Family Time
Author : Doris and Adrea
Summary : Conclusion of the Coming Home Again Series
     The whole family bonds
Disclaimer : on Home page
Rating : NC-17 – slash,  het-sex

~*~ A Week Later ~*~
“Oh babe - right there." Spike moans
"You like that Spike?"  Sam asks as she rubs his shoulders and moves down his back.
"OH yeah.  Killing demons is hard work Pet." Spike laughs as her hands hit a knot. "oh."
"Spike you just love to moan.  Has he always been a moaner Angel?" Nat smiles while rubbing
Angel's shoulders.
"Oh yeah, I think that he moans just to hear himself."  Angel laughs.
"That's ok Spike I love to hear you moan."  Sam whispers in his ear.
"Thank you Pet." Spike smiles.  Then sticks his tongue out at Angel.
Nat stops rubbing Angel's shoulders and kisses Spike.
“Why does he get a kiss and I don't?"  Angel asks.
"That's my man, getting all the attention."  Sam laughs.
"Because he stuck his tongue out at me." Nat says then kisses Angel.
"Hey now I'm jealous." Spike moans again.
"But he was sticking it out at me."  Angel says.  "So then I get to kiss him to."  Angel
gets up and goes to Spike and kisses him.  He then goes back to Nat and kisses her.
"Aren't you Mr. Popularity tonight.  Do I have to take a number to kiss you?"  Sam teases.
"Baby you get to cut in line." Spike laughs and kisses Sam.
"What is this kissing 101?  How to kiss a vampire." Nat laughs.
"You have already aced that class Nat."  Angel smirks at her.
Sam continued to kiss Spike.  She deepened the kiss and couldn't get enough of him.
"She's ignoring us Angel." Nat moves and caresses Sam's neck.
Sam melts at Nat’s touch.  She let out a moan and continued to kiss Spike.
"Angel - I want more." Nat smiles.
“Take what you want baby."  Angel encourages.
She puts her hands on Spike's shoulders and begins to massage him.
Spike pulls away from Sam and leans into the massage. "I like that."
"I know.  You like to be touched, doesn't he Sam?"
“He loves being touched."  Sam says feeling a twinge of jealousy going through her as she watches Nat massage Spike.
Angel picked up on her jealousy and moved over and began massaging Sam's shoulders.
"I'll give him back sweetie." Nat tells Sam, as she kisses Spike's ear.
"I love you Sam - you're my mate - she's my sire's." Spike reminds her.
"I know, I keep telling myself that.  I'm learning to share."  She teases.
"Wanna share him with me.  Angel can watch he likes that." Nat smiles.
"Sure, as long as I can have him back later."  Sam smiles at Nat.  "I love you Spike."  She whispers in his ear.
"I like to participate just as much as I like to watch."  Angel teases Nat and leans down and kisses her.
“OH you do huh?  I guess we can allow that." She smiles rolling over onto her back allowing him to lay down on top of her.
"Oh I love it when you get playful like this."  Angel lays completely on top of her letting her feel just how excited he is getting.
"I love that hard cock of yours." Nat smiles then kisses the inside of Spike's thigh.  Nat starts to unbutton Angel's pants.
"Um...Sam why don't you kiss my thigh like that?" Spike jokes.
"What like this baby?"  Sam copies the way that Nat kissed him.  "How did I do?"  She  smiles.
"Um... you know I'd think I'd be able to better judge if I had no pants on."  Spike teases.
Nat pushes her hips up against Angel.
"Well let’s take care of that."  Sam stands and pulls Spike with her and takes off his pants, letting her hands linger on his growing erection.
"Look at them Nat.  They are sexy aren't they?"  Angel moans as he feels Nat’s hips grind on his cock.
"OH yeah.  Spike has the right idea - you have to many clothes on, actually so do I." Nat smiles as Sam and Spike lay down next to her, Sam on her back, Spike on top of her.
"Let's make you free of these clothes."  Angel helps her up and quickly strips her of her clothing.  He plays with her breasts, before laying her back down next to Sam and Spike.  He quickly came down on her and kissed her neck and moved up to her lips and took possession of them.
Sam let her hands go up and down Spikes chest.  She loves the way that his body feels.  He has a very tight body with all his muscles bulging out.
Nat stops kissing Angel and moves her head to the side and kisses Sam.
Sam reaches her head over and returns the kiss that Nat is giving her.
Angel continues kissing her neck and moves down and takes her nipple in his mouth and plays with it.
Spike decides he likes that idea as well, he follows Angel's direction and moves down to Sam's nipples.
Nat arches her body and kisses Sam deeper.
Sam moans under the kiss.  She loves the feel of Nats mouth on her, while Spike's mouth is on her breasts.
Angel decides to head a little lower and leaves a trail of kisses from her breasts to her navel.  Then kisses all over her stomach.
"UM." Nat moans.  She pulls Sam to her and everyone ends up changing positions to accommodate Nat’s desires.  Sam rolls on top of Nat, both completely naked.  Angel moves all the way down and starts to lick Nat then Sam.  Spike however, decides to have a little fun with his sire, he wraps his mouth around Angel's cock.
Sam gets daring and caresses Nat's breasts.  She continues kissing her and is loving every minute of that.  She lets out a moan as she feels someone's tongue in her.
Angel loves pleasing these women.  While he is licking one of them he has his fingers in the other so no one is left out.  He loves the feel of Spikes mouth around his throbbing erection.
"Um..." Nat moans as Sam touches her.  She feels Angel's tongue in her.  Nat wants to touch her where Angel is touching.  She tries to roll them away from Angel's needy mouth.
Angel took the hint and moved over and gave Spike easier access to him.
Sam is enjoying touching Nat and moves her hands down the length of her body.  She has never touched a woman like that, but she was so curious what it would feel like.
Nat returned Sam's eagerness and curious nature.  She let her hands wander down Sam as well.
Soon her finger was teasing Sam's clit.
"Mmmm."  Sam moans.  Nat's touch was so different than a man's touch.  She wanted to touch her to.
Angel moves over to Nat and kisses her.  "You ok baby?"  Angel whispers to her.  "You are doing such a marvelous job.  You are making her wet all for you."  Angel smiles.
Nat kisses Angel deeply and she can taste his desire in his kiss, knowing that Spike was still sucking him.  She lets  her fingers tease Sam a little more.  Her fingers were so inquisitive.  She knew how to touch a woman, she knew how light or hard to touch and how it would feel.  She did just that.
"NAT."  Sam cries out.  She brings her hips off the bed to get closer to her fingers.  She knew exactly how to touch her and she felt like she was on fire.
Angel continued to kiss Nat.  His woman was having so much fun and he loved seeing her like this.
Nat suddenly stops kissing Angel.  "I want to taste." She moves out from under him and slides her body down Sam and begins to lick at Sam's wetness.
Spike sucks hard and finally Angel lets go of his seed, shooting it down Spike's throat.
Then Spike moves up and puts his cock at Sam's lips, loving that she loves to suck him off.
Sam was in heaven.  She had Nat licking at her juices and it felt wonderful.  Then she had Spikes cock in her mouth and she was sucking as well as stroking him with her hand.
Angel went down on Nat and as she was licking Sam he started teasing her clit.
Nat moaned against Sam's clit  - she was about to die, the feelings of Angel teasing her and Sam allowing her to be this intimate was driving her wild.  She tried to mimic on Sam what Angel was doing to her.
Spike was about to die again, his woman had to be turned on because the strength of the suction she was using was unmatched in his memories.  "OH baby." he moaned.
"OH Nat."  Sam cried out as she took a breath before continuing to work her magic on Spike.  She had never been this turned on in her life.  Nat was working wonders on her wet core.  She knew exactly where to lick and how to please her.
Angel put his tongue deep inside of Nat.  He wanted to please her and to give her pleasure. He was hard again watching her lick out Sam.  He wanted to put his cock deep inside of her, but would wait until everyone else has had their release.
"Sam" Spike warns before spilling his seed deep into her throat.
Nat could tell that Sam just gave her man pleasure, she slid 2 fingers deep into Sam hoping that touching just the right spot as she sucked on her clit would give her a orgasm.
Sam couldn't hold on any longer.  After Spike spilled his seed in her and Nat added fingers as well as sucking, she had the most intense orgasm that she has ever had.  "NAT!"  She screams.
Angel could tell that Nat brought pleasure to Sam and he got up and dove his cock deep into Nat.  Sam came back to earth and wanted to help Nat reach her orgasm and came over to play with her clit while watching Angel thrusting in and out of her.
"OH God - Angel!" Nat screams squeezing her muscles.   She loved his cock.  She looked and saw Sam in front of her.  "Kisses." She says.  Spike doesn't know who she wants kisses from so he comes over and kisses her neck.
"OH God."  Angel moans and lets out a growl from deep down.  She is so tight and he couldn't hold on much longer.  He wanted to wait for her to cum.  Sam sees Spike kissing her neck and  Sam leaned over and gently kissed her lips while still rubbing her clit.
Nat clamped her muscles around Angel's thick cock as her orgasm rocked through her body.
She couldn’t scream out because she had hands and mouths all over her.  She released her muscles to let Angel thrust hard.
It didn't take much more.  Angel thrust deep inside her and spilled his seed.  He
collapsed behind her and held onto her.  He wanted to kiss her, but Sam and Nat continued to
share a passionate kiss.
Nat stopped the kiss once Angel came.  she wanted to kiss her man.  She turned her head and
kissed him, letting him taste Sam on her mouth.  Spike took that moment to kiss his mate passionately.
Angel looked into Nat's eyes.  "I love you."  He says as he kisses her.  "Are you ok?"
Sam clung to Spike and kissed him with everything that she had.  This was definitely quite an experience.
"OH yeah.  I wouldn't have done it if I wasn't sure." Nat tells him.  I've decided something
though." Nat tells him devilshly.
Angel smirks at her.  "What have you decided?"
"As good as Sam tastes, as wonderful as it feels to fuck her with my tongue.  I love your
thick, hot, hard cock deep inside me."
She loves to tease him.
"That's good, cause that is exactly where I want my cock to be.  Inside of your warm body."
Angel smiles at her.
“Where are we putting your cock dad?" Spike asks finally letting Sam come up for air.
Angel laughs.  "Of course you'd perk up when you here someone say 'cock'.  I'm going to put
it in my beautiful mate."
"Why can't I?" Spike begs.  "Everyone else has got to fuck mom."
"That's something you have to ask mom."  Angel teases.
"Does that mean I get you dad?"  Sam laughs.
"Spike - how about a little later - I'm tired, just lay on the bed with us." Nat tells her
"You heard her childer.  Lets get some sleep."  Angel says.  He lays down next to Nat and
cuddles close to her.
Sam grabs Spike and brings him down next to her and puts her head on his chest and starts to fall asleep.

~*~ Fin ~*~
