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Phoebe and Joey

Well you’re all probably wondering why is the ditzy, guitar playing Phoebe Buffay and the slow but sweet Joseph Francis Tribbiani in the couple’s section at all? ‘They’re not an official couple!’ I hear you say. Well that’s true, they’re not…yet. Some of you will think it’s a bad idea to make them a couple and others won’t. Some of you just think they’re too good friends for it to work. But there’s no denying that Pheebs & Joey will always have a special place in their hearts for one another.

Past Loves…

Well Phoebe and Joey are not especially great with their loves lives. I mean Joey is never short of dates but he’s not good at long term relationships and has only had a few. That’s similar to Phoebe. There was David the scientist guy and Gary the cop but other than that her love life is quite casual too. Throughout the seasons though, Joey and Phoebe have stuck together.

A couple…?

Well let’s take a look on how close Phoebe and Joey have have got to being a couple. They first kissed on TOW The Two Parts (Part 2). Joey actually thought he was kissing Ursula at first, but still, if he can fall in love with her twin there’s not much reason why he can’t get together with Pheebs. They also kissed in TOW Barry and Mindy’s Wedding, although that was just because Joey needed to find out why Warren Beatty thought he was a lousy kisser. In TOW The Metaphorical Tunnel Phoebe did pretend to be Joey’s agent. It didn’t have anything to do with romance I admit, but it was still really sweet when Phoebe said she couldn’t carry on breaking his heart with all those negative comments.

Nothing then happened on the Phoebe and Joey front until season 6. In the 6th season more and more things started coming out which suggest they’d make a good couple. At the start of season 6 (TOW Ross Hugs Rachel) Joey said to Pheebs ‘So, Ross and Rachel got married, Monica and Chandler almost got married, do you think you and I should hook up?’ Pheebs thought ‘They’d do’ (With Chandler’s money and Rachel’s Kids!). When Joey had to charm the guy who controlled C.H.E.E.S.E into not firing him he said he couldn’t waste his charm on the Friends but he’d saved some for Phoebe. When choosing back-ups and Rachel picked Joey, Phoebe swapped with her immediately. So that means if Joey and Phoebe are both single when 40, they’re going to get together.

In season 7 more things are starting to arise with these two. When Rachel said she’d marry someone good in TOW Nap Partners she said she might marry Ross-or Joey. To this Phoebe came back with, ‘You wouldn’t!’ Also we’ve found out that Phoebe and Joey meet about once a month to discuss the rest of the gang. And when David left in an emotional scene, Joey was there for Pheebs.

The Future…

Even if they never get together, they’re good enough friends to be in section. They’ll be there for each other but as friends or lovers, who knows? These two have been the one’s left out of the coupling so far of Ross and Rach and Chan and Mon, so maybe its inevitable that they will get together in the end…

Phoebe & Joey links...

True love? A joey and phoebe tribute

Joey and Phoebe

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