New Beginnings Series

This series, started on 2/6/02 is the product of me having bronchitus yet again and roping my best friend into a twisted tale of Angel/Cordy/Spike and Buffy. Never written Buffy before - never found a reason to until she beat up that sexy face of Spike and treated him like well...really bad. So enjoy - the fic is going to be NC 17 : not all parts but due to language and content I figure its best to state the obvious. All the chapters are now posted, sorry if the ending sucks - but I wanted to get it posted complete because I really really hate incomplete fics. Let us know - our email link is on page one and page nine.

New Beginnings Series

Spikes' Safety
Opening the Door
Finding Hope
The Tests
A Demon Inside
The Mating
Together Again ** final chapter**