New Beginnings Series

Fic 8:  The Mating


 "She's my mate and we've mated with blood - why?"  Angel asks.

 "I think we'll take Connor for a few days - because a vampire mating custom is nothing compared to hers.  Cordy the most evil thing about your demon.  In order for you to allow a mate to claim you - he must pleasure you - in all ways for 3 full days.  Never stopping for more than an hour.  Like I said you're not evil." Wes laughed - knowing that Angel was thinking the same thing.  Oh what sweet torture.

 "So in order for him to be my mate we have nonstop sex?"  Cordy asks.

 "Pleasure - doesn't necessarily have to be sex but he has to pleasure your body for 3 days" Wesley says - the embarrassment wearing off because Cordy was more relaxed.  "If he doesn't do that your demon will discard him - he won't be worthy in its eyes."

 "Even if I think that he's worthy - this thing inside me won't?" 

 "nope he has to prove himself to your demon.  Just like you had to be able to accept the blood part of his.  Oh and you don't feel pain by your mate.  So if he gets rough or something - it won't be harmful or painful to you - anyone else were to hurt you and you'd feel it - but he can pretty much do whatever to you once your demon has claimed him."

 "Oh now this is sounding interesting.  Thanks Wesley."  Cordy smiles and then turns around in Angel's arms.

"You want to get out of here for a little while?"  Angel asks.

 "Well I think everyone should leave the hotel and my demon should have her way with you"


 "I think that it could be arranged.  Wesley - will you take Connor please."  Angel asks never taking his eyes off Cordy.

 "Yes certainly.  Just leave the hotel standing please" Wesley laughs, vacating the room and getting everyone out of the hotel for the next few days.

 "So - we're alone - well kind of."  Angel smirks walking Cordy up to the wall and presses his body against hers.  "What should we do?” He asks kissing her neck.

 "What do you mean kind of?"


 "Spike and Buffy are still here - I think that they are heading back to Sunnydale today - but they are up in their room.” He says kissing her so deeply.

 "Well you go say goodbye to your childe and I'm going to go home and shower and what not - I have to go shopping."


 "Do you really have time for that?"  Angel smirks.  "Remember we can't go an hour without pleasuring your body." 

 "Well I think that has to do with after we start the ritual.  We haven't started it yet. So say by by to blondie and I'll be back at sunset to give him a kiss ok."

 "Be careful and say hi to Dennis for me.  Get him to move in here so you can stay here all the time.  You know that once we go through with this ritual then I'm not going to let you leave.” He smiles.

 "How do you move a ghost across town?"

 "He could move himself - only you can convince him to leave your apartment."

 "He can do that?  He can just fly over here?" She says not knowing that Dennis could leave the apartment.

 "I'm not sure - but we'll figure it out later.  Now go so you can come back sooner."

 "Ok I love you see you soon." Cordy smiles - leaving happy knowing that the worst thing she'll do is fuck Angel senseless.

 "SPIKE"  Angel hollers for him after Cordy left.  He was so horny and needed to get his release.  "SPIKE - DOWN HERE NOW."   Angel hollers again when he didn't answer.

 "Yes Dad" Spike slides down the stairway banister.

 "Strip your clothes and get over here.” He orders.  He wasn't angry - he just needed his childe.

 "Oh daddy - want your boy huh?" Spike says taking his clothes off - he hasn't had so much sex in months.


 "Yes I need my boy - NOW.” He growls and pulls Spike to him and kisses him as he reaches for his cock.

 Spike growls and strokes Angel too.  "Where's your mate sire?"


 "Shopping.” He growls.  "Suck me.” He tells Spike.

 Spike moans and drops to his knees - something was going on but he'd find out later.  His cock knew he'd get it good before he went back to Sunnyhell with is woman - he licked the underside of his sire's cock, the taste was purely Cordy. "I taste her"

 "Wait until you get the real thing."  Angel moans loving this feeling.

 "Can't wait sire." Spike takes all of Angel's cock into his mouth and sucks him hard.  He knew he needed it.

 "FUCK ME” He growls and then vamps out - it feels so good.  "Harder boy - HARDER" 

 Spike continues to suck him harder - his hands wrapping around his sire's body and touching his ass.  He didn't know what Angel needed but wanted to give it to him anyway.

 "Oh yeah boy"  Angel growls needed his childe.  He didn't know when he would see him again and wanted to make this time a good one.

 Spike's throat opened more - maybe his sire would cum on him - own him again.  He can only hope as he sucks even harder.

 "Oh that mouth.” He growls and moans.  He then pushes his hips against Spike so that his cock went farther into his childe's mouth.

 Spike settles back onto his heels - his body comfortable because he knows this is going to be one hell of a long blowjob - his sire was in the mood for a mouth that didn't need to breath.

 Angel puts his hands in Spike's hair and guides his head on his cock.  He needed his childe so bad - damn his mouth was wonderful.

 Buffy snuck out of their room upstairs and was watching Spike suck on Angel's cock from the stairway - this was facinating.  Angel never treated her like this.

Spike moved his tongue around a little bobbing his head up and down the shaft.

 Angel sensed Buffy was near - he remembered her scent from last night.  "Put on a good show for your woman."  Angel teases.

 Spike hears him but doesn't care - he needs his sire's cock - it tasted so good and was so thick - the memories of the first time he ever sucked him came rushing back - his emotions played a part of this situation and he sucked him through the emotions.

 "FUCK ME” He moans.  Spike always knew how to suck on him and make him feel so good - he knows just how hard to suck and where to touch.  "MORE - HARDER” He moans.

 Spike looks up from his work and looks at Angel's face, his sire's cock still deep in his throat.

 Angel looks down at him and smiles in acceptance.  He was about to cum and he pulls his cock out his Spike's mouth and then cums all over Spikes face.  "MINE” He growls.

 Spike stands up and lets Angel lick his face clean then kisses him taking all the cum from Angels' mouth and swallowing.  "I love you sire."


 "I love you"  Angel smiles and then vamps out again and bites into Spikes neck drinking from his childe.  He closes the wounds and then does something that he hasn't done in a long time.  He moves to his knees and starts to suck on Spike's cock.  He was so hard and so thick.

 Spike almost falls over, "Sire"

 Angel looks up and smiles and then takes all of Spike's cock into his mouth, swirling his tongue all around him.  He then cups his balls and squeezes them the way that Spike likes it.

 Spike again almost falls over.  He smells Buffy and doesn't think she should witness this. "Buffy go back to our room - this is our time."

 "Spike - I'm ok.” She says watching the two of them was turning her on and she wanted to watch.

Angel sucked harder on Spike and then pulls his cock out and looks at Buffy.  "He said leave - go to your room - NOW"  Angel growls and doesn't go back to sucking Spike until she leaves.  He needed this time with his childe and the fact that Spike knew that made Angel very pleased.

 "Sorry sire - please - continue" Spike moaned if Buffy ruined this for him he'd rip her throat out.

 "Not until she leaves."  Angel says still cupping his balls.  "Make her leave."

 "Buffy go back to the room NOW" Spike orders growling at her and she runs away.

 "Sire" Spike's voice softens.

 "Good boy."  Angel smirks and then sucks so hard on Spike's cock. He let his fangs come out and grazes them over his cock.

 "Sire" Spike moans about to fall down - his knees were so weak - it had been forever since his sire sucked him off.

 "Don't fall - use the post for balance."  Angel tells him as he sucked on him harder and with more force.

 Spike holds on to the post.  "Sire - fuck you are so - OH BLOODY HELL"

 He sucks with a fierce need.  He needed to taste his childe.  He then reaches around and puts his finger into Spikes ass.

 Spike puts his hands onto Angel's shoulders. "Sire - gonna cum"

 He then swallows on Spike's cock and pushes a second finger into his ass.

 "May I?" Spike remembers to ask permission.

 "You may."  Angel says and then sucks so hard on his cock and then swallows again.

 "SIRE" Spike screams cumming down Angel's throat.

 Angel swallows again loving the taste of his boy.  He then goes up Spikes body and kisses him with everything he has.  He then shocks Spike again and turns his head baring his neck to Spike.

 "OH sire" Spike moans in love and sinks his teeth into Angel's bared neck.  Drinking lovingly and then closing the wounds.

 Angel kisses his boy again.  "You are going to need alot of strength going back there.  I wanted this to be special for us."

 Spike lays down on the couch that Angel sits on and cuddles up to him.  "so special.  I'm sorry she ruined it - I'll teach her respect before we come back."

 "She needs to learn that when you tell her something - she needs to listen.  She also has to know about sire/childe time."

 "I'll teach her sire. I love you"

 "I love you Will."  Angel smiles and then holds Spike so close to him.  "Just remember that your home will always be with me and now Cordy.  She accepts you - all of you."

 "I know - blood" Spike licks his fangs.  "What kind of demon is she sire?"

 "Basically a mating demon.  Her demon tries to find someone worthy to mate with and now that we've mated in order for her demon to accept me I have to pleasure her body for 3 days straight and not let more than an hour go  by without pleasure.  If that doesnt' happen her demon won't accept me."

 "Oh isn't that torture - pleasing that beautiful woman for days on end."

 "Oh yeah - but someone has to do it.  You'll have to come back soon - I think that she might be ready for you."

 "I need to put Buf in her place first sire."


 "Are you looking forward to that?"  Angel smirks.

 "Yeah if she'll play the game - she has a obeying problem if you haven't noticed." Spike cuddles more to Angel.

 "She's the slayer - she's not use to taking orders - she's use to making them."  Angel says holding Spike. 

 "Well she'll learn her place." Spike smirks.

 "Oh why do I think that you'll enjoy that?"

 "You know me so well daddy"


 "That I do boy - that I do.” He smiles holding Spike and then kisses him.

 Buffy looks up as Spike walks into the room with nothing but his boxers on.  "Get the hell out of here.” She screams at him.

 "No." He says bluntly and puts his jeans back on.

 "What the hell was all that downstairs.” She says packing up her things.

 "Sire -Childe time - something not for your eyes."

 "Why?  It was good enough last night but not today?" 

 "Today wasn't about dominance it was about the bond.  The bond that is private.  You have to learn your place Buffy I'm not human and you have to know that there are rules in regards to my demon."

 "How was I suppose to know that?  It was sexy watching the two of you and....” She just stops and sits down on the bed.

 "You were told by me, then angel and then me again - you have to listen the first time."

 "I don’t appreciate being dismissed the way you did.  Spike I didn't know that I wasn't suppose to see the two of you like that.  Why is that forbidden?"

 "Because its private - it would be like me walking in on you changing your tampon.  Certain things are not for others eyes."

 "Then why don't you tell me these things before I get into trouble?"

 "Because you don't ask and you don't listen.  You think you're the slayer and that just means you have all the rights - well in vampire lore - slayers have no rights - less than humans."

 "Are you still going to come with me to Sunnydale?” She asks.

 "Yes but we have to work these things out"

 "Then on the way home will you explain vampire lore to me and the customs?  Spike I want to learn and to understand."

 "Yes - get your things we should be leaving." He says putting his shirt back on and grabbing his duster and smokes  He throws the carton at her after taking a pack out.  "Carry those?" He asks.

 "Sure - when are you going to stop smoking?  Don't you know that they are bad for your health?” She teases.

 "Yeah - ask me when I'm 400 ok?" He laughs.  "come on bit"


 "You and your names.” She smirks and then walks out.  She didn't really have much - just a bag of clothes.  "Do you have to tell Angel goodbye or something?"

 "Yeah he's in the lobby with mum"

 "Spike wait."  Buffy stops him on the stairs and then kisses him so deep.  "I love you.” She smiles and then picks up her bag again.

 "Ok" He stops her.  "First rule, Angel is 100% in charge.  When you enter a room or leave a room - do not look him in the eye, you kiss his cheek when you enter and stand to the left of me - got it"

 "Yes - I got it.” She says and then goes downstairs.  She doesn't look at Angel and then kisses his cheek and stands to the left of Spike holding his hand.

 "Sire" Spike kisses Angel hoping he's happy he has Buffy a little under control.

 "I'm impressed."  Angel smiles and holds Cordy's hand.  "You forgot about your Mum."  Angel tells them.

Buffy looks at Spike.  She didn't know what to do - he didn't tell her that.

 Spike looks at Buffy like 'no' Spike then moves to kiss Cordy.  "Good Evening beautiful."

 "You are getting better Spike."  Angel smirks and then kisses Cordy.  "I guess you two are heading back to Sunnydale right?'

 "Yes we are - we have her human pets to tame." Spike moans. "Like the eyes luv" Spike smirks to Cordy her eyes are green.

 "Buffy what color are my eyes?" Cordy asks.

 "Brown - should they be a different color?"  Buffy asks.

 "No Buffy - these two are silly.  Have a good trip." Cordy kisses Spike, "You have a family now."

"Yes mum- take good care of dad and my little bro ok?"

 "She will take care of us - just don't stay away long Will."  Angel tells him.

 "I won't sire - let me know how things go" Spike smirks referring to getting mated to Cordy.  Spike kisses him.  "See you soon."

 Angel kisses Spike and then watches them leave.  He turns to Cordy - so what did you get when you went shopping?"

 "Lingerie." She smirks and runs up the stairs.

 He runs after her and finds her in their room. "Gonna model?” He smirks.

 "Yep - you have to sit on the bed"

 "Cor come on - I know that you want more.  I could give it to you.” He smiles seeing that her eyes are getting to be a piercing green.

 Cordy takes off her clothing and shows Angel a daring - naughty read lingerie set. "My demon wants you to prove yourself worthy - are you up to it" She smirks her eyes even greener.

 "I've been waiting for you - I do believe that your demon will approve of me.” He smirks reaching out and touching Cordy.

 "Show me" She smirks.  Loving that her demon was jonesing for Angel.

 Angel reaches out for her and pulls her closer to him.  He looks up at Cordy and then lifts her lingerie up and kisses her stomach.

 "My body needs you" She tells him feeling her blood corse through her.

 "I need you.” He moans and then strips her lingerie off of her and pulls her down to him and kisses her with so much passion and rolls ontop of her.  "Cor - I need you."

 "Already - I need pleasure my Angel."

 He sits up and takes his clothes off and then moves to his woman and starts to kiss her everywhere on her body.  He teases her nipples and then moves down her stomach to her pussy.  Her scent was so strong and intoxicating.

 "Hungry luv" She smirks opening her legs.

 He pushes her legs open wider and then sucks on her pussy.  "I'm famished.” He moans and then sucks on her more.

 On the way back to Sunnydale Buffy moves closer to Spike in his car.  "Will you explain the vamipire lore to me?” She asks kissing his neck.

 "What part do you want to know - you have to have intelligent questions to ask me"

 "Why did I have to greet Angel like that?” She asks.

 "Because vampires do everything out of loyalty and respect to the family.  Angel is actually the master now of the Aurelis clan.  You killed the master, he killed Darla his sire - that puts him in charge I'm next in line for command."

 "So because I'm with you I have to show respect like that to?  Everytime I enter or leave a room I have to kiss him and then stand to your left?"

 "Yes until a time when you become a vampire - then the rules change based on who turns you"

 "Do I have any say in that?  Being turned I mean?” She asks.

 "Sure you do - you are my mate potentially but not my life mate or eternal mate yet - if you say no to turning - our love dies when you do."


 "How do we life mate or eternal mate?  What do those mean?” She asks.  "Is one of them when you take my blood?" 

 "LIfe mating is still while you're human it is an exchange of blood but not an immortal kiss.  Eternal Mating is a ritual of blood and yes that’s when you get turned."

 "What's an immortal kiss?"

 "The kiss of death honey - its when you are drained."

 "Duh - when will you bite and drink from me?" 

 "That’s how that goes luv" Spike laughs.

 "That still doesn't answer my question though - is it because you still don't trust me?" 

 "I won't bite you because you are correct  I don't trust you to live up to your word."

 "I know that I've got to prove myself to you and I will.  What happens when you do bite me?" 

 "It changes our relationship - it makes you more mine - it makes it where you can't leave me when you get in one of these funky moods of yours where you want to beat me to hell."

 "Where do I fit in with your family or won't I be apart of that?” She asks.  "It was weird I felt like I was on the outside yesterday - all of you knew what was happening and I didn't have a clue.  I felt pretty alone when you all left me downstairs."

 "You won't be part of the family until you can accept your role as my mate.  Before you can do that you have to accept your role as my girlfriend in front of your human pets"

 "They should all be at the magic shop later on tonight.” She says knowing that its almost sunrise.   "Angel said something to me before we left that you wanted to be more of a vampire - what did that mean and how can I help?” She asks.

 "I want all the vampire customs followed.  I'm not going to deny what and who I am for you pet.  I'm Spike, William the fucking Bloody - I am a vampire and just because I can't hunt doesn't mean I'm not one and you and I will follow vampire codes if we will be together.


 "What other customs do you want followed?” She asks wanting to follow everything for Spike and make this right.

 "Forget it I don't expect to have to explain everything to you like you are a two yr old.  For petes sake you're a slayer learn about vampires." Spike spouts off.

 Angel wanted and needed Cordy so bad.  He kept sucking on her clit and teasing her pussy that she was floating and hasn't come back down.  "Oh baby - you enjoying yourself?"  Angel teases.

 "Oh yeah - Angel I love this - 12 hrs of pleasure - oh you're so good" She moans.

 "There is so much more where that came from.” He moans and then pushes her down so that he could pound his cock into her pussy.  "MINE” He growls.

 "Maybe" She smirks and rides the pleasure.

 "You will learn who you belong to.” He moans thrusting even harder.

 "My mating not yours" She turns him over and rams her body down on his.

 "OH FUCK” He growls and lets her do what she needed to do.  "teach me - make me yours." 

 She takes her fingernail and rakes it over his chest - opening it and blood leaking out, then quickly starts to lick his blood.

 His body starts to quiver - something that nobody has done to him before.  "MORE"

 She'd push her tongue into the opening in his skin and suck on his blood.

Last Chapter now posted