We‘re Hanging With....Jennifer Aniston

[from AGW, 9/8/01]

In Rock Star, Jennifer Aniston plays the den mom to a bunch of raunchy and high voltage Metal rockers. Jennifer's real life is much more conservative and, although she and Brad aren't having a baby any time soon, her character Rachel on the "Friends" t.v. series is. When we chatted with Jennifer in a suite at the Four Seasons hotel in L.A., she looked casual but polished and friendly in jeans and lacy top. Her wedding and engagement rings sparkled as she gestured to make a point. We talked about the world of the on-the-road rocker, her Emmy nomination for "Friends", her next film and all about her relationship with her husband…when she knew he was "the one" for her, why he's so special and the first time anyone called her "Mrs. Pitt".

AGW: Was it fun transforming yourself into a rock chick for this film?

Jennifer: Absolutely. It was a lot of fun. It wasn't the greatest decade in terms of fashion but it was sure fun. I kept a pair of leather pants and a pair of boots.

AGW: Were you ever a rock groupie growing up?

Jennifer: No. I can't say that I was although I did have one of those bad moments in my life where I think I slept out in front of a hotel with a friend waiting for a band member of Duran Duran. That was the first and only time.

AGW: Favorite 80's groups?

Jennifer: I didn't have a favorite although I loved The Go's Go's, Depeche Mode and Arrowsmith and Chicago and those kind of older bands.

AGW: Do you listen to any of that stuff now?

Jennifer: No but like if there's an '80's rock weekend on the radio I'll listen. I don't pull out the old albums but I listen to Arrowsmith now..old and new.

AGW: What was it like to be the character riding herd on a bunch of rock guys in the film?

Jennifer: I actually felt a lot like my character when she kind of stood on the outside and observed and watched all the fun taking place and participated in a between scenes group talk. Pretty much I was an observer.

AGW: You had a pretty low key upbringing. Were you never wild?

Jennifer: No. I never like snuck out and slept at somebody's house. I was a pretty normal kid.

AGW: Then was it hard to relate to this rock wildness?

Jennifer: It was. I've actually said that if I felt I missed out on any of the wild times in my life, I feel like I've now had a taste of it.

AGW: If you were a rock wife, how long would you last?

Jennifer: Not that long. It's not worth it. Life's too short but we have no idea what goes on in their personal lives at all. They've all made their choices and know what they've signed up for.

AGW: Can you sing at all?

Jennifer: Not really. I'd love to try. I'd love to start taking guitar lessons, always wanted to be musical.

AGW: Ever want to play a character that is totally opposite of your good girl image?

Jennifer: Oh, yeah, absolutely.

AGW: In your next film The Good Girl, aren't you pretty bad?

Jennifer: She's not really bad. She's just lost and doesn't know any better. She's just fed up with being "the good girl". I play a woman who has been married and they live in Texas and she's fed up with her life and doesn't feel any passion or anything anymore and tires to shake it up and gets into some bad situations.
(Note: We spoke to Jennifer's co-star in that film, Jake Gyllenhaal, who said that the two have some very hot love scenes. He plays the young store clerk that Jennifer's bored housewife has an affair with. Jake was glad Brad Pitt wasn't around, especially after seeing him in Fight Club.)

AGW: What kinds of changes are we going to see for your "Friends" character Rachel this year?

Jennifer: There's a lot going on. They're going to be dealing with the issue of her having a baby and she's raising that on her own. Already, we've shot three shows and there's so much to play just on that issue alone. (She'll mature) with the realization of it and grasping what it means, the responsibility of it opposed to the fantasy.

AGW: How do you keep it fresh on the show when you've been on so long?

Jennifer: It's not hard. The writers keep it interesting. And the cast is so present and has so much fun. We make each other laugh. If you have something interesting to play it's not hard to stay focused and still care.

AGW: Does it make you sad that this is the last year of Friends?

Jennifer: It's heartbreaking. If I think about it, it chokes me up to realize that this will be over. It's been a pretty intense 8 years for this group of people. It's very sad.

AGW: Is it nice to get the Emmy nomination for your Friends character?

Jennifer: I haven't been thinking about it but it feels nice. It's a big compliment. I won't write a speech. I can't even focus on that. I'll probably just get up there if anything even happens. If I have to present something or do any event like that, the less I have to think about the better. Just walking from the backstage to the microphone can put me out.

AGW: Has anybody called you "Mrs. Pitt" yet?

Jennifer: (Laughs). Oh, yeah. I was sitting in a dentist's office at seven in the morning. Brad took me to get my wisdom teeth pulled out. We were sitting in the waiting room and I'm scared to death and the woman opens the door and says, "Mrs. Pitt" and we both went "Wow" that's cool.

AGW: When did you realize Brad was the one?

Jennifer: Oh, pretty immediately. Maybe it was when he asked me to marry him and I went 'Oh, okay. Well that makes sense, yeah'.

AGW: You've called this the best and worst year of your life. What did you mean?

Jennifer: I think just adjustments and transitions. Dealing with doing something very intimate and trying to balance it publicly which you don't necessarily want to be doing but you have no real choice in the matter. Trying to have your private time and experience it for yourself. It's challenging. And just family stuff as well. Just normal stuff that anybody would be going through.

AGW: And didn't Brad have to go off to Morocco for three months?

Jennifer: Yeah, that too. But it wasn't that bad because I was working and it sort of left me alone to my own thoughts. That was fine.

AGW: What do you two think about all these fans who mob you?

Jennifer: It's a part of it. They don't know who you are at all. They know an image of you. You know you and you know your crappy side and good side and you know all that wraps up and makes you you. And these men and women who swoon, they're shameless, really. It's kind of pathetic in a way but it sort of comes with the dinner. You just stay grounded and help each other. He's got a good family and I have one, although not together anymore. I've learned a lot from that emotionally.

AGW: Can you even relate to how they feel?

Jennifer: Sure. I can relate 'cause, as a kid you pick up those (fan) magazines. I don't think I ever put any truth to it though. I get mad more than anything now. You know, this is unjust and why does this have to be a part of it? But, I found the baby rumors hysterical. I didn't get mad. I got a lot of free desserts.

AGW: Do you ever get the families together?

Jennifer; Oh, no. I mean, we go to Missouri but we actually had our first Christmas alone this year so we change it up every year.

AGW: What's this we hear about Brad wanting a really big family like seven kids or something.

Jennifer: (Her eyes get really big). Oh my God. Doesn't matter. Not unless he gets a mail order bride, but I'll give him the rest. I hope I'll be a good mom. I love kids. I look forward to being there.

AGW: People say success hasn't spoiled you. It that a conscious effort?

Jennifer: I've heard that. I don't know what other people do. Are there monsters out there? What happens to people that all of a sudden they go 'I have a career so I'm famous and I'm gonna turn into a bitch'. I've met some people that I've idolized and I was destroyed and it's surprising too, especially when a lot of them come from not the greatest backgrounds. It's amazing. With me, it's my friends. I've had the same group of friends since I landed here twelve years ago and they're not all in the business. It was a weird similarity that Brad and I shared the same friends for years and years. An amazing group. They are all our chosen family.

AGW: What is it about Brad that makes him so special?

Jennifer: There's something about his spirit and his soul and gentleness and kindness. He's probably one of the kindest people I know and mindful of people and thoughtful. He's just a good person. He opens the car door for me, sends flowers…all those fun things. He's a gentleman.

AGW: What do you two do in your down time?

Jennifer: We love games with friends, charades or we have poker nights.

AGW: Do you cook?

Jennifer: I can cook but "Why Cook?" cooks. That's a delivery service.

AGW: What's the one thing that makes you happy without fail?

Jennifer: My life, my husband, my friends. Just life!