Homer in the House!

-Everything you wanted to know about Homer Simpson...and more!
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Homers Antics

Here are a lot of my favorite antics performed by our hero, Homer
Simpson. I will constantly be adding to this list as I remember some
funny and/or stupid stuff that he does. If you have anything you think
should go on this list, please email me. Enjoy!

Homers' Antics

1. Gave Bart $5 to kiss him. 
2. Left the keys in the front door. 
3. Shoved a handful of bees and honey into his mouth. 
4. Takes Lisa to Moe's' Tavern.    
5. Took a pony home in his car.   
6. Smoked a cigar while welding next to a leaky can of gasoline. 
7. Tried to unjam the toaster with a knife.   
8. His near-aneurysm.    
9.  Makes home-made football.    
10. Home-made baseball bat.  (Which works! despite the nails.)    
11. Sheltered himself with a piece of metal and took cover under the tallest tree he could find during a thunderstorm.    
12. Asked Bart to stick his hand under lawn mower, then started it.    
13. That morning while his family' was at Church.
14. Recovered expired medicine from the Winfield's trash. 
15. Bought the snow plow by being cajoled into it .
16. Locked his keys in the Monorail.    
17. Rummaged through the Flanders' trash.  Found a toothbrush and actually used it. 
18. Tried to remove a Sugar Daddy stuck to the back of his shirt .   
19. Got a plunger stuck to his head.
20. Gets coat hangers stuck in his shirt and pants.
21. Painted frowny face on butt, mocked Mr. Burns.
22. Caused meltdown while in nuclear inspectors' test vehicle.
23. Stole cinder blocks from construction site to build bookshelves, deprived children of a hospital.
24. Burned high school diploma (and house) when he was admitted to college. 
25. Stole Sir Oinksalot, made him drink malt liquor.
26. Ran out of college entrance interview to chase squirrel. 
27. Had both arms stuck in vending machines, only because he wouldn't let go of the soft drink & candy.
28. Smashed weather station in flashback.
29. Kissed landfill heap repeatedly. 
30. Sold soul for donut. 
31. Drank blood just because it was free.
32. Didn't believe Lisa when she said Bart was a vampire. 
33. Sliped on peanut, lost $20 bill. 
34. Made fun of Bart's Junior Camper enrollment.
35. Ran into Bart's pie trap -- twice. 
36. Lost Ned's map.
37. Took paddles from Ned, made raft drift out to sea.
38. Threw Todd's walkman into the water. 
39. Wasted fresh water on dirty socks. 
40. Blew rescue plane up with flare gun. 
41. Slapped Flanders many more times than necessary. 
42. Stole Borgnine's knife, burned hole in raft with it. 
43. Steals pens from work, but they leak on the back seat. 
44. Fixed Marge's clock with drill. 
45. Tried to teach Maggie how to gamble.
46. Rolled on the floor, trying to read what Bart wrote on the back of his head. 
47. Wore glasses with eyeballs painted on them so he can sleep without being noticed.
48. Sewed tweed patches on leather jacket, wrecked both jackets. 
49. Stole Gummi Venus De Milo. 
50. Used secret parchment to wipe his mouth and hands. 
51. Tried to attract more people to Barney's Bowl-A-Rama by shooting off shotgun. 
52. Threatened the Australian Parliament with "The Boot''. 
53. Ate 3 year old hot dogs from the Kwik-e-mart.
54. Drove into a chestnut tree. 
55. Used plutonium for the crops on the Simpson farm. 
  What you talkin' 'bout Wilson?
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