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    Top 20 of Homers' Grossest Foods

Here are 20 of the grossest foods (or not foods) I have seen Homer eat on the Simpsons. Enjoy!

Top 20 of Homer's Grossest Food

  1. rancid meat that was a couple years old (1F10)
  2. two buckets of bad prawns (1F10)
  3. 10 foot (week old) hoagie (9F11)
  4. dirty hot dog from floor (1F10)
  5. a packet of gravy mix found in SNPP parking lot (1F07)
  6. three year old (ornamental) hot dogs (8F06)
  7. hot-dog that was floating in kiddie pool (8F22)
  8. a plate of food with a bug in it (9F09)
  9. a large container of Petroleum jelly (9F02)
  10. sugar that has broken glass and other garbage in it (1F17)
  11. 10 pound bag of flour (9F06)
  12. soil under the stadium bleachers (9F14)
  13. a box of donuts while in the SNPP washroom (1F07)
  14. ancy soap for the bathroom (9F16)
  15. dish soap sample (9F05)
  16. a waffle that was stuck to the ceiling (1F14)
  17. patented `out of this world space age Moon' Waffle (9F01)
  18. flowers (1F16)
  19. 64 slices of American cheese (1F01)
  20. Non-toxic donut of playdoh
  What you talkin' 'bout Wilson?
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