Courteney Cox Arquette Interview - 3000 Miles to Graceland

[From Entertainment Tonight, February 13, 2001]

With "Friends" going toe to toe with "Survivor", a happy marriage with David Arquette, and a cool new movie with Kurt Russell and Kevin Costner, Courteney Cox is free to hit the road with "3000 Miles to Graceland".

Julie Moran: This movie is like a roller coaster ride. You must have had a blast making it.

Courteney: I loved making this movie. Working with Kurt was the most fun, because he's a doll. And Kevin's great. I didn't have as many scenes with Kevin, but he's just a really sweet person. I loved playing this character. She's out there.

Julie: Kurt was in here, he was so cute. He said, "I loved my scenes with Courteney, but the poor thing, she had to kiss me." How tough can that be?

Courteney: (smiles) Kurt's fun and I love Goldie. I like working with somebody that you respect because he's a great actor. I think working with him was just amazing. And I love the fact that he has such opinions. I love people like that. My family has really strong opinions about things, and even if I disagree, that's my favorite kind of person to be around because I like people who do their own thing.

Julie: There were some pretty intense love scenes. Does David ever get jealous?

Courteney: Yeah, I mean let's face it, it's so weird what we do. The fact that you can be married to somebody, but you kiss someone else maybe a few times a year, or with Chandler, we kiss a few times a week. So, it's a weird thing but David handles that really well. I think my thing is that I told him, if you ever do a movie that's really about romance or sex, I'm just probably not going to go.

Julie: Smart.

Courteney: Why do I need to see it? Good for him. Do it and enjoy yourself - to a point.

Julie: Now, you have a son in the movie. Did that give any taste for motherhood at all, working with a child?

Courteney: I'm really comfortable with kids because I have tons of nieces and nephews, but that's not the age that makes you feel like it's work. I mean, if it was a little infant, that's the part I'm nervous about. I can relate to boys and girls that age, it's the younger part that make me nervous.

Julie: Of all the things I've seen you do, I think there was the most action in this. Did you get hurt at all? You got kicked around a lot toward the end of the movie. Was that tought?

Courteney: That was pretty tough. I did all that stuff when I'm going after Kevin with the big steel pipe. i didn't have any stunt people.

Julie: He kicked you?

Courteney: Yeah, I didn't want him to hurt me. He didn't. But you want to feel something. You don't want to fake your own fall. And I'm kind of weird like that. If we're doing a scene and you're supposed to grab me, I really want you to grab me, because I'd rather be a better actor, you know what I mean? I want to feel it. But, we didn't do anything that was not safe.

Julie: Sometimes people have big misconceptions about Kevin. What was your take on working with him?

Courteney: I think he is such a professional. I just really liked him. He's just one of those people that teach you what he's learned. He takes time and he's very patient. I learned a lot from him. I like when we were off camera just talking. And he's just a really genuine person. He taught me a lot of stuff. He really did.

Julie: Now, I talked to Kurt about this, and so many high-profile couples are splitting up. It's so hard to have a marriage in the public eye. How do you keep your marriage strong?

Courteney: We give each other tons of freedom. I think that's the most important thing. When you get in relationships sometimes I think you feel like now you're going to be missing out on thing, so people get nervous. I have more freedom than I've ever had, because I'm not worrying about a relationship. He does whatever he wants to do; I do what I want to do and we are our own judges. There's nothing I can't do because I'm married - within reason.

Julie: Is it hurtful, though, when the tabloids write what they write?

Courteney: Yes. It's more hurtful to David. The latest one is that I've booted him out because he's turned into a wild boy. So, it's probably hurtful to him because it's just so not true. And David has just turned into this mature, amazing person. Not that he wasnt' before, but he works hard at being who he is. So, it's probably more hurtful to him. To me, it's just like, "Oh, how stupid. I've never been happier."

Julie: I think "3000 Miles to Graceland" is a great movie. It's like a roller coaster. When people walke out of the theater, what do you wnat them to take away from having seen that film?

Courteney: I hope they had a great time. I hope they are exhilarated, and I hope they are really happy about the romance.

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