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Here is the greatest selection of Homer sounds on the internet... to my knowledge. Feel free to browse, listen, download, or to do what ever you want .

Homer Sounds

1canbeer.wav Awww... There's only one can of beer left and its Barts.
20buckspeanuts.wav 20 bucks... I wanted a peanut.
32dohs.wav 32 dohs
64cheese.wav Mmm.. 64 slices of American Cheese.
aaaahhhh.wav Ahhhh.
anykey.wav Wheres the any key?
ayeaye.wav Aye aye, captain.
baloney.wav My baloney has a first name its H-O-M-E-R...
bargain.wav Alright brain, you dont like me and I dont like you...
beer.wav Mmm..... Beer.
beertalk.wav Homer when he is drunk.
bill.wav That record club, the first nine were only a penny....
bogiemn.wav Ahhhh! Boogieman!
brainwashed.wav Dad do you think you might have been brainwashed?
canttalk.wav Cant talk see flanders later sex.
crookedcops.wav One day honest citizens will stand up to you crooked cops.
dare-ya.wav Cmon, I dare ya.
donuts.wav Donuts, is there anything they cant do?
eum.wav Ya, good things dont end in eum, they end in mania, or teria.
floorpie.wav Oooh, floor pie.
forbiddonut.wav Mmm... Forbidden Donut.
freewilly.wav Jump willy, jump, jump with all your might.
frekshow.wav Hey... A freak show!
fuzzy.wav Ooh, fuzzy.
girlnet.wav The girls of the internet, I'd go online with them anyday!
goons.wav Who is it?
hairy.wav Kiss my hairy, yellow butt.
hehe.wav He he.
hello3.wav Ahhh! I mean HEEllo.
helpme.wav Help me!
hmr17.wav When I was 17, I drank some very good beer...
hmralcap.wav There was nothing in Al Copones' vault, but it wasnt Heraldo's fault. D'oh!
hmraliwt.wav Alouette, gentille Alouette, Alouette, je te plumerai.
hmrbongo.wav Bongo Head!
hmrdada.wav Da da da da da da da....
hmrevil.wav I am evil Homer, I am evil Homer...
hmrmeow.wav Meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow...
hmrnabe.wav If you want to make your move, you got to play it cool...
hmrtitms.wav Marge, I swear I didn't touch her...
hmryummy.wav Yummy Yummy Yummy I got love in my tummy...
homcomp.wav No time for that now, the computers starting!
homer911.wav Operator, give me the number for 911!
homerahh.wav Ahhhh!
homerduh.wav Duh!
homerfive.wav 5 stages of dying...
homersoundmix.wav A little mix of Homer's sounds.
homrap2.wav Homer trying to rap.
idunno.wav I dunno.
internet.wav Oh, they have the internet on computers now.
jerkass.wav Get out of the way jerk ass!
joke.wav I dont get it .
ketchup.wav It looks like ketchup, it tastes like ketchup...
killboss.wav Kill my boss!
lisastories.wav Oh lisa, you and your stories...
madhomer.wav A weird noise.
magcman.wav Look at me, I'm making people happy...
mmburger.wav Mmm... Burger.
mmmbeer.wav Mmm.. Beer.
mmmspghtti.wav Mmm.. Spaghetti.
mmm_choc.wav Mmm... Chocolate
moes.wav Big deal, I have been carried ot of Moes like that...
mrplow.wav Call Mr. Plow, thats my name, that name again is...
nachoman.wav Nacho nacho man, I want to be a ...
notv.wav No tv and no beer makes Homer go something something...
outahere.wav Thats it, I'm out of here.
pokerdog.wav Ahhh! They're dogs and there playing poker!
puffytail.wav That dog has a puffy tail!
rash.wav To marge, and all the years i've spent hiding from her...
sharky.wav Cmon sharky want a peice of this?
shbrain.wav Shut up brain or I'll stap you with a q-tip.
shutup.wav Shut up boy.
slowdown.wav Gir fride erda rida rada.
smart.wav I am so smart, I am so smart, s-m-r-t...
stalk.wav I'll be back in a minute, im going outside to...
stpdhead.wav Hello Dean, your a stupid head.
suck.wav You suck-diddly-uck flanders.
sweetcrap.wav Sweet merciful crap!
truth.wav You want the truth? You cant handle the truth...
wahoo.wav Woo Hoo!
weasel.wav Weaseling out of things is important to learn...
what.wav What kind of catch phrase is that?
whattodo.wav Ehh, what are you going to do?
woman.wav Homer gives advice about women.
women.wav Gives some more advice about women.
yello.wav Yello?

internet2.wav Homer trying to sell the internet to the Comic Book Guy.
flea.wav There was a little Spanish flea...
destry.wav Must destroy man kind... Ooh! Lunch Time!
dohecho.wav D'oh! (echo).
brand.wav Look at these low low prices on famous brand name electronics...
flintstne.wav Simpson, Homer Simpson, he's the greates guy in history...
loaded.wav Marge, Im going to moes, send the kids to the neighbors...

  What you talkin' 'bout Wilson?
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