The Branding
Author : Doris and Adrea
Summary : pt 3 in the Coming Home Again Series
 Spike gets his proof his sire wants him
Disclaimer : on Home page
Rating : NC-17 – slash,  het-sex

"Ok Will- you ready?" Angel asks him while sitting in the living room of the cabin.
"Depends on what you want me to be ready for."  Spike says.
"Your brand - or would you rather we not do this?" Angel smirks.
"Oh no, I haven't gone through all this to not get branded again."  Spike smiles as he prepares for this again in his mind.
"Hum....where should I put it this time childe.  Someplace you can't and won't cut off." Angel tells him, still a little upset that he cut the first one off.
"You pick the place and just make sure that I can't reach it."  Spike jokes trying to hide his feelings.
"Why the hell did you do that Will?  Why cut it off its not like we were together anyway?" Angel asks.
“You pissed me off and I wanted to wipe you out of my life."  Spike answers.
"Ok I know where I want to put it.  Lay down on your stomach, shirt off."
“What are you planning or am I not allowed to know?"  Spike asks as he takes his shirt off and lays down on the floor.
"Oh you can know."  Angel kneels down and licks the small of Spikes back.  "Its either here."  Then Angel moves up and licks Spike spine right below his neckline. "Or here."
“Peaches you are quite the tease."  Spike smiles.  "We can post pone the branding and do this for awhile."
"NO I want to brand you - then fuck you til you can't see.  Then we go home to our women." Angel smiles.

Angel takes out his markers.  "Upper or lower back?"

"Lower."  Spike says.

"Ok."  Angel then takes the marker to Spike's skin.  He draws out the design and then smiles.  "Ready?" Angel asks picking up the razor.

"Bring it on Peaches."  Spike smirks at him.

With that Angel cuts carefully into the tattoo, pouring ink carefully into open wound with an eyedropper.

Spike winces but doesn't let that affect him.  "Have you started yet?"  Spike laughs.

"I saw that wince tough boy." Angel smiles.  The first cut already healed.  He cuts another line into him, working very quickly on the tattoo.  "Feed." Angel says then puts his wrist in front of Spike's mouth.  Knowing to keep his healing speed up during this process Spike needed his sire's blood.

Spike took Angel's wrist and drank from him.  When he was done he says, "It was your imagination.  I didn't wince."  Spike smiles.

Spike took Angel's wrist and drank from him.  When he was done he says, "It was your imagination.  I didn't wince."  Spike smiles.
"Sure childe." Angel laughs.  Cutting into Spike's skin again, changing colors to red this time.
"Seriously, when have you ever noticed me to be in pain?"  Spike asked.
"I've seen it - and I swear to GOD Spike if you ever cut this fucking thing off this time I will stake you."  Angel says cutting the next line just a little deeper for emphasis.
Spike hisses at the pain.  "I swear it will be on my body until I die."  Spike says through gritted teeth.
"It had better be childe.  I never even cut Darla's off after she fed me that fucking gypsy. You had better be mindful of what this means." Angel cuts the next line deeper than the one before changing to red ink again.
"Yes sire.  I understand."  Spike says quietly and closes his eyes.
"Feed." Angel gives Spike his wrist again.
Spike reaches for Angels wrist and drinks like he hadn't fed in weeks.
"I'm almost done chide." Angel says softly.  Cutting the last two lines a little more
shallow.  After pouring ink in those two lines, Angel gives his wrist to Spike again.
Spike didn't know what to think about getting Angel's blood so many times, but he didn't argue.  He took his wrist and drank from him.  "You done back there yet? "
"Yes Childe.  I'm done.” Angel takes a picture with a Polaroid and shows it to him.
"That is amazing Peaches."  Spike looks at the picture and then kneels in front of Angel.
Angel looks at him and cocks an eyebrow, not saying a word.
Spike doesn't say anything and moves his neck to the side giving Angel full access.
"I need some of my blood back." Angel pulls Spike to his feet and sinks his fangs
deep into his neck.  Drinking greedily.
“Oh bloody hell."  Spike moans as Angel drank from him.
Angel could feel Spike's cock harden.  He backs away a moment and smiles.  "There's my boy.”
"Ready and waiting."  Spike smirks as he closes the gap between them and reaches for Angels cock.
"Lubed or dry?" Angel asks him before claiming his mouth.
"Lubed."  Spike says kissing Angel back.  "I've had my pain quota filled for the day."
"Ok - lets go to bed.  Then home to the women.”

~*~ Later that night – back in LA ~*~

Angel walks into Nat's apartment.  It had been a hard week and he needed his woman.  He quietly walked into her bedroom.  He watched her sleeping body and was getting hard just thinking of what she looked like under the sheet.  He stripped his clothes and slipped under the sheet with her.  He snuggled up to her and began kissing her neck.
Nat knew he was in the room  instantly.  She knew tonight would be the night he came home.  She instantly rolled over and tightly wrapped her naked body around his.
She felt so warm next to him and he missed that.  He continued to kiss her neck and he reached around her and moved his hands up and down her back.
"You keep doing that and you might be forgiven for leaving me for a week." Nat smiles kissing his chest.
"Oh sleeping beauty does speak."  Angel teases her.  He leans down and takes her mouth and kisses her passionately.
Nat growls in her throat.
“Taking lessons from me are you?"  Angel laughs.  "I've missed you Nat."  Angel says as he kisses her deeply.
Natalie rolls him over onto his back and kisses him deeply. Finally the kiss breaks and she sits up straddling him.  "Damn your hips are wide.  I forgot how this feels." Nat smiles her legs stretching to accommodate his body.
"Oh so you forgot how I feel?  Was I gone that long?"  Angel teases.  “We are just going to have to get you re-acquainted with me."
"OH Please." She whines.  "Please Angel, re-acquaint me please." Natalie smiles.
"With pleasure."  He rolls her back over onto her back and begins kissing her on her neck and then slowly moves down her body.
Natalie can feel herself get wet.  "Damn Angel you're so sexy.  I love you so much."
Angel continues to kiss her down to her womanhood.  He stops there and looks up at her.  "I love you Nat."  He then kisses her flat stomach and lets his fingers find her hotspot.  "You are wet for me."  Angel smiles.
"Angel I need  you.  Taste, I've been crying for you all day." She smiles, knowing that he catches her drift. Natalie decides to show him how much she's missed him and moves her hand down, sliding her finger over her weeping center and brings the fingers up to Angel's mouth.
Angel takes her fingers into his mouth. "Mmm baby, I need more of that."  He smiles at her and moves down on her and sinks his tongue into her, lapping at her juices.  "I've really missed you."  He says as he goes down for more.  He toys with her clit trying to bring her to an orgasm.
“OH GOD" Natalie screams her back arching high off the bed.  "ANGEL!"
"Let it go baby.  Cum for me."  Angel puts two fingers in her as he continues to tease her clit.
"Angel!" She cries out.  "I'm going to die." Natalie arches her body off the bed again as her orgasm rocks through her.
"That’s it Nat."  Angel comes up and kisses her and touches her face.  "You are so beautiful."
“Angel, Angel, Angel, I need you -please baby, love me like only you can." Nat almost cries she needs his body inside of her.
Angel kisses her again and then moves on top of her and slides his cock into her.  "OH GOD Nat.  You are so tight."  Angel stops and lets her body adjust to him.
She clamps her muscles down around his cock.   She knew he'd been with Spike but she also knew that didn't feel as soft and wet as she did.  She knew that Angel loved the wet tightness she gave him.
"Angel you loving that?"
"OH yes!  I've missed you so much."  Angel begins to pick up the pace.  He wants to be as deep inside her as he can.
Natalie releases her hold on him, letting him slide easily into her.  She knew from talking to him, that his being inside Spike was a release but not like being inside of her.  He preferred a woman's hot wet core to a man's cold dry one.  She proceeded to squeeze and release her muscles around his cock.
"Angel" she arches her back against the thrusts.
Angel was in heaven.  He loves being with Spike but being with Nat is so different.  So warm and inviting.  He picked up the pace and went deeper each time she released her muscles.
"Angel" She cries out.  "Damn you are huge." She whimpers moving her legs up around his waist squeezing her muscles again.
"Nat"  Angel screams out.  He felt himself on the verge of cumming especially with her squeezing her muscles like that.  He wanted her to cum again before he did.
"Damn Angel." She cries releasing her muscles but moving her legs up higher so they were locked tight around his waist, changing the angle of penetration just enough to make her  whimper in pleasure.  "Angel God - please harder." She squeezed then released her muscles again.
"Nat you are so warm and you feel so good.  I'm dieing all over again."  He then thrusts deeper into her, trying to feel every part of her.
"Angel - Damn Angel harder please."  She cries out squeezes her muscles tight as she can.
"Baby I don't want to hurt you."  Angel thought that he would hurt her if he went deeper or harder.  He was so turned on and he wanted her so bad.  "Nat."  Angel screamed out as he thrust faster in and out of her.
"Harder - baby you won't hurt me - please I need all of you - now! Oh damn Angel please." Nat cries out.
He wanted to please her and make her feel good.  He picked up the pace even more.  He thrust harder in her and faster.  "I need you to baby."
"Damn Angel - I'm gonna cum. I want your blood please baby."
Angel punctured his wrist and held it by Natalie's mouth.  He continued to thrust until he felt her cuming.  He spilled his seed deep in her and went down and sunk his fangs into her neck and drank from her.
Natalie drank from her man.  She felt so whole finally.  It had been so long since they had been together.  She licked at his wrist to let him know she was done drinking.
Angel licked at the marks on her neck closing them and then closed the ones on his wrist.  He collapsed right next to her.  "You wore me out baby."  He says as he kisses her.
"I'm no where near done with you yet.  But I'll let you rest old man." she cuddled up to him kissing his face, then his lips.
"Old man huh?  I can keep up with you any day of the week."  Angel teases.  "Not that I'm complaining, but you are really feisty.  Didn't you take care of yourself when I was gone?"  Angel asks remembering the night before he left he walked in on her pleasuring herself.
"Nope.  I refused.  If that boy was going to take you away from me then one of you were going to work very hard to satisfy me when you came home.  Besides fingers just aren't you."  She tells him laying closer to him.
"Well I'll take the job of satisfying you.  I'm not going to let Spike near you, I want you to myself a little longer."  Angel smiles at her.  "On second thought two men pleasuring you could really turn you on couldn't it?"  He teases.
"you turn me on.  Damn Angel I forgot how huge you are." She smiles and kisses him again.
Angel kisses her back.  "I forgot how tight and warm you are."  He kisses her again.  "What  I meant was not that it would turn you on, but would you be satisfied with two men?"  He kisses her yet again.  "I can't get enough of you."  He smiles.
"Are you trying to ask me if we can be a vampire family?" She asks softly, running her hand over his chest
“In time it would be nice to have my family back.  Would you object to that?"  He asked.
"Not at all.  I think your childe could have a very talented tongue.  Does he have a
talented mouth Angel?" She teases moving her body softly against his.
He smirks at her.  "Yes that he does.  You would love it."  He says as he takes his finger and runs it over her chest and lets it wander lower.
"Yes Angel I'd like that type of family I think." Natalie kisses him.
"If you aren't sure then I won't push it.  What are you unsure about?"  He asks.
"Will we ever have alone time again?" Natalie asks.
"Of course we will baby."  He pulls her closer kissing her.  "Just because we are a family doesn't mean that we have to all be together 24/7.  I love Spike, but not that much.  That's Samantha's job to be with him like that."  Angel smiled at her.
"So what are the rules - I don't get it - will you explain what the family entails?"
"Well the rules are what you want them to be.  Since you are my mate then Spike and Samantha are your childer to.  You can do whatever you want with them and they have to mind you.  If they don't then you need to teach them their place.  We can all be together at one time or if you are feeling the need and I’m not here you can have them over to pleasure you."  Angel smiles at her and kisses her.  "Then when you just want to be with me, well then that is ok to.  They don't have to be here.  Can I ask you something?"  Angel asks.
“Sure honey." Nat tells him.
"Will you do me the honor and move in with me?  I miss you when you aren't there with me and I want to be selfish and have you with me all the time.  What do you say?"  Angel smiles at her.
"Sure baby." Natalies smiles.  "Isn't being mated like being married?  Shouldn't married people live together?"
“You're right it is like being married.  We should have done this along time ago."  He
"Can we have rings?" She asks.
“Sure if that is what you would like.  One problem, I can't go out in the daylight to look for them with you."
"Um loverboy I kind of know that.  The stores are open until Midnight the rest of the week for valentines day.”
“Then it's settled.  We'll get you moved in later today.  I'll call a moving company for you so you don't have to do anything.  Then tomorrow night we'll go look for rings.  Anything you want."  Angel leans in and kisses her.  "I love you Nat."
“I love you.  Can we hold off on the family thing for a little bit though?" She asks a
little nervous.
"Sure we can.  I don't want to push you.  We'll move into that when you are ready.  Are you nervous about that?"  Angel sensed that something was wrong.
“Um, yeah.  Angel you’re the only one I've ever been with.  I've never kissed a woman." She admits - she has nothing to hide from Angel, he knew she was a virgin when they got together Angel pulls her in tight to reassures her.  "It's ok Baby.  I'm honored to be the only one  that you have been with.  We will go at your pace.  Whenever you feel ready is when we'll do it and not a moment sooner."  Angel kisses her on her forehead.  "If you wanted to you could experiment with her if you wanted to.  You could when you guys are by yourselves.  I think that it would be sexier than hell to see you with another woman."  Angel smiles at her.
"Why do all men dream of that?" She laughs, kissing him deeply.
"We're men.  Men love women and seeing a women with another women is very sexy."  He smirks at her raising his eyebrows up and down.
"Ok I guess I get that - because before I saw you with Spike at all I thought the idea of men and men was gross - now I think its hot.  You're corrupting me.”
“You are so much fun to corrupt, baby."  Angel says as he moves closer to her.
"OH please do it again." she smiles, wiggling her body against his.
"You are quite the vixen tonight."  Angel says.  "But I love it."   He pulls her on top of him and begins to kiss her passionately.
"Vixen - -oh yeah - I want you 24/7, I could sleep with you inside of me." She smiles.
"I can make that happen."  Angel smiles and moves her so that he was inside her.

“I think I need to torment you a little." Nat smiles and kisses him, then starts to kiss his shoulders and biceps.  Nibbling with her human teeth.
"Torment away, I won't complain one bit."  Angel smiles at her.
"If I torture you only a little bit, will you behave like a good little husband?" With that Nat bites at his collarbone.
"I'm always a good husband."  He smirks.  "Bring on your best torture."
Nat lets her hands wander down to his waist, she crawls on top of him and rakes her nails down his chest, licking her lips.
"You are so sexy when you lick your lips."  Angel says as he reaches around her and caresses her buttocks and lets his hands wonder up her back.
"That’s it you." Nat moves and rolls him over onto his stomach.  "Massage time." She starts rubbing his neck.
"That's it what?  Are you gonna stop what you were doing?"  Angel pouts.
"You have to learn to behave." Nat leans down and licks his spine between his shoulder blades.
"If by being bad gets you to do this, then I'll never be good again."  Angel smirks.  "You make me feel so good."
"Sweet talker." She smirks.  Then she lays her body down on top of him, his back to her chest.  "Um...markings how yummy." Nat smiles licking his first brand, Darla's brand.
Angel is in a trance with her licking him.  It feels so good that a low growl comes from him.  It has totally slipped his mind about the new marking.  "Oh yeah baby."
"Oh I love that sound.  Do it again." She licks at the tattoo.
Angel lets out a louder growl.  "You do that to me with your wonderful touch."  Angel smiles.
"I love that sound." Nat moves her body lower and sees the new tattoo.  "OH is this Spike's new one?"  She likes the small of his back.
"You like?"  Angel grins, proud of his work.
"Oh yes I do.  Very sexy." She kisses it slowly, licking it then blowing cool air across his skin.
"It is pretty sexy isn't it?"  Angel says modestly.  Angel growls again trying to get her to do that some more.
"OH my big scary vampire loves the tease." Nat licks the tattoo again.  Nibbling right outside of it.
"Only when you do the teasing baby."  Angel turns and smirks at her.
"OH I'm not done with you yet." Nat kisses and licks the tattoo then bites into his shoulder.
"You are torturing me.  When do I get to touch you?"  Angel asks.
"Maybe now or maybe never."  Nat runs her hands over his back and down his legs.
“I’m being good."  Angel smirks.  "Don't I get a treat?"
"Sure." She licks up his spine from Spike's new tattoo to his neck.
He lets out another growl.  "Not that I don't love this, but I need to touch you."  He insists.
"OK - 2 min." Nat smirks and rolls off of him onto her back.
"That's all I get?"  He smiles at her.  "I better make good use of my time."  He starts at her neck and kisses it and licks down to her breasts.  He takes one of her nipples in his mouth and teases it.
"OH my sexy vampire."
Angel smiles and moves to the other to her other nipple and plays with that one.
"Angel behave." Nat rolls away from him, off the bed.  She was sure he could smell what his touch was doing to her, it scared her that it was so intense so quickly.
"What's wrong baby?"  Angel asks and then looks to her lower back and notices the same tattoo that he put on Spike.  "Um Nat, there is something that I think that I forgot to tell you."  Angel says softly and is just staring at her lower back.
"What’s wrong is your touch is making me want to fuck you harder than I ever have - but what did you have to tell me?"
"Well how fond of that tattoo of mine that is on my lower back?"
"I love it - i think its sexier than hell, especially the meaning it has between you and Spike-- why?"
"What if you had the same one?  The meaning would be the same, it would mean that you, Spike and I were bonded forever."  Angel asked her while looking directly in her eyes.
"Angel - I'm standing over here, turned on beyond belief I'm sure you can smell that, hard nipples, my body dying for your touch and you're talking to me about tattoos? Angel - hello"
Angel4me70: Angel walks over to her and puts his arms around her.  "I'm sorry.  I feel the same way.  I need your touch on me to, but I need to tell you this first."  Angel pauses and then pulls away from her and looks her in her eyes again.  "You have the same tattoo that Spike and I have.  It slipped my mind that it could happen.  See if you drink from my blood then that is a bond in our customs and since Spike and I have that bond and then you drank from me, you are bonded with us."  Angel pauses again.  "I'm so sorry that I forgot to tell you about that part.  How do you feel about that?"  Angel asks.
"How should I feel - he's our kid right?"
Angel smiles at her and scoops her up in his arms.  "Have I told you lately how much I love you?"
"you wanna sing that to me." She laughs.
“I don't sing remember?"  He smirks and leans down and kisses her.
"Well I've heard about a certain karoke bar..." She laughs.
"Then you must have heard how I scared everyone away."
“Not what Cordy told me." Nat laughs wiggling in his arms.
"Well Cordy must have been blinded by one of her visions."
"Ok are you going to make love to me or what?" Nat says putting her hands on her hips.
"I'm not going to take the or what."  Angel says and scoops her up in his arms and lays her gently on the bed and begins where he left off licking down from her breasts down to her stomach.
"OH that’s better.  You can be trained." She laughs.
"Aren't you just the comic tonight?"  Angel laughs and goes back to making her feel good.  He licks all along her stomach, around her womanhood and then down her thigh.
"Oh you little tease.  Does this tattoo mean I'm branded?" She asks, wanting to make love to him but not wanting to be serious about it.
Angel stops what he is doing long enough to explain.  "Spike is branded, but I wouldn't call you branded.  Its more of a bond that says we are together and that we belong to each other."  Angel says.
"Belong?" She teases.
"You have a problem with that?"  Angel teases back.
"Yes no one owns me." She dares him.
Angel stares at her and smiles.  He then slides into her, she is so wet for him.  He begins to thrust in and out of her.
"Ummm  Angel." Nat moaned raking her nails over his chest.
Angel picked up the pace and began to thrust harder and faster.  She loved it before, and he was hoping that she would like it again.  Then he put his hand between them and started playing with her clitoris.
"Damn Angel - OH" She moaned out, his intensity was amazing, her body was on fire.  She was sure he could tell.
He loved seeing her like this.  He raised the intensity between them.  This was sure to bring her over the edge.  He smiled down on her as he thrust in and out of her.
"Damn ANGEL" Nat arched her back off the bed. "More"
"As you wish baby."  Angel gave her what she wanted.
"OH Damn" She moaned and clamped her muscles around his throbbing cock.  Her orgasm rocked through her.
As she came Angel shot his seed deep into her.  He leaned down and bit into her neck.  When he was finished drinking and he closed up the wounds, he leaned over her and smiled at her and raised his eyebrows and said, "Mine."
"Yours" She moaned out as sleep took over.
Angel pulled her close to him and fell asleep with his beautiful mate.
Spike walks into his room with Sam.  He could smell her very essence, little things like the rosy soap she used during her bath to the apple smelling shampoo she had used that evening.
The smell was entirely his woman's.  She was sleeping but that wouldn't last.  He smiled.
"Pet - you awake." As the words left his mouth he was sitting next to her on the bed,
kissing her lips.
"Mmmm, for you I'm always awake."  She said still a little groggy, but waking up fast.
"Baby I got it - I got my brand back." Spike quickly jumps off the bed and removes his shirt turning his back to her.
Sam grins from ear to ear.  "I'm so happy for you Spike."  She said as she traced it with her fingers.  She knew how important this was to him.
"It so awesome.  He threatened me though.  If I ever cut this one off he's gonna stake me."
Spike smiles laying on the bed with Sam.  Quickly wrapping her tight in his arms.
"I Love you pet."
She looked into his eyes and smiled.  "Show me just how much you love me."  She teased.  "I
missed you so much."
"Oh so I come back and all you want is my body. You dont' even tell me you love me." Spike
pretends to be hurt.  "I'm so hurt." He plays.
She kisses him.  "I'm sorry, I do love you."  She kisses him again.  "But your body is so damn sexy that I want it."  She smirks at him.
"Ok if I must use my body to get your love than I shall." Spike kisses her and rolls over on top of her.  She was so soft under him.  He ran his hand over her breast.
“OH so beautiful."
Sam reaches up and runs her hands over his chest and down to his buttocks.  "I've missed  you touching me."  She leaned up to kiss him.  "Please don't leave me again."  She asked.
"I won't my love. I've been branded, I know my place now." Spike kisses her, his hand going for her breasts.
She moans under him.  "I love you Spike."
"That’s what I wanted to hear." Spike kisses her, then he moves his body down his woman’s and  licks at her weeping core. "Damn I've missed the taste of you."
"Oh God Spike."  Sam screams out.  "Please don't stop."  She begs.
"Wanna taste?" Spike licks deep into her again.
“Yes I'd like to."  She smiles at him.
Spike licks deep and gets her fluid on his tongue then moves up and kisses her.  Letting her taste herself on his mouth.
"Mmmm, tastes good."  She kisses him back passionately trying to taste more.
Spike slides his finger deep into her core, bringing it out and up to her mouth,  “Have you ever tasted a woman before?" He says letting her lick his fingers.
She takes his fingers into her mouth and sucks off her juices.  "Nope, I've never done that before."
"Taste good?" Spike smiles and slides his cock into his mate.
"Spike!"  She screamed out as he slid inside of her.  She nodded her head yes.  "Tastes good."  She couldn't make a complete sentence.
"How would you like to be able to taste Nat?" Spike moves deeper.
"YES."  She cries out, not sure what she is agreeing to, but he felt so damn good.  "More Spike."  She said as she arched her back meeting his thrusts.
Spike smiled and kissed her deep, his body thrusting deep into his woman.  He picks up her left leg and rests it on his hip, moving into her deeper than he thinks he's ever been.
“Oh Luv"
"SPIKE!"  Sam screams.  "More...deeper...please."  She begs as she tightens her muscles around his cock.
Spike loves that sound, his mate wanting him, he could feel her hands on his body,  "Baby" he cries out and moves her hand to rest it on his brand, he wants her to feel the connection as well.  "Damn luv, I need your blood." He cries out as his demon face emerges.
She moved her head to the side giving him full access to her neck.  She raked her nails on his chest and kept a hand on his brand.  "I need all of you."  She cried out.
Spike growls and thrusts into his woman repeatedly, deeper and deeper until he heard her pleasure.
Sam felt her orgasm rock her body.  She clung to Spike and tried to get as close to him as possible.
Spike growls again and sinks his fangs deep into the exact same spot he bites every time they make love.  When he's done drinking, he licks the wounds and smiles.  "Mine."
She smiles at him.  "Yours always."  She leaned up and kissed him.  "Can I drink from you?"
She asked.
"You sure luv?" Spike asks, she's never asked, the last time she drank was when they mated.
"Yes I really want to.  I want to be one with you like you are with me when you drink from me?"  She smiled at him.  "Please?"
"Don't have to ask twice.  Just lick my wrist when you've had enough." Spike bites into his wrist and holds it to her mouth.
Sam takes his wrist to her mouth and drinks from him.  When she was done she licked his wrist.  "Thank you."  She leaned in and kissed him.
Spike kisses her back and smiles, "Anytime luv.  Oh by the way I hope you liked this tattoo. Because you now have the same one - in the same spot." He nonchalantly
tells her.


"So Spike when did you and Sam mate?" Natalie asks her 'son.'
"We mated a little over a month after we went out for the first time.  I just wanted her."  Spike smiles pulling Sam into his lap.  "Right luv?" He smiles.
"The feeling was mutual.  From the moment I saw him I knew that I wanted him."  She smiles at him.  "How could you resist this body?"
"Always the charmer eh Spike?"  Angel laughs
"Hey when you got it flaunt it - right poof." Spike laughs seeing his sire cuddle with his mate.  "OH man I didn't think you could get softer."
"Watch it or I’ll have to teach you a lesson."  Angel laughs trying to sound tough.
"Now I need to understand.  Was he allowed to talk to you like that?  When is it not allowed, what isn't allowed and what do I have to do about all this?" Nat asks Angel still lost on the sire/childe rules.
"Yeah, is there a handbook or something that we could read?"  Sam asks.
"Somehow Sam I doubt Angel wrote this down - probably likes to change the rules as he goes." Nat picks on her man with a smile.
Angel tickles his mate.  "Now listen here I don't change the rules as I go."  Angel kids with her.  "Its just real simple actually.  When we are in a casual setting like this and just having fun then the joking back and forth is ok.  Now if I were to be serious and demand that Spike do something and he back talked me or made a snide remark, well then I would have to show him who is in control.  He is my childe, and Sam since you are mated to Spike you would have to obey me and also Nat since she is my mate.  We are equals, just like you and Spike are equals.  I just wouldn't be as rough with you because you are human.  Spike and Sam you will show Nat just as much respect as you would show me.  Nat has just as much power as I do.  If you don't do as she says then you will have to deal with me and you won't like that."  Angel looks at both Nat and Sam.  "Any questions?"
"So basically I can do anything I want?" Nat smiles at him.
"Basically.  You are my equal."  Angel smiles.
"And I'm controlled by you?"  Sam asks.
"Yes you do have to do as I tell you.  But the other time you and Spike can live your life as you wish, but if I give you an order then I expect you to do what I asked."  Angel answers her.
"But orders aren't asking - I don't get it - babe I'm supposed to just be like Spike kiss me" Nat begins but is interrupted as Spike stands up walks over to her and kisses her.  Then he sits back down next to his mate.  "Ok and then it happens." She laughs.
"Its as easy as that."  Angel kisses Nat.  "Even if you wanted Sam to kiss you all you would have to do is ask for that.  If they don't respond then you order them to, and if they still don't respond then you demand it and then if they still don't respond, that is when you punish them.  It is up to you how you would want to punish them."  Angel looks at Nat.  "Does that make sense?"
"Yes and I also know that you want to see me kiss Sam." She teases.
Angel smiles like a chesire cat.  "That would be nice baby."
"Sam - will you kiss me so he'll stop hinting." Nat asks.
Sam was still a little uneasy about this, but didn't want to get into trouble.  She felt Spike squeeze her hand for reassurance.  She got up and went over to Nat and leaned down and gently kissed her.  Then she went back to Spike and sat on his lap trying to get as close to him as possible.
"So how did you like it baby?"  Angel asked Nat.
Spike holds her close and kisses her deeply.  Silently telling her that he loves her and she didn't hurt their relationship at all by kissing Nat.
Nat smiles at Angel.  "It was nice - but it was pressured MR I'll go at your pace." She warns him without saying as much.
"What did I do?"  Angel smirks and flirts with her with his eyes.
"You know - you've had 247 years to get used to being bi-sexual, I've had like a day." She explains to him.
"I'm sorry that I pushed you."  Angel kissed her.  "I'm just glad that you have such an open mind about it."
"Well Sam is beautiful its not hard to imagine doing many loving things with her." Nat smiles.
"You got that mum - she's a beautiful pet." Spike kisses his mate.

Sam blushes.  She thinks that it is weird that they are talking about her like she isn't even in the room.  "Thank you."  She says quietly, not knowing what else to say.
"You don't have to be shy Sam."  Angel smiles at her.  "We are all family here."
"Will you kiss me again?" Nat asks Sam.
Sam gets up and walks back over to Nat.  She smiles at her and then leans down and gently kisses her.  She let it linger a little longer this time, before she pulled away and went back to Spike.
"Too sexy." Spike smiles.
"Very sexy."  Angel smiles.  He feels himself getting hard just watching them.  "How about a drink anyone?"
“Sure baby." Nat smiles, then smiles over at Sam and Spike.  "OK Spike you're turn.  Lets see how you kiss." Nat figures might as well get daring.
Spike decides to push his luck and kisses Sam instead.
Sam kisses him back.  He took her by surprise, but loved it.
"Spike - I said get over here." Nat tries to be tough.
Spike looks at her.  "Yeah and." Still not getting up.
"Spike do not make me tell your father." Nat threatens.
"Spike."  Angel says raising his voice and glaring at him.  Basically telling him to do as she says without saying that.
Sam even nudged him from behind.  She didn't want to see him get into trouble.
"Dad." Spike says, moving towards Natalie.  He got the shock of his life when she moved her foot behind his leg and kicked his knees.  "Submit" She said. With that she pushed him back and he fell down to his knees.  "Thats better boy." Nat smiled then bent down and kissed him.  After which she looked up at Angel silently asking if she did good.
Angel nodded his head yes and smiled at her.
Nat then bent down and kissed Spike hard again, punishing his mouth for his stubbornness.  Then she quickly ran to Angels' arms.
Spike just kneels there because he hasn't been told that he's allowed to get up yet.  His sire would punish him severely for disobeying his mum so early in the relationship.
Angel took her in his arms and held her tight.  He smoothed the back of her hair and then took her out of earshot of Spike and Sam.  "It's ok Nat.  You don't have to be afraid of him.  He will NEVER hurt you.  I can make sure of that.  You did right tonight in trying to get him to obey.  He is a very stubborn childe and you did a wonderful job with him.  I’m really impressed."  Angel smiles and kisses her to reassure her.  "Do you want to go back in there?  I think that we should and you need to demand an apology from Spike.  Show him who is boss and that he can't get away with what he did.  I know that it’s hard for you, but you can't show him fear."  Angel says as he looks into her eyes.
Nat smiles and walks back into the living area.  She sits down in a chair and orders. "Spike you owe me an apology, I expect it now." Nat tries to sound tough.
Spike looks at her.  "Excuse me." She had balls, he thought.
Nat walked over to him and grabbed  his ear.  "I said apologize."
"I'm sorry for disobeying you, mistress." Spike apologizes.
Angel just stood by and smiled.  He was so proud of Nat.  He wanted to stay out of it as long as possible to show Spike that he had to obey her as well as him.
Nat turned to Sam.  "I think Spike needs some lovin, he obeyed.  Sam you think you can love him right?" She smiles.
Sam smiled at her.  "Oh yes, I know that I can give him some lovin."  She gets up and goes to Spike, puts her hands on his face and brings him down to her and kisses him passionately.
Angel brings Nat her drink that she requested awhile ago.  "Here you go baby."  He says as he puts his arms around her and kisses her neck.  "I'm so proud of you."  He says in her ear.
"Its hard to do that - I don't get that I'm supposed to do it - you know what I mean?" She asks Angel.
"That they must obey what you say?"  Angel wants to make sure he knows what she means.
"Yeah - why do I get to order them around just because I love you?"
"You are my mate, my equal.  We must keep order around here and we are the ones that make sure that it happens.  We are in charge."  Angel explains.
"But why?  What makes us in charge - why does someone have to be in charge.  Its not like that with humans?" Nat laughs.
"But it is Nat.  You have the leaders of the country and you have to go with the rules that they set.  Or think of it as being parents and you much get your children to obey.  We are the leaders and parents."  Angel smiles at her.  "Would you like another drink?"  He notices that she finished the last one.
"Yeah I would.  So we're presidents?  Are you like the oldest living vampire or something?  Does this all go by age?" She asks.
She looks over and sees Sam sitting on Spike's lap kissing him - neither of them
realize that she and Angel are even in the room.
"Nope it all depends on who you sire.  If Darla were still alive I would have to obey her.  If Spike decides to turn someone then he would dominate that person and they would have to obey him."
"But I don’t have to obey anyone right? Like no grand vamps or anything?" She asks.
"Nope there is not anyone above me that you have to obey.  I took care of her long ago."  Angel smiles and pulls her in for a hug.

Nat hugs him then looks over at Spike and Sam, "Sam - kiss me."  She knows she's turned on so this kiss might have some fire in it.

Sam groans under her breath.  Only Spike could here her.  She kisses Spike one more time before going over to Nat.  She looks at her and she is turned on by the playing that she had been doing with Spike.  She leans in and begins to kiss her.

Natalie puts her hands in Sam's hair and kisses her back.  Pulling her closer and opening her mouth silently and begging her mouth to accept her tongue.

Angel loved seeing Nat kiss Sam like that.  It was turning him on so much.  He walked over to them and put a hand on each of their backs as if nudging them together.  He was getting so hard.
Sam opened her mouth and let Nat's tongue in.  She played with her tongue and kissed her back with so much passion.
Spike walked over to them, looking at Angel and smelling his arousal he let his hands roam on Sam's back.
Nat kisses Sam deeply and her hand comes up and softly touches Sam's breast.
Sam was melting with everyone touching her.  She wanted to touch Nat as well.  She brings her hands up under her shirt and caresses her breasts.
Angel thought that he would fall over with all the scent of everyone’s arousal.  He wanted more.  He helped Sam off with her shirt to let Nat have easier access.  He did the same to Nat.
Nat looked at Angel after pulling back from the kiss, "I'm sorry Sam - I didn't mean to rush you." Nat says then backs away.
Sam looks at Nat as if she did something wrong.  "You didn't push me Nat, honest.  I'm not being pushed into this.  It felt so good kissing you."  She then looked at Spike and pleaded with her eyes asking him silently if she did something wrong.
"Baby, are you ok?"  Angel goes to Nat.
"You know what the problem is." Nat tells her.
Spike looks at Nat.  "Nat do you want us to leave?  Angel and I can give you some space?" Spike asks.
"Thanks Spike." Nat says.
"Sure we can baby."  Angel says as he kisses her and then takes Spike and leaves the room.
"Sam I'm sorry I've just never - done anything like this before.  Angel was my first."
Nat tells her.
"We have more in common than you think.  Spike was my first to."  Sam confesses.  "I've never done anything like this before either, unless you count the time that Spike gave me to Angel."  She says quietly.
“He's never even done that to me.  But he's told me that we're a family now.  In vampire rules that means sex and all that - so it’s like ... well I'm sure it would be cool if I could stop being uncomfortable."
"It's perfectly natural to be uncomfortable with this.  I know that I'm really nervous, and it’s nice to know that you are feeling the same way."  Sam smiles at her.  "That’s not to say that someday I'll be ok with it, you are a very beautiful woman."  Sam blushes.
"You're beautiful to.  I think maybe it should be in a four way thing the first time - not as much pressure.  But you know what - right now – it’s not happening because
that lover boy of mine owes me something." Nat kisses Sam and walks out, looks at Angel in the eye.
Angel smirks at Nat.  "Hi honey."
"HI - You're not getting that now you realize that right?" She smiles buttoning her shirt, even though it hadn't been undone, letting him think it had.
"What do you mean?"  Angel asked puzzled.
"I mean - I'm not giving you what you want until you fulfill your promise to me.  I want what you promised me before I moved in."
It was as if a light just went off in his head.  "That's right, we were going to go and get you a ring."  Angel smiles.  "So nothing happened in there?"
“You'll  have to guess." Just then she turns to Sam and kisses her deeply.  "Goodnight." She whispers to her.
Sam was taken by surprise, but didn't let on about that.  She followed Nat's lead and kissed her back.  "Night."  She whispered back.
"What about me?"  Angel asks.  "Don't I get a kiss to?"  Asking no one in particular.  He was still turned on from earlier.
“Angel - we must go shopping." Nat smiles and takes his hand.  "Spike I didn't wear her out have fun my childer." She leads Angel out of the room, giving him no kisses yet.
Angel just follows her out of the room.  "Hey Nat, where are my kisses?"
"You might get some later." She smiles standing next to the passenger door of
his car, waiting for him to open it for her.
Angel opens up the door and closes it after she gets in.  He jogs to the other side and gets in.  "What do you mean maybe?"  He asks.
"Well I just realized - you tried to watch me and Sam and well...I told you that I wasn't ready.  Well Spike picked up that we needed to be alone and you didn't."
"I'm sorry, Nat.  It seemed like you were ready to do that.  You looked so damn sexy with her.  I was just encouraging you.  I'm sorry if that hurt you."  Angel says softly.
"How safe of a driver are you?" Nat asks changing the topic.
“Very good, why?"  Angel asks.
Nat leans down, her head in his lap and unzips  his pants.  She pulls his cock out of his pants and licks up the underside before taking the head in her mouth.
"OH God Nat."  Angel screams.  He swerves and misses a mailbox on the side of the road.  He didn't know how he would concentrate with her down there.
"Hey you told me you were a safe driver." She pulls her head up.
"Oh I am, I'm back on the road and haven't hit anyone yet.  Please continue."  Angel begs.
"I don't think that’s safe.  Maybe we should wait until we get home.  You can't die in a car accident but I can." Nat puts him back inside of his pants and zips him back up.
Angel is disappointed, but tries to hide it.  He then sees a park up on the right and pulls in there and parks.  "There all safe."  He smirks at her.
"OH but we have to go shopping." She tells him.
"But we have so much time."  Angel pleads with her.  "Please baby?  I’m in pain here."  He says hoping to get through to her.  He needed her.
"are you really?" She asks seriously, she doesn't want him in pain.
"Well it does hurt, but I'm not in serious pain.  I'm just horny baby.  I want to feel your touch.  I'll understand if you would rather not do this now."  Angel says.
"And I want you to never make me a promise you don't keep.  Lets go to the mall." She says coldly.
"OK Nat, I'm sorry.  Can you forgive me?"  Angel asks as he backs out of the parking spot.
"Of course, I'm just doing this as a reminder for the future."
"You have every right to be pissed Nat.  I don't blame you one bit."  Angel says.
"I'm not pissed and don't worry I'll make sure its all better later." She smiles at him.
"Is that a promise?"  Angel smiles at her.
"Yes it is.  How about this - we get the rings you promised then we go home.  Once home, you can slide that long hard thick cock into me anywhere you want." She teases again.
"Nat you are doing it again."  Angel smiles and puts her hand on his cock.  "See what you do to me?"  Angel smiles and gets out of the car and walks to Nat's side and opens the door for her.  "Let's go find us some rings."  Angel smiles.
"Good thing you wear that duster." Nat smiles giving him a kiss.
"Yep, thank God for long coats."  Angel says and then takes her hand and walks into the mall.
Angel and Nat get back from the mall with their rings on.  Before she could walk in the door Angel scoops her up and runs them to the living area.  He didn't take the time to get her upstairs.  He wanted her now.  He put her down on the couch and began to kiss her like there was no tomorrow.  As he was kissing her he was getting frustrated with the buttons on her  shirt and just ripped it to get to her breasts.
"Horny baby?" She laughs.
"Like you wouldn't believe."  Angel looks at her with lust in his eyes.  "I'm always horny for you."  He says as he devours one of her breasts in his mouth.
"I love this side of you." She laughs against his touch,.
Angel growls.  He loved it that he could be a little rough with her.  He takes the other
breast in his mouth.
"OH sexy vampire of mine.  Even horny you're calm.  Lets see if I can turn up the heat a little." She smiles bringing her hand down over his erection
Angel lets out an even louder growl.  "Oh yes woman."  He screams.  He couldn't take it anymore, he needed her.  He could smell her arousal and knew that she was wet for him already.  He tears off her panties and sheds his pants and thrusts into her.
"Angel" She cries out, his body felt so good deep inside of hers.  She clamps her muscles around him hard.  "ANGEL HARDER. I want you hard." She moans feeling so wonderfully loved.  She looked at her wedding ring and clamped around him again, then let go.
"You keep that up woman and you will get what ever your heart desires."  Angel says as he thrust harder and deeper into her.  He raised her leg and extended it over his shoulder so that he could go deeper.
"Damn it Angel you are so huge." She moaned clamping and releasing her muscles.
"I have what my heart desires."
"You are so tight."  Angel moans as he thrusts deeper and harder into her.  He felt himself reaching an orgasm, but didn't want to cum until Nat did.
"Angel cum, I have a surprise for you." She manages.
Angel didn't argue with her.  He thrust in her a few more times and then spilled his seed deep inside of her.  As he came, he bit into her neck and drank from her.  As soon as he was done he licked the wounds closed.  "So what's this surprise you had?"  Angel says as he starts to rub her clit.
"I want to masturbate for you." She breathes her hands coming up to cover her breasts.
Angel couldn't believe his ears.  He has seen the tail end of her doing that, but she has never offered to do it in front of him.  "By all means baby.  I would love to watch you."
He leans down and kisses her.
"Do you want me to use toys or my fingers?" she asks, she wanted to give him something after all he went against his beliefs and is wearing a wedding ring.
"I want to see you use your toys."  Angel smirks at her and kisses her deeply.
"Lets go to our room then, I don't have any of them down here." She tells him, not
shy at all.
Angel scoops her up and gets them upstairs in a heartbeat.  He then laces her down gently on the bed.
"Top drawer of the bureau pick out what you want me to play with, but hurry I'm dying over here." she smiles rubbing her fingers between her legs for some friction.
"Wow baby, I didn't realize that you had so many toys."  Angel smiles.  He pulls out a dildo and turns and faces Nat.  "Who do you think of when you use this?"  He smirks at her and brings it over to the bed.
"You silly, always you." She smirks.  "Now if you dont' mind I'm a little turned on so being slow is not helping." She moans.
He hands Nat her toy.  "By all means don't let me slow you down."  He smirks at her.
"Come here- I need inspiration." She smiles holding her toy and pulling him down to her for a kiss.
He kisses her passionately.  He also lets his hands wander and finds her breast and starts to caress it.
"I thought I was doing that?  You don't want a show?" She smiles her hand wandering to her own breast.
"Oh don't let me interfere."  Angel smirks at her and lays on his side watching his
beautiful mate.
Nat smiles wanting to please her man.  She smiles and rubs her hand over her breast teasing her nipple.  She closes her eyes and begins to please herself, laying the dildo down she moves her hand down her body and rubs her stomach and when she does a small moan escapes
Angel feels himself getting hard all over again watching Nat please herself.  "You are so sexy Nat.  Make yourself feel good.  Let yourself be free."  Angel smiles and finds that he is so turned on that he begins to stroke himself.
Nat lets her hand reach down between her legs and she touches her clit.  "OH" She moans.
Angel kept his eyes on her as she pleasured herself.  He continued to stroke himself, when all he wanted to do was reach out and touch her.  He knew that she wanted to do this for him so he wasn't going to spoil her fun.
Nat moved the dildo to her body and as she played with her clit she slid her toy inside her wet core.  "ANGEL" She moans her eyes completely closed and her fantasy playing in her head.
"Oh God Nat."  Angel moaned.  He could smell her arousal and he knew that she was so wet and he wanted to dive into her wet core.  He held back and started stroking himself faster.
"Right there, right there." Nat moaned moving the dildo farther into her.
She must be having some fantasy Angel thought.  He loved watching her, but he really wanted her bad.
"Angel oh GOD Yes" She moans rubbing her breast and pulling at her nipple a little, the toy sliding in and out of her quickly. "Angel" She moans again.
Angel takes control of the toy and glides it in and out of her.  He picked up the pace and slid it in and out of her quicker.
"Oh God ANGEL _ I'm going to cum" She almost screams.
"Yes baby, cum for me."  Angel moans.
"Harder" She moans, pinching at her nipple and rubbing her clit.
Angel brings the toy in and out of her quicker and harder, trying to get it as deep as
possible for her.
Angel moves the toy in and hit the perfect spot, Nat grabbed his hand hard and held it still claming her muscles around the dildo and screams out as her orgasm rocks through her.
"Oh yes, Nat."  Angel leans down and kisses her deeply.  "That was wonderful Nat."  He kisses her again.
Nat breathes deeply - "oh damn that was good."  She then lets go of his wrist.  She then moves the toy out of her but instead of dropping it by the bed she brings it up to their faces.  She licks at the liquid coating the dildo.  "Um - I can't tell what I taste like."
"You taste wonderful Nat."  Angel says as he helps her lick off the juices.
"But I can't tell - its not salty, its almost sweet." She licks at the dildo again then tosses it to the floor and kisses Angel.
"Very sweet."  Angel mumbles under their kiss.



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