The Seclusion
Author : Doris and Adrea
Summary : pt 2 in the Coming Home Again Series
 Spike gets his proof his sire wants him
Disclaimer : on Home page
Rating : NC-17 – slash

Angel pushes his childe into the cabin not more than 30 minutes before sunrise and smirks,
"So you wanted me back huh?"
"Don't flatter yourself poof.  I thought that we needed a change of scenery."  Spike says. Even though Spike truly wanted him he could never admit that to Angel.
"Boy when will you ever learn you are mine, more now than ever before." Angel pushes him up against the wall and kisses him hard then backs away.  "Cover those windows before the sun rises, I'll cover the upstairs and then meet me in bed."  He states it rather than asks him, as he has the right now to give orders again.
"I'll cover the windows only because I'm saving myself, but as for meeting you in bed you've got another thing coming if you think that I'm going up there."  Spike says that knowing that it will get to Angel.  "I'll be down here sitting right here if you want me."  Spike coyly smiles.
Angel quickly walks up the stairs saying nothing, by his calculations they had only about 15min. to close all the drapes in the place, and then he'd go have some fun with his wayward childe.  Angel went about his task, finishing in about 10 min he removed his shirt and sauntered downstairs.  "Spike- bed." He orders in a tone sounding much more like Angelus than himself.
Spike knew that tone and it was getting much more like Angelus, but he couldn't give in just yet.  "No, you are still sounding like Angel and he can't dominate  the Big Bad."  As he says this he knows that he will be in for it, but that is what he wants.
Angel walks over to Spike and grabs him by the ear standing him up.  He knows Spike expected a different sort of grip.  Angel pulls him upstairs to bed like that.  "Now you were saying?"  Angel smiles that he just shocked Spike.
Spike wasn't expecting Angel to do that, but he still couldn't give in.  "Oh that wasn't so tough.  Is that all you've got?"
 "Spike I've been awake for 24 hrs do you really want to piss me off right now?"
 He says in a warning tone, he was tired he really just wanted to sleep with his childe.
 "Sure I do.  Its what I do best"  He grins and knows that at any moment Angel will come unglued and let him have it.  Its what he has been waiting for, but he can't tell Angel that.  He wants him to submit easily, but he has another thing coming.  Spike wants the real deal.
 "Dammit Spike." Angel says and tosses him into a wall.  "Why do you have to be so bloody  complicated.  You haven't learned in 126 years that you can't dominate me?" Angel says before pulling Spikes clothes from his body brutally.  Leaving him standing in only boxers.
 "You know me poof, I'm not easy."  Spike grins and waits for Angel to make another move.
 "You never were, you were always the pain in neck."  Angel says and turns Spike around forcing  him to face the wall as Angel pulls his boxers down.
 Spike knew that he was losing and he had to get away from Angel.  He couldn't let him bite him.  He attempts to move away from Angel, and succeeds.  "So you thought that you were the Master?  Not from where I'm standing over here."  Spike laughs out loud.
 Angel runs at him and tackles him to the floor.  "I was trying to give you some dignity in the act but I guess you don't want it like a man you want it like a dog." Angel flips him over onto his stomach and moves his erection to Spikes opening and slides inside without first preparing him and using no lube.  He knew it hurt but he also knew its what Spike needed from him.
"GRRR"  Spike yells out fighting Angel all the way.  He couldn't let him win.  Even though he wasn't prepared for this as he was actually starting to enjoy it.  "Get off me you bloody wanker"  Spike tries to struggle to get away from Angel.
"Spike you know you're mine.  To do with what I please." Angel shows that by pounding into him hard.  Angel wanted his childe to submit and he would, soon, because he wanted to cum and he also knew Spike wasn't a fledgling he had history with him and that made the breaking of his will so much more enticing.
Spike was loving this and he knew that Angel was getting ready to cum, but he still had to fight.  "GRRRR" he growled again.  "Peaches I know that you've got more that this.  This isn't anything"  Spike tries to still get to Angel, not wanting to give in.
But his sire felt so good and he wanted him so bad.
Angel lets his demon out and bends down over Spikes back and with his fang cuts the letter A into Spikes back, smearing his hand with the blood he wraps it around Spike and grabs his hard cock.  Yanking on him just so he hears the moan escape his childe as he's stroked.
Spikes’ demon slips out.  He knows that he is losing, but his sire was touching him and he loved it.  "Oh Peaches" Spike couldn't believe that he was giving in.
"Want more Spike?" Angel growls
“Oh yes Peaches"  Spike moaned.  He loved the feel of his sire.  He was losing all sense of anything with Angel touching and stroking him.
Angel slowed down his pace then, actually giving pleasure to the young vampire.  He didn't need the force now that Spike had submitted.  He stroked him steadily in time to his thrusts into him.
Spike was melting in his sires arms.  He didn't know how much longer he could hold out, but he knew that he couldn't cum unless he was given permission.  He was so on the verge.
Angel could sense the younger vampires need for his release.  He wasn't in the mood to torment him too long tonight so he let his demon slip forward as he used his free hand to sit Spike up, impaling him on his thick erection.  He looked at Spikes neck deciding where the brand should be this time and chose a spot on his right shoulder, as his cum shot into his childe he vocalized his ok with one word, "cum" to his childe.  When he felt the beginnings of the younger mans release, only then did he sink his fangs deep into the spot he had chosen on Spikes back.
Spike was now in heaven.  He was finally one with his sire.  When he felt Angel sink his fangs into his back he knew that he was home again.  He was finally whole and he had his sire back in his life.  He fell back into Angel.
Angel removed his fangs.  "Now you will join me in bed" Angel smirked knowing that’s exactly what Spike wants.
"Yes Peaches.  I just wanted you to ask me nicely."  Spike smirked and followed Angel to bed.  He really just wants to be close to his sire.
Angel tussled Spikes' hair and moves to the bed with him, licking off the membrants of their coupling from his hand.
Spike had this grin on his face that he just couldn't get rid of.  As far as he was concerned all was right in the world.   He had his sire back and he also had a wonderful woman back home.  He felt complete again.
Angel wrapped his arm possessively around his childe and knew that this was going to be a fun week. Spike fell asleep happy with his sires arm around him.  That’s exactly what he was waiting for.

Ch 2

The next morning when they awoke Angel was in the mood to teach his wayward childe.  Angel pushed Spike off the bed and laughed internally when he hit the floor with a thud. “What the bloody hell?” Spike groaned.
“Sleep on the floor childe.” Angel orders.
“Angelus you bleedin’ ass” Spike mouths off.
"What’s that - you want your ass to bleed? I'm sure you know I can make that happen." Angel lays down.
"You give yourself to much credit."  Spike mumbled as he settled on the floor.  Even though
he would love for Angel to make him his again.
"good doggie." Angel cracks.  "What that beautiful woman sees in you I'll never know."
"She knows that she has a real man and not someone who doesn't know who they are."  Spike mumbles back.
Angel gets pissed and in one movement stands Spike up and tosses him into a wall across the room using only his hair.  "You lack the respect you have been taught."
Spike laughs at him.  "I've got respect, but I only show it to people that respect me.  Its
a waste of time showing it to anyone else."
"Be a good little childe and you might be treated better." Angel says to him.
"Look what that gets me.  A swift kicks in the ass."  Spike says as he looks Angel in the eye.
"watch the eyes Spike." Angel says softly first to see if Spike will respond.
"Why?"  Spike questions and still keeps the eye contact.
"Dammit Spike you know the rules." Angel tells him roughly.  He doesn't want to have to dominate him, he'd rather have him submit willingly.
"Yep I do and you know me, I don't like bloody rules."  Spike laughs at him.
“You're going to make me dominate you again aren't you ?   Ok it’s your week." Angel grabs Spike behind the neck and pushes him to his knees.  He notices however, it doesn't take much effort, Spike isn't exactly fighting him.

 let Angel make the first move.
Angel laid down onto his back and pulled Will on top of him, kissing him.
Spike had not felt like this in such a long time with Angel.  He kissed him back and wanted to continue pleasuring him, but was unsure if he was allowed.  He was going to let Angel guide him.
“You have no boundaries Will." Angel tells him against a kiss.
He had tortured Spike to many times in the past and this is when those old wounds were to be healed.
Spike smiled through the kiss.  "Really sire?  I can pleasure you?"
"yes Will, please pleasure me but not as your sire, but as your lover."
Angel kisses him again.
Spike smiles again.  "Mmmm lover lets see how you taste."  Spike then was letting his hands roam on Angel's tight body as he kissed him all the way down to his growing erection.  He licked the underside and then sucked the tip into his mouth and let his tongue play with it.
"Oh damn Will." Angel moans, he hadn’t felt a mouth this cool on him in years.
Spike loved pleasuring Angel and especially loved to hear the approval.  He continued to play with his cock before taking him all in his mouth.
"Damn Will.  I missed you so much." Angel finally makes the admission.
Spike stops sucking on Angel and goes up near him.  He looks directly at him and said, "I missed you to lover."  Spike then leans in and kisses him passionately.
Angel lets his mouth dual with Spikes, not really fighting for dominance, just kissing him like he did in the past.  He wants so desperately to roll Spike over and slide inside of him but today - today was a day for Angel to pay for his abuse of Spike, today Will would be in charge.
Spike continued to kiss Angel with everything that he had in him.  He needed Angel.  He rolled Angel over and after lubing him he entered his tight hole.  "Oh God Angel"  he shouted out.  He continued to thrust in him, slowly picking up the pace.
"Will, damn you feel good." Angel moans, not having been on receiving end of this act in over 50 years.  When he and Spike were running through Europe together.
It had been so long since Spike was not on the receiving end of pain that turned into
pleasure.  He wanted this feeling of giving to last a long time.  He felt himself of the
verge of cumming.  He couldn't control himself he shot his seed deep into Angel.  "Yes Angel you feel so damn good."  Spike panted.
Angel felt Spike cum and smiled.  He moved himself and rolled over.  Pulling Spike back down on top of him and kissed him.  "Again?" Angel asked, wanting Spike to enter him again, he wanted to kiss his lover as they came together.
“Yes lover, only this time it's your turn to give."  Spike said as he leaned down and kissed Angel deeply.
"You sure?" Angel didn't want to take Spike's night from him.
"I want you to."  He said as he kissed him again.  "I want to give you that."  Spike smiled at him.
"Ok." Angel rolls them over so that Spike is under him, and grabbed the lube.  He made quick work of preparing himself then took a generous amount on his fingers and softly slid them into Spike.  "OH damn." He moaned.
"OH yeah"  Spike moaned.  Just the slight touch from Angel felt great to him.
Angel moved his body down and kissed a place only he knew was a turn on for Spike.
He kissed Spikes belly button.
"Oh Angel"  Spike moaned.  He really knew him.  No one has ever kissed him there, not even Sam knew about that spot.
Angel put Spikes legs up on his shoulders and slowly moved up to his mouth.  As his tongue entered Spike's mouth his cock slide deep inside of him.
Spike held onto Angel and kissed him with everything that he had in him.  "Damn Angel you feel so good.  More."  He moaned.
Angel gave Spike what he needed, what they both needed.  Together they found the bond that they thought was lost forever.
Spike loves that idea.  They have never cum together before.  He helped himself get to the point of cumming with Angel.  "Together"  Spike says as he looks at Angel.
Angel growls as his seed shoots into Spike.  His fangs sink into Spikes neck.  He pulls
Spike's head to his neck.  A silent permission to drink from him.
Spike smiles and gladly accepts Angel's neck.  His fangs came out and he sunk them into Angel.  It wasn't to often that he was allowed to do this.  He pulled out his fangs and licked the wounds shut.
Angel licked the wounds on Spike's neck as well as he pulled his body from Spikes.  He
held Spike tight as he calmed down.  "I love you Will."
Spike got as close as he could to Angel.  He needed to feel his closeness.  "I love you

Continued in Part 3 : The Branding


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