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Living up to my expectations for this series wasn't very hard and I'll admit that my removed, isolated, and sheltered point of view probly has something to do with me thinking this has to be one of the master pieces of gay American cinamatography. Perhaps some will complain that the adult contint doesn't live up to that of its British coutier part however that aspect of the story while importand and exiting doesn't nessasarly affect the story line that much. More importantly than that asspect of the story is the wonderul camera work, the ability of the cast and crew, and the different angles of gay life that they potray.

Thoes in the community quick to criisise its potral of some of the things that take place in the normal gay man's life perhaps we should be more honest with ourselfs fellas, because the sad fact of life is there are men just like Brian. Self conseated, inner focused, and thought less. We've all encountered them thus far in our lives perhaps we even are one ourselfs and if we truely want society to accept us as people we muct first be willing to revil all aspects of our own inner comunity.

Thankfully from my point of view thats what this wonderful series is doing. They seem to have also taken on a responsible angle in doing so because while they potray the sexual predator actions of Brian they also show the anger and frustration the others feel when he does these things. Also the fact that they show Justin as a charater with feelings and not just some wild and crazy sex toy is quite nice. I think to often society at large views young gay men like myself as the sex crazed gerneration with no morals, and no values yet some if not most of us are just as wanting of a relationship if not more so as any 19 year old girl would be.