New Beginnings Series

Fic #7 : A demon inside

"You like that don't you?” He smirks as she is still floating.  "You must have been really turned on."

 "The turn on thing is the eyes - the orgasm thing is the floating.  Big orgasms - big floating." She says walking into their room.  "I got to know what kind of demon I am."

 "I know that you float when you cum - but your eyes baby - they are still so green.” He smiles taking her into their room.  "We'll research to see what kind of demon you have inside you.  Do you feel any different other than what we know already?"

 "Horny - Angel I want you in me every second of every day - deep and hard and in every hole I have." She blurts out.

"Oh yeah baby - that will be done."  He smiles.  "You know you could get really filled up if Spike was here to."

"Let him be - for now - What provoked tonight - I thought it was a test for Buffy"

"it was a test.  It started out to see if she could handle us in game face and be ok with me coming down on Spike.  I wanted to know what she'd do.  Then I started to get turned on and needed my childe - he hasn't submitted to me in so long and it felt good to get him to submit."  He smiles.  "Were you ok with what you saw?"

"Oh yeah - I wanted to jump you both." She smirks.

"You can go after Spike anytime you want.  If I knew you wanted him I would have let him taste you."

"Its ok - I want him when she's not around - we should beckon him home some night just so the 3 of us can play.  But after we find out what I am."  This was starting to concern her.

 Angel pulls her into his arms and kisses her gently.  "Cordy - what's wrong?"  Angel asks.

 "I just want to know what I am Angel.  You know what you are and all I know is Skip demonized me so you wouldn't have the visions anymore."

 "You're my Cordelia - the woman that I love.  We'll figure out everything else in time - I promise."

 "Angel I just want to know if I'm dangerous - what if I have some curse too or worse what if I can kill people by looking at them and don't know it" Cordy says falling into Angels' arms.

 "baby - I promise that we'll start first thing in the morning searching for what you are.  We'll get to the bottom of it - but so far it all has to do with sex - plus you've been upset and you haven't hurt anyone."

 "But I don't want that first time to be you - or worse - Connor"

 "Your anger has come out and you haven't hurt anyone.  I don't think that you could hurt Connor or me.  Would you like to start searching now to see if we can figure it out?"

 "I just want to fuck you right now" She says bluntly - "Angel what’s wrong with me – that’s even more blunt than I normally am."

 "You've just discovered your sexual side and you want to explore it.  There isn't anything wrong with that."

 "Angel I'm talking like a whore - I want you in me like you were in Spike"

 "Wesley - I need your brain." Cordy says walking down the stairs from Angel's room.

 "You use to want more than that.” He teases.  He's still upset that Fred picked Gunn to be with and not him.

 "Yeah I was young.  Wes I need to know what kind of demon I am - can you find that out?" Cordy says not even wasting time joking with him.

 "Sure Cordelia - has anything come out about your demon?” He asks.

 "Um...this is where Angel gets to take over - embarrass the 20 yr old much." Cordy moves behind Angel and hides against his back.  Its good to let the 247 yr old vampire feel all-important right!

 "She has these incredible emerald eyes that come out when she's turned on.  Then when she is so aroused and she has an orgasm she floats.  Then she has had this incredible sex drive where she can't get enough."  Angel smiles thinking back to last night.

 "To much information" Gunn smirks walking in the door with Fred.

"Could this get any worse" Cordy wraps her arms around Angel's waist hoping he'll be more discreet if Wesley asks more personal questions.

"Is that the only time she changes?" Wes asks.

 "Well no - she gets super tight like a vice grip if you know what I mean."  Angel smiles.

 "Angel you asshole" Cordy slaps his back and runs upstairs embarrassed.

 "Will you start working on it Wesley?"  Angel says and then runs upstairs to help Cordy.  He gets upstairs and finds her in their room holding Connor.  "Cordy - I had to tell him everything.” He says.

 "But did you have to be so fucking blunt - yeah my girlfriends a whore for my body Wes - she does this and that- how embarrassing - after 247 yrs you'd think you'd learn what tact was"

 "How do you be tactful about that?  It's nothing to be embarrassed about.  Cordy please I didn't mean to embarrass you."

 "I'm going home" She says and puts Connor down.

 "Cordy you are home.  This is your home now."

 "No it isn't - I live with Dennis across town -away from you" She says and starts walking out.

 "Cordelia don't leave - we need to work this out.  You can't just walk away.” He says standing in front of the door.

 "The hell I can't" She actually picks up Angel and moves him and walks out.

 Angel follows her and then picks her up and takes her back to the room.  "You are my mate and will not walk away from me.  Stay here and fight with me - lets work this out."

 "No I hate you right now - you embarrassed me - like its not enough I scream like a banshee when you are near me now you are bragging up your conquests.  Get out of my way Angelus"

Her eyes turn purple.

 "Oh whoa wait a minute here.” He says holding her back and staring at her eyes.  "I was not bragging up my conquests - you are not that to me.  I love you and would never intentionally hurt you.  I'm not a sadistic bastard and don't treat me like that.  We had to get to the bottom of what kind of demon you are and they needed to know all the facts and the only way to do that is to tell them everything that we know.  I'm sorry that it hurt you."

 "You've been a demon for 240+ yrs I've been one for a few weeks - can you possibly understand the least bit of what I'm going through - can't you talk to Wesley with more tact"

 "Yes I'll work on that.  I know that you are going through alot and it is scary to not know what type of demon you are.  Cordy I never meant to hurt you - I love you.” He says holding her tight to him.  "Can I tell you something?"

 "What?" She says holding him.

 "When you got angry just a few minutes ago - you actually picked me up and your eyes turned purple."

 "Great not only am I a slut I also have super strength and evil eyes - can I tell you purple is so not my color."

 "Cordy you are not a slut - you never could be one.  Vampires love sex and have a huge sex drive.  Does that make me a slut?"

 "You - Angel you've been a eunich for a 100 yrs."

 "That's low even for you.  Don't you get it - we are in this together?" 

 "But your life hasn't changed 300% in the past few days - mine has."

 "Yes it has Cordy - I now have a mate that I can share my life with.  I actually have a family and that means so much to me.  I didn't think that I would ever have this again.  What you are going through - you are not alone.  I'm here for you and so is Spike.  We won't let anything happen to you."

 "Angel - Cordy come down here I need more information" Wesley screams.

Cordy walks down the stairs.  "Yes Wes."

 "Do your eyes change colors at any other ...uh hum Times?" He asks.

"Yes when I'm angry they turn purple." She says.

"What about any other marks appearing or um...disappearing from your body?" Wes says his nose in a book.

"Not that I've noticed - Angel?"

 "No not that I've noticed.” He says.  "Wait - I did start to see a tattoo on your back same as mine."  Angel says.

 "I have another tattoo?" She says looking at Angel.

"Can you please make sure Angel its imperative that I know all the changes to pinpoint exactly the type of demon Cordy now hosts."

 "Cordy will you come with me please?"  Angel asks not wanting to look under her shirt in front of everyone.

 Cordy gets up and walks into Angel's office with him.  Then she kisses him.  "See tact is a good thing." She smirks and removes her shirt.

 "See I can be a gentleman.” He smirks and kisses her.  He then turns her around and looks at her back.  He touches where the tattoo is and then says, "Cordy - its just like the one on my back."

 "Is it that big?  That'd take up most of my back"

 "Not as big - it's proportional to your body - but its the same as mine."

 "So what does that mean then?" She says putting her shirt back on.

 "I'm not sure - lets go talk to Wesley.” He says kissing Cordy.

 Cordy would walk out with Angel.  "I have his tattoo now."

 "it's not as big as mine - but proportional to her body.  So Wes - what have you come up with?" Angel asks.

 "Well I almost have it narrowed, Cordy I know these next things will be embarrassing to you - would you rather I talk to Angel privately" Wes offers.

"We're in this together but he can answer." She says.

"Angel - um...hmm - does her body change in other ways - get cooler or warmer before you two - get intimate?"


 "Yes her body does feel hot - but I thought that it was because my body was so cool to the touch."

 "Does her...oh heavens, does her scent change?" Wesley looks away more embarrassed than even Cordy is"

 "Well her scent is intoxicating - even more so when she is well...I have vampire scent and it is more hightened - so yes I notice it more."   he says trying to make this as easy on Cordy as possible.

 "Is her scent...does it .... I mean to say does it come and go or is it becoming a constant thing?"


 "Comes and goes."  Angel answers.

 "When she is -Cordelia I'll have you know this is quite embarrassing for me as well."

"Go ahead Wes  I want to know what I am." Cordy says burying her face in Angel's arm.

"Is her scent getting stronger the more times you couple?"

 Angel thinks about it and then answers, "Yes, actually it is getting stronger."

 "Cordy you are a Aruces demon." Wesley says authoritively.

 "A what?  What does that mean?"  Cordy asks.

 Wesley smiles.   "Cordy - Skip transformed you into a perfectly harmless demon - except maybe to Angel.  But I doubt you'll wear him out"

 "Wesley!” She screams at him.  "What exactly am I?  Spit it out."

 "Wes just let us know exactly what is going on here."  Angel asks him holding Cordy.

 "Cordy you're a mating demon.  You're demon's goal is to find a worthy mate and capture it and keep it forever.  You have super strength, you float and you become more erotic looking than you already do at times, but you don't harm people, you don't kill - you're demon's goal is to mate to another."

 "So I'm harmless?  What about my purple eyes?  I have to know that I won't hurt anyone that I love and especially Connor."  Cordy says relieved - but she needed to knw that she wouldn't hurt anyone.

 "The only person who will ever see your eyes change is your chosen.  Purple isn't actually anger - its betrayal - you were feeling betrayed by Angel.  Think of your eyes as a mood ring Cordy.  You will only ever use your strength to protect and defend your mate or yourself - you won't kill an innocent - unless you wear Angel out during...well"

 "Spike saw my eyes change to green though - he's not my mate.  What does that mean?” She asks.

"Cor - you don't have anything to worry about - you are a kind, decent woman.  Just like before - this demon hasn't changed that."  Angel says kissing Cordy's neck.

 "Spike probably saw because of his connection to Angel." Wesley says then turns the page.  "Oh my."

 "Wesley - what?  That isn't good."  Cordy says getting scared.

 Angel stands behind her holding her tight to him so she knows he's there for her.

 "Angel have the two of you mated in Vampire customs?"