New Beginnings Series

Fic: 6 : The Tests



 She looks at him and smiles.  "I did use to think of you and pleasured myself.” She says kind of proper.  "Can I tell you something?"

 "You can tell me anything pet"

 "The other night after I thought I killed that girl - I went home and crawled into bed.  I was so lost, so scared and all I wanted was your arms around me.  I tried falling asleep and getting that image of the girl out of my head and I dreamed that you were laying next to me telling that its our secret and that we will be ok.  Spike it was so real - you next to me - holding me.  I want that for real.” She tells him.

 "You can have it you know.  All you have to do is earn it through the blood rights."

 "What does that mean Spike?  I want to learn about your customs and how everything works."

 "There are rituals involved with being with a vampire.  You dont' know any of them?  Didn't you and Angel bond?"

 "We had sex and then he went all psycho and tried to kill me.  We never exchanged blood.  I do know that blood is what ties vampires together and that it is more than just food to you."

 "Giving of your blood willingly to a vampire is worth more than anything you could say.  It’s giving that vampire a link to you mentally and physically"

 "Why won't you take my blood?  I offered it to you earlier and you wanted me to do tests first.  Is that because you still don't trust me?” She’d ask.

 "Yes it is.  I can't blood bond to you until I completely trust you because its forever."

 "Once we bond there is no going back?  I'm not saying that I would want to - I just want to know everything."

 "You will in time - before the blood bonding there will be lots of human bonding - including making me your real boyfriend."

 "You are my real boyfriend.  I seem to recall that you haven't asked me to be your girlfriend.” She smiles.

 "You asked me to be yours didn't think we needed to cover that twice - do you want to get asked or do you want me to do the asking for the bonding?"

 "For the bonding.  When will that happen?" 

 "When we are in love- both of us - 100%"

 "So what is my next test?  Spike I want to prove to you that I'm serious about you."

 "You're friends - I don't want to be on the outside anymore"

 "Will you come back with me to Sunnydale?” She asks.

 "Yes I will - but I'll leave just as quick again - I want it all."

 "You come first to me and if they can't accept us - then they are out of my life.  You are my life and I won't let them dictate who I am with."

 "We'll see." Spike would say.  Sitting down on the beach and pulling her in front of him.

 She leans back on his chest.  "I know that it will take time for you to trust me - but I will prove it to you."

 "Go for it. Prove it hottie"

 She smirks at him and turns around and kisses him.  She kissed him so deep and then put her hands under his shirt.

 "oh you like that nickname" Spike teases and lays down in the sand allowing her to crawl on top of him.

 "Yes I do - I'm going to have to come up with one for you.” She smirks and then pulls his shirt off of him.

 "Horny much"

 "You have a problem with that?” She smirks.

 "Not at all -but you're not going to like where the sand gets into"

 "Who said we had to do that down here?  I could do this.” She smirks and moves down his body and takes his cock out of his pants and starts to tease him with her tongue.

 "Alright - I'll let you" Spike smirks.

 "Like I need permission.” She teases and takes his cock into her mouth.

 "Of course you do - I'm the big bad"

 "My big bad.” She says taking his whole cock into her mouth.

 "Oh suck it babe"

 She continues to suck his cock so hard.  She loved to suck on him and make him growl.

 Spike's eyes close and he just enjoys his woman on his cock.

 She reaches and plays with his balls as she sucks even harder.

 "Oh damn it Buf - you're mouth" Spike moans.

 She smiles - that was the first time he said her name.  She wanted to please him so much so she sucks him even harder as she squeezes his balls. 

 "Woman - you're mouth"

 "You want more?” He smirks as she strokes his huge cock.

 "I want your pussy - crawl on top of me"

 She would do what he asked and then kisses him so hard.  She needed him inside her.

 "Oh slide on baby - fuck me"

 She removes her panties and then slides his cock into her pussy.  "SPIKE” She moans.

 Spike lets her move around a bit before rolling her over into the sand and slamming inside of her.  His duster covering them on the sides but his body was moving so fast and deep.

 "More Spike - fuck me harder.” She moans.

 Spike would continue to punish her body for her mistake earlier - giving her a hard fuck - pushing her legs open so she burned as he pistoned into her.

 She knew that he needed this - he needed to take her and show her where she belong.  "Spike - use me - take me.” She moans.

 "MINE" He growled and fucked her harder.  That first night they fucked she could hardly walk the next day - he was going to remind her now - who she belonged to from this moment on.

 "YES - MORE” She screamed.  She loved this feeling of him inside her - using her.  She remembered what she felt like after their first time - even when he wasn't inside her she continued to feel him every time she moved her body.

 "You ever disrespect me again woman you'll regret it" Spike warns and rams into her so hard - cumming and then pinching her clit to get her to cum.

 "SPIKE” She screams as she cums so hard.  Then without thinking she moves her head and bares her neck to him to bite if he wanted to.

 Spike looks at her neck and then bites into his own wrist.  He won't give her that blood bond until she's earned it.  "Come on lets go the sun's going to come up soon." He says quickly afterwards and gets up, putting himself back in his jeans.

 She knew that it was still a trust issue - but it hurt that he didn't bite into her neck and now he just gets up like its no big deal.  She gets up and pulls herself together.  She didn't know if she was allowed to go back to the hotel with him.  "Should I go and get a room at a hotel?” She asks not wanting to assume that she could stay with him.

 "No you can stay with us.  Come on." He takes her hand and starts walking towards the hotel.

 She holds his hand and follows him back to the hotel.  "Tonight when its a decent time in England I'll call Giles back and tell him properly about us."

 "Maybe you should ask Angel first - after all its his phone bill." Spike reminds her and walks a little quicker - feeling the sun coming up.

 "I've got a calling card - he won't be billed for it.” She says keeping up with him.

 He pulls her into the front door of the Hyperion just as the sun bursts over the horizon.  "Sorry didn't feel like being char broiled.

 Angel comes rushing down the stairs mad and concerned at the same time.  "Spike - where the hell have you been?” He blurts out.

 "On the beach sire." Spike bows his head

 "Are you ok?” He comes over to Spike and glares at Buffy.

"I didn't hurt him Angel - I told you I wouldn't" Buffy tells him.

 "Sire - I'm fine - almost char broiled but fine."

 Angel can smell that they have had sex and then notices that Spike had bite marks in his wrist so there hasn’t been a bonding here yet.  "Why'd you stay out so long if you knew the sun was coming up?  You were always the dare devil."  Angel teases as he kisses Spike. 

 "I was a little preoccupied sire." Spike smirks at him.

 "Spike!" Cordy says rushing down the stairs. 

"I'm ok mum" He smirks at her disheveled appearance.

 "I've already grilled him Cordy."  Angel says pulling her into his arms.

Buffy hobbles back over to Spike and puts her arms around him.  "See - I brought him back in one piece.” She teases.

 "Barely - Buffy you of all people should know what sunlight does to vampires - if you must have sex in daring places do it on the patio so you're only feet from safety not blocks." Cordy scolds.  She seriously feels responsible for Spike.

 "It was a mutual thing and when we started it wasn't near sunrise so back off."  Buffy says getting upset again that she has to defend herself.  She knows that she has it coming - but it still hurt.

"Buffy - watch it - you've hurt Spike before saying that you didn't mean to - but it happened.  It's going to be a long time before you are trusted again."

 Angel says.

 "Sire please - we've come to an understanding." Spike tries to stand up for Buffy.

 Angel vamps out and then gets in Spikes face pulling him away from Buffy.  "Yeah and you thought that before to and look what happened.  I will not have you hurt again.” He growls.

Buffy puts her arm back around Spike and stands by his side.  "Angel - are you hard of hearing - we have an understanding and we are working this out.  I promised that I wouldn't hurt him and I don't intend on breaking that promise."   She doesn't back down to Angel and didn't even flinch when he vamped out.

 "Buffy back off - its between sire and childe" Cordelia recognizes the dominant stance Angel has.

"Sire - she's trying." Spike says still looking Angel in the eye.

 Angel liked that he was standing up to him but kept glaring at him.  "Assume the position."  Angel growls.  He was going to show Spike who was still in control and the head of the family.

Buffy continues to stand at Spikes side until he tells her to back away.  She didn't know if Cordy was trying to trick her or what.

 Spike looks at Buffy; "Back up" He says waiting for her to respond then he looks back at Angel.  "No- not here sire"

 Buffy does as Spike asks and backs up.

Angel then backhands Spike.  "You don't make the rules - I said assume the position."

"Angel stop - Spike didn't do anything."  Buffy yells at him.  She didn't want to see Spike get hurt again because of her.

 "No I'm a master vampire too now - dad - I don't assume any position but between my woman's legs." Spike stands up to him - loving this - he's missed his sire.

 "You will submit to me."  Angel growls as he throws Spike against the wall.

 Spike bounces off the wall and attacks Angel - fangs bared and his cock hardening.

 "Boys must you do this here" Cordy smirks and sits on the counter, this was exciting her.

 Buffy wanted to step in and help Spike - but she saw this spark in his eyes that she hadn't seen there in a long time so she stayed away.

"Don't even go there boy."  Angel growls in game face and then throws him against the other wall and then goes to him and pushes him hard back up against the wall and grabs his cock.  "Position now.” He growls at Spike.

 "NO" Spike growls and grabs Angel's cock.  "You get into position."

 “You dare deny me?"  Angel growls as he rips Spikes shirt off.

 "Yes daddy I do" Spike growls and rips at Angel's shirt - he was glad he was in his lose jeans because damn they were getting tight.

"Guys I'm horny over here" Cordy says drooling over them.

 Angel looks over at Cordy and wanted her so bad.  "Get into position - boy.” He growled and stripped away his pants.  Angel needed to get to his woman.

Buffy fought with herself not to interfere - but she wanted to go to Spike.

 "NO" Spike pushes back against Angel with his back.  He wasn't fighting so hard anymore he wanted his sire.  Spike's hands found Angel's ass.

Angel looks over at Cordy after hearing a growl.  He notices her emerald green eyes and knew that her demon was coming out.  He was so hard for her and then for his childe.  Angel pushes Spike to the ground and gets him onto his hands and knees and strips his boxers off of him and then pushes his finger into his dry ass.  "You going to behave?"  Angel growls as he keeps his eyes on Cordy.

"Not on your un-life" Spike pushes back onto his finger.

 "Do I need to tie you up?"  Angel growls and then looks at Cordy who was starting to touch herself.  "Cordy - get over here."  Angel says pushing two fingers into Spike's ass.

Buffy watched as Angel tried to get Spike to do something she wasn't sure what exactly - but she did know that Spike was enjoying this.  His eyes were glowing and he had this smirk on his face.  She stayed where she was until he called for her.

 "I get to play too" Cordy smirks coming over to him and kissing Angel demandingly.

 Angel kisses her back and then looks at her.  "You want to play with us?” He smirks pushing his fingers into Spike harder.

 Spike pushes back onto Angel and then moves away turning quickly and tackling Angel and Cordy to the ground.  "I win" He kisses Angel.

 "You will pay for that boy."  Angel says pushing him off and then drags Spike to a room.  "Cordy - come with me."  Angel tells her.  Once in the room Angel ties Spike up with his hands over his head and then puts straps around his ankles and then spreads his feet apart.  He grabs the whip and strikes him on his back.  "Now - who gets to play?"  Angel toys with him.

 "Sire" Spike moans.  "Call Buffy to watch"

 "You dont' give the orders here."  Angel growls and strikes him again.

 Spike moans.  "Thought you liked an audience daddy"

 "You know I do.” He says striking him again.  He then pulls Cordy into his arms and kisses her with so much passion and need.  Her demon was turning him on. 

 After everyone left Buffy wanted to go with them.  She wanted to see what was happening to Spike - she heard him growl.  So she followed the moans to a room and then she looked inisde and saw Spike tied up and he had a smirk on his face as he watched Angel and Cordy kissing and touching each other.

 Spike growled when he saw Buffy's head peak around the corner.  "Dad we have eyes."

 Angel looked over to Buffy and smirked.  "You want to see what happens when Spike disobeys me?” He smirks and then whipped Spike's back continuously making his start to bleed and then he moved to the front and whipped his chest.

 "Spike.” She caught her breath.  She didn't know if he was hurt or liking this.

 "More daddy" Spike moaned so Buffy knew he was ok.

 Buffy never knew this side of Angel - he never showed it to her - but that didn't matter now.  She wanted Spike and if this is what is involved she would do what she had to do.  She still stood in the doorway.

Angel strikes Spike over and over again on his chest.  "Are you going to get into position now?"   Angel questions as he reaches under Cordy's shirt and caresses her breasts.

 "I'm a little tied up there sire.  Getting senile or what?"


"Nope - if I let you go - you will get into position."  Angel says sternly as his hands wonder down to Cordy's pussy.  Her eyes are so green right now - she was so turned on and he loved it.

 "Can I taste Cordy?"

 "NO” Angel says whipping him again.  The last that he and Cordy talked about it she wasn’t ready for that - to have Spike involved in their relationship.

 "Can I have my woman to taste?"

"NO - you have lost your manners when talking to me."  Angel says striking him hard with the whip and then backhands him with his free hand.

 "Sorry - sire -sire may I please taste my woman while you show me my place - please sire"

 "Don't know - you haven't been a good childe.” He says pushing his fingers deep into Cordy's pussy.

 "Angel let him lick Buffy I want your attention too" Cordy looks at Angel with the deepest emerald green eyes he's ever seen.  They almost glow.

 "I'll get into position - I promise sire"

Angel almost fell into a trance looking at Cordy's eyes.  "You are so beautiful."  Angel moans as he pushes his fingers deep into both Cordy and Spike.  He then pulls his fingers out of Spike and unties him.  "Position now boy.” He growls.

Dazzle4me90: Spike drops to his knees and bends over at the waist leaving his ass open for Angel.

"Please sire may I have her?"

"Yes you may.” He growls as he strips his clothes off and then pushes his cock into Spike's dry ass.  "FUCK” He growls and goes back into game face.  "Cordy - come and lay on Spike's back - let me eat you.” He growls.

"Yippee." Cordy takes her panties off and straddles Spikes' body laying face up so that Angel can have her.

"Buffy- please come here" Spike moans feeling like he's being torn apart and loving it.

 Buffy goes to Spike and gets down on her knees and kisses him with everything that she has. 

Angel leans forward and then sucks on Cordy's clit as he thrusts his cock into Spikes ass.  "FUCK” He growls.  He loves this - he has his woman and his childe.

 Spike looks at Buffy and smiles.  "Hungry luv"

 She strips her clothes for him and then lays under him.  She didn't even hesitate - she was actually turned on by watching all this happen.  "Take what you need."  Buffy tells Spike.

 Spike just starts to lick her - still tasting them from the beach.  A little sand did get inside her but that’s alright - she tasted to so perfect.  "Buffy" He moans.

 She arches up to his tongue.  He felt so good. 

Angel watches as his childe sucked on Buffy and he thrusted so much harder into his ass making Spikes tongue go deeper into her pussy.  As he did that he did the same to Cordy - sucked on her so hard.

 "ANGEL!!!" Cordy screams starting to float off Spike's back.

Spike moved forward into Buffy and tasted her sweet nectar.

 "SPIKE” Buffy moaned - he kept arching her hips towards his mouth.

"Don’t leave me baby."  Angel smirks pulling her to his mouth.  He likes the fact that when she is turned on that she floats.  Made things easier as Angel thrusted his hips harder and deeper into Spikes ass.

 "Angel!!" Cordy screams again cumming hard on his tongue.

"Sire!" Spike screams below her before diving deeper into Buffy's pussy.

 "FUCK” Angel thrusts harder and deeper into Spike.  "Yes Spike you may."  Angel tells him as he cums so hard in Spike.

 Spike sucks Buffy's clit into his mouth pushing her to orgasm as his cock spurts his cum onto the floor and his own stomach.

 Buffy reaches for Spikes stomach and wipe his cum onto her fingers and then puts it into her mouth as she smiles. 

Angel pulls out of Spike and then pulls Cordy to him.  "Damn woman - you are going to float away from me.” He teases as he kisses her so passionately.

 "That’s funky" She smirks and kisses him.

Spike kisses Buffy then looks at her like stay still.  Spike turns around - still on his knees and bows down to the ground in front of Angel in an act of total submission.

 Buffy does as she's told and stays still and watches Spike.

Angel lets go of Cordy for a minute and then vamps out and bites into Spike's neck and drinks so much from him.  He then closes his wounds and turns to Cordy and kisses her and gives her some of Spike's blood.

 "He tastes good after you fuck him." Cordy smirks.  Spike doesn't move he wasn't given permission to.

 "He's waiting for you to kiss him."  Angel tells Cordy.

 "Oh." She goes over and moves Spike's head up and kisses him full on the lips.

 Spike still stays on his knees.

 Angel then kneels down and kisses Spike.  "Night my boy - you may get up and take your woman."  Angel smiles at Spike.

 "Thank you sire, for showing me where I belong." Spike smiles and stands up.  "Buffy?"

 Buffy gets up and grabs her clothes and takes Spike's hand.

Angel turns to Cordy and pulls her into his arms.  "Should we go to our room?"

 "OH yeah - we got to try the floaty thing again." She smirks.