Welcome to the new Bronze with just Buffy and Angel music! Have fun downloading and if you're gonna use the real audio songs on your site you must transload them. This site is for entertainment only.
(Real Audio Format)

Nerf Herder - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Theme
Guided by Voices - Teenage FBI
Garbage - Temptation Waits
Velvet Chain - Strong
Hepburn - I Quit
Flurside - Over my Head
Bif Naked - Lucky
Black Lab - Keep Myself Awake
K's Choice - Virgin State of Mind
Superfine - Already Met You
Face to Face - The Devil you Know (God is a Man)
Kim Ferron - Nothing But You
Alison Krauss & Union Station - It Doesn't Matter
The Sundays - Wild Horses
Four Star Mary - Pain (Slayer Mix)
Splendid - Charge
Rasputina - Transylvanian Concubine
Chistophe Beck (Close Your Eyes (Buffy/Angel Love Theme)

Hepburn - I Quit (Music Video in Windows Media Player Format.)

This great Velvet Chain song is on the Velvet Chain Album "Buffy E.P" and you can get it at ValvetChain.com. I could only find a 1 minute 38 second clip of it, but here it is!

Vlevet Chain - Buffy

(Wav Format)

Giles singing in "Where the Wild Things Are" broken down into 3 parts!

"Where the Wild Things Are"
"Where the Wild Things Are" 2
"Where the Wild Things Are" 3

Giles singing in "The Yoko Factor" broken down into 2 parts!

"The Yoko Factor"
"The Yoko Factor" 2

Giles singing in "Restless" broken down into 3 parts!


Valvet Chain - Angel Theme (Early Version) (Real Audio Format)
Darling Violetta - Angel Theme (Wav Format

(Wav Format)

Angel singing in "Judgement" broken down into 2 parts!

"Judgement" 2

Angel singing in "First Impressions" broken down into 2 parts!

"First Impressions"
"First Impressions" 2

Cordy, Gunn, and Wesley singing in "Redefinition!"
