Welcome to Friends Obsession! Last updated: August 11, 2002.

Yea, it's true -- I've updated. Well, sort of. A good portion of the site was deleted by Angelfire (they changed from giving you 50 MB to 20 MB, I guess), so some of the links may not work until my next announced update (quizzes, pictures, etc). Also, I had to take off all the fanfics for space. Most of the fanfics I had can be read at FF.net.

Enough about what I don't have, but what I will have: I'm going to upload some scanned articles (remember the Entertainment Weekly Friends issue from last year?), and some various things for "My Scrapbook". ...And some interviews from the many appearances Jennifer Aniston and Matthew Perry have been making to promote their new movies (The Good Girl and Serving Sara...go see 'em!).


**Short URLs:

Poll of the Week: n/a
Picture of the Week: n/a

I've been transcribing the scripts...
TOW Rachel Has a Baby
They're in My Script Archive.
Oh, and there's also the uncut Friends episodes from season 7, and the Best of Friends video. Click here.

Please vote for me!

hits since May 2, 2001

© 2001 - 2002 by Jean Liew