, then we go there the day after tomorrow.

Gregory: No don´t. You two go.

Olivia: Elaine?

Elaine was disappointed. She didn´t want to spend a night with Olivia. But she couldn´t say no...

Elaine: OK. Let´s make it a girls night out.

Elaine let out a fake laugh not to make then suspisious.

The hospital

The Forresters had been with Stephanie for hours now. It was getting late.

Thorne: Look at the time. I think we´d better leave now. Visiting hours are over.

Ridge: I think you´re right. She´s not going to wake up today.

Felicia: I think I´m finally going to get some sleep tonight.

Felicia had had trouble sleeping ever since the accident, watching her mother die, or that´s at least what she had thought.

Thorne bent down and kissed his mother on her forehead. Ridge did the same and the two of them left.

Kristen: Dad? Are you coming?

Eric: In a minute. Can you wait for me outside?

Felicia: Sure.

Felicia, Kristen and Angela were about the leave when Eric told them to wait.

Eric: Angela, could you stay.

Angela: Yes.

Felicia and Kristen looked at each other, wondering what their father wanted from her. They left.

Eric: I saw you with Stephanie.

Angela: What do you mean?

Eric: After I had been with the doctor in his office. I was standing in the doorway watching you talking to her.

Angela: You did...

Eric: Yes. And I´m convinced of one thing.

Angela: What´s that Mr. Forrester?

Eric: Mr. Forrester? Now, is that a way to call your father?

Angela: You got the testresults?

Eric: No. Not yet. I just have the feeling that you are my daughter.

Angela: Oh... Thank you!

Angela went over to Eric and gave him a hug. He hugged her back.

Eric: The paternitytest is just going to prove what I already know.

Angela: You have no idea how much this means to me, Mr. Forrester.

Eric: What did I just tell you?

Angela: Sorry. Dad... Wow, it feels so good to finally be able to call someone dad!

Eric: Be sure to get used to it.

Angela: I will.

Eric: Now, if you don´t mind. I would like to have a few minutes alone with my wife.

Angela: Of course. I´ll go.

Angela smiled at Eric and left. Finally, she though. Now, everything is going to fall in places. But when she got outside the door and saw the others, she thought: maybe not...

Back inside Stephanie´s room

Eric took Stephanie´s hand and kissed it.

Eric: Thank you. Thank you for coming back to me.

He smiled at her. She was still unconscious. She had been lying in the hospital for a day now and still no change.

Eric: Please be strong. You have to fight now. I didn´t get you back just to lose you again. Besides, I have some wonderful news. And I´ll tell you all about it when you wake up.

A nurse walked in.

Nurse: Oh, I´m sorry. I though you had left.

Eric: I´m on my way.

Nurse: It´s OK. I understand that you want to be here. It´s more important than visitinghours.

Eric: Thank you.

He kissed Stephanie and left.

Forrester mansion, later that night

The Forresters arrived home. Gregory and Olivia was sitting in the sofa, enjoying a beautiful evening.

Kristen: Good, you´re still up. We have some wonderful news.

Gregory and Olivia looked at each other. Why did they seem such in good mood when Stephanie´s funeral had been earlier that day?

Felicia: We just got back from the hospital.

Gregory: The hospital?

Ridge: We were visiting mother.

Olivia: Stephanie? What?

Kristen: She is alive!

Gregory: Alive? For real?

Kristen: Yes. It turned out that she wasn´t in the house when it exploded. Sheila and Mike had gotten her out, we think. And somehow, they must have let her go, or she escaped.

Olivia: That is wonderful news! How is she?

Felicia: Not so good. She is unconscious and is seriously injured. The doctor is sceptical if she will be alright.

Olivia: No... I´m sorry.

Kristen: But I know that she will pull through. God wouldn´t have given her back to us, just to take her away from us again. I´m sure of it.

Gregory: I hope you´re right.

They all hugged.

Olivia: Where´s Eric?

Eric: Right here.

Eric had stayed outside the car, watching the sky, thanking God for his miracle.

Olivia and Gregory went over to him, telling him how happy they were for this.

Eric: Thank you. Now, I want to say something to you all.

Everyone looked at him.

Eric: As you know, this is a miracle only God could have made possible. But he also gave us another miracle recently. The return of another, long lost, familymember. My daughter Angela.

Thorne: What? Did you get the testresults?

Eric: No.

Kristen: Don´t tell me that you fell for that conartist´s lies.

Eric: First of all, she is not a conartist. Second of all, I can feel that she is indeed Angela. The wasy she acts, old photos of her I found in one of Stephanie´s photoalbums and her concern. It´s all there. I have no doubts about it.

Ridge: Dad, you have to excuse us, but before we jump for joy here, we want to see concrete proof of that.

Kristen: Like the testresults.

Eric: Of course you want that. I don´t blame you. I want to see them myself.

Felicia: I don´t think you should be so happy yet. You could very easily be wrong. Dead wrong.

Eric: I realize that. But I don´t think I am.

Ridge: OK. Then, let´s not discuss this any futher tonight. Let´s just wait and see what the test says.

Ridge, Kristen and Felicia went upstairs. Thorne headed home to his place.

Olivia: Are you sure, Eric?

Eric: Yes, I am.

Olivia: Then I believe you. A parent´s bond to a child is so strong. Believe me, I know. She thought back on all the times she had her amnesia and didn´t know that Trey was really her child. But her feelings towards him every time she got close to him had told her that they did share a strong bond.

Eric: Thank you.

Eric headed upstairs as well.

Bennett´s mansion, the next day

Nathan had gotten a phonecall from his brother Clive the night before. He had been told that Clive was on his way to L.A. Clive had decided to move to U.S.A. a few months ago and now he was on his way there. Clive had been raised in London, England by his mother Judy Harper-Bennett. Judy was not the mother of Nathan. He and Clive were half brothers. When Nathan´s father B.B. and his mother Lydia had divorced, B.B. married Judy and they had Clive. But after only 2 years, their problems started and they too divorced. Judy, who was brittish, decided to go back to London and she took Clive with her. Clive had been living in London since before his first birthday. Now he wanted to return to U.S.A. The two brothers had stayed in touch and were good friends. Nathan had invited Clive to live with his family till Clive had found a house in town he liked.

The doorbell rang and Esther ran to open it to her uncle.

Esther: Uncle Clive!

Clive: Hallo there, pumpkin, he said to his niece in his brittish accent.

Nathan: Hi bro.

Clive: Long time no see.

Nathan: How was the flight?

Clive: Too long.

Nathan: There´s a room waiting for you upstairs. Where´s your luggage?

The brother´s carried Clives belongings upstairs. Then they went back downstairs. Nick had gotten home.

Clive: Nick! How you have grown since I last saw you.

Nick: Uncle Clive! It´s good to see you again.

Clive: Still with that nice girl, what was her name? Holly?

Nick: Molly. No. We broke up months ago.

Clive: I´m sorry to hear that. But I´m sure you have someone new...

Nick: No, not yet.

Esther: And not for a long time. Who would wanna go out with him? She teased her brother.

Nick: Watch it, he replied, or I´ll tickle you till you crack up.

Esther smiled at her brother and hid behind her father.

Esther: Then you have to go through daddy.

Nathan took a step to the side.

Nathan: Sorry, honey. You´re on your own.

Esther looked at her smiling brother and ran to the kitchen followed by Nick. Clive and Nathan laughed at them.

Clive: They are wonderful. You´re a lucky man.

Nathan: I sure am.

Spectra fashions

Ava expected Nathan to be at work this time. She was there to return some money she had borrowed from him and Esther´s teddybear which she had left at Ava´s place the night before when Esther had spent the day with her. But Nathan wasn´t at work today. She was about to leave when she ran into Clarke.

Ava: I´m so sorry, she told him after he had dropped a few papers from the dump.

Clarke: It´s alright.

Clarke picked up the papers and looked up at her. He took a liking in her right away.

Ava: Would you happen to know there Nathan Bennett is today?

Clarke: He is working at home today.

Ava: Ok. Thanks.

Ava was about to leave when Clarke stopped her.

Clarke: I´m Clarke Garrison. Designer.

Ava: Ava. Ava Bennett.

Clarke: The ex-wife...

Ava felt a little uncomfterble with a stranger knowing who she was.

Ava: Yes...

Clarke: I don´t mean to pry. Nathan have told me a about you. I just didn´t expect to see you here.

Ava: It´s OK. Look, Mr. Garrison, I have to be going now.

Clarke: Sure. It was nice meeting you.

Ava left and Clarke smiled to himself. He hadn´t seen the last to her, he was going to make sure of that...

Cade´s hotelroom

Devin and Emma was sitting by the table, eating breakfast. Angela was still asleep after all excitement last night.

Devin: When does your flight back to Atlanta take off? Emma: At 5 P.M. Dad, listen. Why do we have to go back at all?

Devin raised an eyebrow, asking how she could even think about staying in L.A.

Emma: Mom´s family is here. There is nothing holding us back in Atlanta. She doesn´t have a job, you can work here. And I could transfer to a school here.

Devin: That is out of the question. We have our home in Atlanta. Our friends. Our lives.

Emma: I realize that. But I think it would be good for us to move here. Start over. Please.

Devin: No, Emma.

Emma: Fine. It was just a thought. I thought mom wanted to be near her newfound family...

Devin: I´m sure she wants that. But she knows we can´t stay.

Emma: But we can stay for a while...

Devin: She could. Not you. Emma, you have to go back to school.

Emma wasn´t happy about her father´s attitude towards Los Angeles. She knew why he didn´t even consider the idea. It was because of his friend Tommy. A guy who together with his rockband moved from Atlanta to L.A. to make something of themselves. But they hadn´t succeeded. And Tommy had started doing drugs and was later arrested and went to jail for selling drugs to an undercover policeman. Her father had blamed the city for turning Tommy into that kind of person. But Emma wasn´t about to give up. She didn´t want to return to Altanta forever. Sure, she would miss her friends but moving to L.A. to start a new life with new friends and the Forresters seemed too appealing.

Forrester mansion

Eric was standing in the livingroom, looking out the window and counting his blessings when the doorbell rang. He went to open.

Eric: Emma! What brings you by?

Emma: Mr. Forrester, I need to talk to you, if it´s alright.

Eric: Of course. Come on in.

Emma went inside. She could definitely get used to the mansion.

Eric: So Emma... It´s hard to believe that you are my granddaughter.

Emma: Yeah. I know. I finally have a grandfather...

Eric: How old are you?

Emma: I´m 19.

Eric and Emma didn´t really know what to speak about so Emma decided to go right to the reason she came by alone.

Emma: I was glad to hear about you accepting my mom as your daughter.

Eric: I´m glad to have my daughter back.

Emma: Good. So you want us to stay in town.

Eric: Of course I do. But I think that´s up to her and your father.

Emma: That´s just it. I know my mom. She would stay in L.A. if it was OK with me and dad. If we also stayed here. But dad is another story. He doesn´t like this town. He thinks it´s just bad. Plain bad. That L.A. swallows innocent people and destroys them.

Eric looked at Emma and were surprised at her father´s view of the city, although it was true in many cases.

Emma: If it had been New York or Chicago of some other city, he wouldn´t mind moving for my mother´s sake. I´m sure of it. And I wouldn´t mind moving here.

Eric: And what would you like me to do about that?

Emma: You could talk to dad. Make him realize that L.A. isn´t all that bad...

Eric: I don´t know if I should. This is something between the three of you.

Emma: Exactly. And that is why I am here. I think it´s a good idea to move here. And I know mu mom would agree with me. There is nothing holding us back in Atlanta. Please do this.

Eric: I´ll think about it. Now, I have to get going.

Emma: Are you going to see Stephanie?

Eric: Yes I am. Why? Do you want to come with me?

Emma: If it´s OK with you. I would like to see my grandmother before I go back to Atlanta today.

Emma and Eric went to the hospital.


Bridget: Antonio, I didn’t know you were here.

She sounded surprised to see him sitting there in the bar.

Antonio: Yes, well maybe I didn’t want you to know.

Bridget: Have you been drinking? – concerned.

Antonio: Just a few drinks. Just think about it, a few months ago I was a priest and now I’m sitting here getting myself drunk. – ironic laugh.

Bridget: Antonio, are you drinking because of Paula?

Antonio: Paula? Who’s that?

Bridget: You did break up with her… Don’t worry, it’s gonna be OK. Just come with me, we’ll go back to the house so you can get some sleep. You’ll feel a lot better in the morning and see things more clearly.

Antonio: I doubt it. I’ll probably have some hangover.

Bridget: Then it will be your own fault. Come on.

Antonio got up from the chair and felt somewhat dizzy. He tried to focus on Bridget’s face to stay up, but as he did he got attached to it.

Bridget saw the strange look on his face.

Bridget: Antonio, are you OK?

He answered by kissing her.

Brooke’s house – The Living Room:

Teresa: Brooke, you’re back. How was the funeral?

Brooke: Well, it’s amazing actually. Stephanie is alive.

Teresa: Alive?

Brooke: She never died. I can’t believe it. I am so happy for the family.

Teresa: And Thorne?

Brooke: Especially for Thorne. He’ll always a special place in my heart, you know that.

Teresa: I do, but lately I haven’t been so sure you knew that.

Brooke: What do you mean?

Teresa: You don’t talk much about him.

Brooke: I don’t want to talk about him. It’s too soon.

Teresa: OK. I understand. But remember this, there are plenty of other women out there. If you want to be with Thorne again, you can’t wait forever.

Brooke: I know…

Megan’s place:

Megan was going through her wardrobe trying to decide what to wear. She hadn’t heard Giovanni come in. He watched her from the door opening.

Giovanni: I like the blue one.

Megan: I do too. Julian always loved blue… Giovanni, what am I doing? I can’t face them. I left them without a word. They probably hate me.

Giovanni: If they did, you think they would have come here looking for you?

Megan: I don’t know, I don’t know anything. Maybe you’re right, maybe I could face them. Or maybe I can’t. I don’t know if I’m willing to take the chance.

Giovanni: You’ll regret if you don’t.

Megan: Yeah. Mum I can handle. I’ve already seen her. But Quentin and Julian are a totally different thing.

Giovanni: You were really close with them, weren’t you?

Megan: I was. I spent my whole days looking out for them when mum was working. We did everything together. If they had left and not even as much as written a note, I don’t know if I could have handled it. They really must hate me, Giovanni.

Giovanni: Take the chance Megan.

Megan: Fine. I will. But only if you come with me.

Giovanni: Are you sure?

Megan: Positive. You’ve been such a wonderful supporter. How did I every get so lucky?

Giovanni: I’m the lucky one.

They kissed.

Brooke’s house – The Living Room:

Brooke had gone to take a shower, leaving Teresa alone in the living room. She hadn’t told Brooke about her breakthrough. She so wanted Antonio to be the first to know. He’d really helped her, and was such a good friend. Also, he had known her in Sunset Beach.

Teresa: I just wish I would remember everything.

She picked up the pictures she’d hidden underneath a pillow so that Brooke wouldn’t see them. She held the picture of Gabi in her hands.

Teresa: “The Thornbirds”. What does that mean?

Maria’s apartment:

Maria opened the door.

Maria: Thorne!

Thorne: Maria, you’re not gonna believe what just happened.

Maria: At the funeral?

Thorne: No, after. It’s so incredible…

Maria: You and Brooke got back together? – she said sadly.

Thorne: No, not yet anyway. It’s mother, she’s alive.

Maria: How can that be?

Thorne: She somehow survived the explosion.

Maria: Are you sure?

Thorne: Definitely. I can’t believe this. Just days ago I was devastated, I’d lost both Brooke and mother. Now… mother’s back, and soon I’ll have Brooke back too.

Maria smiled weakly, but thought to herself that “not if I have a say in it.”

Outside of Mannequin’s:

Bridget: Antonio, you’re in no condition to be driving.

Antonio: Then how else are we gonna get back.

Bridget: I’ll call for a cab.

She talked on without looking at him. The kiss he’d given her had really surprised her.

Despite his drunken state Antonio realized what she was thinking of.

Antonio: You didn’t want me to kiss you, did you?

Bridget: Oh Antonio, I … I don’t know, actually.

They stared in to each other’s eyes for a few minutes.

Another few minutes later they were laying in the backseat of Antonio’s car making love, or having sex if you will.

The Hospital cafeteria:

Casey: Kristen, why don’t you just sit down for a few minutes and calm yourself down.

Kristen: I don’t know if I can, Casey. Maybe I should go and see how mum’s doing.

Casey: Your father will let you know if anything happens.

Kristen: I suppose you’re right. I’m really worried, that’s all.

Casey: Don’t be. Your mother’s gonna be fine.

Kristen: I’ve been feeling so guilty that I survived the explosion and not mum.

Casey: You shouldn’t, you know.

Kristen nodded.

Kristen: I know. But it’s there anyway.

Casey: It was Sheila Carter’s fault. All of it was.

Kristen: That… “woman”, have tried to ruin things for my family for years. Somehow we’ve always managed to put the pieces back together in the end. I pray that we will now. This family would become whole again if mum recovers because she really is the head of this family. And if that woman really is my sister… God, Casey, I’ve been gone for so long. I’ve missed out on so much. But I never stopped loving my family.

Casey: They know that.

He held her in his arms as she cried.

Felicia stopped in the hallway outside and watched them.

The Insomnia:

Kimberly: I think it’s great, Macy, that you and Jude have straightened things out. I think this could really turn into something.

Macy: I hope so. I haven’t felt this good since, some days with Thorne.

Kimberly: But you’ve put him behind you now, right?

Macy: Oh, absolutely. I’m totally focused on Jude. And I really like him.

Kimberly: It’s a little bit more than that, isn’t it?

They both burst into laugh.

The Hospital Cafeteria:

Kristen spotted Felicia standing in the doorway.

Kristen: Felicia! Have you heard anything about mum.

Felicia: No, dad said he’d let me know if anything happened. I just went down to get something to eat. Hi Casey.

Casey: Hi. Why don’t you both just sit down and I’ll go get you some coffee.

Kristen: That’d be great. Thank you.

She smiled a smile that somewhat bothered Felicia. Was there something going on between her sister and Casey?

Felicia: You two seem pretty close.

Kristen: We were just talking about mum and the explosion.

Felicia: Yeah, are you OK? After the explosion, I mean.

Kristen: I’ve been fine. Thanks to Casey. I wouldn’t be here if he hadn’t saved me.

She looked over at Casey and smiled a big smile as he looked back at her. He smiled too.

Felicia: Kristen, are you in love with him?

The Insomnia:

Jason: Mace, going somewhere?

Macy: Out with your brother actually.

Jason: Don’t get your hopes up. – he said with a serious tone

Macy: What’s that suppose to mean. – worried.

Jason: He isn’t very romantic. His idea of a date usually is to stay at home, eat pizza and drink bear. – big smile

Macy: That’s not a very nice thing to say, Jason. - smiling

Jason: What I’m trying to say is, he doesn’t date much. He just spends his time at home by himself.

Macy: And how do you know so much, I thought you almost saw never him.

Jason: We’re brothers, aren’t we? It takes one to know one.

Macy smiled both because of Jason and because Jude had arrived to pick her up.

The Hospital Cafeteria:

Kristen: Felicia, why would you ask me if I’m in love with Casey?

Felicia: For starters I’m your sister and…

Kristen: …and you’re I’m love with him, aren’t you?

Felicia: No! I’m definitely not in love with Casey.

Kristen: Are you sure?

Felicia: Of course.

Kristen: Good, because I think I am.

Felicia: You are?

Kristen: How can you not be? He’s caring and sweet, not to mention his body…

Felicia had stopped listening. Why was this happening to her?

Brooke’s house:

Bridget ran through the door and up the stairs. Her hair was a mess, so were her clothes. In the hallway she met a shocked Brooke.

Brooke: Bridget, what happened to you?

Bridget: Nothing, I was just out with some friends.

Brooke: I guess it was some party.

Bridget: Don’t worry, mum. It will never happen again.

Brooke: Well, OK…

Bridget had already shut the door to her room behind her. She fell down on the floor in tears.

Reese’s hotel room:

Reese: Megan, you’re really here.

Reese pulled her daughter into a hug.

Megan: Mum, this is Giovanni Lorenzano. Giovanni, this is Reese Tilton.

Giovanni: It’s nice to meet you, Mrs Tilton.

Reese: Actually, it’s Ms. And please, call me Reese.

Megan sighed, the woman standing before her was so hard to see as her mother.

Reese: Your brothers are in the living room.

Megan walked slowly and quietly towards the living room.

Reese: Quentin, Julian… She’s here.

Quentin and Julian turned their heads toward where Megan, Giovanni and Reese were standing.

Julian quickly turned his head back down, but Quentin got up and walked towards Megan.

Quentin: Welcome back, sis.

They hugged, Megan had tears running down her face.

Reese walked slowly, not wanting to interrupt the moment, to Julian.

She whispered.

Reese: Julian, aren’t you going to embrace your sister.

Julian: Why should I?

Reese: Please, it’s been so long.

Julian: Too long. She left me. She just left me behind.

The Cafe Russe

Jude: I sure hope you like it here. I haven’t been here too long and don’t know the places around.

Macy: It’s very nice. Very romantic… - she laughed.

Jude: What’s so funny?

Macy: Your brother told me just before we left, that you’re not the romantic type of guy.

Jude: Oh really? Well, then I will just have to prove to you how wrong that is.

Macy: Sounds good to me.

This was just real flirting. They had both agreed to before that this first date of theirs wouldn’t be the start of lots of obligations. It would just be fun.

Reese’s hotel room

They had sat down for dinner. There was some great deal of tension. Julian still hadn’t said a word to Megan.

Reese: So Giovanni, what is it you do for a living?

Giovanni: I’m a photographer. I work for Forrester Creations.

Reese: So, you two met through work.

Giovanni: Yes, we did.

Megan sat quiet looking sadly at Julian. She was so grateful for the way Quentin had taken it that she was back, but Julian… The two had always been very close. He was older than Quentin. He was 25 and she was 27. They had always been together when they were children. She was afraid to say anything as she knew what a bad temper he had.

Dinner went by, and it was… well fine, but Megan and Julian hadn’t spoken.

As Megan and Giovanni were leaving, she felt the urge to not leave things like this.

She turned around and walked up to Julian.

Megan: Julian, would you consider having lunch with me tomorrow?

He just stared at her first. But then he thought that he’d really like to be alone with her, to really express how HE felt.

Julian: Sure.
