New Beginnings Series

Fic #2 : Opening the door

All other info on fic #1




"ANGEL!" Cordy screams walking in to his apartment and finding Spike drinking from him while they are all laying on his bed.

Spike keeps drinking.

 "Cordelia - you're back early."  He says as Spike finishes drinking from him.

 "Just in time I see" Cordy pulls a stake out of her boot.  "Get away from him Spike"

 "Cordelia - put it away now."  Angel says sternly and stands between Cordy and Spike.  "He is welcome here and you all will treat him as a guest.  He is my childe and I will not turn my back on him again." 

 "He's a killer,” Cordy says as Spike picks up Connor.

"He’s GOT CONNOR" She yells at Angel and tries to dive around him to get the baby from Spike.

 Angel stops Cordy and doesn't let him past him.  "NO - he isn't a killer - he has changed.  Do you not know me at all?  Are you questioning my judgment?  Spike is a part of me and he always will be."  Angel says getting mad that Cordy doesn’t trust him.

 "But Connor can't defend himself" She says

 "Cordy - have I ever let anyone near Conner that I didn't trust?"  Angel questions.  "Spike is his brother - he will NEVER hurt him."

 Cordy calms down a little bit and asks, "Who beat you to hell?"

Spike ignores her, he has become very good at tuning people out since he got the chip, its easier than getting mad and not being able to do anything about it.  He just continues to play with Connor.

 Angel can tell that Spike is choosing to ignore the situation for now.  "It's a long story.  Why are you back so soon?"  Angel asks. 

 "The movie sucked - Gru didn't enjoy the moving pictures."

 Angel turns his back and mocks Cordy.  "Gru didn't enjoy it."  He grumbles as he goes to sit next to Spike and Conner.  "Cordy - what do you see in him?"  Angel asks.

 "Tall, Dark, Sexy, awesome eyes and he thinks of me as his princess"

"Cheerleader" Spike says under his breath meaning still so shallow.

 "Cordy - he doesn't know the real you - he met you under false circumstances.  How can you build something that started out on a lie?" 

 "Oh you're one to talk - what’s with you liking Spike again - last we knew you hated him."

 "I have never hated him.  We drifted and had different agenda's at times - but I've never hated him." 

 "So why is he laying in your bed?"

 "We are back together again - he is going to be staying here for a few days."

 "Back together?  As in...EWW"

 Angel just looked at Cordy.  How was he supposed to be able to be with her if she didn't accept Spike?  He wouldn't leave Spike again - things have worked out between them and he wasn't going to jeopardize that.  "I don't care if you don't approve - we are together Cordy and it isn't going to change."  Angel tells her hoping that she could accept the two of them together.

 "I just meant - shouldn't there be a woman between you? Darla was, Dru was"

 "you could."  Angel blurts out before he thought about what he was saying.

 "SIRE!" Spike then opens his mouth for the first time.  "IF you're going to boink the cheerleader Connor and I are going to watch the tele." Spike says getting up and taking Connor to a family room area on the same floor.  He knew his sire wanted alone time with the bit but he couldn't force himself to take her abuse - Buffy's was enough.

 Angel watches Spike take Connor out of the room and then turns to Cordy.  "Never knew you to be so speechless."

 "Angel - what you just said - it can't be and you know it so stop screwing around with me - Gru's here." Cordy says that like it has some importance.

"Cordy - stop hiding.  Admit how you really feel and be honest with me for once."  Angel says putting his hands on her shoulders.  "I admit I have had feelings for you for some time now - but I can't hide it anymore.  I want to be with you - all of you."

"You're Buffy's" She stammers.

"No I’m not - I haven't been for a long time now.  When I left Sunnydale - i left her there."  He admits.

"'re soul" She's trying to come up with excuses, she knows it but she can't get hurt again - wanting him gets her no where.

"Cordy - my soul will stay intact.  You are part demon now and that makes all the difference - we can finally be together.  I'm serious about this - I want you."

 "No you don't - its still from the ballet"

"Cordy stop making excuses.  Don't you get it - if the feelings between us weren't already there then the spell of that room wouldn't have worked on us."

 "Gru's here"

"Don't go - stay with me."  he says pulling her close to him and he kisses her letting her feel just how he feels.

A tear slips from Cordy's eye, "I can't do this, you'll leave"

"I won't - Cordy stay with me."  he says softly as he wipes the tear that slips from her eye.

 "What about Gru?" She asks her mouth so close to him.

"Tell him to leave - you don't love him."  he says moving closer to Cordy's mouth.

She pushes Angel back, "How do you know what I feel?"

 "I'm a 247 year old vampire - I know.  Be true to yourself and be honest."

 "Angel - you won't want me when you get to know me and then I'll be alone" Cordy reverts to the scared girl she really is.

 "I know you Cordy - I have for a long time.  You've finally let your wall down around you and I've gotten to know the true you.  Don't let it go back up."

 "You'll hurt me" Cordy says, just then Spike walks in his face completely healed.

"Hey you bloody bit, I told your scruffy looking suitor you were taken - permanently he went back to wherever the bloody hell he came from so you are free of that obstacle.  IF you don't get your bloody cheerleader head out of your ass I'm gonna put my foot in it - he loves you ok - get used to it - its not going to change so strip your fucking clothes and do the happy - its safe, and damn from personal experience I'll tell you its damn fun."

 "Cordy live life - for once just jump in and don't question it."  Angel says backing up what Spike just said. 

 "Fine - Spike get out I'm going to fuck your father."

"Yes cheerleader but I best hear him scream good and proper." Spike smirks and leaves.

 Angel pulls Cordy into his arms and kisses her so hard as he hands start to wonder on her body. 

 "Hey why so forceful - I'm here you can chill"

 "Demons like it rough and forceful."  he smirks as he pulls her shirt off.

 "OH do we?" She asks not knowing what kind of demon she is yet.

 "Yes - you will."  He smirks as he takes her bra off.

 She then pushes him down on the bed.  "Ok"

 "OH good girl."  He smirks.  "You going to take advantage of me?"  he dares her.

 "NO - the man is supposed to be in charge.  Especially when the girls' a virgin." She admits to him.

 He smiles at her and then moves her over onto her back.  He then gets rid of the rest of her clothes.  "You are so beautiful."  he admits as he moves down to her breasts and sucks her nipple into his mouth.

 "Ok...wait - you vampires have a tendency to have rituals - you fucking a virgin is that going to perform any ritual?"

 "Yes it will - you will become my mate.  In human terms it means that we are boyfriend/girlfriend.  As soon as I bite you - as we are cumming - then that will bind us together."  He tells her.

 She licks his neck.  "And you were going to tell me this when?"

 "After I did this."  He smiles sucking on her other nipple.  "Cordy we belong together - we need to stop fighting it."  he says moving up and kissing her.

 "And you decided this when?" She moans.

 "A few months ago - I realized it."  he says kissing her with more passion.

 She'd role over on her back on the bed.  "And you didn't tell me why?"

 "I've tried - you kept making excuses - ran away."  He’d say not able to finish his sentences.  He moves down her body and kisses her everywhere.  He could sense just how turned on she was getting.

 "A girl likes to be pursued" She'd moan as his mouth touched her body.

 He moves down to her pussy and opens her legs open to him.  He then moved his mouth to her pussy and licked her.  "Mmmm” he moans, she tasted so good.

 "ANGEL!!!!" Cordy screams feeling so good.

 "There's my girl."  he moans as he licks at her pussy more.  He darts his tongue into her as far as he could get it.

 "You haven't asked me to be your girl" Cordy would remind him as she opened her legs more enjoying his experienced tongue.

 He moves up on her body and kisses her so passionately.  He then smiles at Cordy and asks, "Cordelia - will you be my girl?" 

 "Why yes Angel I'd love to" She smirks and kisses him deeply.

 He smiles and kisses her.  "Would my girl like more of my tongue?"  he teases.

 "Oh yeah - lots more."

 He moves down her body and puts his tongue deep into her pussy.  The scent that she was putting off is so intoxicating.

 "Angel - oh angel" She moans her head thrown back and her hands in his hair.

 He looks up at Cordy and just smiles.  "You are so beautiful."  he says watching her demon side come out.

 "Thanks Angel - you're sexy" She then smirks, "Especially down there."

 "Baby your eyes - I've never seen such a piercing beautiful green before."  he smiles as he teases her clit.

 "Angel!" She yells at him.  "I HAVE BROWN EYES" She tries to move away from him.

 He moves up to Cordy and kisses her.  "It's ok beautiful - it’s your demon coming out.  Your eyes change to a deep emerald green and they sparkle like I've never seen before."

 "Really?" She asks him wanting to believe he wasn't thinking about anyone else.  She couldn't remember if Buffy had green eyes.

 "Honest - Cordy they are so sexy - you are sexy."  He smiles and kisses her so passionately.

 "What color are Buffy's eyes?"

 He stops to think about it and then realizes, "Honestly - I don't remember."  he admits. 

 Cordy moves - "I bet they are green.  I'm not her Angel"

 "I don't remember what color they were - I swear to you.  Have you ever known me to lie?  You are my girl and I wouldn't start us off like that - on a lie."

 "Spike!" Cordy yells for him.

"What Cheerleader?" He asks coming in then turning around because she's naked.

"Ask him Angel.  He's with her now right?"

 "Yes he is."  Angel says and then turns so that he is protecting Cordy and she can look at Spike over his shoulder.  "You can turn around now Spike.  We need to know what color Buffy's eyes are."

 "Blue - like mine.  Why is this an issue when you are naked with a different woman?" Spike asks Angel like damn dad - screw up again.

 "They aren't green?" Cordy says.

"NO cheerleader - they are hazel blue when she's depressed but when she's slaying or fucking they are royal blue and piercing."

 "Thanks Spike."  Angel says smiling.  He can see how much Spike was missing Buffy - he could see it in his eyes.  "Do you have any other questions Cordy?"  Angel asks looking over his shoulder at her.

 "She's yours now right Spike?  She's not coming back after Angel?"

"I'd like to say she's mine but every time I do she beats the shit out of me so I can't - but I doubt she'd come back begging for peaches - he turned her down and she doesn't like that."

Just then Buffy walks in and puts her hand on Spike's shoulder. "Spike." she says softly.