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Past Updates

15th December 2003
Happy birthday to me~~! ^__^ Man, I can't believe I'm 19..... x_x I still feel like I'm 16-17.

Princess of Quake managed to bug a bunch of fecking talented artist to do me birthday pictures.
And as a thank you for her and the artist's efforts, I've created a new section! Go there, it's WAY better than my stuff is!

9th December 2003
New top image. Was about time, too.... There may or may not be another update at a later date, near Christmas. Only time will tell...

?? September 2003
One new picture in Digimon Scribbles.

15th August 2003
One new pic in Digimon Scribbles. On another note, I'll be starting polytechnic in the beginning of September, so the site may stay without updates for several months in a row. *notices she's talking to herself* Bastards.

12th July 2003
Sure has been a while since last update... One new pic in Digimon Scribbles.

7th May 2003
One new pic in the Digimon Scribbles.

5th May 2003
One new pic in the Digimon Scribbles.

14th April 2003
Castle of The Red Bat is officially under renovation. Since I've left the Spyro fandom, the Dragon Tower will be demolished, and the Attic will be converted into the Main Hall. I will be doing a complete clean-up, including several different galleries, new art, removal of the Junk, taking down old crappy art, update in the slash section (GASP!) and possibly an update in the Links. This will be a long process, bear with me.

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