New Beginning Series #9

Title : Togetherness    

Feedback : Adrea & Doris




"Cordy” Angel moans loving that she is getting into their mating.  She is tapping into her demon and really using him.

 "Mine" Cordy moans.

 Buffy and Spike get back to Sunnydale and since its almost sunrise Buffy didn't want Spike to get caught in it.  "Will you stay here today?” She asks as they pull infront of her house.

 "Sure." Spike says getting out of the car and walking to her house.

 She gets inside and opens the door for him.  He was still invited into her house.  "Dawn, Willow - are you here?"  Buffy hollers wanting to know if they were alone.

 "OH you came back. Hi Spike." Dawn says pissed at Buffy.

"Hey NIblet" Spike winks at her.

 "I told you that I was going to be gone for a little while.  Are you alone?” She asks.

 "Willow had to go to spooks anoyonmous or something" Dawn glares.  Buffy wasn't herself anymore - she didn't care about her.

"Spike wanna watch cartoons?"

"Sure niblet - underdog should be on."

 "Dawn I do care - talk to me.  Why are you so distant?” She asks sitting next to Spike.

 "You go off -  you leave all the time leave me alone to deal with a spell hungover witch and you don't care - you treat everyone like shit." Dawn yells.

"Niblet watch the language or I'll bite your tongue." Spike tells her.  Spike puts his hand on Buffy's knee to see her reaction.

 She welcomes the support and where his hand is.  "Dawn I've had things to take care of - things you wouldn't understand.  Since we are opening up - we need to talk.” She says not moving.

 "Of course I wouldn't understand - I'm just a kid - the only person in this fucking place that cares about me is Spike."  Dawn spouts.

Just then Spike moves lightning speed from Buffy - grabs Dawn - pulls her tongue out of her mouth and bites it with his fang.


"I told you no swearing niblet." Spike says then sits down. 

Dawn looks at him shocked - and holds her tongue.

 Buffy was stunned that he did that.  "Spike.” She says and then puts her hand on his knee.  "Dawn nobody is treating you like a kid.  If you'd stop acting like a 2 year old and throwing tantrums then we would treat you better.  You aren't a kid anymore and not everything revolves around you.  I know that this has been a hard time for you - hell it has for everyone - but you have to talk and not scream.  You'll get a better reaction if you do that.” She says.

 "You're one to talk" Spike says under his breath.

 She turns to him.  "I heard that.” She says.  "Dawn are you ready to talk?"  Buffy asks.

 "NO your stupid and I hate you." Dawn runs up the stairs and slams her door.

 "So now I've alienated her to."  Buffy says leaning back against the couch.

 "You're just a batting 1000" Spike says. "I'm tired where can I sleep"

 "My bed."  Buffy says bluntly.

 "You gonna explain that one to niblet?" Spike asks just then Willow walks in.

"What are you doing here?" She asks Spike.

 Spike says nothing but looks at Buffy.

 "He's here with me."  Buffy says taking his hand.  She wasnt' going to hide from anyone anymore.  "Spike and I are seeing each other and we have for awhile now.  He will be here with me when he wants to be."  Buffy says not backing down.

 "Buffy you can't date Spike he's...well he's Spike"

 "Yes I can.  He wants to be with me and he loves me for me.  You can't tell me who I can and can't see.  You don't know him Willow and if you gave him a chance you could see what I see." 

 "Ok big bitch much" Willow gets mad and walks upstairs.

"That’s strike 2 on your side - one more and I'm gone Slayer."

 "You can sleep in my room - I'll just stay down here."  Buffy says quietly and goes to sit on the couch.  She wasn’t trying to be a bitch; she just wanted to be with Spike.

 "Can you go sun proof it for me unless you really don’t like me?”  "Sure - I'll be right back.” She says and goes to get foil and black garbage bags to put over the windows.  She goes upstairs to put them on and then collapes on her bed and starts to cry.  Why was all this so difficult?  Why was she turning on everyone and pushing them away?

 Dawn walks into her room. "Whatcha doing?"

 She gets back up and finishes putting the covering over the windows.  "Putting this up so that Spike can sleep in here and won't get hurt."  Buffy answers.

 "Can I help?" Dawn asks.

 "Sure - thanks Dawn.” She says and gives her some bags, foil and tape.  "You wanna talk about what's going on with you?” She asks softly.

 "I feel alone - everyone has someone but me"


 "Dawn you have me and Spike to.  He cares about you.” She reminds her.

 "He bit my tongue"

 "Yeah he did - but you were getting out of control with your screaming and swearing - he was just trying to get you to stop.  He warned you." 

 "What happened to you - your so mean now"


 "I'm not mean - why does everyone insist that I'm just a bitch?"  Buffy asks sitting on her bed.

 "Because you have no compassion and no tact and no ability to be nice - you are vile and rude when you talk to people and when you don't get your own way you break things." Dawn says with her hand on her hip.

 "Things have changed Dawn but that doesn't mean that I have.  I still love and care about you - that hasn't changed.  I'm sorry that I've been so short and rude.  I've just had alot going on in my life to and trying to get back into life."  Buffy tells her.

 "NO your being mean because you are angry that they pulled you out of heaven.  Well be mad at Willow, Xander and Anya and Tara then cos they did it - Spike and I and Giles didn't even know and you are move vile to us then them.  I really hate you now."

"Niblet - enough.  Come on leave big sis alone I'll tuck you in."

"But its daytime"

"Bedtime for me" Spike laughs.

 "Dawn - I love you and you're right I'm angry - but I'll work on not taking it out on you.  I'm sorry.” She says and watches Spike escort Dawn out.

 Spike puts Niblet back in her room and smiles, "I'm with your sis now I'll make her nice ok"

"OK Spike"

Spike then walks back into Buffy's room and closes and locks the door. "Strip."

 Buffy looks at him and smiles.  She stands up and strips her clothes from her body and then walks to him putting her hands on his chest.

 "Remove my clothing,” He orders.

 She strips his clothes from his body and runs her hands down over his chest and abs.  "Oh you are so sexy.” She says moving her hands to his cock.

 "NO - no touching - you have to learn your place Buffy.  Get in bed face the window."

 "Spike - why can't I touch you?"  Buffy questions getting back on the bed.

 "Because you're not my mate yet and you haven't told everyone about us yet so you don't get your way with me."

 "Dawn and Willow know about us.  Spike I want to please you.” She smiles as she gets on her knees and crawls to him and puts her hands on his chest.

 "No Buffy you can't fix this with sex.  Behave yourself now and get in bed."


 "fine.” She gets upset and goes to lay down facing the window.

 "You think all I want from you is sex?



 "That's what we've been about for so long.  I do want more though - I want it to be real between us."

 "Then stop turning everything to sex - treat me like a real boyfriend."

 "Does that mean that you'll always be here with me and not leave when it gets tough?  Be the man I need and don't leave me."   Buffy says still facing the window.

 "You treat me right and you'll end up with a mate."


 "That's only the first step in a vampire custom.  Do you see me as your eternal mate?” She asks.

 "That would mean I'd have to turn you - I've never heard of a slayer being turned - don't know how that would work."

 "I don't know - what about forever mate.  You wouldn't have to turn me for that.  I want the commitment to you and I know that I have a long way to prove myself." 

 "Well talk about that when we get there ok."

 "Ok - will you hold me tight?” She asks moving closer back to him.

 "Yes luv I will." Spike holds her tight enough so she knows she's not with a human - she's with someone that matches hers.  "Night luv"

"Night William.” She smiles loving this feeling of being so close to him.


 *~* Next Evening *~*


Spike rolls over and starts licking and nibbling at Buffy's neck.  He didn't want to bite her just get and give her that pull to him - but he was going to play with her a bit and have some fun.

 "Mmmm” she smiles enjoying waking up next to him.

 Spike would suck some skin from her neck into his mouth and starting sucking - leaving a nice dark hickey where his mouth had just been.

 "Thought I was yours already."  Buffy smirks and rolls over into his chest and puts her arms around Spike.

 "You are - why do you question it?"

 "I'm not questioning it - I"m teasing you cause you are leaving marks on me." 

 "Boyfriends mark whats thiers." He tells her.

 "Then girlfriends get to do the same.” She smirks and moves to lick his neck.

 "Yes they do- now no biting I'm scared of bites" He smirks.

 "yeah whatever.” She smirks and starts to suck some skin into her mouth.

 "Be careful pet" Spike's hands wander up to her breasts and he squeezes one.

 "Why?” She asks and then goes back to marking her boyfriend.

 "Wouldn't want to turn me on or something."

 "That's a bad thing?” She smirks looking at her work.  "There - nice and dark."  Buffy smirks kissing his hickey.

 "Just like you like it?" Spike smirks and teases her breast.

 "Mmmm"  he smoans.  "You're getting there." 

 "Take your clothes off.


 "They already are silly.” She laughs.

 "Well take them off again." Spike laughs.

 "You want me to get dressed?" 

 "No don't you dare." Spike then rolls on top of her and slides inside her body.  "MINE"

 She squeezes her muscles tight around him.  "MINE” She moans.

 "Good girl - now give me this leg." Spike picks up her right leg and while still inside her moves it over and rests it on his right shouler.

 "FUCK ME” She moans loving this feeling.

 "Squeeze those beautiful muscles."

 She would do as he asked and squeezed her muscles tight around his huge cock.

 "OH FUCK SLAYER STRENGTH" He screams and pounds into her

 "Take me - use me.” She moans loving this - someone who wasn't afraid of her strength.

 "OH you want to be used do you? Wanna play pet?"

 She looks at him and smiles.  "Yes - play with me." 

 Spike would take his belt off his jeans and smacks her over the stomach with it.

 "HEY” She screeches not expecting that.

 "Thought you wanted to play."

 "I do - I just wasn't expecting that.” She says breathing hard.  "Let's play." 

 Spike pinches her clit and pushes into her harder.

 "FUCK” She screams and cums so hard.

 Spike keeps slamming into her tiny body and then finally cums hard but not before pulling out of her and cumming on her tight body.

 She reaches for his cock and strokes it as he cums all over her body.  She looks up at him and smiles.  "The playing isn't over is it?” She smirks rubbing his cum into her.

 "Maybe here - I don't have any toys for us to use here." Spike kisses her.

 She kisses him back.  "Look in my bottom drawer of my nightstand."   It was full of dongs and vibrators.

 Spike looks in - "OH playtime." He smirks.  Then they spend the rest of the afternoon playing with his new toy, his slayer.

From that point forward Spike and Buffy equals, he taught her by leaving her that even though he may love her he wouldn’t be her whipping boy.  If someone has to be a toy in the relationship – they’ll have to take turns.