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        Here's your chance to meet the authors whose work is showcased here at the hitching Post.  If you're an author, take a look at Telling a Tale to see what info we need from you to learn a little bit more about the person behind the name.  Here's a reminder list for you anyway.

                Name (or pseudonym)
                Country you're from and what part
                Occupation or what you wish your occupation was
                Favorite TYR character
                Favorite fanfic
                The Ingredients on Your Salad (when and if you eat them) -- this is just for kicks  :0)

        That's all, nothin' too painful.  Just send 'em on over to me, your Barkeep Becca, at and I'll be happy to post.

Disclaimer:  I, the barkeep, have done nothing to get these people to mention my stories here.  They have received no promises, no cars, no cash, nothing, just my undying thanks and gratitude!  LOL!!  --Becca

Age - 22
Country you're from and what part - USA, New York City
Occupation or what you wish your occupation was - Graphic Designer
Favorite TYR character - Buck
Favorite fanfic - Do you mean story or genre?
The Ingredients on Your Salad (when and if you eat them) -- this is just for kicks  :0) - Hmm... assorted
    greens (iceburg & romaine lettuce, spinach leaves), cucumbers, tomatoes, sprouts, broccoli, carrots, chick peas,
    croutons, and dressing.  (Yes, I am the resident rabbit of the bunch!!  LOL)
Starbright (Pseudonym)
Age: 26
Country: Finland, Vasa
Occupation: Child psychologist, but I'd like to be a researcher or a wrangler! Being a psychologist is the reason I can't use my real name. My boyfriend says if any of the parents or caretakers would read what I write they'd lock me in. Guess he's right.
Favorite character: KID, he's my Jungian archetype of malehood.
Favorite fanfic: I have to say Kathleen's "When Shadows Fade". it was the first one I read and it knocked the air outta me! Still holds a special place in my heart and I've reread it a couple of times (like 5 or 6). It was kind of the first love, never completely leaves you. Then there's Kirst and Joanna, Becca. Aimee, Beth and Nesciri - don't get me started or the kilobytes on your account will be all used up! I've never seen so much talent gathered in one place before. I take special pride in Becca because I more or less begged her to post her first story which I got the priviledge to read first. Still do occasionally :-)
Salad: Greek Salad, onion rings, feta-cheese, tomatoes and olives. must mostly cheese. I'm getting hungry here!
Age:  19
Country:  USA (and proud of it!) State: Michigan (Yes, that is the one with all of the lakes)
Occupation: College student with a Major in Social Sciences and a minor in English and Secondary Education
Fav TYR Character: KIDKIDKIDKIDKIDKID, Lou, and a little more Kid, and then Buck, and a piece of
    Kid, and Jimmy (but, oh is Stephen Baldwin fine)
Fav FAN-FIC: Confessions (and this isn't a ploy to get on Becca's good side)
Salad: Well, I like Ranch Dressing, kid, croutons, Kid, sunflower seeds, and KIDKIDKIDKIDKID bits.
B.)  Age: almost 21 (counting the days!)
C.) Your occupation or what you wish your occupation was: Inter-office communications engineer
    (receptionist:)...dream occupation: Biblical scholar and author
C.) what country you're from and the rough area: USA --Mississippi by way of Southern
    California (and soon to be Seattle hopefully!)
D.) your favorite TYR character: Kid and Lou
E.) your favorite fanfic(s): Don't even get me started...let's see...Captives, by Joanna. That was
    the first story I read, and it is still one of my favorites. Ghosts of the Past by Joanna, What
    Might Have Been by Becca, Parallel With Death by Kirsten, Jack Fell Down, by Sidney, a
    certain story by Starbright (girl, you know what it is!:), way too many others to name!
F.) what you like on your salad when and if you eat them (I've noticed that no two salads are alike
    and I figured it's a more personal tidbit that's not too personal, in case you're wondering about
    the salad thing!) Spring Greens (Mesclun)...never iceberg lettuce, I hate that! Olive oil and vinigar or
    Raspberrry Vinagrette dressing...or Cucumbers, Roma Tomatoes, Spinach, and Feta Cheese, with Oil and
    Vinigar...or Caesar salad. I'm very picky about the quality of my salads!:)
Beth Goodman

Age -- 23
Country you're from and what part -- Maryland, USA
Occupation or what you wish your occupation was -- disgruntled electrical engineer, wish i was a
    professional (paid) writer/poet
Favorite TYR character -- Jimmy!
Favorite fanfic -- there are too many to list, here are a few: anything by Joanna, "Fire & Ice"
    by Starbright, "I Take You With Me" by Irene Anulacion, "Others to Consider" by Kimberly, "What
    Might Have Been" & "Girl from Yesterday" by Becca, "Parallel with Death" by Kirsten, "Jack Fell
    Down" & "Jill Came Tumbling After" by Sidney, and too many more!
The Ingredients on Your Salad -- lettuce (any kind), lots of cucumbers, shredded carrots,
    mushrooms, olives, croutons, ranch or italian dressing.

  C.C. (Connie)
Age:   36 y/o married with 2 kids
Occupation:  RN
City:  Charlotte, NC
Favorite character:  My favorite TYR character is Kid - no doubt about it.  Lou is selfish sometimes but I still
    love her, after that probably Buck.
Favorite fanfic:  My favorite fanfic is Fire and Ice and Love is Sweetwater.  I wanted to add one more of my
    favorite fan fiction stories,  "What Might Have Been"  I go back and re-read chapter 13 all the time - what a
    great chapter... great story too.
Salad preference:  black olives, raw mushrooms, slivered almonds and cucumbers.
Age : Thirty something... (31)
Country you're from and what part : Sweden, part called Södermanland
Occupation or what you wish your occupation was : Procurement Contracting Officer (actual occupation
    - and I happen to love it!)
Favorite TYR character : All of them, right now a bit Sam-biased...
Favorite fanfic : Anything by the following authors: Starbright, Becca, Sidney, Lyn, Joanna, Laura, Wendy,
    Carol, Beth, Kathleen, Kathy, Alison, Allison, Aimee, Ann, Gail, Hanny, Gizmo, Chey, Hanny, Ishani,
    Jessica, Jocelyn, and so on for an eternity....*sigh* - I read and enjoy everything that isn't adult, so I have such
    a hard time naming favorits...if I had to it had to be the first one that got me hooked: Ishani's Legends.
The Ingredients on Your Salad (when and if you eat them) -- Salat, difference sorts and a lot of it, Italian
    vinaigrette, Feta cheese, red onions (first soaked in salt them washed) black olives, tomatoes, mushrooms for
    the Greek Salad. Then I love Ceasar salad, but it hard to come by in Sweden which means that I eat it a alot
    when in the States.
Age: 22
Occup: job hunting furiously...please please please let someone employ me!
Area: USA, Virginia (Blue Ridge Mountains area).  Absolutely gorgeous country.  Virginia Is (most definately)
    For Lovers!  The Kid knows what I'm talkin' 'bout!
Fav TYR: Kid and my mind, you can't have on without the other.
Fav FanFics: Never Ever, The Girl From Yesterday, What Might Have Been, Memories of Yesterday, To
    Live Without You....and I must admit....I love the naughtier material as well.  Heh heh...
Salad: Spinach, tomatoes, onions, feta, cucumbers, olive oil and lemon juice over top, pepper to taste....a true
    summer pleasure
Carrie Tegtmeier 
Age: 25
Job: CNA
Live: USA Lincoln,NE
Fav. Story:  All of them
Fav. Char. Kid and Lou
Salad: Almost any type of dressings, homemade crutons, sunflower seeds, tiny bits of ham, tomatoes, black
            olives, and Kid on the side
  Sara (Sissyweed)
Age: 20
Country/Part:  USA, Houston, TX(now); soon to be San Marcos, TX
Occupation:  student right now, but gonna be a theatre teacher one day, or maybe a star!
Fave TYR character:  Ike
Fav fanfic:  i like to read them all when I get a chance to actually read them
Ingredients on Salad:  lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, cheese, cucumbers, turkey or chicken chunks, and
        italian dressing
( ye olde Barkeep -- who just noticed that her ditty isn't posted here!)
Age:  23, I'll be 24 in November
Where I live: Right now, with my dad's mom in the small town of DuBois, Pennsylvania (USA).  Mom and
        my brother live just south of Punxsutawney, PA -- yes, the home of the groundhog and no, they didn't film the
        movie there!
Occupation/ what I wish I did:  I'm  part time student at Penn State, majoring in English, as well as a health
        care aide at the behavioral health unit at our local hospital.  What I'd love to do is get paid to write fanfic
        *sigh*, but I'll probably end up teaching English lit in a high school somewhere out west (like Colorado or
Favorite TYR character:  I really love them all, although my fanfics tend to center around Kid and Lou.  If I
        had to pick a favorite though, I'd have to say Kid.  Guess I identify with him more or something.  Besides, he's
        just so danged cute!!  :0)
Fav fanfic:  Pretty much anything Kid and Lou centered, although I like my fair share of fics about the others as
        well.  I won't list any, for fear of forgetting someone and hurting someone's feelings.  Suffice it to say, that if
        it's a TYR fanfic, I'll read it.
My fanfic I'm proudest of:  I've gotten some wonderful feedback on all of my stories, some extremely touching
        about "Confessions" in particular.  However, my personal favorite so far has to be "Through a Glass Darkly."
         It's helped me deal with a lot of personal demons and live out a dream I could never see fulfilled in real life.
Ingredients on my salads:  On the rare occasions that I get a hankering for one -- lettuce, spinach,
        mushrooms, broccoli, cheese, croutons, and ranch or honey mustard dressing.  I also love Caesar salads which
        I tended to eat a lot when I lived at main campus.


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