Jennifer's Voxxy Chat With Melissa Etheridge (2/5/01)

Voxxy Host: We’re ready to start! Hi Jennifer!

Jennifer_Aniston: Hi guys...thanks for waiting!

Voxxy Host: Send in your questions for Jennifer, she’s here and ready to chat!

oskar: How do you stay in shape?

Jennifer_Aniston: Exercise...I eat 3 meals a day, all balanced meals…and I do NOT cut out carbohydrates all together...that's a loss. Exercising and eating right, and trying to keep your mind in a healthy place. That's half the battle.

jengaged: Where do you suggest I go for my honeymoon in Sept.?

Jennifer_Aniston: How about the bedroom?

Jennifer_Aniston: or a beautiful exotic island!

ms01: Jen, do you remember the girls from Absolutely Aniston visiting you in your trailer?

Jennifer_Aniston says: Yes, I do!...very well.

ILUVJENXX2: JEN- LAST YEAR YOU SAVED MY LIFE. I TRIED TO KILL MYSELF. watching the 141 episodes of friends that i have on tape was the one thing that made me forget about cutting myself. god- now i'm crying!!!! (i guess that's not really a question though)

Jennifer_Aniston says: Thank you so much for saying that about the show saving you...but it was you saving you...not the show.

italianbird: How did you know when you wanted to be an actress

Jennifer_Aniston says: I went to see a Broadway Show...Children of a Lesser God...sitting in the first row. And I was swept away into another world. And I wanted to do that for people. Because as a kid, I wasn't the happiest kid...once I started seeing plays...little windows into other people's lives.

julieann: What was your interest before becoming an actress??

Jennifer_Aniston says: Art. Drawing. Clay-molds-models.

italianbird: What kinds of crazy jobs did you have to support yourself before "Friends?"

Jennifer_Aniston says: Telemarketing timeshares...where people really start to hate you. Anonymously of course. I worked in an ad agency as an assistant to the broadcasting dept. My favorite job was waitressing...people interaction and all.

anna2000: First, Happy Early Birthday and congratulations on your recent marriage! I love you as an actress and your work on Friends so much! I think you have so much potential still yet unseen...But, my question is: what is your main goal in working with Voxxy, and what point do you want to get across for teenage girls?

Jennifer_Aniston says: Thank you, thank you! My main reason for working with was the idea to have that instant gratification of content with teenagers...demystify the glory and glamour of celebrity. There are too many unrealistic goals that girls are trying to achieve.

coconut: DId your parents approve of your being an actress?

Jennifer_Aniston: No. My father especially not. He's an actor himself...he thought the amount of rejection would be too painful. And he wanted me to have a career that would guarantee a salary. So, of course, that made me want to do it even more.

joyce: my daughter is 14 and an aspiring actress from Hamilton Ontario Canada (near Toronto) can you give us some hints on how to break into the acting world

Jennifer_Aniston says: First of all, make sure you know why you're doing it. Second of all, take classes and get into a great acting class. Find a wonderful teacher. It's a tough business and you have to have thick skin. And that's something they don't teach in class.

Jennifer_Aniston: And just have a lot of patience...I had bad job after bad job after bad movie in particular called "Leprechaun." You've got to start somewhere!

kayteapee: What are your views on eating disorders???

Jennifer_Aniston: Get to the root of the, talk, ask questions, educate yourself. I haven't had one but I've battled with the issue of weight, and it's very painful and very confusing. And I think this industry contributes to that...the unrealistic goals that girls are trying to achieve, whether it's the acting or modeling world. Find someone to talk to and get to the root of the problem. I'm just now starting to educate myself about it because I've been hit with so many accusations about having an eating disorder myself. But I have no problem with eating!

Voxxy Host: Melissa has just joined Jennifer, send in your questions for both Jennifer and Melissa!

katerbuggie: If you could change one thing you've done, what would it be?

Jennifer_Aniston: Nothing. There are no regrets...only lessons.

voxxycrazy: Jennifer, I think you are the greatest actress in the world and you are very inspiring. In fact you made me take drama classes outside of school. Thank you and did you want to be a role model for young women as you have become?

Jennifer_Aniston: No. Absolutely not. I don't even know what that means. I need a role model!

whiteladder: Does it frustrate you that people think they have a right to your personal life?

Jennifer_Aniston: It does sometimes...yes, absolutely, but I also understand why they feel the way they do...again the "damn media."

Voxxy_Host: Hey everybody! Melissa Etheridge has just joined us! Hi Melissa!

Melissa_Etheridge says: Hey, it's good to be here. How's it been going? Is everyone okay?

Melissa_Etheridge: I'm ready to answer any and all questions.

Melissa_Etheridge: Hello, Jen. How are you doing? Are you nervous?

Jennifer_Aniston: I'm petrified!

Jennifer_Aniston: Melissa is here with me because she's the coolest chica on the planet....and she's a good role model.

happygurl: What is it like to be "Melissa Etheridge"?

Melissa_Etheridge: Right now it's 2 kids running around the kitchen... and trying to get a new album out. It's a good time. I think I'm very fortunate, and I'm doing okay.


Melissa_Etheridge: The first time I remember was at a mutual friend's (Ellen Degeneres) party. She impressed me, because she knew a game I was playing.

Melissa_Etheridge: The game was Snaps.

Jennifer_Aniston: Oh my God! lol

Melissa_Etheridge: Plus…she married an old friend of mine.

winnie: How did the two of you become such close friends?

Melissa_Etheridge: Mutual admiration. In this town, you might meet a lot of people, but very rarely do people make a connection. And when you do, you work hard to keep the contact. You might not see them very much, but when you do, you make sure its quality.

Jennifer_Aniston: That's right. That's always how it's been.

littlelizzy: Melissa, when did you first realize you were gay?

Melissa_Etheridge: I'm gay??! LOL

Melissa_Etheridge: I, looking back on it, I think it was like a crush on the "kindergarten teacher" sort of thing. But looking back, I think I was seventeen when I knew I was gay in my conscious mind.

Jennxxfan: Jennifer, my parents are getting a divorce and I’m a mess. Can you help me? How did you deal with your parents’ divorce?

Jennifer_Aniston: You probably won't realize…gosh, how do you deal with it. Talk to each other...don't let them escape. My parents tried to escape each other and me...If I had only known I could plop down next to them and ask the time though parents weren't really getting divorced, I was the minority. And don't let them fight through you either. And it has nothing to do with you Which is one thing I didn't do...I could go on and on. It's a tough one to give a quick answer to.

sara1: jennifer, how do you think the media's obsession with thinness affects womens self esteem

Jennifer_Aniston: I think they affect it by putting it out there. It starts with the human being and their obsession, and the media just feeds on it.. The hardest thing to get is an understanding of who you are and what you're trying to achieve. You have to realize that the media isn't real, it's's created. The obsessions starts within unfortunately and the media feeds into it. Detach yourself--put down the magazines. That's what I've done. I'm right there with you, I'm in the same boat. I did it when I was a teenager and when I was in my 20's.

weazy: melissa- what do you do when you meet someone is prejudice? do you try to educate them? nothing worse than ignorance i say!!

Melissa_Etheridge: That's a good question. I have always felt to respond with kindness and love and understanding. The hate comes from fear and that they are only afraid of what they don't understand. And if I can present myself as a loving, caring human being... then maybe they don't have so much to fear.

Jennifer_Aniston: true words, my friend. That's a big thing we need to distinguish in the world--fear and shame. It feeds on itself and grows into a bigger and bigger ball.

padoodle: Jen and Melissa: do you think it's really possible for Bush to overthrow "Roe vs. Wade" - -what can we do?

Melissa_Etheridge: We hope not. There are things that the citizens can do. They can support organizations such as Voters for Choice and NARAL. Let your ideas be known and support these groups and call your Senators and call your Congressmen... and let's just watch and pray! But it can be up to the Supreme Court and that's what the election was all about... the Supreme Court!

omid: Melissa and Jennifer, Do you sometimes feel freaked out when you meet obsessive fans?

Melissa_Etheridge: ...when they let go of the hair is nice!

Jennifer_Aniston: When they stop ripping the clothes, that's a good thing!

Jennifer_Aniston: No. Of course there have been moments that have been scary when they come out of a dark corner...but no, I love fans and their enthusiasm.


Jennifer_Aniston says:
Well, I've been involved with the Rape Treatment Center and the Lily Clare Foundation. Voxxy is not a charity, it's a company and I like what they stand for.

Voxxy Host: When you write a song, how do you get inspired to write?

Melissa_Etheridge: I think raising children is the single most important job in the entire world. I take it very seriously. It brings the most rewards and brings the most responsibility I ever had. Second, is the alternative lifestyle. Of course, I live in LA.... where everyone is alternative. And no one bats an eye when Bailey has two mommies.

doublel00: Jennifer: You are a spokeswoman for young teens but yet you have such a difficult body image for young teens to obtain. If you weren't on television would you still be as fit as you are now or do you work out so hard because you are always in the spotlight?

Jennifer_Aniston: First of all, I'd like to say that I don't feel I'm a "spokesperson" for young teens. That's too much responsibility. I feel equal to all young teens and women in the quest for truth about the world and what it's all about. Would I be as fit if I wasn't on TV...I don't know, since I am. All I know is that being fit makes me feel very good. I sleep better and I feel better about myself. Unfortunately they go hand in hand...that's a truth about the business. But I don't do it for the business--I do it for myself.

dreamqueen16: Jennifer, do you plan on having kids in the future? I know they would be beautiful!

Jennifer_Aniston: That's very sweet and I sure do.

gamine: Jennifer do you feel like the media is pressuring you to have children?

Jennifer_Aniston: No, not at all...they are just filling pages.

Jennifer_Aniston: And there are no fertility problems!

caligurl: Melissa, is your song "Shriner's park" really about Shrine's park? That was the only park i saw when i was in Leavenworth last summer

Melissa_Etheridge: Shrine Park is the name of the park. The song is actually about the park across the street of Shrine Park, but it was called Buffalo Street Park, and that just didn't work well.

ChaplinMom: Melissa, where do you get your inspiration for all your work?

Melissa_Etheridge: You have asked the single most popular question of me. Not a day goes by that that question isn't asked of me. The answer is always different. It depends on the inspiration... if the inspiration is musical, is a lyric, or a melody or an idea... its always different.

chuckles: Jennifer and Melissa, do either of you have any pets?? If so, what are there names?

Jennifer_Aniston: I have one doggie...and now five "stepdogs." and there are too many names to mention!

grant: Jenn, How do feel about about raising children in the spotlight? Does Melissa say anything about it? Hard?

Melissa_Etheridge: Yeah... i'm sure when the day comes by Jen…

Jennifer_Aniston: …and that day is far far away!

Melissa_Etheridge: It really is…I have always felt very protective of my children. I didn't want any secrets around them. That's why I gave all the information to the media, so they would leave my children alone. The spotlight was something I chose for me. If my children choose, fine. But it is something I would not like to bring upon them.

Jennifer_Aniston: It is something that we've talked about in terms. I'd have to agree with Melissa on that. It hasn't happened yet, but I think you have to be very honest with them and keep them away from that world...move away if possible. Keep their lives very normal...being raised with a "silver spoon" has a lot of downsides...they have to realize there are chores and jobs. You have to love one another. It's not all glitz and glamour.

hope777: jen do you think you will ever reconcile with your mom and do you want to or do you think it is better if you don't talk to her because it could cause conflicts in your life?

Jennifer_Aniston: At some point in my life I hope my mother and I will get together...unfortunately that got dragged out into the public eye. This is a wound that needs to heal slowly and time does that. And we love each other.

Melissa_Etheridge: I wish you lots of strength with that.

weazy: Melissa- lilltih fair was amazing and sarah is great. Do you think you'll put together something like that eventually??

Melissa_Etheridge: Oh wow! Sarah did it so well... I don't know. I haven't thought about it.

caligurl: Melissa, congrats about your grammy nomination!

Jennifer_Aniston: yeah, congratulations..I didn't know that!

Melissa_Etheridge: Oh, thanks! It was a surprise!

chuckles: Jennifer, do you regret not attending university?

Jennifer_Aniston: Yes, I times. When they use "them big words!" No, absolutely I regret it...again, I wouldn't go back and change the way my life has gone...but I do, I do regret it. But I had to do the acting thing.

Jennifer_Aniston: That's why I'm here...I need you guys to educate me!

Melissa_Etheridge: You've done okay!

germangirl: Melissa, a lot of singers write songs for their kids, have you?

Voxxy Host: Can you tell us a bit about what your upcoming album is going to be about?

Melissa_Etheridge: Drive Down Ventura Boulevard. I write very personally. There has been some personal change in my life. And my new album helps reflect that.

raqui: what are u thinking of doing mainly after friends u said u wanted to do some theatre is that still on??????

Jennifer_Aniston: Oh, I would love to go back to the theater! I would absolutely love it. It's a thrill like nothing else. I'm waiting for the right thing to come across my desk.

vicsher: Melissa, in your opinion what is going to be the gay communities biggest challenge in the Bush administration? Do you think same sex partner benefits will ever be standard as opposed to the exception?

Melissa_Etheridge: I am not sure how much forward movement the community will make these next 4 years. I think if we just don't lose any rights we have gained, we will be doing okay. Unfortunately, we might have to stand up to not lose many of the rights we have gained.

cjc: I am trying to get acting jobs right now, and my agent told me that I should lose a few pounds. I'm not big by any means, I weigh 122 and I'm 5'7, but now I feel so bad about image. I've started working out, but I haven't noticed anything. What do you do?

Jennifer_Aniston: Been there! Don't lose a pound. Tell your agent to Go to Hell!

Melissa_Etheridge: Jen is smart. I wish people would realize that!

Jennifer_Aniston: I run and I've started eating more, believe it or not. That's the big misconception. You must eat well. I dieted for so long and it was just painful...and trying and trying...then one day this "Zone" thing came around and sure enough, it was such a crazy idea! "If you eat food, you can lose weight." Your body is like a car. It needs fuel. The body is smart, it will hold on to things.

chasergurl: Jen, what's the funniest thing the papers have wrote about you that wasn't true?

Jennifer_Aniston: Dare I say that I'm "hooked on drugs."

julieann: Jennifer, I was molested when I was a child and I just want to thank you personally for contributions for the rape charity

Jennifer_Aniston: gosh, don't thank're welcome and you're very brave! I'm so sorry....

sarahxx: Jennifer, how did it feel to recieve the People's Choice Award? You deserved it!

Jennifer_Aniston: It felt wonderful! It was absolutely thrilling to know that people are appreciative of what I do, because I love what I do. It means it's working, and the people, at the end of the day, that's all that matters.

lizabeth: Melissa, when do you think you will be putting on your one woman play?

Melissa_Etheridge: Well... I talked about it this year and then my life went nuts. So I'm putting out an album instead, and I have pushed those plans back 'til next year... maybe... possibly.

bingaling: Jennifer are you and your husband Brad planing on doing a movie together? If yes that would be great you guys make a great couple!!!

Jennifer_Aniston: At some point in our lives we would love to do that. But there's nothing at the moment.

chloez: Jennifer what are some of your main hobbies besides acting?

Jennifer_Aniston: Painting, clay. Being in my home, tending to my garden, margaritas...the simple things in life.

lmb: melissa when is your book coming out??

Melissa_Etheridge: My book will come out the same time as my album, probably. Which will be in May.

versacenyc128: Jennifer and Melissa, everyone has an inspiration for thier work. Mine personally is obviously the late Gianni Versace. What are your inspirations for your work? That may be a cliche question, but I was just wondering.

Jennifer_Aniston: My inspiration is people, human beings. I'm fascinated with them.

Melissa_Etheridge: Life is my inspiration. Has always been. There are many artists that I love... mainly Springsteen.

funmom: Jennifer & Melissa - What is your personal philosophy of life?

Melissa_Etheridge: Live everyday in the moment and in the truth!

Jennifer_Aniston: No shame...whatever love requires.

julieann: melissa do ur parents stand behind u on ur sexuality?

Melissa_Etheridge: They were as supportive as they could be. Yes, they did not ever say I was wrong or disown me. It was a learning experience for them, also. And although my father has passed away, my mother is very supportive, and my father was before he passed away.

laurenxx: Melissa- what do you think about Britney Spears? What about you, Jennifer? Do you guys think she is a positive role model?

Damn catchy songs!

Melissa_Etheridge: You know what... Britney Spears is entertaining. That's what the music business is. She seems to be in her truth, in her space. I have nothing negative to say about her.

Jennifer_Aniston: ditto.

myia: If you had one object that you could save and twenty years from now, give to your child, what would it be?

Melissa_Etheridge: It's hard because I haven't been a material sort of person. Maybe the home movies I've taken of them.

Jennifer_Aniston: I don't save trinkets...maybe, the first love letter from their Dad??

xoxoalliexoxo: Where do your see yourself in ten years?

Melissa_Etheridge: I hope I am still able to perform and write music. And people will still want to listen. But as long as I'm with my family and friends, I'm happy.

Melissa_Etheridge: And you Jen?

Jennifer_Aniston: Hopefully not working at a restaurant!

Jennifer_Aniston: I would have to say the same thing. I want to be allowed to do what I love, which is acting...and maybe making some other wonderful contributions to the world, if that's a possibility, if I have that opportunity.

Voxxy Host: We have to end the chat, so this is our last question for Jennifer and Melissa....thank you so much for joining us tonight!

Jennifer_Aniston: Thank you for coming into the first chat. And I think this went well! I can't imagine ever being more nervous than tonight, but it was so much fun. And we will have a lot of topics we can talk about.

Melissa_Etheridge: Cool!

Melissa_Etheridge: Yes! Very good, Jen. I'm very proud of you! Good luck to you! And I wish everybody in the room and in the Voxxy world lots of love and strength and inspiration.

Jennifer_Aniston: We love you!

Voxxy_Host: Be sure to check back for next month’s JenXX chat to see what exciting guest will be joining her next time!

fidlstiks18: Thanks for this great experience. It was very enjoyable.

kato16: thanks jen & melissa!!!!!!!!


geena: Bye, love u guys

katem: thank you melissa and jennifer .. bonsoir from Montreal

marcelo: Please Melissa!!! just a HI for me!!! directly from Brazil!!!

Jennifer_Aniston: We love you!

jenniferanistongurl11: BY BABE!

Voxxy Host: Next month Jen will join us with another great guest, so check back to for details!

friendsfanja84: thanks guys i love you both....

lisaaus: Gday from Australia!

emcheerlhs: Thank you so much! =)

syp: Jen I love you thanks for everything

maka: melissa and jen..thank you both

ezgirl87: Goodbye Jen

whitewinged: Bye!!!!! Thank YOU!

keg226: Thanks so much for your time! I LOVE YOU GUYS!

franxx: thank you soooooo much, Jen and Melissa

Voxxy Host: We'll keep the room open for another 10 to 15 minutes, and the other chat rooms on JenXX and Voxxy will be available for you guys to continue chatting! Thanks for joining us tonight!

Voxxy Host: Feel free to send Jen Aniston email at!

elizabethka: You're amazing Jennifer and Melissa. Keep being yourselves... it's the best you can do! :)

barbara: WE LOVE YOU

btrphlygrl: Thank YOU!

chris23: bye jen

priscilagreen: I can' believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!