Not Like Me
Author : Doris
Written : Dec 2000
Disclaimer : on HOME page
Rating : R
Summary : Angelus gets loose and bites Cordy

~~Chapter 1~~

Rebecca the movie star drugs Angel with a drug that induces bliss when that happens Angelus comes out to torment Angels loved ones.  When Angel wakes up the next day chained to his bed he’s forced to look into Wesley’s eyes and sees something he had hoped he would never see there: hatred.
“Wes – let me up – I can get her back.” Angel begs knowing what Angelus did that caused this hatred.
“Angelus, you took the”
“Wes I’m no longer Angelus – unchain me so I can help.”
Wesley goes against his brain and unchains Angel knowing that he is possibly the best person to help even though he caused the problem.
Angel runs to the other bedroom and beholds a site that had his heart been beating that would have stopped it- his precious sunshine was in full vampire face.  Scrunched face, yellow eyes, fangs extended and chained to the bed.
“I’ll give her back to the sunshine – I promise”  That’s all Angel says before he runs out the door to head to the oracles to beg them to help.
Angel arrives at the oracles with tears staining his cheeks.  “I beseech access to the all knowing ones.”
The oracles allow him access and Angel instantly drops to his knees, “please, please take back the day please, forgive my error and take back the day”
“Angel we can not turn back time at your request.” The female oracle states.
“Please, I’ll do anything, I turned Cordelia as Angelus, that CAN’T happen.  Please – anything but that.”
“Angel there is no reason that can not happen”
“the day must have its sunshine, Cordelia must be of the day, she’s my connection to the outside world.  It was a mistake.  A huge mistake.  You can turn back time – you can swallow the day.  Please!  I beg of you, please swallow the day.” Angel cries.
“Angel think of what you are giving up.  Cordelia is now your childe – she’s yours Angel- she will not make you lose your soul.”
“Don’t you get it?  I don’t care about sex – I would gladly use my hand until the end of time but I can not have Cordelia be like me – she can’t drink blood forever.  That’s beneath her.  Please swallow the day”  Angel begs.
“Lets us discuss this.”  The male oracle says.  Not more than 2 seconds later they say in unison, “the day will not be swallowed.”
Angel’s heart breaks in half.

~~ Chapter 2 ~~

“NO” Angel screams at the oracles.  “You can’t take her from the light. She’s my seer.  Please reconsider, please take back the day. Take me instead.”
“We will reconsider.”  The male oracle informs him.  A minute later the female oracle turns to Angel.
“We will swallow the day – effective at 9pm, with one stipulation.”
“Anything I told you that.”
“Cordelia is from this point forward your forever mate.  She will keep the ability to mate with you without being endangered and you will explain to her all of the rules.”
“Do you know exactly what forever mating means?” Angel asks.
“We invented the term and its meaning.  9pm, be gone.”
With that Angel is thrown back to the mortal realm.
He rushes back to his apartment to find Wesley pacing with a stake in his hand. “Wesley let me see her.”
“never you demon spawn from hell.” Wesley says holding the stake up to Angel but they hear her scream and that takes precedence. “Wesley she’s human at 9pm – but I need to talk to her there’s conditions. “
“She’s hungry.”
“Wesley she’s got 15 minutes and I’m not feeding her blood.  Let me be with her.”  Angel walks past Wes and into the other bedroom.
“Angelus I’m hungry.”  Cordelia begs.
Angel unhooks the chains and Cordelia moves to leave the room.  “Cordelia – come back.”  Angel orders.
“I’m hungry.” She argues
“Do not argue with your sire.”
“Yes sire.” She returns to the bed.
“Cordelia you have to listen to me ok?  You’ll get food in a few moments.”
“Angel I’m hungry.”
“I know baby.  Let me explain something.  Cordelia, you’re going to be human again in a few minutes.  But, there’s a catch.  Cordelia when you become human again you and I are forever mates.  We’ll basically be married by vampire lore.”
“Yes soon sweetie.”
 Cordelia instantly moves towards the door.
“Cordelia no-“
“What?” She growls.
“Come childe.” Angel orders.  Remarkably, she listens.
Cordelia walks back to Angel.
“Just don’t let Angelus bite you.”  As Angel says that the clock strikes nine and she is back upstairs fighting Angelus as a human.  Instead of him biting her – she pushes him down the elevator shaft.
Angel woke up later that evening chained to the bed again.  “Cordelia unchain me.” Angel orders softly.
Cordelia obeys.  She does understand suddenly what Angel says really matters it matters more than it ever did before.
“Angel, what is going on?  Why am I a suddenly obeying you?”
“Cordelia do you remember anything from about 20 minutes ago?”
“No I don't Angel.   Wait a minute, yes I do, and I was a vampire.  Something about forever mate.”
“Cordelia, Angelus got loose, I bit you, and I actually turned you.  And I realized what I had done I went to the powers that be and begged for them to turn back the day.  The finally agreed under one stipulation, you become my forever mate.”
“And now that we have more time Angel are you  going to explain to me exactly what that is?” Cordelia asks.
“yes my love.”
“wait a minute, love?”
“yes Cordelia I admitted this to myself when you were a vampire.  I’ve fallen in love with you.  I didn't want to admit it before now because I was scared that it would change our relationship. Well I haven't had the best luck with love so I was scared that I will lose you.  Now that you are my forever mate I do not have to be scared anymore, I can admit to what I’ve been feeling for the past year, I love you.  But that is not the point of our discussion, what the powers that be did is give you all the abilities and powers of a vampire without actually making you one.  What a forever mate means: human terms it means we are married, but stronger than human marriage when we fight there is no walking away there is no I hate you and leaving.  A mating bond is something the lasts for eternity. You are immortal now.  You'll live as long as I do.  You will be my mate until the end of time or at least of our time. In real vampire customs what would have happened is we would have made love then I would have taken your blood and given you mine.  By the exchange of blood during such an act it  makes you my forever mate after we both climaxed, I would have turned you.  A forever mate is when a vampire takes someone to be with,  someone to fuck,  some one to feed  from forever.  When a master vampire chooses to mate, they are  not his forever mates until he chooses to turn them.  Last night Angelus turned you, when I went to the powers to beg for your life and they realized I love you so they gave you back to the day but they also gave you to me.  Cordelia I'm sorry that I didn’t ask you first, first I'm sorry that you didn’t get a choice.  I just wouldn't make you live this life.”
“Angel I don't think, I’m really upset about it.  I love you to.  I was scared to, I didn’t want to lose my family and didn’t want to lose my friend, and I was scared that we couldn’t be together because of the curse.  ANGEL I don’t mind being your wife, and in fact I think I could like it.  But baby, what are the rules, what are the tricks or stipulations we have to live by, why are you thinking I might not like this?  Tell me what you aren’t saying Angel.”  Cordelia forces his hand.
Angel slowly looks up at her and realizes she has a right to know all about this, after all it’s her life too.

~~ Chapter 3 ~~

“OK, being a part of a mated couple, means that we no longer have to worry about my curse.  Being my forever mate, gives you all the ability and special features that I have but you don't have any of the negative side effects of being a vampire.  Which means that you can walk in the sun,  eat human food, you can be seen in mirrors, however you also have the ability to withstand my bites, to be able to mate with me on my level  and I can't hurt you. “
“What do you mean by that Angel why are you scared of hurting me, is Angelus come back?”
“no Cordelia Angeles is nothing to do with this by you becoming my forever mate even Angelus can’t hurt you.  What I was scared of is something I’m almost ashamed to say to you, you’re too sweet for this?”
“Angel you’re mine, why in the world are you scared to say anything to me?”
“Cordelia the way vampires have sex isn’t always the same way humans have sex.  We are quite a bit rougher, we enjoy pain, to me if you scratch me its pleasurable to most men being scratched  only at the right time do they consider it pleasurable.  Cordelia when we are in bed together my demons going to come out, I don’t want you to be scared.  Angelus will want to have sex pushing into you harder and faster, I don’t want you to be scared when I sink my teeth in your neck.  Cordelia the actual mating ritual, do you want to know what that is or do you want to  know that later”
“Angel is this something I need to know or are you just trying to scare the shit out of me?”
Angel takes Cordelia in his arms he kisses her gently, “Baby I don’t want to scare you, I just need
you to know what getting into, I can’t lead you on, I can't not tell you everything there is to know, from the first time we make love until I die you will be able to bite me anytime you want to for any reason you want to.  If I aggravate you, or anger you, you can bite me hell you can almost drain me to put me back in my place Cordelia everything about our relationship is the based on our connection. Once we make love and once we drink from one another the connection will be so incredibly strong that you are not going to  be able to believe it. "
Angel kisses Cordelia she closes her eyes and enjoys a kiss, she opens her eyes just barely to watch him.  Angel lets the kiss wonder down her neck he licks at her jugular teasing her blood beneath her skin. “I want you.”
“I want you Angel I want to be your forever mate.”
With that Angel begins to kiss her deeper, he inhales the scent of his woman, slowly caressing Cordelia, his touch is tender almost timid until he feels her hand on his chest, he feels her pull his  shirt out of his pants her other hand resting over what would be is beating heart.  Angel teases her and nips on her neck with his blunt human teeth, he's testing to see what her reaction will be.  To his surprise and joy she leans her neck to the left bearing it all for him.  Angel removes her shirt kissing the skin above her beating heart licking down into the valley between her breasts.  Cordelia moans her body on fire from his tender touch.  “more Angel more”
Angel can feel his demon fighting to the surface, he doesn't want to let Angelus out yet, it's not time he is not done loving his woman yet.  Slowly Angel brings his hands behind Cordelia's back, reaching for the clasp to unhook her bra, not finding one and getting frustrated.  Cordelia bring her hand up to Angels left arm, slowly moving his arm forward until she is holding his left hand, she slides it her from her back and across her right breast and  letting him enjoy the sensation of her hard nipple through the fabric before stopping him on the hook between her breasts.  She kisses him softly and smiles, “all of my bras unhook in the front”
“much-needed information I was about to tear it off of you literally.”  Angel grins unhooks bra with one hand and devours her right breast.  He sucks it into his cool mouth causing her to moan deeply the scent of her arousal destroys Angel's concentration, his demon face slips forward.  As much as he doesn't want her see that as they become one he can’t seem to fight Angelus down.
Cordelia again amazes him, she moves her head up and licks the hardened  bridge of Angelus’ nose and forehead, she does this out of love and of desire, causing Angelus to let Angel come back to the front she's too sweet for him to take tonight he too wants to please her he wants her to have what she needs and tonight that is the romantic Angel.
Surprise only stops Angel for a moment, and he is removing her skirt.  His hands slowly slides it from her legs, again her arousal is mesmerizing.  Cordelia’s hands can't stop moving over Angel's body, she is pulling at his skin trying to pull him closer to her, “Angel I need you”
“soon my love soon we will become one.”
With that Angel moves down slides her panties from her body and licks her dripping core, the taste of his mate is enough to bring Angelus forward.  Angelus eats his soon to be forever mate with such force and determination and ability to tease that it sends Cordelia crashing over the edge of orgasm twice and she starts to beg for more.  Angelus allows Angel to come forward, keeping his fangs extended Angel sinks them into her inner thigh.  “OH God Angel, again”
With that Angel removes his fangs licks the wounds, he moves his body and bites gently into her flat stomach, “oh God Angel!”  Cordelia moans out  and she has yet a third orgasm.
Angel drinks only for a moment before moving up to her face, “Cordelia do you want to bite me?”
“yes Angel I do.” Cordelia smiles and then Angel does something that she never thought she would find sexy until she sees it.  Angel leans his head to the side bearing his neck to his woman.
“how do I bite?"
"Cordy just lick my vein, lick my neck and think one word- MINE”
Cordelia does as Angel said, she licks his neck closes her eyes and thinks ‘mine’ and sure enough her face changes her fangs grow and she sinks her fangs deeply into his neck.  Angel moans he hasn’t felt this peaceful when someone drank from him ever.  Cordelia can’t understand the feeling she's having right now her head is spinning, her heart feels as if it will burst, and her body is dripping with need for him.  Angel knows she does not know how to stop drinking, at this time he has no desire to teach her.  He loves the feeling he has, he can almost feel his blood boil with your touch.  He knows she can’t continue to drink or he will not be able to love her as he so wants to do.  “baby to stop drinking just move your head back and think enough and then lick the wounds and they will heal.”
Cordelia stops drinking knowing that she will drink from him often.  Angel quickly moves over on top of her kissing her as deep as he's ever kissed a woman or man, and his hand finds its way between her legs.  He can't believe how wet she is, she yearns for him, her  body craves the feeling of him inside of her, he cannot say no any longer.  In one movement Angel uses his fingers to stretch her and slides his body deep inside of her.  The both come instantly, neither of them willing to be satisfied not that easily.  Angel's body thrust in and out of his willing bride.  As they move together their bodies sing a song of love, of hope, of the need and desire of two people who have finally found their match.  Angel can’t last long, she can sense him fighting for control with Angelus “its ok Angel, Angelus can come out to play to, I'll love all of you even the demon.”
Angel slides inside of her further, “baby you just calmed him.”  with that Angel begins to thrust deeper and deeper inside his wife, Cordelia moans and pushes her hips off the bed, the two of them thrust against each other until they're both once again at their peak.  As Angel thrusts his body inside of hers and begins to spill his seed his fangs slide deep into her neck,  Cordelia's orgasm hits hard and with it she sinks her fangs into Angel's neck.  At the moment Angel and Cordelia become true forever mates their body's connected,  their blood feeding the other thus completing the circle of unlife, binding them together for eternity.

Chapter 4 ~~

Angel wakes up with Cordelia and his arms, he can feel her heartbeat he can still feel her blood coursing through his veins.  Angel gently touches the puncture wounds on his neck, as he touches the wounds in his neck Cordelia wakes up.  “ do they hurt? Did I bite too deep?”
“No my love, they remind me of how close we are.  Last night was so beautiful, the idea that I’m forever mated with you.  And I love that I have someone to call my own finally. “
“Angel what about Spike?”
“Spike is my childe that is different.”
“Why is it different? Can you explain the difference in our bonds I thought a childe was your chosen mate?”
“ok baby, my childe is my mate, to an extent, because a childe is taken by force, even though Spike is my favorite childe he didn't come to me willingly he didn’t come to me and say Angel please turn me I want to be with you forever. The other thing is, it isn’t a mutual exchange of blood its me draining him within an inch of his life and then giving him my blood.  We did ours simultaneously.”
“so Angel because you and I made love and we bit one another while we we’re making love that makes us forever mates rather than sire-childe?”
“no baby, when I sired Spike we were having sex, he didn't offer me his neck he offered me his body, when you and I were making love, you turned your head moved your hair and asked me to bite you.  That's the difference.  You gave me your blood just like your heart you want to be one with me completely.  Spike gave me his body because he wants to feel like we were one for an hour.  I drained Spike because I couldn't let him out of my bed, I wanted him all for myself.  With you I’m willing to share you with the world, only during the day.  At night I want nothing more than to be in your arms, cuddling in our bed, making love until the sun rises.  I am  your forever mate.  No one in my 247yrs has ever been with me because it was their choice, and no one has ever known everything about me, the soul and my demon and has chosen to stay with me because of all that not in spite of it.  People have accepted the demon, but they've never loved him like you do.  When  we were making love, and you told me you love all of me even the demon, and that Angelus could come out to play at that moment you became my forever mate, that moment in time will forever be linked in my mind as when we truly mated.  Cordelia I've never felt so loved as I did at that particular moment.  You love all of me unconditionally and that is what makes you different from a childe.”

Angel and Cordelia fall farther in love, time quickly passes having no meaning for either of them, every day is another day in paradise, and every night is another night in heaven.  Angel and his team fight demons, day in and day out and none of them faze him, he has all the he needs in life, a family, a true family and his love.   All seems to be  running perfectly until one evening when Angel hears a knock on the door.  He just got out of bed to warm some blood, when he heard the knock, and his vampire senses smelled fear.  A dear friend of his, something was very wrong, he also sensed insecurity and fear.  Angel opened the door to his little witch friend and she fell into his arms.  As he held her his demon roared she been claimed, and he knew THAT vampires smell all to well,
“Spike what did  you do”  Angel mused.

A few hours passed before Willow wakes up.  When Willow finally opens her eyes, she sees concern in the eyes of the vampire she is come to love and his wife. “Willow Spike did this didn't  he?  He bit you.”
Willow sits up suddenly moves her head to the side and pulls her shirt quickly away from her neck revealing two puncture holes in her jugular, “Angel the bastard claimed to me!  Yes I slept with him,  ok I have been fucking him nonstop for about the past three months, as I’m sure Angel you can smell.”
“His scent is very strong on you little one.”
“Yes he told me of the powerful vampire sense of smell.  Angel your fucking childe never told me was going to claim me after he gave me the most intense orgasm of my life.”
“little one Spike only claimed you because he wants you in his life forever. Its his sign of devotion to you.”
Cordelia looks at her friend, “do you not want to be with him?”
“Cordelia I’m 22 years old how do I know if I want to be with him for the rest of my life.”
“Willow, I’m sure the two of you must have talked about this at some point.” Cordelia says.
“He told me of claiming but we never talked about him claiming me.”
“Willow how exactly did it happen – did he claim you in bed?” Angel asks.
“Yes, he was fucking me and we were having fun, he asked if he could bite me.  He’s bit me a million times never any problem.  So of course I said yes.  Well he bit down and didn’t let go.  Angel he isn’t allowed to do that is he?”
“Unfortunately little one, he is.  He asked if he could bite and you gave him permission, that pretty much in vampire terms means he could have drained you if he wanted.”

Ch 5

“Willow what do you want to have happen now?” Angel asks her.
“I want his head on a platter.” Willow says pissed off.
“Willow I don’t understand this anger, its not like you and Spike haven’t been together for a while.” Angel tells her.
“Because Angel,  he took something that wasn’t his to take.  If he wanted to claim me than he should have asked what I wanted.  I’m stuck with him now aren’t I?  He took my future.  Even if I learn I can’t stand him, I’m stuck aren’t I Angel.” Willow rambles.
“Well I think you are but I’ll look into it ok?”
“how can you not know – you’re a master vampire?” Willow asks heatedly.
“Willow I’ve never came across someone that wanted to be unclaimed.  Willow what do you want?”
“I want you to teach him a lesson.” Willow spouts off.
“You have to ask my mate if that’s ok.” Angel tells her knowing he would love nothing more than to go “teach” Spike proper manners.
“Cordelia – will you give permission to Angel to teach Spike a lesson?”
Cordy looks at her husband and sees in his eyes that he would love to get a hold of Spike again.
“Sure – Angel has my permission.” Cordy smiles, Angel gives her a kiss and walks into the bedroom to pack a few things, walking out 5 min later, “I’ll see you in a few days, I love you.”  Angel tells his mate.  Then looks at Willow, “Just remember that you asked for this Willow.  I will be back with my childe in a few days.”

With that Angel gets in his car and drives back to Sunnydale, being careful to avoid the normal Scooby Gang hangouts.   Not in the mood to see any of them.

When Angel arrives in Sunnydale he finds his childe in the apartment he shares with Willow – however the apartment isn’t looking so good.  He can tell Spike went on a rampage when he couldn’t find Willow.  Spike opens the door to his Sire and then tries to close it instantly.  “Not so fast.” Angel says pushing Spike inside the apartment and down onto his butt.
“You wanker what was that for?”
“That was for not being a gentleman with Willow.  Who the hell do you think you are?  Claiming her without her permission.”  Angel says picking Spike up and tossing him into a wall.  “That is so not how I raised you boy.”
Spike looks at his sire, not having seen this side of him in years.  “Bugger off.  This is between me and my mate.”
“OH the mate that wants anything but being mated to you?   That one.”  Angel punches Spike in the gut.
“poof” Spike bellows punching back at Angel connecting hard.  Angel knees Spike in the gut.
“She didn’t want to be claimed.  You never even talked to her about it, you didn’t ask her.  How do you expect her to live up to the expectations of a mate.  You make a consort against her will – not a mate you fool.” Angel punches him in the face opening his lip.
“Oh and nancy-boy knows this?”  Spike growls.
“Yes you idiot.” Angel knees Spike in the stomach again – “My mate bared her neck to me willingly.”
“Baa” Spike makes a noise and rushes Angel trying to knock him down, only to be pushed into a wall for his insolence.
“Boy – when will you learn – you must obey the ancient ways even if you don’t like them.”  Angel slaps him and then continues to pummel him with his fists and kicks to the ribs until Spike crawls over to Angel, kneeling in front of him, his butt resting against his ankles, his hands flat down on his thighs and he looks up at Angel before speaking.  “Sire.” Spike says boldly and then does something Angel hasn’t seen him do in a hundred years.  He leans his head to the left resting it on his shoulder, baring his neck in a sign of submission.  Angel leans down at the waist and bites his childe, drinking greedily.

After Angel drinks from his childe he stands him up and orders, “Strip.”
“Not again.” Spike mumbles under his breath.
“NO talking childe.”
“Yes Sire.” Spike says and moves his eyes to the floor as he strips off his shirt, his hands wander to his waist.  “You sure you don’t want to do this – my hands just may not do this fast enough.”
With that Angel slaps him across the face hard enough to knock him into the wall, that scares Spike, earlier they were playing, this time Angel was serious.
“I said no talking childe.”
Spike kneels to Angels’ feet again, palms down on his thighs and his neck bared.  Angel again leaned down to him, biting him deeply.
“Now finish stripping.”
Spike stands up and does as he’s told, the muscles in his body starting to feel he effects of the ass kicking he’s received.
Once naked, Spike bows his head.
“That’s better Spike.  Turn around.” Angel tells him removing his shirt and unzipping his pants.  Spike turns around knowing that Angel isn’t even going to remove his pants, Spike feels cheap and used as Angel pushes inside him dominantly.  Spike howls in pain and Angel bites his branding mark on his back.  Thrusting deep and hard Angel drinks from his childe and through the forceful coupling Angel teaches Spike his place.  Afterwards he wipes the blood from Spike’s channel off his cock with his hand then he wipes his hand on one of Spikes’ shirts laying on the floor.
Spike stands up, looks at Angel and then bows his head and kneels, this time not back on his ankles, kneeling to be as tall as he can, he bares his neck again, “Thank you sire, for teaching me my place.”
With that Angel drinks deeply from his childe one last time.
“Its bed time Spike.”  Angel says and walks into Spike and Willow’s bedroom.  He removes his jeans and crawls into the bed.  Spike stands at the end of the bed until given permission to move.
“Come to bed childe.” Angel says softly, watching Spike crawl into bed, when his childe is in bed Angel asks him,  “Spike what did you learn?”
“I am yours sire.”
“Yes besides that – about Willow.”
“She’s mine but I should have asked her first.” Spike smiles,  Angel kisses him and they go to sleep.

Ch 6~

Angel and Spike walk into the apartment that Cordelia and Angel share.
“Lia I’m back.” Angel calls out.
“Hey babe.” Lia kisses Angel then looks at Spike, “Oh you  brought the brat.”
“Mistress.” Spike bows his head to her.
“I don’t like you and just because I don’t like you I’m going to have Angel kick your ass again.  Do you understand me?” Cordy spouts off.
“Yes mistress.” Spike says still not looking at her.  Silently wanting to drain the chit.
“Spike you make a consort against her will – if you wanted a mate you should have asked her first.” Cordelia lectures.
“Yes mistress.”
“Angel hit him.” Cordelia barks.
Angel looks at Cordelia like I’m doing this cos I love you not because he deserves it. He then backhands Spike.
Spike falls to his knees and assumes the position Angelus instilled in him as submissive.  He moves his head to the side and Cordelia barks, “What the hell is he doing?”
“He’s offering  you his neck, his apology for upsetting you.” Angel explains, taking great pride in Spike’s reaction.
“I don’t drink blood.” Cordelia scoffs.  Even though she knows she can if she wants, she doesn’t want to ever drink from anyone but Angel.  He can sense that so he tells her the next best thing.
“Then kiss his neck.” Angel orders his mate.
“What?” Cordelia looks at him shocked.
“When he submits he must be rewarded or it must be closed – if you don’t follow through he’s going to not submit –then we’ll have the same problems.  If you don’t bite him – kiss his neck when he bares it – for closure.”
“You’re going to have to explain this.” Cordy kisses Spike’s neck then looks at Angel.
“Its simple Cor- a bite from your sire is a reward in this case, he pleased you so he gets reward with the kiss.  Honestly Cordy all the time hanging with the Scooby gang taught you nothing.” Willow says from behind her and Spike’s head jerks up to look at his mate.
“yes Spike you may go to her.” Angel tells him.  Waiting to see if Spike retained what he was taught.
“Pet – I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have claimed you without asking you first.   I just didn’t want to ever lose you.” Spike tells her.
“Claiming me and forcing me to be with you for the rest of my life wasn’t exactly an oops Spike – you knew what you were doing.” Willow states.
“You’re right pet.  I did know what I was doing.  I just didn’t think it would upset you.  Pet I didn’t believe you to be a woman that gave her body away freely, I thought that since you were giving me that kind of commitment, well….I thought you wanted a real commitment.  Claiming you in vampire lore is like being married in your customs. I committed to you for the long haul.  Wasn’t that a good thing?  You know I’m not going anywhere – I didn’t just use you for sex.”
”Yes big difference is I could throw the ring back in your face in my customs.” Willow scolds.
“Willow – I’m sorry – what more do you want from me?  You had Angel beat the shit out of me – I had to obey the cheerleader there’s only so much I’m willing to do to earn your forgiveness.  I’m not a poof you know.”  Spike finally gets his fire back.
Angel moves to step between them and correct Spike before he sees Willow smile.
“There’s my mate.” Willow smiles.
“You know – technically he’s not your mate Willow until you complete the bond.” Angel informs her.
“Meaning?” Willow asks.
“Honestly Willow all the time hanging with the Scooby gang taught you nothing?” Cordelia laughs.
“You have to drink his blood.” She explains.
“What?” She bellows.
“Spike take your mate into a bedroom and explain the process this time – don’t forget to explain forever mating.  That’s an order.” Angel tells him.
“Yes sire.” He then grabs Willow’s hand and walks up the stairs letting her lead the way to her chosen room.
“OK Spike – explain.” Willow says sitting on the edge of the bed.
Spike kneels in his submissive stance, knowing that he should be bitten for his insolence.  “OK luv, a mating is the bond that is formed when a vampire drinks deep enough to take over half of the others blood.  When I claimed you that’s what I did.  Claiming is the process to make a mate.  Now you are my mate but I’m not technically yours until you drink from me, because you’re human you don’t have to drink that much you just have to drink.  Now Angel and Cordy are forever mates.  That’s the next step.  Bloody hell, ok wait mating is just until you die, a forever mate is the same process done during a coupling or making love.  So while we are physically connected then we’d drink from the other – that would turn you immortal and make you and I forever mates.  Meaning we would be together until someone staked me, I walked into the sun or someone cut my head off.  At that time is when you would begin to age again like a human and the bond would be broken.”
Willow then puts her hand under Spike’s chin and raises him up to sit on the bed with her. “So exactly what am I now?”
”You’re beautiful luv.” Spike tells her not understanding the question.
“Thanks but that’s not what I mean.  Am I your mate or what?”
“Oh – you are my mate – meaning I can’t go anywhere else, but you – you are just claimed right now that means your body yearns for me and you are protected against other vampires but technically you haven’t given me your heart – so you could fall in love with another – however they could never physically satisfy you. I mean you could get pleasure from another but you’d never feel the earth move with them.  You are not mated to me yet. So emotionally you’re still available to others.”
“So you didn’t do to me the big evil.”
“Luv I’m the Big Bad but I don’t make consorts.”
“OK I know I’ve heard that term a lot – what does it mean?”
”A consort is a walking meal, a walking fuck toy.  They have absolutely no rights, you fuck them when you want how you want and feed from them. Lock them in a room and they basically do whatever you tell them, if not you punish them much the same as Angel punished me earlier.”
“Spike I’m so sorry I sent Angel to do that I thought claiming meant I was yours forever and you took away my freedom.”
“I know why you did it luv, and to tell you the truth I deserved it pet, I claimed you without explaining it and that was wrong of me.” Spike tells her exactly what Angel opened his eyes to.  “In your customs that’s much the same as rape and for that I’m sorry.”
“Where did the change in attitude come from?”
“When you told Angel to teach me a lesson you had no idea what he was going to do did you?” Spike laughs, knowing that Willow just went off in one of her aggravated babbling sessions that he was so fond of and had no idea what she was asking of Angel.
“Um…no” She says shyly.
Spike sits down knowing this is going to be a fun explanation.
 “Luv, Angel dominated me 100%”
“meaning?” Willow asks.
“Meaning that he came into my apartment, beat the shit out of me then fucked me blind.”
“He what?” Willow asks shocked.
“He did what he has every right to do – especially when my mate asked him to.  As my sire he owns me but most of the time I can fight that, but when my mate asked him to teach me a lesson you gave him full reign to do anything he wanted to me.  That’s ok though, cos I needed him to teach me respect again.  What I did to you was disrespectful and it will never happen again.”
“Am I ever going to be told all these rules?” She asks.
“I’m still learning.” Spike smiles.  “I’ll tell you what I know.”  Spike then smiles and lays down next to his woman.  Really wanting her to forgive him for his actions, he starts to talk.

~*~  Fin ~*~