New Beginnings ~ Series

Fic: #1 in series: Spike's Safety

Authors: Adrea and Doris

Couples:  A/S, A/C, S/B

Spoilers:  Everything up through and including where the show is right now: Season 6 (Buffy) Season 3 (Angel)

Disclaimer: Joss owns –we just play with them but return them unharmed – but well used.

Rating: PG-15 to start then NC-17 as always! So in other words – if you are not over the age of majority in your area don’t read this – its like bad for you or something.



 ~*~*~ News you can use ~*~*~

 Angel and Spike have resumed their once hot relationship over the past year.  Secretly returning to being lovers.  Spike still has the chip, Angel still has his soul but demons don't make him lose his soul when they give him a happy. 

 Accept this as fact... and enjoy ~~~



"Sire" Spike moans outside of the hotel he couldn't bring himself to turn the nob, he knew some of Angel's pet humans would stake him first ask questions later and he was in no shape to fight them off after Buffy's beating.

Angel was up in his room feeding Conner when he heard the faint voice.  "Spike?"  He says out loud.  "Where are you?"

 "Outside" Spike says leaning against the door jam.

 In an instant Angel was downstairs and out in the door.  "Spike - what happened to you?"  Angel asks taking him in his arms.  He then helps him inside and up to his room so that they could be alone.  Cordelia, Wesley, Gunn, and Fred all went to the movies - it was just Angel and Conner in the hotel.

 "Sire" Spike looks at him through his only eye he could see from.

 Angel knew that Spike was weak and he needed Angel’s strength.  He helped him lay down on the bed and then gives Spike his wrist for him to drink from him.

 Spike morphed into his demon visage and sank his fangs deep into Angel's wrist.  The richness of his sire's blood quickly filled his aching stomach and he healed the wounds.  "Thanks.” He says shyly.

 "You care to fill me in on what happened?"  he asks laying there holding him.  He knew that he needed the security of his sire.

 "Buffy" Was all Spike said and held his sire's arm so that he wouldn't go off and try to hurt her.  It was all so surreal in Spike's head.  First his sire loved him and loathed slayers, then his sire hated him and loved the slayer, and then he accepted him and accepted the slayer, now more recently he knew again that his sire loved him he just wasn't sure of his feelings for the slayer that Spike now loved.

 "Why Spike?  I thought that you two were getting along?"  He asks as he holds Spike.  He cared about Buffy - but he knew that he couldn't be with her.  He has had strong feelings for Cordy - but needed to convey that to her. 

 "Yeah we shagged this evening - bloody bint killed a human and was going to turn herself in - tried to stop her and well - got put in my place I bet."

 "She's to good to kill a human.  Do you think that there was there foul play?"

 "It was a bloody accident we were fighting demons and this bit came from no where - Buf pushed her out the way and she fell down a hill"

 "You were only trying to protect her - you didn't deserve to get the shit knocked out of you.  Now what - you need a place to stay?"  Angel asks as he holds Spike in his arms.

 "Just for a few days - can't be strong around her right now"

 "Spike - you know that you can stay here with me."  He says just as Conner starts to fuss.  "Conner to."  Angel says looking over at Conner in his crib.

 "How's my brother?"

 "He's doing just fine.  He's getting bigger and stronger everyday."   Angel says proudly. 

 "Proud daddy" Spike smirks and lies down, "Got another room I can crash in that your pet humans won't stake me if they find me?"

"They won't hurt you - I'll make sure of that.  Besides what makes you think that I would let you sleep alone while you are here?" 

"Didn't want to intrude on you and your cheerleader.  Did you make a move yet?"

"No I haven't.  I have tried to talk to her - but she makes excuses and runs away."

"Angelus never knew you to be timid - you take what you want"

"Sure wasn't timid with you - it will happen."  he says picking up Conner and bringing him back to the bed with Spike.  "I need to make sure that my favorite Childe is at full strength first."

"I can't believe she beat the hell out of me. I couldn't even fight her - I'm loves bitch again aren't I?" Spike asks teasing Conner with his rattle.

"Spike - you always hurt the ones that you love.  She just can't admit it to herself yet - at one point you were her enemy and now she relies on you.  She will never admit it - but she does."

 "Its hard some days now that I know I could I just want to rip her bloody throat out and move on - then she looks at me with her eyes half closed and tells me she wants to feel - and I'm her fluffy puppy"

 "Get use to being the big fluffy puppy."  Angel teases and says that the way that Spike did mocking Angel so long ago.

 "You'll always be the bigger poof"

 "Don't you forget it.”  He smirks at Spike.  "Feeling any better?" 

 "More blood would help sire - wouldn't want to leave me hurting like you did before" Spike uses Angel's guilt to his advantage knowing he doesn't really need to but feeling the need to cause pain right now.

 "Will you ever let that go?  I have more than made up for it."  He says.

 "Yeah well let me decide that. So you gonna give me more blood?" Spike says getting angry, not with Angel just angry.

 "Spike - calm down.  She isn't here ok - you are safe here."  He says trying to comfort him.  He has Conner on one arm and then his other arm goes behind Spike's head and he gives him his wrist.  He knows that he still isn't at full strength and needs his sire.

 Spike sinks his fangs into Angel's wrist and drinks, he won, for once he actually won.