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Chapters 24-25


Kristen thanked the driver who had just given her a drive the last few miles. It wasn’t until now that she realized he was kind of cute. But right now she had no time to think about that since she had more important things on her mind. Such as finding out how her family was after the earthquake.

Kristen: But if something had happened… then wouldn’t I have heard something by now? – she asked herself before starting her walk to the Forrester house.

The beach at Sunset Beach

A young woman was taking a walk on the beach. To her the earthquake was nothing compared to what she had been through the last couple of months. She had no memory of whom she was other than the fact that she had before lived in Sunset Beach because that’s where she had been found out on a beach all that time ago. Or at least that’s what she had been told. She had never returned to Sunset Beach, because somewhere deep down she knew that if she did it would kill her. It was the strangest feeling, but it was an intense one. And it scared the hell out of her. The beach was the one thing that seemed to calm her down when she thought of her memory-loss. She looked out towards the sea. At least that hadn’t been ruined by the earthquake.

”Who is that?” she asked herself, starring out at the woman sitting out on a rock at the end of the cliff. The woman had to be crying because she was sitting in that kind of position. She got curious and started walking towards the cliff.

Antonio & Paula´s apartment in New York

Paula: I can’t believe this. No, I can’t believe you! How can you go out there knowing that you would be risking your own life?

Antonio: Because Paula, I’m a priest. At least still in my heart.

Paula: If you so desperately wanna be a priest then why did you leave the priesthood!?

Antonio: Because I broke my promise to God.

Paula: I know, you slept with Gabi. My sister!

Antonio: I have never lied to you about that. I have always been honest and told you about what happened between me and Gabi.

Paula: Do you think that makes it any easier?

Antonio: No, I don’t think so.

Paula: Then stay here with me! Prove to me that you wanna be with me and no one else.

Antonio: Paula, why can’t you understand? Thorne is an old friend of mine and he has called me to come out to LA and help his fiancée through this time of loosing her son in the earthquake.

Paula: I do understand your need to wanna help an old friend. But what I don’t understand is your need to wanna be killed.

Antonio: Paula…

Paula: No, listen to me, Antonio. There can be aftershocks.

Antonio: They don’t think there will be any. Besides I wanna go there and see Maria. I wanna see my sister, Paula. Make sure she’s really OK.

Paula: There’s no way I can stop you, is there?

Antonio: No, you can’t. Hey, I love you, you know that don’t you?

Paula: I do. And I love you too. I… I’m sorry I have been giving you such a hard time lately with me nagging about Gabi. I guess I’m just jealous. And afraid that I’ll loose you. Just like I lost Ricardo.

Antonio: You won’t loose me, I promise. If it were up to me you would come with me to LA.

Paula: You want me to go with you?

Antonio: Of course I do.

Paula: Then I will come with you.

Antonio: Thank you.

They kissed and then embraced.

Paula: I just hope it doesn’t kill us.

Antonio: It won’t.

Paula: Sometimes I’m amazed that my own life is more dramatic than the one I live on ‘All my Children’.

Maria: Thorne?

Thorne: Maria. Is that you?

Maria: I haven’t seen you in years.

They hugged.

Thorne: I’m so happy you’re alive.

Maria: That’s right. We haven’t seen each other since before the boating accident.

Thorne: No, we haven’t. How have you been?

Maria: I’m fine. You?

Thorne: I’ve been fine. But right now I have to find Brooke.

Maria: Brooke Logan. Right, I heard you were a couple now. She’s missing?

Thorne: Yes. Her son died in the earthquake.

Maria: Oh God, I am so sorry.

Thorne: Yeah. Listen, I better get going.

Maria: Sure. It was nice seeing you. I hope you find her.

Thorne: Maybe we’ll see each other later. Bye.

Maria: Bye.

Thorne leaves as Maria thinks to herself: I do hope we’ll see each other again.


Jude returned to the Insomnia later in hopes of finding out something about Annie. It was the only place open so he thought that it would be a good idea to return. Then it wouldn’t hurt if Macy was there as well. He walked in and the first thing that caught his attention was a young woman sitting by a table starring at a framed photo. He realized that she had probably lost someone in the earthquake. He couldn’t help but go up to her.

Jude: Are you OK?

Kimberly: Not really.

Jude didn’t know why but he sat down.

Kimberly: They say we don’t know what we’ve got until we loose it, but I have always known what I had. Still… it hurts.

Jude looked at the picture.

Jude: Was he your boyfriend?

Kimberly: Yes… No. He was more than just a boyfriend, he was my life. It took a long time before we got the chance to be together and then when we finally were together… it ended like this. Have… have you ever loved someone that much, that you just don’t think you will ever love again?

Jude: I did… once.

Kimberly: What happened?

Jude: She left me. It hurt, of course it did. But I got over it. Just like you will.

Kimberly: Thank you.

Jude: For what?

Kimberly: For trying to help.

Chapter 25

At the Forrester mansion

Annie went into the livingroom and Stephanie followed her.

Stephanie: So, Morgan, what do you want?

Annie: My, how friendly we are.

Stephanie: What did you expect? I´ve heard about what you did to Ridge and Taylor.

Annie: Oh...

Stephanie: How do you dare to show up here after that?

Annie: I don´t need to hear this. Where is Ridge?

Stephanie: Upstairs sleeping. So don´t go up there.

Annie: Fine. Look Stephanie, I want to talk to you.

Stephanie: Start talking

Annie: I´ve been going through hell lately and...

Stephanie: blame me.

Annie: Yes, I did. But I´ve been thinking about that and I came to the conclution that if anyone is to blame, it´s myself.

Stephanie: Finally.

Annie: Will you let me explain?!

Stephanie: Sure, go ahead.

Annie started telling Stephanie the whole story.

In a room at a shabby hotel

Sheila was listening to the whole conversation between Annie and Stephanie.

Sheila: Poor Morgan... Another victum to evil Stephanie. That which! She manipulated Morgan into having an abortion and got her to believe that it was Morgan fault! She is not going to get away with it. I am gonna make damn sure of that.

Mike came in. He took of his disguise he had to wear outside so no one would recognize him.

Sheila: Darling, we have to move ahead with our plans. Stephanie can´t be out on the streets any more.

At the hospital

Clarke was sitting next to Sally. She was still unconscious. Macy walked inside.

Macy: I came as soon as I could. How is she?

Clarke: I don´t know. The doctor said that she should wake up soon.

Macy: Is she gonna be OK?

Clarke: The doctor said so. It was just a concussion. From the quake. She hit her head pretty hard. Later she just collapsed.

Macy went to her mothers bedside and took her hand.

Macy: Mom? You are gonna be fine. I just know that. And do you know how I know? It´s because so many people need you around. Me included. You´re gonna be OK. But you have to wake up now.

Sally didn´t respond. Macy sat down.

Macy: Where are C.J. and the others?

Clarke: Amber and C.J. went with the baby for a little walk around the hospital. Darla went to call Kimberly.

Sally moved her arm.

Macy: Mom?

Sally: Macy? She managed to say.

Clarke: I´ll go get the doctor.

Macy talked to Sally, tried to get her to awake more. A short while later Clarke entered with the doctor and Darla behind him.

The doctor examined Sally and she came back more and more. The doctor turned to the others and said that she seemed to be OK. They were gonna run some more test to make sure she was.

The doctor: How are you feeling?

Sally: A little dizzy. But I´m OK.

Macy went over to her mother and hugged her.

Macy: I´m so glad you´re OK mom!

The doctor left and the rest gathered around Sally.

At the Forrester mansion

Annie had just left. Stephanie sat on the sofa thinking about their conversation. She hadn´t really changed her mind about her but she felt a little sorry for her. She hadn´t time to think about it for long. Kristen just walked into the house.

Stephanie: Kristen?!

Kristen: Mother!

Kristen ran over to her mother and hugged her.

Kristen: I´m so glad you´re all right. How are the others?

Stephanie: They are all right except for Rick... He didn´t make it.

Kristen: No! Poor kid. How is dad?

Stephanie: Not so good. He is trying to be strong but I can see that he is suffering. Kristen, why are you here? Shouldn´t you be in New York?

Kristen: Well, thanks!

Stephanie: I didn´t meen it that way.

Kristen: I know. I heard about the quake and I tried to call but all the lines were down so I decided to go here. Can you believe it, I couldn´t fly directly to LA, I had to go to San Diego and drive up here. Well, I didn´t drive myself since the car broke down, but that´s another story. Oh, you should have seen it. It was just horrible. The destruction. All the way up here. I stopped at Sunset Beach for a while. It was not a pretty sight. I just hope they are all right.

Stephanie: Some ot them are. You remember Gregory and Olivia Richards. Kristen nodded. They were here when the quake hit. They are OK now and we invited them to stay here with Sean and Trey.

Kristen: Who is Trey?

Stephanie: Their youngest son. About 2 years old. I´m sorry to say this Kristen since I know how close you and Caitlin were as kids... She didn´t survive.

Kristen: No! Not Caitlin too.

Stephanie: She and Cole and many more were trapped in a building that collapsed. They didn´t stand a chance. Sean and another had just left for a while. That saved their lives.

Felicia walked inside followed by Gregory, Olivia and Sean.

Kristen walked over to them and hugged them all. She told the Richards how sorry she was about Caitlin and Olivia thanked her.

Olivia: It´s been so long since we´ve seen you girls.

Felicia: Yes it has. Too long.

Kristen: I heard you had another baby. Where is he?

Gregory: At the hospital. He´s gonna have an operation tomorrow and then hopefully he will be OK.

Kristen: Oh, I hope so.

Felicia: I know he will be. I heard you were staying here. Mom, is there room for me too?

Stephanie: Of course there is. No bedrooms were destroyed in the quake. Only this area and over there, pointing towards to study and that part of the mansion.

Kristen: So I can stay too?

Stephanie: Of course. Kristen and Felicia, you take your old rooms. Sean, you can take Thornes old room and Gregory and Olivia, you can take one of the guestrooms. The one between Felicias and Thornes rooms is the largest.

Kristen: What about Ridges old room?

Stephanie: He is living here too now. Only temporary.

Felicia: Is everything all right with him and Taylor?

Stephanie: I´ll let Ridge explain that to you if he want. I don´t know all details.

Kristen looked at her mother a little surprised. She usually knew everything about Ridges peronal life and always got herself stuck in the middle of it.

At Sheila and Mike´s hotelroom.

Sheila: Oh, isn´t this sweet... A family reunion. Too bad for Stephanie that she wont be able to enjoy it for very long...

Mike: Wont it be harder to get Stephanie when all those people are there?

Sheila: Not necessarily. Mike, change of plans...

At the Forrester mansion

The Forresters and the Richards sat in the livingroom and chatted when the phone rang. Stephanie went to answer.

Mike: Mrs Forrester?

Stephanie: Yes, who is it?

Mike: I want to talk to you, in private...

Stephanie: Who is this?!

Mike: Never mind that! Will you meet me?

Stephanie: Why would I want to do that?

Mike: Do you want what you did to Morgan to come out?

Stephanie: Morgan?! That´s really no secret.

Mike: Do you want little Trey to survive the operation tomorrow?

Stephanie: Why are you threathening me?

Mike: Don´t ask so much! If you don´t meet me then it will be your fault when Trey dies!

Stephanie: You´re bluffing!

Mike: Are you willing to take that chance?

Stephanie: What do you want from me?

Mike: I just want to talk to you!

Mike told her an address.

Mike: And show up alone!

Mike hung up the phone. Stephanie stood with the note with the address she had gotten in her hand. Should she go? She couldn´t risk Treys life. What if that was some doctor or someone who worked there. Or just someone who easily could walk in and kill the child. And how could that someone know about Morgan? It had to be someone she knew. She couldn´t recognize the voise. So if she knew that person he had to had disguied it somehow. Stephanie decided to go there. But to be sure she went upstairs and got her handgun and put it in her purse. She left a message on the table saying were she was if something should happen. She went downstairs again.

Eric: Stephanie? Who was it on the phone?

Stephanie: It was... Thorne. He asked me to come over to his house.

Eric: Do you want me to come along?

Stephanie: No, you stay here. Besides you can´t walk.

Eric: All right.

Stephanie: See you later. Stephanie walked out to her car and drove off.

At Sheila and Mike´s

Sheila: She is on her way. Alone. Let´s hurry. Got the gun?

Mike: Yes.

Sheila and Mike walked out in their disguises and drove off to the place where Stephanie was gonna show up.

At a deserted part of a bad neighbourhood downtown Los Angeles

It had gotten very dark when Mike stopped the car. Sheila went out and Mike stayed.

Sheila: Okej Stephanie, we´re ready for you.

A short while later Stephanie arrived in her car. She saw another car with a man in it. She assumed that was the man who called her. She didn´t want to leave the car so she stayed waiting for the man to walk to her. Mike got out and started walking towards her. She grabbed her purse to be able to reach her gun quickly. Mike tried to open the door on the passenger side but it was locked. He knocked on the window as a question for her to open the door. She shook her head and wheeled down to window a bit just so they could hear one another.

Stephanie: What do you want from me?

Mike: It´s not what I want, it´s what she wants. Mike pointed to the other side of the car and Stephanie quickly turned her head and saw Sheila.

Stephanie: Sheila! I should have known.

Suddenly something sharp hit her. It hurt very much. Stephanie screamed out in pain and turned her head and saw Mike standing there with a gun that had just been fired. She looked down on her arm. It was bleading heavily. She tried to grab her gun but she couldn´t. She was too weak. She passed out.

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