TOW Johnny Makes Friends


JV: As a TV presenter, I have to wear makeup every day.

JA: Mm Hmm.

JV: Every day. And with the lights, powder, open pores… what’s really the thing to do? How do I clean out?

JA: Well I do… I’m not allowed to say this out loud but I use soap and water.

JV: You just use soap and water?

JA: And you’re not supposed to do that.

JV: You see I’ve been told not to do that because soap is scented and that’s very bad for you.

JA: Well you gotta get a face soap. Then you’ll be fine.

JV: Okay, so you’ve soaped it all off and then…

JA: Soaped it all off, yeah. Then you put a little seaweed on and then you use a little, cleanser/toner/lotion…um seaweed or whatever they call it. And then you put a little moisturiser and your eye cream on.

JV: Okay, yeah. It’s quite important to me because I’ve never really had anyone else to ask ‘cos I…

JA: You have perfect skin though.

JV: (Loving the compliment) It’s good of you to say so. I’ll skip to the next question now.

JA: Yeah that was interesting.

JV: Okay so what do you enjoy doing the most when you’re reading through the script and you see something, what generally makes you think…yeeh.

JA: Well the scenes with…I love the scenes with Ross. Those are always great.

JV: You love the scenes with Ross, or THE LOVE scenes with Ross. (Raising Eyebrows). Big difference isn’t there?

JA: The SCENES. I mean you know, we never really have any truthfully. Seriously though, they’re comedy but the writers are so wonderful that sort of…you can have a bit of both. You have some emotional stuff that you get to sort of work with and you know, also the comedy.

JV: What amazes me is though is you act quite unlike yourself while always remaining the same character, its quite weird. Sometimes you come up with and a line and its... "Well, I can always imagine Chandler saying that" yet it’s still very you.

JA: Yeah but y’know, that’s what happens when you’re Friends. You kinda take on each other’s little mannerisms and little sayings and stuff like that. That’s definitely happened, we’ve bled through each other a little bit.

JV: Yeah, I’ve always wondered when you’re working together and that this whole life imitating art thing.

JA: I know its weird.

JV: Yeah.

JA: Yeah.

JV: But do you find it weird?

JA: Well there will be a situation that will come up and we’ll just say "God this just happened" or "God how do you guys know that this is…" or the poker episode. We had been obsessed with playing poker for a while and they wrote it in…

JV: Do you know how to play?

JA: Yeah.

JV: What’s your poker face?

JA: (Jennifer looks up, stares at him with a serious face for a second) That’s it.

JV: (Both laugh) Is that when you’ve got a good hand or when you’re bluffing?

JA: I’m not gonna tell. I’m not gonna give away my bluffing face!

JV: Obviously you’re good friends…

JA: Yeah.

JV But do you …what do you guys squabble about?

JA: It’s so weird because we don’t really have squabbles.

(We then cut to the scene where Monica and Rachel have a fight-over Jean Claude Van Damme) The two are now on the move and walking round the set.

JV: Now you’ve been known to froth the odd cappuccino between acting jobs.

JA: Froth?

JV: Just make the odd coffee.

JS: Yes.

JV: Are you as bad a waitress as Rachel?

JA: Well I was a damn good waitress.

JV: Really?

JA: Yeah and I actually loved being a waitress…I just loved being one.

JV: What did you like about being a waitress?

JA: I just loved meeting people. I liked that a lot. I did spill the odd hamburger - I worked in a hamburger joint.

JV: I worked in a hamburger joint.

JA: Did you really?

JV: Yeah I cooked, I was a grill chef.

JA: Get outta here.

JV: Yeah I did.

JA: I didn’t realise.

JV: That was an easy job.

JA: (Matt Le Blanc walks past and gives Jen a huge smacker on the lips) Oh Jesus. See that happens here every once in a while.

JV: But that really slightly got you going…

JA: (To Matt) What’s up?

MLB: One all.

JA: One all.

JV: I think we’ve seen quite a lot of this.

JA: Have you?

JV: Well, there is an intimacy between you all.

JA: Hmmm, there is…I haven’t seen any of these guys yet (Camera crew). Hi how are you? Welcome to England. Oh how great to see you. Say hi to our camera crew, this is our wonderful camera crew. They make it all possible. (We can hear - "Ahem Ahem" - Jennifer looks up) Oh, oh, don’t forget our sound department.

JV: Never forget sound.

JA: I’m sorry its terrible (Makes gestures with her hand to her head)

JV: I know its (Nearly falls over camera stand) they’re trying to sabotage me. Hey look at this one here, there’s a whole new set. (Jennifer is saying hi to others, Johnny knows its time to call it a day).

So you’re quite a good waitress.

JA: I was a good waitress yes.

JV: That was very coquettish that was.

JA: What was?

JV: That little movement there.

JA: Was it?

JV: How did you deal with bolshy customers?

JA: Oh God, and I had a couple too.

JV: I’ll bet.

JA: They scream at you.

JV: Especially in America, where they really expect good service.

JA: No, these were Europeans.

JV: Oh they were Europeans.

JA: They got mad because I got the order wrong. I gave them an alpine burger instead of a bacon burger I think and he really lost his shit…I mean...

JV: No you can say that it’s fine.

JA: Really? Shit…

JV: OK, here’s your present, are you ready for this?

JA: Yeah.

JV: Ok. You’re really gonna love this. What we’ve done is (Brings out booklet); this is from London zoo. And you now… that’s yours (pointing at picture), you sponsored this look. Dear Jennifer Aniston, welcome to the animal adoption scheme at London zoo. Y’see there’s your letter of introduction…

JA: Are you kidding me? This is mine.

JV: This is yours. There’s your adoption certificate. It says that London zoo is greatly honoured that Jennifer Aniston has chosen. Well we’ve chosen - that’s the whole present. You have a Senegal bush baby…

JA: I have a bush baby? I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of these things before.

JV: No, but they’re good aren’t they?

JA: How cute! Did you see that (Shows picture to the camera) Oh my God.

JV: I thought you’d like it. You’ve got your magazine in there you’ve got in here…

JA: This is like the nicest gift ever. Oh my God.

JV: You’ve got a bumper sticker for your car - London zoo, the world nicest zoo. You get one free visit a year and your bear in the book, bookmark…

JA: Thankyou.

JV: That’s a bear in the book.

JA: So this little guy…and is that the zoo, and is this really mine?

JV: Yeah, that’s yours.

JA: Like if I wanted to take him home?

JV: No you can’t take him home (both) he has to stay at the zoo.

JA: Oh right, Ok

JV: It’s a money-raising thing. So that’s your Senegal bush baby. And as I say you can get one…

JA: I have a Senegal bush baby. Now I can say that… who can say that they have a Senegal bush baby.

JV: You. That’s who can say that.

JA: That’s about it. That’s about it. That is so nice, thankyou.

JV: OK, I hope you like it.

JA: Thankyou, I like that very much.

JV: As I say, you can visit anytime you want. If you want a chauffeur round London zoo. I’m a top chauffeur, you can give me a call any time you want yeah?

JA: That is so sweet. Thankyou.

JV: Listen I’m gonna go back to my l secure room upstairs.

JA: You go. You’re a very famous human being.

JV: Thanks for talking to me.

JA: Thankyou… Thankyou (In between pecks on the cheek)

JV: Enjoy your bush baby. Cheers, take care.

JA: That’s great, Thankyou.

JV: OK Jennifer, bye bye. Have a nice time in London.

JA: Thankyou very much. Will do.

JV: Thankyou, thankyou.

JA: I have a bush baby.