New Beginnings Series 5

Fic #5:


"By telling everyone that proves it to Angel and Cordy?"

 "No - remember Willow's little spell - had us engaged."

 "Yes I remember that - I think that it wa more true to life than just a spell.  I felt so close to you then and it felt so good."

 "That’s what I want - let that part of you out around me - you smelled so good then."

 "Ok - where's the phone.” She asks standing up and then looks at Spike. 

 "on the counter." He says.

 She smiles and then goes over to the phone and calls England.  She just hoped that Giles was at home.  While she was waiting for him to pick up she turned around and smiled at Spike.

 "Hello" Giles says into the phone. "Must be one of you blasted Americans.  Don't you look at the clock?”

 "Of course I looked at the clock - its 2 in the afternoon.  Hi Giles."  Buffy laughs.

 "Buffy you insufferable brat - its 4am what do you want at this hour?"

 "Don't blow a gasket Giles.  You love me and you know it.” She smiles still looking at Spike.  "I have something that I wanted to tell you."

 "What?" He says rolling over into his pillow.

 "Spike and I are dating and I'm not going to hide us anymore.  We have come out of the closet so to speak.” She tells him while her eyes are still on Spike.

 "That’s nice Buffy - goodnight" Giles hangs up on her.

 She hangs up the phone and goes back to Spike.  "He said - that's nice and hung up on me." 

 "Ok only a few things wrong with what you just did - know what they were?" Spike asks.

 "I told him that we're dating - what did I do wrong?" 

 "You didn't even bother to think about him - and when you were calling him - again still thinking the world revolves around you"

 "You're right - I wasn't thinking." 

 "Its not going to be that easy with the rest of them slayer - I want real proof you're taking this seriously."

 "Would you come with me to Sunnydale and be there when I told them?” She asks not knowing if he would ever want to go back there.

 "Possibly what’s in it for me?" Spike asks just as Cordy and Angel come downstairs and Spike gets up to kiss them both then sits back down on the couch. "Yeah Buffy what’s in it for Spike - he has a family right here."

 Cordy asks.

 "Proof that I’m serious.  We don't have to stay there - we could come back to LA so that we are still close to your family."

 "You're the slayer you have to be on the hellmouth." Spike reminds her - still noticing she's standing by the counter away from him.

 She comes closer to him and links her arm into his.  "I know that I am - but you are important to me."

 "Really?" Spike asks almost in a dare.

"Yes you are and I'm not going to deny it anymore."

"Really?" he asks again.

"Hey Buffy - hint he wants your tongue" Cordy tells her damn that girl is blond.

She smirks and then puts her arms around his neck and kisses him so deep and with so much passion.  She pushes her body up against his as she kisses him.

"Yeah we know you can fuck pet - but can you love a demon?" Spike asks her breathlessly after the kiss.

"Yes I can - I love you."  She smiles at him still not letting go.

"All of him - even his fangs and his bloodlust and his demon anger?" Cordy asks.

Angel pulls Cordy back down onto his lap and kisses Cordy trying to get her attention back to him.  Spike knows that they are here for him - but Angel wanted his new mate.

"Yes Cordy - all of him."  Buffy says watching Angel and Cordy kiss.  She then turns back to Spike and puts her hands on his cheeks.  "I want all of you, fangs, bloodlust, anger, fear, love - all of you.” She smiles running her fingers over his face.

Spike changes to his demon face.  "Can you love this face?  Can you sit on this face?"

 Buffy doesn't flinch or anything.  She continues to explore his face.  She then pulls his face down to hers and kisses the ridges on him.  "Yes - I love this face.” She says softly looking directly into his eyes.

Spike starts to purr.

Buffy smiles.  "Oh I like that." 

Angel looks at the two of them and scoops Cordy up into his arms.  "Will, we are going to head upstairs - unless you want us to stay."  Angel asks Spike before he takes Cordy anywhere.

"We’re fine sire - thanks." Spike acknowledges.

"Remember Buffy - I won't have any qualms of hurting you if you hurt him again."  Angel warms and then takes Cordy upstairs.

Buffy turns back to Spike.  "Does he always call you Will?"

 "For the most part I'm Will to him.  I'm Spike when I piss him off - William when he's trying to talk sense into me or to love me up.  He doesn't like Spike much."

 "What do you like - what do you like your girl calling you?” She smiles.

 "That depends - do I have one?" He asks.

 "Yes you do."  Buffy says kissing him again.

 "Say it. Ask me"

 "Will you be mine?” She smiles as she asks him.

 "Yes pet - I will." Spike then claims her mouth with a branding kiss.

 "Mmm” Buffy moans under his kiss loving this feeling.

 "Lets take a walk luv"

 She takes his hand and walks with him.  "Do you make up names for everyone?” She smirks.

 "Pretty much - I have lots for you" He kisses the side of her head, near her temple before opening the front door.

 "Oh really - like what?"  Buffy asks.

 "Depends if I'm pissed at you or not"

 "Well I already figured out that you call me slayer when you’re pissed at me."

 "No when I'm really pissed at you its Slutty the Vampire Layer"

 "I've never heard you call me that before.” She says.  "Where are we going?"

 "To the ocean.  That’s because that’s when you were boinking my sire, never called you that to your face.  Buf, Pet, Luv, Sweetness- called you princess one night with my hand wrapped around myself."

"So you masturbate to my image in your head?"  She asks as they walk to the ocean.  "You won't have to use my image anymore - you have me."

"Haven't used your image in a month luv.  I know you used to masturbate thinking about me to. Used to stand outside your window - could smell you - fucking great it was."