’Rent Control


Meet the parents. From hell. Jack and Judy Geller (aka Elliot Gould, 63 and Christina Pickles, 66) may be the only TV kin to have had sex in a bathroom during a party, squandered their daughter’s wedding fund on a beach house and shamelessly favored one child. (As Monica said in Episode 1, “Ross can do no wrong. You see, he’s the prince. Apparently, they had some big ceremony before I was born.”) But that’s what makes their drop-ins so delightful. A few Friendly words:

You both had high-profile careers before this TV gig, do your new fans know your other roles?

Gould I only get recognized as Jack Geller now. Forget about M*A*S*H. Forget about the cover of Time. Forget about six Saturday Night Lives. But candidly, this show keeps me in the eyes of a whole new audience. Pickles I just get a lot of people saying “You’re so mean!” I guess they think I’m like their own mothers.

Are your characters extensions of yourselves?

Gould My own personal weirdness is more of an eccentric artist, and sometimes I’m just being myself and David [Schwimmer] will laugh so much at me because it’s so funny to him. Pickles I get to say everything I want to say but I can’t [in real life]. Plus, I have a boy and a girl similarly aged. And I probably favor my son a little.

Most memorable contribution to the show?

Pickles We prove that there are obviously parents who still do it.

Favorite Friends moment?

Pickles I loved the Thanksgiving episode when Rachel makes the pudding out of beef. But my least favorite, I can tell you, was dressing up like Princess Leia (Episode 48). That was awful. But you have to do what you have to do. I’m just happy we get residuals for looking so ugly.

How about a Geller parents spin-off?

Gould Oh, I wouldn’t go there.