Title:          Wild Abandon

Couples:     A/Destiny, S/Alysa

                    (Destiny and Alysa are my characters and both are witches)

Rating:       R

Written:      2003, June

Feedback:    eternal_companion@ameritech.net



Need to know:

Spike and Angel rule LA.  Angel doesn't have a soul, he was never cursed with one - Spike has no chip - both of them drink from human's but aren't incredibly viscous.  They are vampires and everything you know about Joss' world just ignore because this is completely AU.



Alysa smiled as her sister jumped in the leaves. This was finally becoming fun. It took awhile for them to understand being charmed and to understand their powers, but it was finally becoming fun. 

"D do you hear that?" She asked hearing someone beg for mercy in the distance.

“I think we should do something about it.” Destiny replied.

"Lets go." Alysa takes off running in the direction of the sounds and sees' two guys pinning two women to trees.  She instantly thinks rape and throws the guys to the other side of the park then freezes them.

"Are you guys ok?" She asks the girls.

“Thank you so much.” One girl said. “He was trying to bite us.”

“Bite you?” Destiny asked and looked at her sister.

"Yes they are some kind of monsters."  The other girl says then Alysa freezes them.

"Do you think you're powers can erase their memory?" She asks her sister.

“I could try.” Destiny shrugged. She then concentrated as hard as she could. When the two girls unfroze they just walked away like nothing ever happened. 

"Now that’s a power I want." Alysa says to her sister.

"What the power to die?" One of the vampires say, totally shocking the sisters.

“What the hell are you?” Destiny asked taking a step back.

“What are you?” One asked brushing himself off. “It’s going to take a good day to ward off this chill.”

"I don’t get it - I froze you." Alysa states.

“Young people.” One mused.

"Huh?  Are you a warlock?" Alysa asked the taller one.

“No but I am hungry.” He smiled to his friend. “What do you say we dine out?”

"Oh yeah.  I like the quiet one.  She could taste good." Angel smiles. Moving towards Destiny.  Just then Alysa uses her power and throws them across the open area into a tree.  "I think not."

The tall one’s eyes grew dark and he glared at her. Suddenly her hands went to her neck and she fought the urge to breath.

“Do that again and I’ll choke the life out of you.”

With her eyes Alysa moved a chair in his view to stop his strangle hold. "Ok" She chokes out.

"Spike- chill man - you can't drink from the dead." Angel reminds him.

“What makes you think their dead?” Spike asked licking his lips and revealing his teeth.

"They aren't yet but if you kill her she will be." Angel reminds him, walking over and putting his hand around Destiny's waist.  "It’s so much better this way." Angel kisses Destiny's neck, using his ability to play with her mind to make her think she wants this.

"Destiny = no" Alysa screams trying to get her sister to move.

Destiny twisted away from him and slowly glided up into the air. “Nice try Casanova.”

“We’re gonna do this nice and simple.” Spike replied as he stalked towards Alysa. “Its you or your friend.”

"Why are you such an asshole?" Alysa asks him, hands on hips.

“I get angry when I’m hungry.”

"Well then eat you're arm cause you wont' like the taste of me - my blood isn't exactly pure." Alysa says trying to discourage him.

“Pure.” He laughed heartily as he backed her up against the tree.

“Alysa.” Destiny cried as her feet hit the ground and she headed off towards her sister.

Angel grabbed Destiny's arms to stop her from running. 

"Sorry I'm not in the mood for this." Alysa froze them again.  "Destiny run before they unfreeze." They started running as fast as they could towards home.

Spike smiled as he watched them flee in fright.

“Let’s take the edge off Angel. Then I say we get better acquainted with our new friends.”

"OH they are going to be fun." Angel laughed as they walked to find some food.


“Vampires.” Destiny said pacing. “Vampires? What the hell do we do with Vampires?”

"Well that one I'd like to sink my teeth into." Alysa cracks.

“That was corny.” Destiny said and sighed. “How long ago did you order the pizza?”

"Like 10 minutes ago.  Calm down - come on we've vanquished warlocks - a few vampires aren't going to kill us." Alysa tries to calm Destiny.

“Warlocks don’t suck blood.” Destiny said and jumped when she heard a knock on the door. “Who is it?”

“Pizza delivery.”

“Oh. Well come on in.”

"Thanks for inviting us inside." Angel smiles holding up their pizza.  "That pizza guy tasted good now I'll let you have your dinner." 

"Damn it" Alysa sighed sitting still on the couch.

“Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to invite a Vampire into your house?” Spike mused as he held out the pizza.

“Didn’t anyone ever teach you not to suck blood?” Destiny snapped back.

“I’m still hungry.” Spike growled.

"Give me my damn pizza - I’m hungry." Alysa snarls.  She hated cocky men and vampires were worse and she just didn't have the energy to fight with this one on an empty stomach.

“I should’ve bit you when I had the chance.” Spike said and tossed the box at her.

"Yeah should've, would've, could've." Alysa was getting bitchy. Just when she thought she figured this being a witch thing out - a vampire has to throw a wrench in her plans.

Spike smiled and watched her as she ate the pizza. He then turned towards his cousin.

[I can have fun with her.] He said in his mind.

[And I'm sure you will.] Angel said back to him.

"So now that you've invited us inside - do you mind telling me why you interrupted my dinner earlier.  I wasn't going to kill that girl." Angel asks Destiny.

“What exactly were you going to do with her?” Destiny asked.

"Just take a drink. I was hungry." Angel answers honestly.

“There are plenty of animals around this area.” Destiny said. “I don’t recall seeing you around so why don’t you head back to wherever you came from.”

"Well because I like it here - and I don't like drinking from animals they don't taste as rich."

“I’m going to be sick.” Destiny said making a disgusted face.

Spike sat back on the love seat amused. “Try it some time, nothing tastes as rich and warm as human blood.”

"Yuck gross. I'll settle for cheese and pepperoni thank you." Alysa states.

“You wouldn’t happen to have a glass of wine would you?” Spike asked.

"I didn't think that vampires ate or drank anything but blood." Alysa asks without answering his question.

“Dry red wine.” Spike smiled. “Blood red. May I have some?” He asked and looked at Destiny.

“I’ll get it.” She said and quickly disappeared into the kitchen.

Alysa sat quietly, stone quite and astroprojected herself into the kitchen.

"Don't be scared - I don’t think they want to hurt us." She told her sister.

“What am I doing?” Destiny asked as she put the wine bottle down. “How did I get in here?”

"They are using mind control - or at least the asshole one is - the other one seems to like you." Alysa told her, feeling her power start to drain.  "Just play along I don’t' think they'll hurt us." Just then her secondary image fades and she jolts on the couch when she is all back in her body.

Spike looked at his cousin who was standing in the middle of the room.

[Keep the other one in the kitchen.]

Angel walked into the kitchen to say hello to Destiny.  "Don't worry I'm not hungry anymore."

“What do you want?” Destiny asked as she took a step backward.

"I was told to keep you in here - I think my ‘cousin’ likes your sister." Angel sits down at the table.  "Sit with me?"

“Sure.” Destiny said. “Do you want some wine?”

"No hate the stuff.  That was Spike playing games.  I would like to know though - how did you get the powers you have?  Are they inherited or do you just practice witchcraft?" Angel says softly.

“Inherited.” She said as she settled into the chair. “We’re still getting use to them.”

 "How long have you known about them?"

“I think I knew about them my whole life.” Destiny replied. “I just don’t think I recognized them till I became an adult.”

"That’s pretty awesome, so I know you can fly - what else can you do?"

“I can sorta see the future.” She said quietly.

"Really?  I know my future is to walk around alone forever - but what do you see in yours?"

“I really don’t care to know.” She said. “How old are you?”

"Um...217 I think.  Its hard to remember - I was born in 1788."

“You don’t look a day over 30.”

"Thanks - amazing what the immortal kiss will do to you." Angel sighs.

“You don’t seem pleased.” Destiny said.

“Don't get me wrong - I have a good life but I guess I'm not as into the control and desire that Spike is. I would like wife and a white picket fence.  I would love to see the sun again."

“Maybe one day it’ll happen.” Destiny said with a small smile.

“What’s your name?” Spike asked from his position on the loveseat.

"Alysa - what’s yours?" She decided not to fight with him just now - throw him off guard a bit.

“Spike.” He mused. “Nice name for my profession.”

"So what got you into sucking blood Spike?"

“It’s a life I fancy.” Spike replied. “What got you into being a witch?”

"Inherited it from my mom." Alysa says and starts on another piece of pizza.

“Do you like your powers enchantress?”

"OH is this flattery I hear Spike?  Yes I love my powers, I love it even more when they work the way I want and people like you stay frozen when I tell you to." She smiles softly. Not knowing why but suddenly he didn't seem so bad.

“It’s a shame your magic doesn’t work on me.” Spike said as he leaned on his knees and his eyes clouded over. He smiled as he stared at her, almost looking into her soul. “Alysa…”

"Don't do that Spike.  If you want something, or want to ask me something do it as a man not with vampire tricks."

He smiled as his fangs pricked his tongue and he revealed it to her. “Your blood.”

"What about my blood?" She stood up and walked to the piano playfully.

Spike summoned his strength and the piano cover slammed down hard on the keys.

“Don’t toy Alysa. I want your blood. I want to drink it from your warm body.”

"Well Spike- this could be a give and take situation - you may have some of my blood - but only after I get what I want."

“Name the price enchantress.”

"I want you body. I'm horny." Alysa tells him.

Spike stood up and held out his hand. “Come to me Alysa.”

She walked to his hand willingly.  Her body burning for his touch, her senses on fire. 

Spike wrapped his hand around her waist and in mere seconds they materialized in her room.

"OH that was cool - but I hope you slow down now." She smiled running her tongue over a vein in his neck.

“Slowing down isn’t in my…blood.” He mused before he leaned down and kissed her, drinking the passion and heat from her lips.

"Well honey remember the deal - I have to be satisfied before you drink, and well if you go that fast I won't have a chance to get involved." Alysa enjoyed the tease.  She enjoyed knowing that he would drink of her blood in a little while.  For some reason it comforted her to know that she wasn't with someone who knew nothing of her being a witch, she didn't have to hide that part of herself with him.

Spike closed off his mind and stood still for a moment.

[Keep her downstairs, keep her at the far end of the house.]

Angel picked up on Spike's message and sent back. [We're going for a walk.]

"Come on Destiny - lets take a walk." Angel offered his hand.

“Sure.” Destiny said and wasn’t quite sure why she followed.


“We’re alone.” Spike whispered a he pulled at the buttons on her shirt. “Feel free to be as loud as you want.” He ran his tongue down her throat, stopping to caresses the pulse that was beating rapidly beneath her skin before moving down to the soft swells of her breasts.

"OH loud isn’t what I desire Spike.  I want a man that can fulfill my desire.  I want a man that can fulfill me.  Are you up for the challenge?" Alysa smiles and runs her hand over his chest, shocked when she doesn't feel a heart beat. 

“I’m dead.” Spike said. “Lifeless, but a woman’s never complained about my company.” He took her breasts in his large hands and ran his thumbs along her tight nipples watching them pucker in anticipation. He then bent down and gently suckled.

Alysa took his shirt off quickly, tossing it to the floor.  She let her mouth kiss his neck then chest, finally stopping at his earlobe.  Her nails raked his back as she pulled him closer.  "When you bite, do it so that I can hide the marks with a shirt OK?" She asks in a deep whisper, feeling his desire against her thigh.

“Would you like to see a nice trick enchantress?” Spike mused as he pulled back.

"Yes." She murmured.

Spike smiled and opened his mouth showing his sharp fangs. He then leaned down and sank them into her breasts before pulling back quickly and watching the blood drip from her body.

"Spike!"  She exclaimed, "Don't make a mess - now lick it up." She smiled, knowing for some reason that no one has let him enjoy being a vampire before.

Spike smirked and licked up the blood also healing the two tiny marks that rested on her breasts. “You’ll need no shirts because I wipe away all marks. No more talking Alysa.” He brought his mouth down against hers again and kissed her with and intense need.

Alysa wrapped her body tight to his and thought how sexy he was when he was bossy like this.

Spike pulled at the button on her pants and started to tug the zipper down eager to accept her warm body folding against his.

Alysa moved the bed from where it was to the middle of the room so that she could push Spike down on it.  She then stood with her arms extended to each side and with her mind removed the rest of her clothing.  "This is the easiest way to change clothes." She smirked and crawled on top of him on the bed. "And you happen to be wearing too many." She smiled her hands reaching for his jeans.

“If you were born in my day you would be wearing too many.” He murmured before shrugging off his jeans and joining her in her nakedness. Spike hated underwear and would never wear it. “Your so warm.”

"That’s what a beating heart does for you." She smirked. She kissed his chest then down his abs. Massaging his manhood and teasing him.  "How old are you Spike?"

“215.” Spike said. “You talk to much.” He ran his hands along her hips and rolled over, tucking him under him. “Come with me enchantress, let’s travel to a world full of passion and dreams.”

Alysa didn't say a word only kissed him deeply and opened her legs so that he could move his body. 

Spike groaned as his body came into contact with the warm flesh that was all Alysa. He quickly buried himself deep inside of her and the feeling arose in him that he never wanted to let go.

"OH" Alysa moaned. His body filled her so completely.  No man that she's been with could make her feel so small and fragile.  Spike's body and Spike - made her feel 100% woman.  She raised her hips up and dug her nails into his back as he moved deeper and deeper.

“Enchantress.” He groaned as his tongue ran up and down the pulse that was beating wildly in her neck. Her legs tightened around him and he was moving deeper and deeper.

"Oh." Alysa was enjoying herself. Spike definitely knew what he was doing. Her body felt like it was burning from the inside out.  She squeezed her muscles around him and lifted her hips as the first wave of pleasure soared through her.

Spike licked his lips and opened his mouth and in one swift movement was drinking from her, taking the essence of her life, revitalizing himself in a way he never knew possible.

"OH SPIKE!" Alysa screamed as he bit into her and her orgasm rocked her body all at once.  She felt weak, exhausted and absolutely elated all together.  She didn't bother to try and get Spike to stop drinking.  As he sucked the blood from her body she floated around on a platform of pleasure not realizing that she was dying as he drank.

Spike pulled back quickly and ran his tongue over her small wound. He cursed himself for taking so much but held her tenderly in his arms as her eyes fluttered open.

“Did I fulfill your desire Enchantress?”
"Huh?" She looked up at him, weak and unable to focus.

“Sleep, Enchantress, sleep.” He whiSpikeered as he placed a small kiss on her forehead.

Alysa rolled away from him and curled herself into a ball.  She felt weak and that was a feeling she hated.  One that she hadn't felt since she got her powers.

Spike climbed out of bed and picked up his discarded clothing. It was early morning, he could sense it.

[Bring the other home.]

[We're downstairs] Angel said back to Spike mentally.  Knowing that they must leave within minutes to get home before the sun rose.

Spike materialized downstairs and fixed his gaze on the other girl.

“Make sure she gets plenty of rest and when she wakes up lots of fluid.”

“Sure.” Destiny said and looked at Angel.

"He bit her but she's not hurt.  She'll just feel kinda tired when she wakes up." Angel explains calmly so that Destiny doesn't worry.

“Let’s go.” Spike said and opened the door with a swift movement of his hand. “Till we meet again.”

"Bye Destiny." Angel smiled softly and vanished with Spike.

“Bye.” Destiny murmured and concluded this was the weirdest night of her life.

"Destiny?" Alysa asks as she stumbles down the stairs. Feeling like she just ran a marathon.

“Alyssa whoa.” Destiny said as she ran to her sister. “You shouldn’t be out of bed.”

"What happened?  Why am I so tired?" Alysa remembered some really awesome sex but she wasn't about to tell her baby sister that.

“Maybe because you had a Vampire sucking your blood.” Destiny said and ushered her sister to the couch. “Why did you let him?”

"Um I was a little pre-occupied at the moment." Alysa smiles remembering how incredibly awesome he felt.

“Alysa, what did you do?” Destiny asked crossing her arms across her chest.

"Had a little fun.  Honest it was all in good fun."

“What was in good fun?”

"You want all the gory details - ok Destiny - I had my way with him last night.  I had sex with him.  And it was the best ever."

“You don’t even know the guy.” Destiny cried. “He could have some horrible disease.”

"Doubtful - he's dead - he can't catch live diseases.  I'm thirsty."

“Wrong you twit.” Destiny said and tossed a pillow at her. “They can catch AIDS. I would get you a drink but I’m so mad at you I’m going to make you get it yourself.”

"Dest - I was lonely - and horny and we used a condom" Alysa says getting up.  Then softly mutters "I think."

“If I ever see him again I’ll drive a stake through his heart myself.” Destiny said angrily.

"Don't you dare - I want to use him for his body a few more times." Alysa comes out of the kitchen with the biggest glass of water in existence

“Use someone else.” Destiny said. “Is your bedroom all bloody now?”

"No not at all - he didn't miss a drop." Alysa laughs.

“I’m going out.” Destiny said and grabbed her coat. “Don’t die or anything while I’m gone.”

"OH damn, maybe you should do the other one - make you feel better." Alysa laughs.

“Why don’t you do him too?” Destiny cooed. “I’m sure it’ll make you feel real good. Bye.”

"Brat." Alysa smiled.  Walked upstairs to her room and laid down on her bed. She tried to catch his scent, but being that he was not of this world - he didn’t' have one.  She didn't care - she laid down and remembered the night before.


“You didn’t take her blood.” Spike amused as he reclined in a black leather chair with a wine glass in his hand.

"NO - we talked.  I know you'll consider that lame but I enjoyed it." Angel commented to him sitting on the couch.

“Yes Angel you’re so noble.” Spike smiled and took another sip of his wine. In an hour they would be out stalking the streets for dinner. For now they rested comfortably in their home. It was a dark house set off in the middle of a lake. It looked like an old castle and had hideaways and rooms dark enough for them to sleep in. Of course he and Angel preferred the basement and that’s where they kept to. Now they relaxed in the newly redone living room, adorned with all black and gothic furniture.

"Spike some of us prefer companionship - you know actually talking to someone - do you even know Alysa's last name?”

“I don’t even know her friends first name.” Spike laughed. “And her friend is very upset with me.”


“Because I slept with Alysa.” Spike smirked. He then shook his head. “You have a clearer connection with her. I don’t have the energy anymore to read her thoughts.”

"Actually Spike - I didn't read her thoughts - I can't I haven’t drank from her.  Besides I can get information the old fashioned way - talking." Angel spouts off - "OH and lets not kid ourselves. You didn't sleep with Alysa - you used her.  For your own gratification." Angel gets up and walks outside.

Spike finished his wine and dropped the glass in the sink before going after Angel.

“When are you going to accept what you are? You can’t deny this Angel. Its your fate now.”

"NO this isn't fate - this is a curse.  A curse maybe a witch can cure." Angel says walking onto the launch.

Spike materialized in front of Angel on the boat. “Why?”

"Why what? Why aren't I happy Spike?" Angel asks him.  "Probably something to do with the fact that you've been my only true companion for the last 200 years." Angel walks to the front of the launch.

“And you don’t like the companionship?” Spike asked with raised eyebrows.

"Sorry - Spike I've been telling you for centuries you just aren’t my type." Angel laughs.

“Easily solved.” Spike said as they hit the docks. “Take her blood and leave her in the servant state. She’s yours forever and will keep your bed warm for all eternity.”

"I don’t want her like that - I want her whole.  I mean of course I may nibble a bit from time to time.  But I'm not going to drain her like you did to Alysa. Now shut up I'm hungry."

“Ok fine.” Spike sighed dramatically. “Let’s hit the park again and do stay away from men.”

"I tell you they aren't my type."  Angel smiles and grabs a woman that was jogging by and takes a nice long drink.  Not killing her just leaving her dazed.

“Clear her mind.” Spike warned. “We don’t need people warning the bounty hunters about us.” He looked around and his eyes smiled as he materialized in front of a girl. “Hello.”

Destiny squealed and backed up against a tree. “What do you want?”

“Just a small taste.” Spike smiled and leaned in with his fangs extended.

“Get away.” She said pushing at him. “Help!”

Spike pulled away and licked his lips. “What a bore.”

Angel materialized in front of Spike, between him and Destiny.  "Leave her be - find a different meal."

Spike scowled him. “I’ll be back.” He said and disappeared.

"Sorry about that.  He hasn’t' eaten tonight." Angel apologizes to Destiny.

“I’m about to make sure he doesn’t eat again.” Destiny said and picked up a long tree branch.

"NO" Angel's fangs come out.  He would protect Spike fiercely. Even from her.

“You wanna protect your friend?!” Destiny cried. “I wanna protect my sister!”

"He won't hurt her.  He enjoys her. If he wanted to kill her he would have but we don't do that. You've probably killed more than we have.  We just eat then erase their memories and leave."

“How nice of you.” Destiny said disgusted as she threw the branch away. “I think you two should stay away from us.”

"What if we don't want to?  What if I don't want to?  Destiny just because Spike bit Alysa doesn't mean that I'm going to bite you." Angel says softly.

“That doesn’t change who you are.” Destiny said. “Are you going to tell me it never gets too tempting?”

"Tempting to bite you? Absolutely.  You're sexy and your blood smells so deep.  Yeah I'd love to taste you but if you don't want me too I won't.  I like talking to you."

“Oh you think I’m sexy?” She smiled.

"Yes I do -and what’s with holding being a vampire against me - I'm not holding being a witch against you."

“I don’t suck people’s blood.” Destiny said.

“Keep that up and you soon might.” Spike said as he appeared behind Angel licking fresh blood from his lips. “He can’t keep you protected forever.”

"Yes I can Spike - back off." Angel states, knowing that Spike knows he can let her drink from him and then no other vampire can touch her.

“Feisty.” Spike smirked. “What’s your name?” Destiny refused to answer him. “Her name.”

[Destiny] Angel tells him in his mind.

Spike smiled. [As in she’s your Destiny.]

"Spike quit" Angel says out loud.

“Quit what?” Destiny asked looking at them like they had two heads.

“This boring game.” Spike sighed. “Ciao.” He then disappeared.

“Where did he go?”

"To find more blood." Angel smiles.  "Come on - wanna go for a walk."

“I’ve got a better idea.” Destiny said. “That is, if you’re as sincere as you sound.”

"If it doesn't require me walking in sunshine I'm all for it." Angel smiles.

“Come on.” Destiny smiled and led the way.


Spike materialized on Alysa’s sofa and tsked.

“I’m hurt that’s all it was to you.”

"What in the hell are you talking about?" Alysa had gotten back her strength by then.

“Just a few more times?” Spike mused. “Here I thought I was worth a good six or seven.”

"Wait a minute I'm completely confused?" Alysa said and then thought 'is this guy delusional?'

“Not delusional.” Spike smiled.

"How did you do that?" Alysa says - not knowing he can read her mind.

“Ah the enchantress is stumped.” Spike said. “I’m not just a sexy body Alysa.”

"You're not?" She says smirking at him - figuring somehow he can read her mind. So she thinks, 'you bit me to hard, I bruised.'

“You couldn’t, I healed your wounds.” He said. “And don’t try and outsmart the smart one. Do you have any of that dry wine?”

"No - and don't try using your mind control game on me or I'll cast a friggin spell on you."

“Don’t frighten me now.” Spike laughed. “So how many more times is a few times before your done with me?”

"What the hell are you talking about?"

“Is that not what you said to your friend this morning?”

"Friend?  You mean my sister?"

“Oh is that what she is to you?” Spike asked. “I was beginning to think she was just a pest.”

"OK wait a minute - Mr. Vampire.  You may think you are the best thing that’s happened to this planet in the past 200 yrs, but I don't all right.  You don't last long enough to be the best.  But one thing you must know - try to say anything about my sister and you will be staked through the heart because she's family - and that’s forever." Alysa warns him, steam coming from her ears.

Spike laughed. “I feel the same about my cousin but then my cousin doesn’t want you dead.”

"Why do you want my sister dead?"

“Vice versa enchantress.”

"She doesn’t want you dead she just didn't like the fact that I did you and you bit me on the first night we met."

“She was going to come after me with a tree branch.”

"OH she's not that mean = you must have pissed her off." Alysa smiled.  'Ugh how do I act around him now that I've had sex with him?' she thought.

“Like you normally do.” Spike said. “We could screw again or go out.”

Alysa moved her arm and picked up Spike and placed him on the couch.  "Quit that - talk to me don't read my mind I hate that."

“Alright.” Spike said. “I would like to go out before we screw again. Mind if I pick the place?”

"Um - yeah sure." Alysa half-heartedly says.

“Or maybe not.” Spike said. “What’s wrong enchantress?”

"I just don't get it - you act like nothing at all happened and well it has.  We had sex Spike - you bit me and drained most of my blood.  Do you normally come over the person's house that you almost killed the night before?"

“Then it was a mistake.” Spike said and stood up. “I apologize Alysa.”

"I didn't mean it that way?"

“You wanted to lay me a few more times.” Spike said. “Don’t hide from me, tell me your thoughts or I have no choice but to read them. I’m here because I want to be. What about you? Do you want me here?”

"Spike I want you here - it’s just that I feel a little on guard.  You could have killed me - I haven't been that vulnerable in a very long time.  I'm normally the one with the power."

“Maybe we shouldn’t see each other anymore.” Spike said softly as he stared into her dark eyes.

"Why because I'm honest with you - damn I thought you were some big strong guy."

“Enchantress your powers are stronger than you realize.” Spike said. “Its dangerous to have sex. I can’t control the urge to drink from you.”

"Can you control the urge to drain me?  Spike I don’t want to not have sex with you - when you" Alysa stops and thinks 'how do I say this without embarrassing myself or him?'

“Suck your blood?”

"No - when you came into me and sucked my blood from me - Spike that was the best experience sexually I've ever had.  Its complete - normally -from a woman's persective -when a guy is moves inside of you or slides into you - it’s based in your genital region.  He may suck on your nipples or something but it’s not complete.  With you it was an all over experience. I felt you in every fiber of my being." Alysa hated admitting this but for some reason she felt she needed to.  "Are you using mind control right now?"

“No I’m not.” Spike said. “But maybe I should since I’m confused.”

"Why are you confused?" Alysa sits down on the couch by him.

“Alysa, its dangerous.” Spike said. “I wanted to drink from you but when I did it was hard to stop. Its hard to explain.”

"Can you try?" She asks softly.

Spike stood up and ran his hand through his hair.

“Blood is our life supply like food is yours. When we drink, we are revitalized, almost like given a little bit of life, although we’re dead. Sex is another way of revitalization for anyone, but with you it was so much more. It just made me feel so alive, like after so many years of darkness I tasted the sun and I was allowed to drink from you. I couldn’t control the hunger. It was overwhelming.”

"Are you saying you enjoyed it Spike?" Alysa smiles.

“I thought you knew how I felt. Where do we stand?”

"Spike if you take to much blood - do you have the power to give me life again?"

“Are you asking me if I drain you of your life?”

"Yeah kinda.  I want a re-assurance that I won't die having sex with you."

“I want a reassurance that I’m not the only responsible for this.” Spike said. “I can’t fight that on my own. I can drain you and give you life back but if I drain you completely…”

"So how do I stop you Spike? Tell me how to protect myself from death?"

Spike walked towards her and pulled her up from the couch. He capture her lips in small sensual kisses.

“Push me away Enchantress. Surely you know your power is much stronger than mine.”

Alysa kissed him.  Trying to decipher his code.

“I will not drain you.” Spike said. “I give you my word.”

"Thank you Spike." Alysa smiles and kisses him again.  "Now where was it you wanted to go?"

Spike’s eyes Spikearkled. “Do you have a formal dress?”

"Yes - what do you have in mind sexy?" She smirks.

“Dinner at Chez Nico then an evening at the Opera. The Magic Flute is playing, it’s a beautiful show.”

"Wow. I'd love that.  Can you give me 30 min to change?"

“Take your time.” Spike said. “I’ll get back shortly. I’m going to get changed myself. Wear a wrapper if you have one. It’s cold in London this time of year.”

"LONDON?  How are we getting there?" Alysa asks astonished.

“The same way I got here.” Spike smiled. “Is London ok with you?”

"Sure - but remember Destiny flies - not me." Alysa kisses him.

“I’ll just have to keep you preoccupied when we make our little trip.” Spike smiled and started to fade. “See you soon.”

"Damn" she smiled as he vanished and ran upstairs.  She stood at her closet and moved the hangers with her mind getting her formal dress out and then ran into the bathroom to freshen up.


“Drive in movies.” Destiny smiled as she stood on a hill just above the drive in movie theaters. “It’s the only one left in Port Charles and I couldn’t exactly go with my sister.”

"Wouldn’t have fun then huh Destiny?" Angel smiles wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

“Wanna watch the movie?” Destiny asked and squinted. “It looks like an old Marilyn Monroe movie.”

"Sure.  But can I be entirely honest with you." Angel asks.

“I hope so.” Destiny said as she sat down on the ground.

"Marilyn wasn't that nice of a person - and also I'm still hungry."

Destiny laughed and than it hit her and she jumped up. “Hungry?”

"Its ok - I don't want to bite you - but can you excuse me for like 2 min - I'll go back to the park and feed and then I can be calm with you."

“S…sure.” She said and wrapped her arms around her body.

"Destiny I'm sorry but would you rather have me lie to you and want to feed from you all night?" Angel asks.

“No, go ahead Angel.” She said quietly.

"Destiny I'm sorry I can't be what you want me to be.  Trust me I would if I could.  If I had any control over it I would go buy a burger instead but it won't work." Angel apologizes again and vanishes.

He appears in the park and feeds angrily on some unsuspecting joggers. Instantly wipes their minds and reappears back at Destiny's side.

"Forgive me?"

“Are you ok?” Destiny asked as she reached up and wiped a drop of blood from his mouth. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

"It wasn't you - it’s this life that I hate. Destiny I dream of being normal and having a real life and every time I think I just might get it I am reminded that I feed on human blood."

“I’m sorry.” Destiny whispered.

"Its not you.  Ok lets watch this movie." Angel sits next to her - not touching her, thinking she is disgusted with him now.

“Angel…” She whispered as she leaned down and touched his face. “Angel.”


Destiny turned his face towards him and she kissed him softly. She ran her tongue along his bottom lip, pleading for entrance.

Angel let her kiss invade his mouth with pleasure.  He longed for her so deep in his soul, but he knew that he had to protect her- or Spike would someday attack.

Destiny pulled back and smiled softly. “Doesn’t taste that bad.”

"Destiny, I have to ask you something that I'm afraid will make you want to run to the hills, but I told you I would protect you and this is the biggest part of it." He takes a deep breath and kisses her quickly.

“What is it?” Destiny asked.

"Will you drink from me?  Just a little - but Destiny it’s the only way I know I can protect you from Spike without having to fight him. He's dominate, he's always been and when someone angers him, such as Alysa - his way of getting back is going after someone that person cares about - and that would be you.  If you have drank of me - then no vampire can touch you in a harmful way - not even Spike." Angel ends after saying all that in one breath.

“What power would Spike have if he drank from me?” Destiny asked not getting it.

"He could read your mind, and manipulate your actions, he could also drain you and kill you."

“And if I drink your blood does that mean I can read your thoughts?”

Angel looks at Destiny and kisses her softly then tells her, "Yes you can."

“Do you think we could mix it with a chocolate shake or something?”

"Thought you said it doesn't taste bad?" Angel smiled.

“You think he’s really a danger to me?” She asked softly.

"I wish I could say no to that - but he's never been in love and I think Alysa is on the road to having the honor of his first.  That could cause reactions in him I've never seen and you like to provoke. I would feel better if you were protected."

“When do we start?” She asked nervouAngel.

"We don't have to do that here." Angel smiled.  "We can wait until we're alone together."

[We’re heading out of the country. Keep the feisty one with you. I might be hungry when I get home.] Spike’s laughter echoed in Angel’s mind.

“We could wait.” Destiny smiled.

"On second thought, Spike just told me something.  You ready?"

“Can we go to my place or yours or something?” Destiny asked standing up.

"Sure." Angel takes her hand and they disappear and then re-appear at Wyndemere. "My place."

“Wow, its nice.” Destiny said. “Ok, where do we start?”

"Destiny -this won't hurt a bit and you don't have to do it - I would feel better if you did but I don’t want you to think that drinking from me is the only way you can still see me. I'll fight Spike if I have to." Angel didn't want her to feel forced.

“No, I’m not going to have you fight your cousin because of me.” She said. “So, neck, arm, thigh?”

"OH thigh could be interesting." Angel smiled then took his shirt off. "Here." Angel pokes his artery in his neck with a knife like object on his thumb and then puts pressure on it until Destiny moves her head to him.

“I can do this.” Destiny whispered as she leaned her head towards him and licked his neck softly. She then lapped her tongue against his neck and drank his blood.

Angel only let her drink for a few seconds then pulled back.  Putting his hand over the cut, sealing it and making it vanish.  After he did that he kissed Destiny with so much passion.  "Thank you." He kissed her deeply.

Destiny smiled as she pulled back. “Anytime.” She then crushed his lips against hers and kissed him with an intense passion.



“Where’s your sister?”

Destiny looked up at Spike.

“Doing laundry.” She replied flipping through a magazine. “Don’t you ever go away?”

Spike smiled and reveals his fangs. “So, we’re alone.”

“If you come here I’ll scream bloody murder.” Destiny said jumping up.

“Nice phrasing.” Spike smirked. “Now hold still.”

“Spike no, ah.” Destiny froze in her spot as Spike held her in his gaze. She didn’t move as he stalked towards her with licking his lips.

“Angel doesn’t know what his missing at.” He licked her throbbing pulse and then sunk his teeth into her tender neck. “Ah!” He growled pulling back. “He fed off of you?!”

Destiny stepped back and held her aching head. “What did you to do me?”

“Mind control.” Spike said wiping his mouth. “My cousin is dead.”

"Spike what are you doing here?" Alysa shows up from the attic.

“Why are you doing laundry in the attic?” Spike asked.

"I wasn't doing laundry.  Spike did you bite Destiny?" She scolds seeing the marks on Destiny's neck that Spike forgot to heal.

Spike ran his finger over her neck. “Couldn’t do much now could I?” He mused.

Alysa laughs.

"That will teach to bite just anyone."

Spike’s eyes blazed over with anger. “You think its funny.”

"Yes I do.  You should only be biting strangers - I told you to leave my sister alone." Alysa laughs again.

“Alysa, don’t.” Spike warned feeling his blood heat.

"Don't what Spike - I'm not the one going around biting people."

Spike growled and sent a lamp flying across the room.

Alysa moved Spike across the room the way he just did to the lamp.  "Stop it." Alysa says and runs up the stairs to the attic.

“I have no time for this.” Spike snarled. “Excuse me, there’s someone I have to find.”

“No.” Destiny cried and flew in front of the door. She closed her eyes and did something she never tried to do before.

[Angel if you can here me, come to me.]

Angel appeared in her living room in a second.  "Yes honey."

“Help.” Destiny squeaked.

Spike growled at his cousin and stalked towards him.

“What right do you have marking something that isn’t yours?”

"To protect her from you- Spike I won't let you harm her." Angel states to him.

“I wasn’t going to harm her!” Spike yelled.

"Bullshit - Spike you're lying." Angel says.

Just then Alysa comes down the stairs and looks at Spike.


"For those who want the truth revealed

Opened hearts and secrets unsealed

For now until it's now again

After which the memory ends

Those who now are in this house

Will hear the truth from other's mouths"


“What the hell.” Spike growled.

Destiny burst out laughing. “I owe you one Lys.”

"For the nest 24 hours= you can speak absolutely nothing but the truth - you're tongue will not help  you form the words to a lie." Alysa smiles.

“Good luck oh great vampire.” Destiny cracked.

"Spike - what’s the best part of knowing me?" Alysa asks.

“It’s a tie.” Spike said. “Your body and your blood.”

"Spike would you still be hanging around if you didn't get laid the first night?" Angel asks him.

“Yes.” Spike said. “Trying to get laid. Stop that. Why are you hanging around here?”

"Because I'm falling in love with Destiny.  Oh damn." Angel says then regrets it.  He didn’t' want to tell her everything just yet.

“You’re falling in love with me?” Destiny asked shocked.

"Yes -are you feeling anything for me?"

“Well I like you and there are times when I can’t help but touch you but I’m scared your going to drink from me and make me what you are.” Destiny said. “Dammit Alysa, fixed this.”

"NO - I'm tired of lies and if this is the only way for everyone to be honest so be it - besides you could undo it if you bothered to study your craft." Alysa says and then her hand flies to her mouth with an oh-oh thought.

“Well at least I study most of the time instead of laying on my back with this creature.”  Destiny said with her hands on her hips.

Spike glared at Alysa and set his sights on her reading her thoughts.

'But how can I resist that awesome sex.'  Alysa thought but said. "So I like sex forgive me."

Spike cleared his throat. “She likes sex with me.”

Alysa got annoyed.  She walked over to Spike and put her hand on his chest, where his beating heart would be and pushed him up against the wall. "Remember when you told me my power was stronger than yours?"

Spike raised and eyebrow and gave her a weary look. “So?”

Alysa grabs a candle and blows it out the smoke going in Spike's direction.


"As flame lights shadow

As truth ends fear

Open Spike's locked thoughts

To my mind's willing ear

May the smoke from this candle

Into everywhere creep

Bringing innermost voices

To my mind in speech"


She then kisses Spike quickly. Walking back towards Destiny and Angel.

“He’s going to have your head.” Destiny said. “Now if you’ll excuse me I’ll be disappearing for the next 24 hours.”

"Oh no you don't." Angel smiled wrapping her in his arms.

“Angel, please.” She said softly. “I don’t want to say anything that’ll hurt you.”

"Destiny the truth spell wears off in 24 hrs and none of us will remember any of it - it’s just for fun." Alysa explains.

“Really.” Destiny asked with raised eyebrows. “Angel ask me what I want to do with you right now.”

"Destiny if I ask you, I will want to take you up on the offer."

“Ok, ok, ask me, ask me.”

"What do you want to do to me right now?"

“I want you to kiss me and touch me so much more passionately than you normally do.” She said. “I want you to set me on fire.”

"Easily doable." Angel takes Destiny in his arms and vanishes them to Wyndemere. "Sorry but I don’t' want the sun coming up and scorching me in the middle of this." Angel starts to lead her to the basement where he sleeps.

“I’ve wanted this for a while now.” She said as she faced him.

"Me to.  Don't get scared ok - you are in control."

“Alright.” Destiny said. “Will you kiss me? I don’t me like you normally do I mean like the kiss you gave me the night I took your blood.”

"That was complete passion.  OH baby. That almost...it almost got me off when you did that." Angel lays her down on his bed.

“That’s something I would like to feel.” She murmured as she pulled him close. “Kiss me.”

"Have mercy." Angel mutters under his breathe as Destiny torments him with her kiss - setting his body ablaze.

Destiny wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him tight against him, rubbing her body along all the right places and teasing him with her mouth. “Mmm.”

"Witch" Angel smiles.

“Want me to stop?” Destiny murmured as she ran her tongue along his lips.

"OH no- no way." Angel smiles and sucks her tongue back into his mouth.  His fangs have started to come out unfortunately.

“When you’re turned on, do you want blood?” Destiny breathed as she ran her hands over his backside. “Do you crave it?”

"Yes- I do crave your blood." Angel admits trying to kiss her to take his mind off of it.  The growing desire in his pants as well as the growing desire within for her blood.

Destiny moaned and turned away from his kiss, letting his tongue slid along her neck.

"Destiny I will not bite you until you give me permission." Angel says and moves her head back with his fingertips and kisses her.

“Angel…” She moaned and rolled her hips against his.

"What Des?" Angel asked in a moan.

“Nothing.” Destiny whispered and pulled him back to her lips. “Nothing.”

Angel fought to control himself so he didn't pin her to the bed and bite her.  He wanted so much, just to sink his teeth into any part of her that she would allow, and drink.

“Stop.” Destiny whispered pushing him away.

Angel sat up instantly. "Ok stopped." He says breathing heavy but listening.

Destiny scrambled off of the bed and gave them some breathing room. “Sorry, but I didn’t want to be around if you lost that fight.”

"Shit you were reading my mind weren't you?"

“I’m sorry Angel.”

"Its ok.  Don't I get brownie points for not biting you when you opened your neck to me?" He asks with a smile.

Destiny hung her head in shame. “I’m sorry. One minute I’m opening up to you and the next I’m scrambling away. Angel I…I wanna go home before I say something I’m going to regret.”

"That’s fine.  It’s so close to daylight I've gotta stay here.  Goodnight." He says still 5 feet away from her.

Destiny picked herself up and flew to him. “I’m tired.”

"Ok then why are you coming closer to me?"

“I’m too tired to fly home.”

"So you are sleeping here?" Angel asks.

“Is that alright with you?”

"Yes but I'll want to bite you if you get any sexier." Angel warns with a smile.

“Then I promise to sleep in my clothes and not the usual birthday suit.” She grinned.

"How about this?  You sleep upstairs in a bedroom - then I'll know I can't come bite you cos the sun would get me.  I'd feel better if I knew you weren't a temptation lying next to me."

“Oh.” Destiny said. “I just didn’t want you to have to sleep alone again.” She had been doing research on Vampires and knew that when they slept it was like dying all over again, being pulled down into an oblivion. She didn’t want Angel going through that alone.

"Destiny - until you can trust me enough to let me bite you but know that I won't harm you - you can't sleep anywhere near me.  I know what you know about me - I know that you know that I die all over when I sleep but I know you don't know that your love and trust can heal that.  When you are ready to give it you can sleep in my arms at night.  Please- until then don't torture me."

“Alright.” She said softly. “I’ll just head home them. Will I see you later?”

"Of course you will - Destiny you can sleep upstairs - you'll be safe."

“I’m not worried about that.” Destiny said. “I was just worried about you. I’ll see you tonight.” She smiled.

"Ok night." Angel moved to kiss her but before he could she flew out the window.


“Take this retched spell off.” Spike growled.

"Nope - I want the truth out of you and I'm going to get it.  What did you mean when you said my power was far greater than yours.  Which power were you referring to?" Alysa asks.

“Was sleeping with me really just sex?” Spike countered. “Was that all you wanted?”

"OH going to try to get out of the truth by asking another question.  Ok I'll play. Spike when we had sex it was sex, curiosity and complete horniness.  I didn't know if I wanted more until you bit me when you came, that’s when I knew that knowing you could be quite fascinating.  Now which power were you referring to?"

“The one you have over me.” Spike said. “Dammit you make me weak and I like being around you and it has nothing to do with sex. Are you pleased now? I’m tired of this game. Goodbye Alysa.”

"Spike wait." Alysa calls to him.


"Why is admitting the truth such a bad thing? How is this a game Spike?"

“These are my feelings.” Spike said. “And I should have the right to admit them when I want not when you want to cast some damn spell on me.”

"OH and you reading my mind is fair?  Those are my thoughts Spike- things that I'd tell you if I wanted but you take them from my mind- that’s fair?"

“Fine then I won’t do it again.” Spike said. “Now if you don’t mind I’ll go wait around somewhere else till this spell wears off.”

"Fine you big baby - I'll take it off." Alysa says.

"There was a spell, I cast this night, to bring truth to light.  It has served its cause and told me things, I wish it now to end in peace."  Alysa says then looks at Spike.  "Go ahead you can lie to me again now."

“I didn’t lie to you.” Spike said. “No did I manipulate your mind. The sun’s coming up, now I must go. Farewell Alysa.”

"Don't I get a kiss?" She smirks.

“But of course enchantress.” Spike walked swiftly towards her and bent down to drink from her lips, when he felt her succumb to her passion he then leaned back and drank from her neck, removing the scars but leaving the memory before he vanished.

Destiny rolled over in bed with a sigh. This late day nap was nice. They she could stay up later with Angel. She then frowned. Where was he?

[Angel, are you awake? If so, where are you?]

Angel was stuck in the shower, he couldn't go to her just now, he couldn't talk to her because he hadn't drank from her yet so instead he continued to shower- hopefully she would come over.

Destiny flew in the window and her feet hit the floor. She looked around and wondered where Angel was. His shirt was on the bed along with his socks but he was nowhere.

Angel walks out of his shower with a towel wrapped around his waist.  "Hey hon - I couldn't tell you I was in the shower because I haven't drank from you - sorry you didn't get a reply." He smiled.

“Sure.” Destiny stared at him.

"What?" Angel looked around.  "Are you mad at me?"

“No.” Destiny said tearing her eyes away from his chest. “So how was your sleep?”

"Destiny - what’s wrong - what’s that look for?" Angel smiles.

Destiny blushed. “You’re going to make me tell you aren’t you?”

"I think I would like to hear it since I can't read your mind." He smirks resting his hands on his hips.

“Hello.” Destiny laughed nervouAngel. “You look hot.”

"OH thank you." Angel hugs her.  "Let me put some clothes on now before you undress me with your eyes." He smirks and moves so fast to get dressed that she can't even see him do it.

“Thanks for taking the fun out of my day.” Destiny sighed and plopped on the bed.

"Oh but I'll let you have fun - I promise." Angel smiles.  "I have something for you."

“Really?” Destiny asked curious.

"Yep." Angel gets her present out and puts it on her right wrist.  The crown facing outward towards her fingers.  "Am I right to assume that?"

“There’s no one else I’m even looking at.” Destiny said softly.

"Good then its mutual." Angel kisses her.  "Destiny did you understand why I couldn't have you next to me last night?"

“Because your falling in love with me and you don’t want to hurt me.” Destiny said. “Me staying here means that you would’ve sucked my blood and I’m not sure if I’m ready for that.”

"Ok just wanted to make sure you understood." He smiles. "I have to eat Destiny.  I just woke up like an hour ago."

“Alright.” Destiny said. “If I bought you a cow would you drink off of that?”

"Yuck cows...that'd be like asking you to drink stale milk."

“Cat? Dog? Sheep? Alysa?”

"OH Alysa I could bite." Angel smiles.

“What does that mean?” Destiny asked crossing her arms across her chest.

"She's human Des- that’s what that means. Besides it would piss off Spike." Angel smiles.

"What would piss off Spike?" Alysa says walking in the front door.

“Nothing.” Destiny said. “Drink from me, Angel.”

"I can't Destiny - if I drink from you now - I'll kill you - I'm that hungry.  Let me go take the edge off and I'll be right back.  By the way Alysa - Spike left and went to eat - he said he'll be back in 20 min."  Angel looks back at Destiny.  "Do you understand?"

“Alright.” Destiny said quietly.

"Destiny please don't do this." Angel begs holding his stomach.

"Angel go eat I'll talk to her." Alysa says and Angel vanishes.

"Dest- why are you doing this to him.  He has to eat - you knew what he was when you started to care.  Why are you wanting to change him now?"

“I didn’t chose my feelings.” Destiny said. “And he’s the one who’s falling in love with me.”

"Oh and you aren't feeling anything huh?  You're so tough that Angel isn't getting through your shell.  Give me a break sis I see right though that act.  You drank his blood for goodness sake - because he asked you to.  And you don’t feel anything?" Alysa says.

“I don’t want to feel what I feel.” Destiny said softly.

"Why not?"

“He sucks people’s blood.” Destiny said. “Other women’s blood. He can’t have children, he sleeps all day, he’s a Vampire. He’s…he’s…he’s not the person I wanted to fall in love with.”

"Destiny are you sure we can even have kids?  After all we've never tried - maybe being a witch takes that away?  Maybe we can cast a spell that will allow them to father children we don't know all our powers yet." Alysa says hopefully.

“Lys, I’m so scared.”

"I know - but you don't have to be remember you're charmed. You can do anything." Alysa gives her sister a hug.

Just then Spike and Angel return.  "Good Evening Ladies - how are the two most beautiful women in Los Angeles doing this evening." Angel smiles walking up to Destiny and taking her in his arms, dancing around the room with her.

“Spike did you give him that wine you drink?” Destiny asked curiouAngel.

“No.” Spike said. “Alysa, I’m surprised to see you here.”

"Are you mad at me? I told you I took the truth spell off." Alysa tells him.

Angel continues to dance around with Destiny.  Licking at her neck and licking her lips then kissing her.

“Angel, you’re making me nervous.” Destiny said.

“No.” Spike said as he sat down in his chair. “But usually the Enchantress waits for me to hunt her down. If I didn’t know better I would think you care.”

"If I didn’t know better I'd think you're a tease." Alysa smiles at him.

“How well do you know me?” Spike asked with raised eyebrows. “Angel your going to make the poor girl dizzy.”

"OK Destiny what do you say we go be alone?" Angel smiles.  His alcohol rush starting to fade.

"Well Spike - I think I would like to get a tour. You up to giving one?" She smirks.

Spike stood up. “Come. Leave the drunken man with his woman.”

“Drunk?” Destiny asked. “Your drunk?”

"Only a little - the last person I drank from had a few to drink before I got to her." Angel smiles.  He takes Destiny's hand.  "I want to be alone with you."

“Alright.” Destiny said and followed him.


“And this is the second floor.” Spike said. “Nice and dark, don’t you think?”

"Yeah why so dark?  Don't you sleep in the basement?" Alysa smiled. "whose bed is this?"

“Its mine.” Spike said. “Sometimes I favor sleeping up here. I acquired this in France.”

"Oh," Alysa touches the mattress. "Nice and hard." She smiles unbuttoning her blouse.  "Its a little warm in here, you don't mind if I take this off do  you?"

Spike grabbed her wrist. “What do you want Enchantress?”

"OH I'd say - You." She smiled.  "Why won't you let me tease?"

“Because it has been three weeks.” Spike said. “If you wish to have sex, let me know and tease later. I ache for you.”

"But Spike - I can ease that ache.  Would you like me to?" Alysa smiles.  Using her power, Spike's clothes seem to remove themselves.

“I think you know Alysa.”

"Just making sure Spike - wouldn't want to assume anything." She smiles and her powers remove her clothes as well.  As she stands in front of Spike naked she smiles.  "No biting till the end - I love that feeling." Alysa moves closer to him.

“My little witch is greedy.” Spike growled as he pulled her closer and drank from her lips.

"Well if you bite in the middle then I get disoriented." She says between kisses.  "Spike can we make it dark enough for you to sleep here - I don't like waking up with that feeling. I feel vulnerable."  She tells him honestly - which is shocking that she would reveal a fear to him.

“What feeling?” Spike asked as his tongue slid around her nipple.

"When I woke up last time I felt so weak that I felt vulnerable - like I couldn’t fight if I had to.  I hate that feeling Spike."

“I won’t take that much.” Spike said and came back up to her lips. “I’m sure you can shut the curtains without either of us having to move.”

"OH yeah I forgot." Alysa melts against his mouth and moves her hand - moving the curtains together, they are heavy and thick to assure no sunlight gets through them. Alysa feels much better now so she relaxes and starts to back towards the bed.  "Spike is it true what I heard?" She smiles while running her hands down his body.

“What have you heard?” Spike asked as they toppled onto the bed.

"That vampires are very very sexual beings." Alysa rolls to lay on top of him.

“Don’t know, but I am.” He smiled.

"OH that’s a very good thing." Alysa smiled and started to lick at his nipples.

Spike moaned softly. “You talk to much.”

"OH" Alysa smiles and moves down a little more, tracing his abs with her tongue then slowly licking at his manhood trying to wake him up a bit.

Spike pulled her up to him and rolled over. He then kissed her passionately and let his hands wander down her thighs towards her womanhood where he tested to see how ready for him she was.

"OH baby." She smiled and ran her hands into his hair.  She turned to a radio and with her mind turned it on.  Alysa started moving her hips, under him, to the music.  "Spike please, play with me, tease with me." Alysa loved being turned on.  It made her feel normal for a change and she relished that feeling.

Spike slipped his long fingers inside her body. “Like this?” He asked moving inside her body, feeling her wetness.
"Oh yeah." Alysa moaned.  She bit at Spike's neck in passion.

Spike pulled back. “If you bite, I bite.” He said showing his fangs.

"Ok you play I play." Alysa hand wraps around his size.  "Spike you're huge." She licks his collarbone.

“Sweet talker.” He growled.

"But Spike I want you in me." She moaned.

“I thought you wanted a tease.” He breathed.

"I do- vocal is teasing." Alysa smiles and nibbles on Spike's ear.

“You do vocal I’ll do…” Spike thrust deep inside of her. “Physical.”

"Oh Spike!" Alysa just about screamed. "MORE"  She begged as she thrust her hips up against his.

Spike opened his mouth, licking his lips. “Beg more.” He growled as he thrust into her.

Alysa just wanted to surrender to him, she had never wanted to with anyone in the past, but she just had to have Spike as much as possible. "More Spike -please more." She begged thrusting her hips against him.

Spike thrust harder and harder into her and ran his tongue along her neck. “Can I taste you?”

"Just a few more seconds." Alysa begged.

Spike pulled his upper body away from her as his lower half slammed inside of her, throbbing with his need.

Alysa loved that he listened to her.  About 3 seconds later she moved her head and all her hair off of her right side, "Spike"

Spike ran his hand down her neck and pushed her hair back over her skin.

“Enchantress, come with me to paradise.”

Alysa rode the feelings he was giving her.  Touching him, raking her nails down his back until her insides turned to lava. "SPIKE"  She screamed on her release.

Spike groaned in pleasure as he felt his release spill inside of her body. He rolled over, bringing her with him, and pulling her close.

Alysa lay in his arms, completely content, her body Spikeent but her mind reeling.  

“Mmm.” Spike mused. “The Enchantress is speechless.”

"You were so good I want to bite you." She moans.

Spike laughed. “Sleep, enchantress. Wake me when you arise only if it’s dark.”

"Why didn't you bite?" She asks.

“You were scared.” Spike said. “I didn’t have to read your mind to know that.”

"I'm not scared now.  Its just last time when you did it during sex - you didn't stop for a really long time.  Now I kinda feel neglected." Alysa teases a bit and kisses him.

“Hmm, rest, and maybe I’ll rectify that before the sun arises.”

"Ok" Alysa kisses him and rolls over.  Her body is exhausted, but damn it feels good.

Spike caressed her back before she fell asleep and then he went to get a book to do something before he would awaken her to feel her again.


"Hey baby I love to dance with you." Angel slides his body tight against Destiny.

“Oh is that what we’re doing?” Destiny smirked.

"Weeell I'm trying." Angel smirks.  Over exaggerating his alcohol level.

“What can I get you to do since your drunk?” Destiny asked as she nibbled on his neck. “Can I get you to pin me down on the bed?”

"You can get me to do that without a drink." He smirked and kissed her hard - just to tease and release a little passion.

“Great.” Destiny smiled and pulled back and then stripped off her shirt. “Then I can get you to make love to me.”

Angel's eyes pop out of his head.  "You don't have to ask twice.  But I do,  being a gentleman,  are you sure?"  Angel looks at her beauty.  "Destiny I'll bite when I - well when we reach that peak I'll sink my teeth into your neck.  Are you ready for that as well?" 

“Do you have to when we’re making love?”

"Destiny the need kinda takes over - its not during - its when we climax." He smiles at her shyly.  "I'm sorry I don't know another way to put it."

“Its ok.” Destiny said and threw her shirt back on. “I’m ready to allow you to drink my blood but I’m sorry. I don’t think I’m ready for that.”

Angel looks at her confused - "I don't get it - I can drink from you but I can't during sex?"

“Yeah its not just sex to me.” Destiny said. “And I want you with me, experiencing it with me, looking into my eyes not sucking on my neck.”

"Ok I understand that but honey - I'm not sure its possible.  It’s instinct to bite at that time.  Ask Alysa Spike bit her then too."

“I’m Destiny and your Angel.” She said softly. “You have emotions I don’t even think are possibly for Spike and Alysa is different than I. I’m not asking it of you Angel I’m just telling you I’m not ready to give up my dream when I make love for the first time.”

Angel almost falls over. "First time?"

“Yes.” Destiny said quietly. “I’m a Vampire’s dream. I’m pure everything. Pure blood, pure body.”

"Destiny please cast a spell on me.  Please or I will ruin you.  Baby the blood from our lovemaking will drive me insane - please cast a spell on me that I can't grow fangs or something this night, because by myself I can tell you right now I'm not strong enough to control the urge that I'll feel when you bleed." Angel looks at her like he's sorry for being graphic but he knows no other way to word it.

Destiny mouthed formed an o. “We can solve that easily. I’ll just do someone else I guess.”

Angel's heart instantly broke.  His fangs grew from anger, "You should leave."

“No.” Destiny said. “If you wanna suck my blood in anger do it. Dammit Angel I hate this feeling I have.”

"Destiny get away from me." Angel warns and turns his back to her.

“No!” Destiny yelled and pulled him back towards her. “I’m in love with you.”

Angel looks at her blankly.  She  couldn't love him, no ones ever loved him.  "No you don't - you're intrigued by me.  Well to bad - game over - I no longer wish to participate." He says coldly.

“Of course I’m intrigued by you.” Destiny said. “Duh. But you’re like no one else I’ve ever known. You’ve protected me from your own family, held me when I asked, talked to me, listened to what I’ve had to say, kissed me like there was no tomorrow. Whether you like it or not Angel I’m in love with you and I’m not giving up.”

"Well then you shouldn't play with me - I may be dead but I have a heart.  You broke it tonight and not only once - you stepped on it and you've put conditions on me and that’s not fair - if you love me, you love me as I am and that’s a vampire.  That means I bite- and I drink from you - that means during sex too. Because that’s the best time in the world to do it.  But when I tried to be honest and warn you I'd bite you cut me hard - telling me you'd do someone else.  I can't love someone like that Destiny. I can't love someone who wants to put rules on our love - who wants to put me in chains basically.  I'm sorry but that  doesn't work.  Its all or nothing?"

“Angel, I love you.” Destiny said. “If you have to drink I want you to do it from me. But don’t you understand, my first time I want words of sweetness in my ears, I want someone touching me tenderly. I want to see the love reflected in his eyes when he takes me where no one else has. I want that to be with you.”

"Destiny I know what you want - but you can't have that from me.  I'm not saying that to be mean I'm saying it to be honest.  I'll bite you - especially because it’s your first time.  I'm not saying I'm not going to be sweet and tender but I can't look in your eyes as we climax because unless you cast a spell on me I will be sucking your blood from your body at that time. Fact."

“Alright.” Destiny whispered. “I guess we know where we stand.” She started to move away when visions rapidly flashed through her mind and she gasped.

"Destiny what’s happening?" Angel says seeing her flinch.

“Alysa.” Destiny groaned.

"Destiny she's not here - what’s wrong?"  Angel asked holding her waist to keep her standing.

“Premonition, warlocks.”

"Warlocks?  What are warlocks?"

“I’ll explain later.” Destiny said. “I need to find Alysa.”

"She's in Spike's room with him."

“Where is that?” Destiny asked as she walked towards the stairs.

"I'll get them." Angel says and in his mind asks Spike to bring Alyssa down to the living room its important.

“Slip this on.” Spike said handing Alysa a shirt as he slipped on his jeans. “We have to go downstairs.”

"Why I'm tired." Alysa rolls over with the shirt.

“Its important.” Spike said and pulled the shirt over her head. “The quicker we get this finished the quicker we can come play.”

"Oh ok." Alysa said crawling out of bed, naked beneath the shirt and walking out of the room holding Spike's hand.

"Ok Destiny they are coming down." Angel says sitting her down on the couch.

“I saw warlocks.” Destiny said to Alysa.

“Warlocks?” Spike asked.

"Which kind? What did they look like?" Alysa asks ignoring Spike.

“Well kinda sexy.” Destiny smiled.

"OH - so maybe you can do that one?" Angel comments hurt.  He thought they were committed to one another.


“Ok clue me in.” Spike said.

"Clue you in on what?" Alysa turns to him.

“What’s a warlock and why would Destiny be doing him?”

“I wouldn’t be doing him.” Destiny said while looking at Angel.

"Because he might not bite her when he gets off- like I would." Angel tells his cousin.

“Oh.” Spike said trying to hide his laughter.

Destiny glared at Angel. “I’ll see you in the morning Lysa.”

"Where are you going?" Lysa asks, trying not be amused with Angel.

“Home.” Destiny said. “Goodnight.”

"Destiny don’t do that.  Talk to him." Alysa tells her.

“I have and he’s not listening.” Destiny said. “I’m not pouring my heart out anymore.”

[What’s going on?” Spike asks Angel in his mind.]

[She wants me for her first lover, but won't let me be cos I warned her I'll bite, its just part of who I am.- right?' Angel asks Spike silently.]

"OH stop that." Alysa walks over to Destiny.   "Don't try changing him to fit your standards.  He's a vampire you can either accept all of him, or none of him but don't blame him for not conforming to your standards because you would resent anyone that forced you to change for them." Alysa sticks her 3 cents in.

“I am not trying to change him.” Destiny almost screamed. “He can suck me all he wants but when it comes to making love I am not going to settle for anything less just like I wouldn’t expect you to.”

Spike grinned wryly. [No comment old friend.]

"Ok fine - then you'll die an old witch -hag who never got it good." Alysa smiles.  Moving her hair on her right side.  Then looking back at Spike like 'want some?'.  "It feels really cool."

Spike licked her neck. “Tastes pretty good too.”

“Well that’s the difference between you and me.” Destiny said. “I don’t fuck for the pleasure. So I die an old witch, at least I know I didn’t make love for the wrong reasons.”

She then flew above them. “If I see a warlock I’ll handle him on my own.” Then she disappeared out the window.

"OH that little twit.  Spike- as much as I love this I have go after her." Alysa says pissed off at Destiny.

“No, no.” Spike said. “It’s daylight soon. Let the buffoon go after her.”

"Sorry Spike - the buffoon is my sister.  I have to help her - she doesn't have a way to defend herself.  I'll see you tonight." Alysa says as she walks up the stairs to get dressed.  Pissed that she can’t sleep in his arms because of Destiny.

“I was referring to my cousin.” Spike said. “Look let  me go get here and we’ll chain her in the dungeon ok?”

"Spike that’s sweet - but she won’t come willingly to you - and besides I think Angel needs a friend."

“Damn.” Spike muttered. “Tell her she’s on my shit list.”

"Don't worry - she's on mine too - maybe tomorrow we can spend the day sleeping?"

“I’m looking forward to it.” Spike smiled. “Good evening Enchantress.”

"Good Evening Spike." She kisses him and walks out the front door cursing her sister in every language she knew.


Spike materialized in front of his cousin. “Alright kid what’s shaking?”

"OH that witch" Angel says stomping back and forth.

“Really.” Spike laughed softly. “Just admit how you feel Angel.”

"I can't believe her - one minute she's all into being with me and taking her shirt off in front of me the next minute she's like - wait a minute no biting during sex.  Its like what doesn't she get about I'm a vampire."

“Why do you have to bite her during intercourse?”

"Not during but like as the excitement reaches its peak." Angel says politely.

Spike laughed. "This is me here. You wanna suck her blood when she makes you go crazy with orgasm."

"Yeah Spike- and she's a virgin - hello can you say intense" Angel smiles.

"I know its what you feel you have to do." Spike said. "But do you want to do it?"

"Yes.  Damn Spike that just makes the orgasm 100x more intense, besides its a way for me to take part of her inside me as well.  Like you wanted to deny doing that to Alysa the first time?"

"I didn't do it to Alysa right now and the sex was just as great." Spike replied.

"Yeah - Spike but its the first time - I bite during sex - that's part of me and she's dating a vampire its about time she realize that." Angel says getting mad that Spike is trying to talk him out of being him.

"Alright." Spike said. "This is your relationship. Get rid of her then." He stood up. "I'm hungry again. Wanna come out for a midnight snack?"

"Yeah."  Angel looked at the clock.  "But its 4am Spike - the sun will start to rise soon."

"We got till 6." Spike said. "I don't think it'll take that long to find something. Come on Angel I won't let you burn."

Angel vanishes with Spike - still fuming over Destiny.  Unfortunately some unsuspecting person will pay that price.


"What the hell was that about?  How dare you just fly off like that" Alysa screams at her sister when she catches up with her.

"Oh I'm so sorry." Destiny said. "I forgot I thought this was my life here for a second."

"Your life?  Well if I was in Spike's arms right now then I would be living my own life but instead I'm coming to figure out what the hell is up with you."

"He's a fucking Vampire, I get that." Destiny said. "I offered him my blood but I am not giving it up while making love to him for the first time. I am so sick of everyone saying I haven't accepted he's a Vampire because I have. That doesn't mean I have to let him suck my blood while we're together though."

"I dont get you - what's the big deal you'll be bleeding for him anyway?" Alysa decides being polite is getting her no where.

"That's so ignorant." Destiny said disgusted. "I'll tell you the big deal, its about love. Foreign concept to you ain't it Lisa?"

"OH yeah - real foreign.  You are being such a baby - its not like your first time is going to be so beautiful.  Let me tell you what it is Ms Know it all.  Its about 10-sec long and he shoves a really hard thing inside of you tearing your skin.  You bleed, you cry and then he kisses you and says your mine now.  that's it Des -its not some flower and roses ordeal - it means nothing to the guy that he's your first other than you just may be disease free." Alysa crys and walks away from her.

"Lysa." Destiny said flying over to her. "Lysa, how come you've never told me?"

"Cos you never fucking cared." Alysa turns and sees the warlock approach them.  She moves her hand and he flies into a tree.

"Destiny" Angel says from the corner and the warlock picks up Angel and begins to choke him with only his eyes.

Destiny pulled a knife from her boot and threw it at the warlock, hitting him in the side. He groaned in pain and Angel fell to the ground.

"Angel, get out of here!"

"You need help." Angel says.

"Get the hell away you'll get killed." Alysa screams at them and throws the warlock again to throw it off guard.  Then she freezes Spike and Angel and moves them to a safe place.

Spike swore to punish her later for freezing him again. He walked towards her and concentrated on the Warlock. His eyes picked him up and started to strangle him but quickly his energy faded.

"Spike get out of here." Alysa froze him and moved him, again. 

She turned to Destiny.  "Remember Javanah?  Same chant come on."  Alysa moved and held her sister's hand.


"Evil eyes, look unto thee

May they soon extinguished be.

Bend thy will to the power of two,

Eye of earth, evil and accursed"


Destiny watched the Warlocks go up in smoke and she then turned to glare at the guys who were walking towards him.

"What the hell were you trying to do get yourselves killed?!"

"We were trying to help." Angel says.

"Well thanks to you - not only you almost died but we did - stay the hell out of it from now on." Alysa yelled - mad at pretty much the whole world.

"I think you two should get out of here before the sun burns you alive." Destiny warned.

"Look, we were trying to save your lives." Spike said. "Is this the thanks we're gonna get?"

"Spike you don't have any idea how to fight warlocks - we do - leave the warlocks to the witches thank you." Alysa walks away from him.

Spike quickly caught up to her. "What's the matter?"

"My life sucks right now ok - and I didn't need to have to fight for your life as well tonight.  Damnit will someone please believe I know SOMETHING tonight." Alysa almost cries.

"Hey I believe you." Spike said. "I'm scared now too."

"Cute Spike." Alysa says still on the verge of tears.

Spike pulled her into his arms and kissed her hair. "Enchantress, come home with me."

"Ok." Alysa says - not having the energy to argue with him.  She just needs to escape from the reality of her life.

"Could I maybe borrow some of that blood when I wake up?" He asked with a smile.

"Sure baby - suck it all so I don’t have to do this anymore."  Alysa says.  "Destiny I'm going to Spike's."


"She's coming too." Angel says wrapping his arms around Destiny's waist and then vanishing - reappearing inside his home.  "Sorry but I couldn't risk being outside any longer to argue with you." Angel tells her.

"I don't want to argue with you." Destiny said.

"Oh are we done with that now?" Angel asks.

"There is no point in arguing Angel." Destiny said. "I know you're a Vampire, I accept that. I offered to give you my blood earlier. But that doesn't mean I have to comprise my dreams because you want to suck my blood while we make love. I'm sorry but that's not what I want."

"So you want me but you don't want all of me?"

"I thought I already had all of you?"

"Obviously not.  that's a part of me that you don’t want.  Do you have any idea why I want to bite you then?" Angel asks.

"I never said I didn't want that." She said through gritted teeth. "And why?"

"Because then I'm taking a part of you inside me too.  Completing the circle.  Ever hear of the circle of life?"

"Angel." Destiny said exhausted. "I'm sorry but I can't change this part of me, just like you can't change that part of you."

"Is it just the first time I can't bite or every time?"

Destiny looked down at her feet.

"I just wanted my first time to be special, moonlight and candles, I'm sorry if its corny."

"Destiny I'm hungry." Angel says - trying to see what her reaction to that will be.

"Are you going out or do you want some of my blood?" She asked.

"I can't go out.  I think I'm going to sleep." Angel says disappointed in her answer.

"Would you like me to leave?"

"You can stay if you wish.  I just need sleep." Angel says lying down.

Destiny walked over to him and sat down next to him. "Can I stay here?"

"Yes." Angel moved his arm motioning for her to lay down.

Destiny smiled and laid down next to him. "Angel?"


"I do love you." She whispered and kissed his cheek tenderly.

'I sure hope that's true'.  Angel says without words, knowing she can hear his thoughts.


"Enchantress." Spike teased tickling her sides. "Wake up your snoring."

"I am not." Alysa rolls over into his chest.

"Yuck, night breath."

"Brat." Alysa gets up out of bed and walks to the little refrigerator in the room and opened some wine.  She took a sip from the glass "Here brat."

"Thanks." Spike said taking a sip and putting it on the table. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm just in a mood - sorry."

"Not good to be near me during that time of the month."

"OK you seriously are a brat.  And you know that might be the best time - I'll just let you suck the blood out - can you cure cramps too." Alysa smiles getting back in bed with him.

"I don't like sucking the blood out that way." Spike smiled as he pulled her on top of him. "I do like sucking other things that way though."

"Oh really -tell me more." Alysa plays his game.

"See I would." Spike said. "But I'm a bit hungry and a bit mad at you."

"Really?  Are those two things that I should be scared of together?" Alysa smiles and moves her hair.

"C'mere tease." Spike said and pulled her down to him.

"Tease?" She smiled.  Moving to him.

"Yeah." Spike said as his fangs pricked his tongue. "Its ok to drink from you?"

"Why wouldn't it be?" She smiled.

"I'm never gonna take from you without asking." Spike said. "Now shh you’re talking too much again." He smiled and then bit her gently before drinking from her.

"Mmm" She smiles and moves her hips up against him as he drinks.

Spike licked the wound and closed it. "Misbehaving?"

"Uh huh." She smirked.  Wanting to lighten the mood.  "Problem with that Spike?"

"Nope." Spike said. "But didn't I warn you about that freezing thing?"

"Awe - it was just a little freezing.  If you wouldn't have butted in I wouldn't have had to freeze you." Alysa says.

"Oh so would you rather I stay away?" Spike smiled he pulled her up so she was straddling his legs.

Alysa looked around comically and smiled. "NOPE"

Spike ran his hands up her shirt and pulled it off. "Hmm, you sure?"

She looked around playfully again.  "I'm sure.  What's on your mind Spike?"

"You just sit there nicely and I'll take care of your punishment." He smiled as he unhooked her bra.

"Ouch. Punishment huh?  I think I might like this." Alysa smiled and bent her body back away from Spike teasingly.

Spike moved out from under her and Alysa fell back on the bed laughing. He quickly shed his shirt and ripped the sleeves off and tied her arms to the bed.

“Part one of the punishment.”

"Tying me up?" Alysa smiled at him to let him know this was welcome.

“I know how hard it is for you to stay in one place.” He smiled as he leaned to kiss her. “Hmm, my favorite flavor. Wine and you.”

"Spike" Alysa leans up to deepen the kiss.

“Eh, eh.” Spike said pulling back. “Let’s get rid of these.” He quickly tore off her jeans and panties. “Love black.” He smirked as he tossed them to the floor. “Oh my you do look scrumptious.”

"Spike" Alysa moved against the binds.  "Come on."

“You’ll be doing that in a few minutes.” Spike said. “spread your thighs Enchantress, let me see how much you want me.”

Alysa did as she was told, she wanted Spike so deeply and she let it be known inside her head, 'Spike I need your cock' she thought.  Hoping he was breaking the rule and reading her mind.

“How bad do you want it?” Spike said leaning back on the bed do reach for something. “Beg for it Enchantress. Let the world know.”

"Spike -please." Alysa says looking at the heat growing in his pants.

Spike held up the wine glass and poured it over the lower half of her body.

“I hope you enjoy this as much as I’m going to.” He said as he leaned down and started to suck the wine off of her damp curls.

Alysa felt shivers run up her spine.  Her lower body shook with excitement and she moved towards his tongue as best she could.

Spike leaned out and licked her. “Like that? Want more?”

"Yes. Please." Alysa begged and pulled a little on her binds.  "Spike"

“Spike what?” He asked as he nibbled on her womanhood.

“Spike, please.” She pleaded. “Suck my clit.”

"What if I want to nibble at it?" Spike showed her his fangs.

“Yes, please.” She begged and felt her body grow wet at the thought.

Spike thought for a second he had died again and this time gone to heaven.  He let his head fall between her legs and he sucked her into his mouth, her skin getting pierced by his fangs and his suction increasing once he tasted blood.

“Oh God yes!” Alysa screamed. “Don’t stop!”

Spike continued to suck at her clit until he thought he'd die of pleasure.  He backed away and licked the wound, and now hickey, "Where else should I bite baby?"

“My nipple.” Alysa moaned.

Spike moved up to her chest.  Taking first the right nipple in his mouth then moving to the left, biting with human teeth first to get her attention.  "Alysa which one?"  He teased as he fingers slid inside of her.

“Anyone.” She practically screamed as she pulled against the bed again. “Spike…”

Spike let his fang sink into her right breast, drawing just a little blood, "Opps missed." He smiled.  "Do you mind?" He kissed her.

“No.” She moaned. “More, Spike. Let me feel your cock inside of me.”

"OH baby." Spike sucked her tongue into his mouth while sliding his cock inside of her wet body.  As soon as he was inside, he moved his mouth to her chest again, and bit her nipple while thrusting rapidly.  This time his fang piercing it and the blood slowly dripping into his mouth.  "OH" He moaned.

“OH God!” Alysa cried out before her body exploded into orgasm.

Spike licked her nipple to heal it and slid his hand down to play with her pleasure point as he thrust in and out of her body trying to bring  her to a second orgasm.  "For me Alysa - 2"  Spike then licked at her neck as he felt his own climax coming on soon.  His finger worked a little harder, his body pushed in deeper.  "Come on baby - for me?" 

“Bite me Spike.” She cried and then when she felt his teeth she exploded again. “Spike!!!”

His body came into her with such force, giving her what little life he had to give, taking from her neck he nectar of his existence.  He finally collapsed on top of her moments later.

"Alysa- you’re the best." He then pulled on the ties and untied her but did not move out of her.

"Oh Spike - I think I could learn to love this." Alysa smiles running her hand through his hair. Loving the fact he was still inside her.  It made her feel the orgasms over and over.

“I hope you learned your lesson.” Spike smirked.

"Lessons like that may need to be re-taught. Over and over." Alysa smirks and kisses him.



"The boys are going to have a fit. I love it."  Alysa smiles as she and her sister pull up to a club.  Knowing the guys will stop after they feed - they are both dressed to the 9's.  Alysa is in a black velvet one-piece pantsuit that is form fitting and has see through cutouts around her midriff, her arms and across her chest.

“You think this is ok?” Destiny asked standing in front of a mirror. She was in tight black leather pants, a matching bra top and coat, and black high heel sandals.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Alysa smiles.  Walking in the club.

“Nervous.” Destiny replied walking up to the bar. “Want something?”

"Sure the usual." she tells her sister.

“Blood on the rocks?” Destiny smiled.

"Ha ha you are so cute." Alysa says looking for Spike.  She sure was getting addicted to that guy.

Destiny ordered up the drinks and handed them to her sister who was distracted. “Oh my God is that Spike with another girl?”

"What?  Where?" She looked.

“Lysa are you in love?”

"No!"  She says quickly.

Destiny laughed. “You still can’t lie to me.”

"I'm just addicted to his body." Alysa admits. "I'm just addicted to his body." Alysa admits.

“And everything else about him.”

"OH and you aren't addicted to Angel?"

“But Angel knows I’m in love with him.” Destiny pointed out.

"Yeah but you won't give him you - you're holding back and that’s not fair to the man you love.' Alysa says taking a drink.

“I won’t give him my blood the first time we make love.” Destiny said. “That’s my choice.”

"What if I tell you the first time I won't drink from you?  As long as you let me feed from you before hand."  Angel asks appearing behind Destiny.

“Did anyone tell you appearing in clubs isn’t a good thing?” Destiny asked.

“Did anyone ever tell you two that when you go out dressed like that its dangerous?” Spike asked from behind Alyssa.

"Why is it dangerous?" Alyssa turns to him.  "Gets you horny?"

“Thinking about you gets me horny.” Spike smiled and grabbed a waiter. “We’ll be at the booth in the back. Bottle of dry red wine.”

“I’ll grab that for you right away.”

"But what if I wanted to dance?" Angel jokes to Spike.

“Your not my type.” Spike smiled. “You can dance I just like to keep a table.”

"See how you are"  Alysa laughs and Angel pulls Destiny into his arms, holding her tight on the dance floor.  "So what do you say?"

“I say you’re a good dancer.”

"That wasn't the question." Angel points out.

“Do you know why it’s so important to me?” She whispered.

"I haven't  a clue, but I don't think you understand why biting you is important to me either." He answers.

“Because your closer to me.” Destiny said.


“Explain it to me.”

"It has to deal with being "dead" " Angel whispers. "its a feeling like I'm alive again thing. I would prefer to not have this convo here."

“Then get us out of here.” Destiny said. “I think we need this conversation.”

Angel told Spike mentally that they were leaving and then walked them out of the bar once outside he made them vanish - and reappear at her place.

“I’m sorry.”

"Me to.  But if we don't talk we'll never stay together."

“You wanna go first or shall I?”

“You can.” Angel says and sits down.

“Thanks.” Destiny smiled softly. “You know I’ve never been in love but I’ve always had those little girl dreams. Falling in love, big wedding, white dress, blue house, picket fence, the first night. Honestly my dream guy even looked like you. Tall, dark hair, gorgeous dark eyes, kisses light me on fire, dark and mysterious. You were a dream come true. It didn’t matter at all that you were a Vampire.”

"But?" He asks.

She smiled softly and sat down next to him.

“But I think about making love to you, having your body inside mine, molding with me, being one with me, and I can’t imagine not looking into those beautiful brown eyes. I can’t imagine not seeing the love and tenderness there, telling me its ok to be nervous, and loving me gently. Angel if I’m dreaming tell me now.”

"In a way you are Destiny.  I mean I can see you wanting that - but from a vampire?  Destiny I'm not like other guys." Angel says.

“That’s why I love you so much.” She smiled.

"But that’s what makes it so hard for me to be a sappy romantic like you want.”

Destiny shrugged. “That’s my fault. I got the impression you were.”

"Do you want to hear why biting you is so important to me?" Angel asks.


“OK.  Let me put it this way." Angel took a deep breath before continuing. "Destiny,  when a vampire has sex with a mortal , he gives away his life force.  Kind of.  Anyway when we drink, we take life into us- if that’s possible.  So for me to bite you while making love to you would be completing the circle of life.  Do you understand?  As your blood comes out of you and into me, my body is inside of you - we are completely connected -completely.  Do you see why it’s meaningful to me?" Angel asks, not sure if he explained it well.

Destiny nodded. “I get it now.”

"I'm sorry that I can't give you what you want." Angel looks away.  "I have wants to though and how can we compromise them?"

“Can you give it to me for the first time?” Destiny whiSpikeered. “Please?”

"So your wants for our first time outweigh mine?" Angel asks softly.

Destiny felt the tears come and she cried in her hands. “I’m sorry Angel. No they don’t.”

"Well I will give you what you want Destiny, its because I love you, but I just wanted you to know what it felt like on my end.”

Destiny’s head snapped up. “What did you say?”

"I said that I'll give you what you want for our first time."

“No I think there was something else in that sentence.”

Angel realized what he admitted to.  "Opps you weren't supposed to hear that yet."

“Do you wanna take it back?” She asked.

"No.  Do you want me to?" Angel asks.

“Are you kidding me?” Destiny smiled. “Can you say it again?”

"Destiny - I love you."  Angel says and kisses her, then puts his finger to her lips.  "Before you say that to me, and before my body is inside of you - I need you to know that I don't take those words, or the act of making love lightly.  I take them as a commitment - a very serious commitment.  When I make you my woman in love, you can not be touched by another - until I release you."

“You guys have a lot of rules.” She smiled.

"Yeah - helps us stay 'alive'. " He smirks and kisses her.

"Destiny- do me a favor alright - give me like 20 min then come over -ok?" Angel smiles, kissing her.  "I want to freshen up."

“Alright.” Destiny said a little confused. “I guess I’ll just go grab a shower myself.”

"Awesome." Angel gives her a kiss and vanishes.  Once he re-appears at his house, he runs around the bedroom and changes the sheets, lights 100 candles in record time, grateful for his ability to move so quickly, he even spreads pedals to different flowers on his bed, he picked up the flowers on his way home.  Next stop is the shower, with 5 min to spare.

Destiny put on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt and got ready to leave. She grabbed her leather coat and decide to fly over to the castle. You never knew what was out there after dark.

“Baby?” She asked walking in the living room.

Angel came out of his room in jeans that fit him perfectly and a button down cream shirt.  "HI- beautiful." He moved close to her for a kiss.

“I feel like I’m underdressed.” She smiled and kissed him again. “What do you have planned for tonight.”

"A little of this -" Angel kissed her sweetly.  "Maybe a little of this"  He then moved over to take her earlobe into his mouth.

“Mmm.” Destiny smiled and kissed his cheek. “Maybe we should move this to the couch.”

"Maybe we should move this to my room - just so Spike doesn't walk in on us." Angel says kissing her neck.

In his mind he tells Spike to stay with Alysa that night.

“Whatever you say.” Destiny murmured and pulled him in for another kiss.

Angel picked her up and carried her into his bedroom.  Letting her get her feet right as he closed the door.  He didn't lay her on the bed, because he wanted her to be able to see the room.  "I hope this is something like you wanted?" Angel kisses her neck again.

Destiny turned around and gasped. “Oh Angel…”

"Is it ok? I wanted to give you what you always wanted." Angel asks his hands wrapping around her waist and his tongue sliding over the artery in her neck and up to her ear. 

Destiny fell back into him and sighed. “I couldn’t ask for anything more. I love you.”

"I love you." Angel smiled and turned her around to face him.  His mouth came crashing down on hers while he slowly untucked her shirt.  Trying desperately not to let his fangs grow.

Destiny ran her hands through his hair and pulled him tight against her as her tongue caressed his lips, pleading for entrance.

Angel's hands found skin, on her back, and he quickly let them slid up to her bra strap.  "You're so soft."

Destiny whimpered as he nipped at her neck.

“I think I’m falling in love with you all over again.”

"Good." Angel smiled and unhooked her bra.  Sliding his hands around to the front of her, without removing her shirt.  His hand cupped her left breast as his right hand fell down to her butt and pulled her tight against him.  "So mine." He moaned as he moved his head and looked straight at the ceiling, trying once again to control the urge to bite.

“I love you Angel.” She whispered and then moaned softly as she felt the evidence of his desire.

Angel smiled and sucked her earlobe into his mouth.  He slowly backed them up to the bed and pushed just enough so she sat down.  With that his hands moved up and her t-shirt came off, as well as her bra.  Angel quickly shed his own shirt and knelt down between her legs of her.  "So beautiful." He smiled as he leaned in and ran his tongue over her stomach.

Destiny leaned down and kissed his hair, then his forehead, before her hands slipped down his back and caressed his warm skin.

Angel's hands ran over her chest.  His tongue quickly following to leave a trail of fire on her skin.  "I want you naked." He said as his hands began to fumble with her jeans.

“Something we agree on.” She smiled and placed her hand over his and helped him pulled her jeans off. “I love you.”

"I know," He smiled as her body was shown to him.  His fangs came out again at her scent, he quickly scolded himself.

“Are you sure about this?” Destiny whispered.

"Yes." He moaned as his fingers found her wet and waiting for him.  "Are you?" He asked as he laid her down on the bed, teasing her with his fingers.

“Yes.” Destiny moaned and clawed at his pants. “Angel…” She moaned as she thrust her body against him.

Angel's fingers moved out of her and quickly undid his pants.  The urge inside to bite into her thigh was so strong.  He fought with himself to pull the condom out of his pants pocket on the floor.  He moved back towards her and kissed her stomach again.

“Let me help you.” She asked taking the condom. She ripped it open and then slid it down the length of him.

"Awful brave for a virgin." Angel smiled.

Destiny gripped him tightly and started to run her hand up and down his manhood.

“Just because I’m a virgin doesn’t mean I don’t know a thing or two.”

Angel smiled at her and let his fingers tease for a few moments again, he then moved up to kiss her as his body slid inside of hers. "Baby- so tight." He moaned.

Destiny moaned softly as she arched under him. “More.”

"I'm trying." He kissed her and pushed harder into her, this time getting all the way inside and loving it.

Destiny opened her eyes and kissed him softly. “I love you Angel.” She whispered as she pressed his body tight against hers.

"Love you." He moaned as he moved in and out of her, caressing her chest and trying to fight the devil within to not bite her and keep his erection.

Destiny pulled him back for another kiss, knowing that he was fighting with himself and doing it all for her. “Love me.” She whispered. “All I need from you is to love me.”

Angel moved inside of her tenderly then slowly picked up speed.  "Dest - baby." He moaned.

“Angel…” Destiny moaned as she felt her body moved towards an incredible crest.

"Oh yes"  Angel moaned, afraid he's reaching his peak before Destiny.  "Baby squeeze your muscles." He moved and looked at the ceiling again to avoid looking at the blood that was now against the surface in her neck.

Destiny listened to him and squeezed her muscles tightly and felt like the world was slipping out from under her. “Angel…” She gasped, wanting to see his eyes.

"Baby" He moaned as he moved inside of her.  His fangs were out and hurting him.  He couldn't open his mouth or she would know.

“Almost there.” She moaned.

Angel fought himself and opened his eyes as he slammed into her body one last time.  He moaned without opening his mouth.

Destiny cried out his name as slipped over the edge with her lover.

After her release Angel moved out of her quickly, discarding the condom and kissing her softly.  He got out of the bed and ran quickly to the bathroom.  His body was still hard, he got satisfaction with her however, he didn't go over the edge like he would have liked to.  He wrapped his hand around himself and started to slide it up and down his shaft, bringing his own arm up and sinking his teeth into his arm as he very quickly reached his peek.  Finally feeling calm, he washed off and returned to Destiny.

Destiny sat up suddenly when he walked into the room with blood running down his arm.

“Angel what happened?”

"Oh nothing." He quickly licked the holes and they disappeared.

“Angel.” Destiny warned as she wrapped her body up in the sheet.

"What?" Angel said as he slid into bed next to her.

“Tell me what happened.”

"Nothing baby I'm fine." He wrapped his arms around her.

“After what happened your going to lie to me?” She asked softly.

"I'm not lying to you - I'm fine." Angel said, trying to calm himself, sucking his own blood did nothing for him.  He still wanted hers, especially since he knows its pumping fast.

Destiny looked at him and then it dawned on her. “Drink from me.”

"No - you said no, I told you I wouldn't drink from you tonight."  He ran his hand on her arm. "Sleep."

“No, I said while we were making love.” Destiny said. “Angel, take my blood.”

She doesn't have to say that twice.  Angel's fangs are buried deep in her neck in seconds.  His erection comes back and she can feel it against her thigh.  His hand cups her breast and plays as he drinks.

“Oh God.” Destiny moaned as she clung to him.

He finally stopped drinking as she said that.  He licked the wound and healed it.  He didn't move his hand however.  "I think I'll sleep with my hand here." He smiled.

Destiny was a little dazed but when she got her wits about her she smiled.

“That’s fine as long as mine goes right here.” She whispered slipping it on his manhood.

"Ok." He pulled her close.

“Angel this meant the world to me.” She whispered. “Putting my needs in front of yours. If there’s anything I can do for you, please tell me.”


Destiny leaned up and kissed him. “Love you.”

"Love you too" Angel yawned.

Destiny curled up to him and they fell asleep together.


Alysa walks in the front door of her house laughing. Mike had just dropped her off and he's so funny.  "Hi!" She says to Spike shocked to find him laying on her bed.

“Something funny.” Spike asked swinging his legs over the bed and walking towards her, planting a kiss on her lips.

"Yeah - Mike was just telling me about his life."

Spike raised his eyebrows. “Who’s Mike?”

"A guy from my ethics class.  Spike are you jealous?" She smiles and moves in to kiss him.

“No.” Spike said under her kiss. “Are you hungry? I could cook you something.”

"You cook?" Alysa says shocked, knowing he didn't eat except for blood that shocked her.

“Yea I’ve been picking up bad habits from you.”

"Bad huh?" Alysa smiles and hugs him, "Am I bad Spike?  Gonna punish me again?" She asks eagerly.

“I’m sure you would rather eat and relax.” Spike said heading towards your kitchen. “I mean you had a long class with Mike.”

"Ok hold it - stop right there.  Don't even do this Spike - I don't play with this jealous bullshit - there is nothing going on with me and anyone but you and you know that."

“Ok.” Spike said. “What would you like?”

"I would like you to stop playing this game.  Stop acting like a two yr old." Alysa says as she sits on her bed.

Spike rolled his eyes. “Alysa, really. I’m sorry I’m ok with this.”

"Good now stop rolling your eyes.  Can you help me untie this dress."  She straddled his lap, facing away from him.

"Good now stop rolling your eyes." She smiled.

“Alright.” Spike said and pulled him to her for a kiss. “Hungry?”

"Yes." Alysa smiled.

“Me too.” Spike said and let her out to the kitchen. “And my dinner will be Mike.”

"Spike you will NOT touch him." Alysa throws him against a wall.

Spike’s anger came out and with his mind he lifted Alysa off the ground.

“Don’t ever do that again.”

Alysa froze him and dropped to the ground.

Spike quickly snapped out of it. “What the hell is your problem?!”

"You - just because someone talks to me you want to use them for dinner - I refuse to accept that.  IF you want the rights of a husband you have to be one - until then you are just a good fuck." Alysa was so mad that he was acting this way without ever even asking her to be exclusive with him.

“How the hell did you know I wanted him for dinner?” Spike asked stalking towards her.

"Cos I read your mind shithead." Alysa admitted.  "Remember the spell I cast like the 2nd day. I never undid it - you just wanted the truth spell gone." Alysa turned around and got a Pepsi out of her fridge.

“Get rid of it Alysa.” He warned.

"Why so you can threaten my friends and I will know nothing about it?"  She stood up to him.

“I stopped reading your mind.”

"Yeah but then you started threatening to kill my friends."

“I didn’t threaten to kill anyone.” Spike said. “Take it off.”

"No you threatened to have Mike for dinner." Alysa said adamantly.

“You should know better than anyone that I don’t have to kill.” Spike said. “Get rid of the spell.”

"Not until I feel like I can trust you not to hurt anyone that talks to me."

“You kept this spell on without my knowledge.” Spike said. “You don’t like me invading your thoughts and I feel the same way. Take the spell off, NOW.”

"NO - I refuse to be barked at - I've never used it until today - I never had a desire to read your mind.  Today what you thought about having Mike for dinner - I didn't try to read that - it came through loud and clear."

“I don’t want to be in a relationship with someone I can’t trust.” Spike said. “Take it off or we’re through.”

"Oh Ultimatums.  Ok I have one for you - I'll take it off if you'll let me take your ability to read my mind away as well."

“It comes when I suck your blood.” Spike sighed.

"You don't understand Spike - I'm a witch I can make that not come when you suck my blood."


"Why Spike- are you that incredibly selfish that you must keep a one up man ship about this relationship."

“No.” Spike shook his head. “I’m sorry Enchantress but that’s a part of me. If you put a spell on that its like changing who I am.”

"Oh ok - so its not ok that I'm a witch - I move people and things with my mind, I freeze people I cast spells.  Every time I cast a spell you decide that you don’t like it and I'm supposed to remove it - isn't that changing me?  Spike that’s selfish."

“I don’t probe your mind. I promised that. Isn’t that enough.”

"NO because now that I've seen this side of you I don't know if I can trust that."

“So I’m a bit jealous.” Spike shrugged.

"Jealous?  Spike when you pick the woman you've been screwing nightly up in anger, that’s more than jealous – that’s dangerous."

“You threw me up against the wall.” Spike said.

"Spike I was trying to protect someone I care about - men should never do anything to a woman in anger."

“You shouldn’t have thrown me against the wall.” Spike said. “I was protecting myself from you.”

"I'd never hurt you Spike - I don't have a violent streak in my body - I just like to have fun.  I'm sorry about throwing you against the wall."

“I’m sorry about what I did too.” Spike said softly. “Just the thought of you with another guy made me…I’m sorry.”

"Spike so far there is no commitment - why shouldn't I be with anyone else?" She asks with a smile.

Spike should’ve seen this one coming.

“Enchantress I’ve been calling on you for how long? Why wouldn’t you be anything but my lady? If you feel as though I haven’t asked you properly I apologize. Will you allow me to be your one and only gentleman?”

"Yes- and Spike I find that so incredibly sexy." She smiles and kisses him.

"18th century talk.” He smiled.

"Yes - its so polite and it" Alysa looks around like its a secret.  "It gets me horny." She giggles.

Spike leaned in close to her and whispered. “Anything gets you horny.”

"OH you've noticed?" She smiles. "Now I thought you were giving me dinner?" 

“I am.” Spike said pulling her into the kitchen. “I’m still kinda hungry though sure I can’t take just a small bit from your friend?”

"Nope - but you can bite me - that gets me horny too." She laughs.

“Know that as well.” Spike smiled. “But we have all night. I need to stay here.”

"Oh really - I wonder what Angel and my sister are doing?  Something she was so adamant about us doing?" Alysa laughs.  She then hugs Spike.  "You know what I like about us?"

“That we have sex all the time?” He grinned as he plucked out some wine.

"NO silly - well yeah that but something else too.  That we fight fair.  When we fight we don't throw tantrums and the like we actually work things out or come to an understanding."

“I think they came to one.” Spike said. “Or else Angel wouldn’t go through with this. Although I don’t understand much about my cousin lately.”


“Alright I decided what I wanted to do tonight.” Spike smiled.

"Oh really?" Alysa smiles.  "Is it going to be hard to guess?"

“I want you to show me some craft.”

"You want me to cast a spell?" Alysa verifies.

“No I want you to show me how you do things.” Spike said.

"Its not so much how Spike - its who I am.  Just like you can't show me how to grow fangs.  OK here's an easy one - and answer honest so that it'll work.  What is your favorite hair color on a girl?"


"Ok would you like me taller or shorter?"

“Shorter.” Spike said. “And while you’re at it a little more…” He patted his chest.

"You would like me to have a bigger chest?"

“I would just like to give it a test run.” Spike said giving her an innocent smile.

"Ok what color would you like my eyes?"

Spike shook his head. “Don’t ever change those chocolate babies.”

"Ok.  Now let me make sure I know what you want - black hair, shorter, bigger chest and brown eyes?"

Spike nodded.

Alysa smiles, "My hair is black and I am not as tall. Chocolate eyes remain and breasts not quite as small."  Alysa then put her hands outstretched to her sides and began spinning around.  Saying her chant over until she is stopped by the spell.  She then opens her eyes to Spike.

“Damn.” Spike laughed. “You can turned yourself into what you please?”

"Yes Spike - or what you please for the night?" Alysa teases.

“I like the brown hair, taller, breasts smaller, enchantress.” Spike smiled. “Can you do that to me?”

"Make you a woman?"

“Oh well can you do that too?”

"I can change you as well = the only thing is you have to trust in me completely.”

“I do trust you Alyssa.”

"What would you like Spike?" Alysa asks before she shakes her head a few time ending the glamour spell.

“What would you like Enchantress?”

"Um I think brown eyes would be a change, how about light blond hair?"

“Alright.” Spike said standing up. “Do your worst?”

"Close your eyes." Alysa smiles.  "You know what this is kinda silly - you can't see your reflection in the mirror can you?" Stating a rumor she heard about vampires long ago.

“Yeah but I’m sure you’ve got a spell for that.” He winked.

"That I can do - hold on."  Alysa looked briefly in the book of shadows.

"Spike - see yourself through eyes of brown, see yourself with blond hair not long.  Your reflection is true - for this moment in time - lasting only until your lips are mine."  Alysa runs her hands over Spike's hair and his eyes, then moves a mirror in front of him. 

"There you are Spike"

“Wow.” Spike said. “I’m such a handsome devil.” He blew a kiss at himself.

“Oh please." Alysa laughs.  "How long has it been since you've seen your reflection?"

“220 years.” Spike said. “Come here.” He grabbed her around the waist. “We make a beautiful couple.”

"You think?" Alysa smiles.

“Look at us.” Spike said and kissed her neck. “We’re gorgeous.”

"You just want to watch yourself drink from me." Alysa teased.  "Go ahead - I think it’s sexy."

“That thought never occurred to me.” Spike said. “But hell if you insist.” He licked the beating pulse in her throat before his sharp fangs pierced her skin.

"You're too sexy." Alysa smiled in her head.

Spike smiled at her through the mirror as he seal her wound. “Your sexy as well.” He said in his head.

"Ok that’s why I didn't remove that spell." She laughed.

Spike kissed her cheek. “If I asked you nicely would you?”

"Yes really nicely."

“Enchantress,” He whispered brushing hair away from her face. “Could you please remove the spell you put on me?”

"Which one the Glamour?  All you have to do is shake your head and say enough to yourself and its broken."

“That’s not what I mean.” Spike smiled.

"Ok." Alysa smiled.  "Lose the glamour and come to my bedroom - cos I get my way with you after this - I'm conceding.  Mark this down." Alysa walks towards her bedroom.

“Writing it.” Spike said waving his hand in the air.


"As flame lights shadow

As truth ends fear

Lock Spike's thoughts

To my mind's willing ear"


Alysa  chanted as Spike walked in the room.

"There I can't read your mind anymore - so you can do whatever now."

“Alright.” Spike said. “I wanna have sex with you right now.”

"Oh I think I can handle that." Alysa smiles. Then removes Spike's shirt with her mind.  "You won’t be needing that."

Spike ran his hand down her shirt and ripped her buttons open. “Won’t be needing that.”

"Are you ripping my shirt Mr.?" Alysa smiles 

“I’ll buy you twenty more.” He smiled and tossed away her bra.

"You are so devilish."


"Up what?" Alysa asks kissing his chest.

Spike pulled her up and smiled as he unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them down. “Thanks.”

Alysa's hands wandered down his body and over his growing manhood.  "You're so hard."

Spike groaned. “When you touch it, that happens.”

"Oh but I like that." Alysa ran her hand over his manhood again. "Spike?"

He slipped down her panties. “Enchantress?”

"Can I suck on you?  Can I take this beautiful long hard cock in my mouth and give you pleasure?" She teased.

“Well you better after that statement.”

Alysa dropped to her knees, completely naked and pealed Spike’s jeans and boxers off, as he was revealed to her, she moaned.  "Oh you're so big." She smiled and licked at him, before taking him into her mouth.

“Oh way to build that ago.” Spike moaned.

Alysa just reached around and pulled him closer,  she looked up at him so that he could see in her eyes how hungry she is for him.

“Oh God.” Spike cried out in ecstasy.

Alysa just sucked harder, moving his body in and out of her mouth, licking at him when he was almost completely out of her mouth.  Finally she wrapped her hand around his shaft and tightened her gripe.  Licking at the tip before sucking it back into her hot mouth.

“Enchantress, oh God, oh…!”

Alysa let go of him before he released and slid her body up the front of his.  "Spike - do you want me?"

Spike moaned and picked her up, slamming her against the wall, then impaling himself inside her.

"Spike!" Alysa moaned, loving his forcefulness.

"Did you enjoy that?" She teased, wanting more.

Spike grunted and moved inside of her deeply, getting caught up in the lust and need.

Alysa wrapped her legs around his hips and grinded against him, "More baby"

“Enchantress.” Spike moaned as he felt her tighten his muscles.

Alysa raked her nails over his back and pushed her hips against his, "I want all of you Spike - all of you." She kissed him hungrily.

Spike groaned and pounded into her a few more times before exploding inside of her.

“Alyssa!!” And then his fangs grew sharp and he clamped down on her neck.

Alysa could feel her body burn from him.  Everywhere felt like it was on fire.  Finally she realized Spike had been drinking quite a while.  "Spike" She said hoping he'd stop.

Spike pulled back and healed her wound. “Are you alright?”

"Yes - but my legs burn." She smiled unable to unwrap them from his waist.

Spike laughed and carried her over to the bed. “I could sleep all day tomorrow.”

"I think I'm going to.  OH wait Spike- is it dark enough here- do we have to go to your house?"

“I can’t go home I told you that.” Spike smiled. “Can you throw towels over the windows?”

Alysa smiled. "Hold me k?" With her mind she moved the dresser drawers and got heavy black sheets and towels out of them - a hammer came over to the windows from a shelf as well as some nails.  She then nailed a sheet folded double and a towel over the window, without ever leaving the bed.  "Is that going to be ok?"

“Perfect.” Spike said and kissed her. “I’ll get you up after a cat nap.”

"How about I get you UP?" She smirked.

“Whatever works for you Enchantress.” He smiled.

Alysa smiled and rolled against his chest.

He kissed her hair. “Sweet dreams.”


Spike wiped the sleep from his eyes and felt that it was still before dawn. He felt the energy in his body and he wanted to put it to good use. He rolled over and pushed the sheet down off of Alyssa’s body and started to kiss her breasts.

"Mmmm" is the only vocalization Alysa made, she was caught up in her dream, and there - Spike was teasing her so perfectly.

Spike ran his tongue over his nipples before he took a small bud and nipped at it lightly before sucking it into his mouth and teasing some more.

Alysa's nipple became erect and she moaned incoherently.

Spike was bored with her nipples so he slid his tongue down her body and settled himself between her thighs. He nipped at her womanhood before teasingly sliding his tongue in and out of her body.

"OH GOD - Spike!" She awoke with a start.

Spike looked up at her with a smirk. “Want me to stop?”

"Don't you dare." She smiled at him, running her hand into his hair.

Spike smiled back before he buried himself into her warm body. His tongue slipped in and out teasing her, tickling her, before his fangs grew and he nipped at her hard clitoris.

Alysa felt her body's excitement building as he teased, but hen he actually bit her she went over the edge, "Again!" 

He held back a laugh as he pulled back and licked the small drops of blood.

“What again?”

"Bite - Suck" Alysa says and pushes his head back down, "More"

Spike growled playfully and bit down none too gently on her clitoris again as his tongue licked and tasted every inch that it could.

Alysa's body quickly peaked and she moaned out his name.  As he continued to lick and bite he started to push her over the brink on insanity.  It felt like she would explode any minute.  She started screaming, "Yes, more" as her hips gyrated off the bed and towards his mouth.

Spike teased and tasted as best as he could, trying to bring her the pleasure she so desperately craved.

"Spike - Oh Spike" She cried out, "There - OH God = right there= more" She screamed, her hips moving to the beat of his invading tongue and loving it.

Spike pulled back and then bit down again, drinking her blood, as she found her release.

Alysa's mind quickly went blank as she shivered on the bed.  She didn't feel the cool breeze from the fan as she felt was Spike's wonderful tongue and fangs.  "Oh Spike" She pulled him up to her as she enjoyed the rush.

Spike laughed and pulled her into his arms. “You can wake me up next time.”


"Destiny?" Angel smiled as he kissed her shoulder, around 6pm.

“Angel.” Destiny smiled as she flipped through the magazine.

"I don't like that name." Angel let his hand wander under the covers and between her legs.  "Take it back" He smiles as his finger gently grazes her.

“I don’t wanna take it back Angel.”

"Destiny" Angel somewhat sings as his fingers slide farther between her legs, pushing at her skin to open to him.

“Angel.” Destiny murmured as she opened her thighs to him.

“Have you had many lovers?” She asks.

"Baby - I'm 240 years old what do you think?" Angel answers, without answering.

“I think that’s a great way to avoid the question.” She smirked.

"Do you honestly want to know how many women I've bedded?  The comparison would make me sound like a gigolo." Angel asked softly.

Destiny laughed softly. “True, but I still wanna know the types of girls I’m being compared to.”

"Ok - you asked.  I’ve bedded 892 women." Angel states.

“Wow.” Destiny replied. “Is that what all those marks are on the bed post?”

"I didn't want to tell you." Angel turns away from her.

“Angel, I’m teasing you.” Destiny said kissing his shoulder. “Can I ask you something else?”

"Sure." He says figuring he's already lost her.

“Out of those 892 women, how many did you love?”

"4 including you." Angel says softly.

"What?  Are you disgusted now?" He asks.

“No.” Destiny said. “I just wanted to know when we were together, what you compared it to.” She whispered.

"Nothing - it was its own experience - as it should be."

“I love you baby.” She smiled as she placed her hand on his arm.

"You know what I found out over the centuries?" Angel decides to be honest with his new lover.

“I’d love to hear it.”

"I love to see women in extremely tight clothing - like strippers would wear."

“Oohh.” Destiny smiled as she ran her finger across his chest. “It just so happens I like to wear tight clothing.”

"Like leather?" He smirks and his finger runs over her breast.

Destiny nodded. “I love leather.”

"OK - wanna fulfill a want of mine?" Angel asks and kisses her nipple.

“I want to fulfill all your wants.”

"I need to feed - but you would make me so happy if you would take some money of mine and go buy yourself the hottest tightest outfit you can find and meet me back here in like an hour."

“Is that all?” Destiny smiled. “I’d love to. Why don’t you feed off of me?”

"Cos I'm going to do that later and if I don't take the edge off I'll drain you.  You wore me out last night woman." Angel smirks to her.

“Didn’t know that was a bad thing.” Destiny smiled as she slipped naked out of the bed.

"Dest" Angel grabbed her arm, fangs extended.

“You need something baby?” Destiny whispered as she slipped back on the bed. “Take what you need.”

"I need you- I need to be buried deep inside you for all eternity." Angel moaned and slipped his fingers inside of her body.  "You're so warm inside."

“Soon.” Destiny whispered as she kissed him deeply.

"Hurry back." Angel kissed her deeply, letting his fangs retreat.  "I love you."

“I love you.” Destiny smiled as she pulled on her clothes, minus her bra and panties. “Try not to miss me too much.”

"Oh you are such a tease." Angel moaned.  Rolling onto his back before finally getting dressed and leaving to feed.


“Alyssa you here?” Spike asked appearing in her living room.

"Changing." Alysa calls downstairs from her room.

“Hurry.” Spike smiled back.

"Yes master." Alysa cracks running down the stairs pulling her shirt down.  "What can I do for you?" She says giving him a kiss.

“I want out shopping today.” Spike grinned like a Cheshire cat.

"Oh really?  Sexy bedtime clothes." She smirks.

“Just little stuff.” Spike said. “A new car, some clothes, this.” He smiled as a small box appeared in his hand.

"Oh present for me?" Alysa smiles ear to ear - she loves presents.

“You want it?” Spike asked.

"Yes - give me" Alysa smiled and looked at him with puppy eyes.

“Peas.” Spike said like a little kid as he waved the box in front of her.

"Please!" Alysa begged playfully.  "Come on I'm a good girlfriend."

“Your are one hell of a sex kitten.” Spike smiled and kissed her as he handed her the box.

"Sex kitten?" She looked at him with a devilish grin and opened the box.

Spike smiled, as she looked diamond and ruby ring in a gold setting. The diamond was round and sat in the middle with two ruby hearts that sat beside it.

"Spike this is beautiful." She smiled.  "But why?" She didn't understand, no guy she had ever dated had given her such a beautiful gift.

“Why not?” Spike smiled.

"Because it’s so beautiful and expensive and Spike we've only been together a short time?" Alysa was astonished.

“Oh.” Spike said and blew out some air. “Guess I should take the car back then.”

"What?  Spike why are you doing this?  You don’t have to buy my affection." Alysa didn't understand - he was already getting sex whenever he wanted why was she getting gifts.

“I’m not trying to.” Spike said. “I have all this money from all these years, centuries actually, and I want to spoil the woman who means a lot to me. I didn’t think that was a problem.”

"Its not - I love presents don't get me wrong." Alysa figures its time to tell him.  "Spike will you sit down with me?”

Spike took her hand and sat down on the couch with her. “Talk to me.”

"I was in a pretty bad relationship before I got my powers.  That’s why I'm so quick to throw you against a wall or worry when you're being nice.  He hit me and shit and well he would buy me things to say he was sorry or to try to get his way.  It was a long time ago and I should be over it its just that you being nice just because you want to be nice - well that isn't something I'm used to." Alysa tells him - for some reason - really wanting to.

Spike leaned over and kissed her cheek.

“You deserved to be spoiled and that’s why I’m doing it. And it’s ok to not be over that. Things like that take time. Let me know if I’m rushing things. I think the car’s too much, I’ll take it back.”

"How about you keep the car and I'll just borrow it to come and go to your house considering I can't fly like my sister."

“Cause I bought myself a new one too.” Spike smiled. “Sure you don’t want it?”

"Spike where in the heck did you get all this money? Don't tell me centuries ago you worked?"

“No.” Spike said. “Only a few times, my um…” He cleared his throat. “My father was kind of a king.”

"A king? And you kept the money all this time?" Alysa couldn't fathom that he was immortal.  She could but today was having a problem with it.

“What was I going to do with it?” Spike laughed.

"Ok since you inherited it - what kind of car did you buy me?" Alysa smiles and kisses him.

“Go out front and see.” He smiled.

Alysa grabbed his hand and pulled him outside.  Alysa's draw dropped when she saw her dream.  A black 69 Stingray Corvette with t-tops.  "Spike how did you know?"

“Your sister’s kinda cute once you get to know her.” Spike smiled. “Mint condition, restored. Shame you want me to take it back.”

"Never" Alysa jumped in his arms.  "You’re the best, where do you want your sex tonight?" She smiled.

“I don’t want it tonight.”

"Ok I want to go for a ride wanna come with?" Alysa doesn't get offended at all.

“I don’t know. Can I trust your driving?”

"Its not like you're going to die or anything - come on." Alysa cracks.

“Oh that was real cute.” Spike said climbing into the car.

"I thought so.  Keys please?" Alysa kisses him.

Spike tossed them to her and then put on his seat belt.

"You're truly adorable you know that right." Alysa smiles.

“I try.” He smirked.


“Angel?” Destiny said reappearing in his room with a long black coat on.

"Yes sexy." Angel smirks still laying in bed.

“You didn’t move an inch did you?” She laughed.

"Sure I did- I went out and fed and then took a shower - got back in bed naked.  Just the way you love me."

“You think.” She smirked.

"I know - now come here I have something for you." Angel smiles.

“Oh I bet you do.”

Angel pulls her down on top of him and kisses her.  "I want your blood." 

Destiny pushed her hair aside. “Drink.”

Angel kissed her neck without taking any blood - "Thank you." Then he reaches over to the side of the bed - "For that you get a present."

“Oohh present!” She squealed.

Angel handed Destiny a box with 2 Celtic style Claddagh wedding rings. One for him, one for her, they were two tone gold and Angel hoped she would at least listen to his explanation before getting frightened off.

“These are beautiful.” She said softly. “They look like wedding bands.”

"They are.  They are Celtic I bought them about 150 yrs ago."

“You didn’t get them from Ireland did you?”

"Yes I did.  See the custom back then was that when a couple became exclusive, rings were bought and exchanged.  They were worn on the right hand as a symbol that they were no longer available.  A symbol that they no longer wished to be looked at by anyone but their significant other.  I thought that custom was awesome and adopted it."

“So this doesn’t just mean you love me it means you really love me.” She smiled.

"Yeah something like that.  Will you wear it?"

“Of course I will.” Destiny said and slipped it on. “I love it baby, thank you.”

"You're welcome." Angel smiles and slips his on.  Then kisses her.

“Wanna see your present?” Destiny asked.

"Yes." Angel answers quickly.

Destiny slipped off her coat and revealed a skintight leopard suit with a halter-top. “You like?”

"After I ravish your body you may have whatever you like." Angel smirks and pulls her tighter.

“I’m still slippery.” Destiny laughed. “They had to oil me into this.”

"OH I don't mind trust me." Angel rolls her under him and lays down so that she can feel his excitement.  "You are trying to make sure I'm happy aren't you."

“Are you?” She smiled arching her body towards him.

"Yes, now quit talking." Angel smiles and kisses her deeply.

“You don’t like my voice.” Destiny mumbled under his lips.

"I love it but I love it more when you are moaning in pleasure."

Destiny smiled and brought her knee up against him. “Give me something to moan about.”

"Teasing is not nice missy." Angel smirked and grabbed a silk scarf off the dresser.  "Oh what’s this?"  Angel ran the scarf over the swell of her breasts.  "Something to tease you with."

Destiny gasped. “What are you doing?”

"Just trying to find the right things to do with this." Angel smirked and unhooked her top, leaving it on her but revealing her chest to him.  He then ran the silk scarf over her left nipple.  "OH that looks sexy."

Destiny moaned slightly and arched against the scarf.

"Oh don't like that?" Angel teased.

“Don’t stop, touch me all over.”

"Well then my little stripper - take them off." He smirks looking at her pants.

“Alright.” Destiny smiled and pushed him back while grabbing the scarf. She then slipped off the bed. She unhooked her top and tossed it to the floor while running the scarf down her body.

"Now wait a minute -" Angel says taking the scarf back, "you strip - I tease that’s the rule." He smirked.

Destiny turned around and shook her backside in front of him. She then slowly unzipped her pants and slid her hand down her stomach.

"Teasing me." Angel grinned.  "You do realize I'm going to have to get even right?" He smiles and wraps his arms around her waist and licks at her spine.  His hands sliding up the front of her with the silk in one hand he cups her breasts.  Letting one get teased with the silk.

“Oh Angel…” Destiny breathed. “I’m not done stripping.”

"Yes you are - I'll remove the rest." He pulls her back into bed with him.  Leaving the silk between his left hand and her body no matter where he touched.

“This is erotic.” She whispered. “And I want you right now.”

"But I'm not done yet." Angel smirked. He kissed her then kissed her neck, "Will you accept all of me this time?"

“I want all of you.” She said. “Now.”

Angel took advantage of that and slowly removed the rest of her clothing, then slowly, very slowly slid his body inside of hers.  "Feel good sweetie?"

Destiny moaned under him.

"Trust me?" He asked as he moved slowly deeper into her.

Destiny opened her eyes. “You know I do.” She said tightening around him.

"Good" Angel smiled and covered her eyes with the silk, then began to move in and out of her kissing her body and caressing her.

“You feel so good…” Destiny moaned as she gripped his body.

"So do you." Angel moaned as he moved faster and faster into her, trying to get their bodies into a favored pitch.   He reached down and took her breast into his mouth, quite a bit of it actually and sucked on it as he moved.

“Oh God.” Destiny gasped. “Angel, I’m…I’m…”

Angel quieted her with a kiss then continued to move deeper and deeper kissing her the entire time, until he could feel her body melt on the inside.  "You ready baby?" He moaned.

Destiny was barely able to nod.

Angel moved his body deeper and bit into her neck as he continued to thrust.

“Angel!” Destiny cried out as her body shook with pleasure.

Angel thrust into her a few more times as his body released and his fangs receded from her neck.  This time was truly perfect for him. "I love you.” he moaned.

Destiny mumbled incoherently.

Angel smiled he didn't move right away just licked at her wound and healed it.  "You ok?" He asked, hoping he didn't take to much, he wasn’t sucking too hard until he felt her release then he sucked for all he was worth until his release.

“I wanna do that every minute for the rest of my life.” She breathed as she pulled him close.

"What? Have a blindfold over your eyes?" He smirks.

“Alright I take that back, pal.” Destiny said. “Get your big Vampire self off me.”

"Why?" He smiled.

“I was trying to be all serious to let you know I feel connected this way.” She whispered. “And that I love you.”

"Connected what way? Do I need to read your mind to figure out what your saying?" Angel asked his hand rubbing her shoulder.

“I don’t know.” She said looking at her hands. “I’ve never felt this way before. It’s like my body is just made for you and my heart is…wow is that the sun rising?”

"Yes, I've gotta get to a darker room.  Come with me?" Angel says.

“Yeah.” Destiny smiled.

"Destiny sweetie - I need sleep." Angel smiles down in his room.  "Sleep with me."

“Not tonight baby.” Destiny smiled and kissed him. “I think I should head home and see my sister. It’s been a few days.”

"OK - I'll miss you." Angel smiled and kissed her.

“I’ll see you later.” Destiny smiled. “Have a nice rest.”

"You too." He kissed her again and watched her fly out of room.  Sleep overtook him quickly.


“Hey Lysa.” Destiny smiled as she flew in the front window.

"Hey-" Alysa says deep into the book of shadows - the book left to them by ancestors with all the spells and wisdom they needed.  "How’s Angel?" 

“What makes you think I was with him?”

"Um you're flying bull legged." Alysa cracks.

“Ha ha.” Destiny said sitting down. “Where’s Spike?”

"Hiding in a dark cave at Wyndemere." She smiles writing down something from the book of shadows.

“What are you doing?”

"Writing a spell - wanna take a trip with me?"

“Why not?” She smiled. “Where we going?”

"Back to 1787" Alysa says mysteriouAngel.

“Why?” Destiny asked.

"That’s the year Spike and Angel were turned to Vampires and I for one would like to see why they act so opposite about it."

“Isn’t that sorta like an invasion of privacy?”

"How?  We're going to be invisible - if you don't want to go you don't have to. But I'm going." Alysa says walking upstairs.

“I didn’t say that.” Destiny said following her. “I just don’t think Spike would approve.”

"And your point?" Alysa says.  "I'm not going to do anything but cast a spell - if he doesn't approve of that - then he doesn't approve of me and he shouldn't be in my life." Alysa walks into the attic.  "You coming?"


"OK.  Grab my hand." Alysa says putting the return spell in her pocket.


Through winds of change

Sands of time

Let us visit a time forgotten

1787 the year

The time before the darkness begins.

Invisible while we are there, 

Let us see 

How Spike and Angel the vampires

Came to be.


With that the two sisters spin through time and are quickly standing outside in a different time.

"Cool it worked." Alysa grins.

“Yeah.” Destiny said. “So now what?”

"We just walk around and see what we see.  Come on." Alysa starts walking toward a town.

Soon she sees Angel and Spike walking towards them.  "Look." She says to Destiny.

"I do say, this evening has brought with it quite the splendid time." Angel tells Spike.

“Exquisite.” Spike agreed. “Let’s not waste it shall we? To the taverns?”

Angel looked over at one of the taverns and saw one of the bar girls dressed in tattered undergarments.

"Beauty such as that should not go wasted on drunk men." 

“Indeed.” Spike said.

“Is any of that language English?” Destiny whispered.

"You don't have to whisper Destiny - we are invisible." Alysa says.

"Its 16th century English."

“So what are we doing  following them around?” Destiny asked.

"Ok did you not want to be here?  Cos I can send you home - I want to see what happened to him on this night if you don't want to then go home." Alysa states coldly.

“Fine you stay here and find out and I’ll follow them.” Destiny said and started to fly after them as the guys entered the tavern.

“Where to first lad?” Spike asked Angel. “The bar or the doves?”

"The bar." Angel concurs and walks slowly up to the bar.  Not long after he sees Spike disappear up the stairs with a whore on his arm.

“Still wanna find out what’s going on?” Destiny asked her sister.

"Yep." Alysa walks up the stairs after them, if this is when he got bit she had to know it - maybe that would explain why he bites during sex.

Spike murmured sweet nothing’s into the soiled doves ear as she undressed him and he revealed in the adrenaline and feel of the sexual pleasure.

"Oh such a virile man - me never saw such size." The dove whispered to him.

He moaned as he pushed her back on the bed and eagerly crawled on top of her.

Alysa stood in the corner shocked - he would bed anything.

"Yes please." The nameless woman said to Spike.

“You know I would give you anything.” He whispered. “As long as you pleasure me in the end.”

Her face changed and Alysa saw the fangs grow.  "How about I give you pleasure now?" She then sunk her teeth into his neck as his body slid inside of her.

“Yes!” Spike cried as he slammed into her body eagerly.

The dove drank from him as he pounded her body for his pleasure.  At the end when he came she finally withdrew her fangs, leaving Spike close to death.

"Do you want to die?" She asks as he rolled off of her.

“I want it all.” He moaned.

The dove then took her own wrist to her mouth and tore the skin putting her wrist to Spike's mouth.  "Drink."

Spike drank greedily from her wrist gulping the warm red life.

Finally she pulled her wrist from him and ordered him to rest.  Alysa walked out of the room - she had the answer to her question.  As she reached the bar level she saw her sister walking out the door so she followed.

Destiny followed Angel outside wondering where he was going and watching him trip along the way.

"Beautiful Eve." Angel said to no one.

“Help me.” A voice called from the alley.

Angel instantly turned towards the voice.  He had to help a lady in distress, being a gentlemen demanded that of him.

“Help please.” The woman whispered curled in a ball.

"Ma'am, I'm here to help." Angel says softly.

“Help me, help me.” She cried as she stood up.

"How can I help?" Angel asks.

She looked at him with blood red eyes. “Give me your neck.”

“Angel no!” Destiny screamed as the woman pulled him close and sunk her teeth into his neck, draining him of his very life.

“Lysa! We have to help him!”

"Destiny he's fine remember - this is 200 yrs ago.  That is why Angel isn't happy - it wasn't a choice he had - let’s go home now.  You can see Angel's fine." Alysa says.

“No.” Destiny said. “We can fix this. We’ve got to stop her.”

"Destiny - its over - look Angel is drinking from her already - it happened 200 years ago we can't change it."

“Who says we can’t?” Destiny asked. “We’ll come back again and make sure he isn’t a Vampire.”

"Destiny lets go home." Alysa says getting annoyed that her baby sister wasn't understanding her.  She pulls her to an open area and takes the spell from her pocket.


Take us back to whence we came

To time and place that are the same

Let past be present

Let time regain.

Invisible we are no more,

information we sought was gained.


With that they were again standing in their attic.  It was now dark outside and they had no idea how long they had been gone.

"Come on." Alysa says and walks downstairs right into Spike.

"Hi." She says.

“Hey yourself.” Spike said. “Where’ve you been Angel and I have been going crazy.”

"How long have you been looking for us?" Alysa asks trying to find out how long they were gone.

“Three days.” Spike said. “Wanna explain the disappearing act?”

"I took a trip." She smiles and kisses him.  

“Oh where did you go?”

"To the past.  I cast a cool spell and we took a trip.  Wow do you have any idea how wicked it feels to have your body transformed into cells and then spun back in time." Alysa smiles.

“No.” Spike said. “How far back did you go?”

"Um - 1787" Alysa smiles.  Walking into her bedroom, knowing that he'll follow.

“Interesting year.” Spike said reappearing in front of her. “What made you chose that?”

"Wanted to see what you were like back then." She smiled.

“Why didn’t you ask?”

"Why did I have to - you don't own me and I just cast a spell to see if I could do it." Alysa answers instantly getting defensive.

“What are you getting all bent out of shape for?”

"Because I have a feeling I'm in trouble again - what did I have to ask you for - I don't ask permission for pretty much anything Spike."

“This is my life Alyssa.”

"What is?  I didn't cast a spell on you." Alysa says sitting on her bed.

“You went back into the past for what reason?”

"Cos I wanted to see if I could." She tells him honestly.  That was one of her reasons.

“And you just happened to pick the year I became a Vampire right?”

"Yeah - oh so that was your own personal year  - no one else’s." Alysa didn't like his condescending tone.

“You are snooping around in my life without even asking.” Spike said. “That’s so fucking inconsiderate.”

"OH and like you'd tell me if I asked - Spike you tell me nothing."

“If you don’t know Alyssa its because I’m not ready to tell you yet.”

"How is that fair Spike? You can read my mind anytime you want because you're a vampire.  I can't read yours cos you ordered me to take the  spell off.  So when I take a trip,  you're mad at me for that too.  Damnit Spike - I'm having no fun here - and its not fair.  I am completely open to you - my mind - you can get in and out of without me knowing - how is this fair?  How is this an equal "relationship" ?"  Alysa puts quotes around the word relationship with her fingers to let Spike know she's only calling it that, not feeling it.

“Digging around in my life is crossing the line.” Spike said through gritted teeth. “I haven’t read your mind since the day you told me to stop.”

"Its still not fair that you have the ability but you made me take my ability away.  Spike you are living on such a double standard.  Here." Alysa gives him the key to the vette and the ring he gave her.  "If this isn't going to be equal I don't want it.  I can date a mortal if I want a life of secrets."

“Your breaking up with me?”

"Yes - I don't like secrets and if being with you means I'm not allowed to know anything about you - I don't want it -goodbye." Alysa dismisses him.

Spike shrugged. “See ya.”

Alysa noticed he wasn't moving.  "OK then leave - this is my house." 

Spike started to fade out and then disappeared.

Alysa threw herself onto her bed crying.  How dare he accept her breaking up with him - the nerve of him not to fight for her.  The nerve of him not to open up just a little bit and she would be happy. "Damn him."

“Lysa, are you ok?” Destiny asked.

"No that asshole just let me break up with him." Alysa complained rather loudly.

“He let you?” Destiny asked. “Why did you break up with him?”

"Cos he's being an overbearing secretive jerk." Alysa cries.

Destiny pulled her sister into a hug. “You wanna borrow Angel for a few days?”

"No - he's yours - I'll go have my way with a mortal." Alysa smiles at her sister and walks out the front door.


“Let’s go kill someone.” Spike said materializing in his living room.

"Oh happy happy day huh?" Angel smiles.

“I’m bored of this town.” Spike said. “Let’s go back to England. Things are always ripe there.”

"Spike you can - I like it here.  Destiny's here.  What’s wrong with you?"

“Lack of excitement.” Spike shrugged. “Come on we’ll find another Destiny.”

"No thank you - I love the one I have.  Did you and Alysa fight?"


"Well then what’s going on?  Why don’t you go have sex with her - that always puts you in a great mood." Angel offers.

“We all know you didn’t get the humor in the family.”

Angel decides to stop playing games with him and just reads his mind.

"Why did she break up with you?"

“Stop that you loser.” Spike said. “She was tired of something or other.”

"Spike it kinda helps when you listen to her so you know."

“Her and Destiny took a trip.” Spike said. “To our past.”

"Oh and?" Angel didn't understand why that mattered.

“I don’t know what you share with your love but I don’t want Alyssa knowing everything about me just yet or even ever.”

"Why?  What does it matter that she knows?  It happed over 200 yrs ago."

“So? Its my life.” Spike said. “I should be able to decide what she can and can’t know. Its not fair she’s prying into it.”

"OH and you play fair.  Yep - everyday." Angel says sarcastically.

“You aren’t helping.” Spike said glaring at him.

"That’s probably cos I think you're being stupid.  Spike - she likes you - she loves it when you bite her - she's not human either - she's beautiful - what the hell more do you want?  What are you waiting for?"

“You want some wine?” Spike asked getting up.

"No I want you to tell me what you're scared of."

“I’m not scared of anything.”

"Uh-huh so why you so bent out of shape that she saw you get bit while getting laid?" 

“I’m not pissed about that.” Spike said. “I’m pissed that she went prodding around into something personal.”

"Why?  Why Spike - isn't sex personal and you don’t mind her prodding around in that.  Hell  you love it."

“It’s my life.” Spike said. “Every time I don’t tell her something she’s going to cast a spell and find out about it anyway? That’s wrong.”

"Hey Spike - don't look now but she's a witch - that’s what witches do - they cast spells.  Besides maybe if you told her SOMETHING she wouldn’t be so eager to find out anything."

“I tell her things.”

"Like what?  What private things have you told the woman you've been doing the mattress mambo with for weeks?" Angel was cracking himself up today.

“What private things have you told your lover?”

"Anything and everything she wants to know.  She's also drank from me so she can read my mind whenever she wishes.  I trust her Spike.  But then again I wouldn’t have slept with her if I didn't."

“And that’s why I’m me and your you.” Spike said. “I don’t love her.”

"You won't let yourself.  Because of Marissa." Angel tells him.

“Excuse me, I’m hungry.”

"Truth hurt?" Angel says.

“You are so annoying.” Spike said.

"And you are controlling and maniacal.  No wonder she broke up with you for a human.  At least then she'd have a chance at a guy with a heart." Angel spits out - he hates when Spike always thinks he's right - especially when he's wrong.

“I get it now.”

"Good - now go apologize before she actually does find someone else." 

Spike shook his head. “I get that I’m going to England alone.”

"Fine Spike - spend your life alone because one girl 100 yrs ago broke your heart.  Grow up will you?" Angel gets pissed and vanishes and goes out to feed.

“Stupid ass thinks he knows everything. Damn prick.” Spike mumbled the whole way down to his room.