Divorce? I've Never Been Happier (Interview With Courteney Cox Arquette)

[from The New Zealand TV Guide, 3/01]

We know her and love her as the goofball neurotic Monica in the hit series Friends. As aspiring chef Monica Geller, she's the character most seen as the anchor of the ensemble. So it's hardly surprising that in reality Courteney Cox Arquette is also regarded as the anchor of her marriage to wacky actor David Arquette. And, Cox Arquette is quick to inform you before you even ask, they are still married and have never been happier.

Everybody assumes you and David Arquette have definitely split up because the reports that you threw him out made headlines all over the world. If it's not true, it must hurt to read this.

"For some reason I don't take that stuff personally - but maybe that's because I'm the one who's doing the kicking out! But it's not really fair on David because it looks like he's done something wrong or he's gone to some partying lifestyle that is just not true. He has been doing a lot of movies so he's not home a lot and that's probably when people decide to make up a reason for this separation work causes. I've really never been happier. He's a doll, honestly, one of the greatest people ever."

A lot of people couldn't believe you'd married David Arquette, because you're seen as this glamorous exotic woman and the perception of him is a bit of a clown. How did he win you over?

"Interestingly, if he weren't a clown, I probably wouldn't want him! I just really like people with senses of humor and David and I did Scream 1, 2, and 3 together and he was a clown and he was just cracking me up all the time and I thought, 'Well, he's un - I'm not going to marry him or anything but he's fun!' (laughs) Then once you get past all the jokes and just how silly he is, he has such an amazing heart and is in a wonderful family and is everything that I would ever want in a man."

Which is what?

"He has that bad boy side but he's really a good boy, so that works. He is sexy and also has a real serious side too. But if you came to our house, you'd see the clown side. And he actually loves clowns, which is weird!"

Many showbiz couples have rules about how long they can stay apart. Do you have any arrangements like that?

"Luckily, we have never gone that long without seeing each other, except he was in Bulgaria once for about eight weeks and that was a long time. But we don't have any kind of rules. Maybe later we'll have to make some but for now it's still new enough to where it's ok. I think sometimes in marriage, maybe later you need to make sure you see each other every(day) - well, hey Tom (Cruise) and Nicole (Kidman) tried that and that didn't work either so who knows? Right now our only rule is we just stay out of trouble."

Are you planning kids soon?

"I don't know how much control other than trying we have, but I'll probably try to have a kid sometime soon. I'd like to try maybe this summer. I love my nieces and nephews so playing a mother already felt very comfortable."

So how do you feel when your husband gets on the "worst dressed" lists?

"The poor guy got raked over the coals for a recent outfit and I was thinking, 'Wait 'til you see some of the other things he wears - that's nothing!' (laughs) David is a true expressionist. He's really creative and if he feels like wearing circles and stripes, that's what he wears. I would never want to inhibit him so I don't even show him the stories about these people saying what her did wrong with his outfit, because I don't want him to ever stop being who he is."

Friends is still going strong. What is so special about your cast that you've become such a family?

"There is really no star on our show. It is truly ensemble and over the years we've all gotten our share of storylines so we are truly equal. The reason we asked to get paid the same was it would disrupt the whole show if one person got paid more than the other. I think the first year we did get paid differently but that was ok because we were just excited to have a job. But after that, it would have been weird and there would have been bad feelings so we stick together and feel that is really important where I think other shows that should do that, probably don't."

How have the friendships developed over the years and does it feel different now all the girls are married?

"As far as during the renegotiations for our contracts, we were on the phone with each other all the time and while some people were stronger than others, we all had a common goal and taht was to stick together so that's what we did. As far as our friendships, the girls have luch together every single day and we've done so for the last seven years. We're probably closer now thatn we've ever been. We are all married so taht's like something we have even more in common and we're like the best of frinds and feel we couldn't get luckier.

How was Brad and Jennifer's wedding?

"It was the most beautiful wedding I've ever been to. I cried, cried, cried."

Are you planning to marry off the guys?

"We can't get the guys married! I don't know what they're doing. Matt LeBlanc is engaged and has an amazing fiancee who is sweet and gorgeous and fantastic and has two beautiful kids, so he seems married to me but David (Schwimmer) and Matthew (Perry) - I don't know what they're doing!"

How do you think your character Monica is developing now that's she's with Chandler?

"I love the relationship because it hasd given me so much more to play. I love their relationship because they're both neurotic and they are now whining or having problems like most real couples. I like the fact that Chandler si the one who is more secure sometimes in the relationship. That's fun. I'm having a great time because Monica has also lightened up. She's a lot more fun than she used to be and she's not quite so obsessive-compulsive, which is nice."

What do you do to keep fit?

"I do a lot of yoga. I used to do Pilates but now I do power yoga where you sweat and the poses kind of tone every part of your body. I'm jsut a big believer in eating protein over carbs, so if I need to lose weight I would just cut out all bread, rice and pasta and that works for me."

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