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TOW All the Doctor's Appointments

This is what I think the last episode of the seventh season should be, Monica and Chandler have been married for about 3 months and Phoebe still lives with them and Rachel still lives with Joey, Phoebe and Joey are you now sneaking around like Monica and Chandler did. Also they did at their wedding like Monica and Chandler did it at Ross'. Also Ross and Rachel are going out again...seriously going out.

[Scene: Joey, Chandler, and Monica are seated in Chandler, Monica, and Phoebe's apartment. Chandler and Monica are on the couch, Joey is on the floor. ALL talking)

Joey: And then...he touched me (makes a squirmy face grossed out).

Monica: Joey he's a fell asleep on the weighing scale anyways...he HAD to move you.

Chandler: Yeah, that's true Joe.

Joey: I know I was tired. Not "doing it" for awhile makes me tired (he's only joking because he's doing it with Phoebe).

Chandler: YES, I know (looks at Monica)

Monica: (not realizing what he said) WHAT!? Stop looking at me...stop looking at me...why are you looking at me like that?

Chandler: no reason you're just very you wanna go...mix it up? (like he does in TOW Rachel's sister)

Monica: You know I can't I have to wait for the call from my he can tell me when my appointment is for a check-up...

Chandler: (saddened) Well OK then.

Opening Credits

[Scene: The next day; Joey and Rachel's Apartment. Phoebe, Joey, and Rachel are there all around the counter]

Rachel: We know Joey...he touched you. You told us yesterday.

Joey: I know that I did but it is just sooo bluhewwww (makes a face and shakes) that I had to tell you again.

Rachel: (jokingly) You know certain doctor's offices they have women that do know the moving of the sleeping should suggest that to your doctor.

Joey: (happy again, smiles, not realizing it was a joke)

Phoebe: (not realizing it was a joke either) You know I should get that job!

(Joey nods along...Rachel gives the "you are so stupid look." Joey and Phoebe go over to sit down and turn the TV on. On the TV the discovery channel is on and they are stuck to it for some reason)

Rachel: well I'm off to my doctor's appointment. BYE!

(Joey and Phoebe still mesmerized by the TV wave from behind them)

Joey: Soooo. How you doin??

Phoebe: Hehehehe (laughing)

Joey: So you wanna? (points to the bedroom)

Phoebe: (excited) OK!

[Commercial break]

[Scene: Monica is talking on the phone, but you can't hear what she's saying]

Monica: OK, thank you doctor. (starts crying as Ross enters)

Ross: Mon, what's the matter?? (goes over to her and tries to comfort her)

Monica: Nothing. (pulls away) Can you just go get Chandler PLEASE????

Ross: OK, OK (backs away) (mumbles) I'm afraid for him, whatever he did...(he leaves goes into the hallway and into Rachel's and joeys apartment where chandler and Joey are playing playstation).

Ross: Hey.

J/C: HEY (very into the game)

Ross: Hey chandler, wifey needs you across the hall.

Chandler: Ok...but...(points to the TV) just one more level.

Ross: GO...she's crying man.

Chandler: Joey I'll be right back...OK?

Joey: (didn't really listen) Sure I'll have some pizza.

Chandler: Ummm, OK...Well Ross I guess you should order pizza.

Ross: (confused still) Uh, yeah, OK (Chandler exits to his apart).

Chandler: Mon, honey?

Monica: I'm in here. (comes out of the bedroom)

Chandler: What's wrong?????

Monica: The doctor called with the results from my appointment (she's still crying)

Chandler: Well, what did he say??? (he is hugging her)

Monica: He said (stops crying, pulls away and smiles at him then whispers something to him).

Chandler: Oh I know what that means (smiles too) So we really are going to have a baby?

Monica: (nods, smiling) SO are we going to go tell everyone???

Chandler: YUH...(excitedly) Come on! (pulls her and runs out into the hall, but stops before Joey and Rachel's apartment). So, why'd you do that anyways? made me nervous.

Monica: You know me...(chandler is still waiting for an explanation) (quietly) I thought it would be fun (excited) BUT AREN'T I A GREAT ACTRESS!?

Chandler: Yeah you're better than Joey...shhhh, but don't tell him I said that.

Commercial break

[Scene: Joey and Rachel's apartment. Monica and Chandler are still out in the hall talking]

Joey: Ummm where's Chandler...(he's still playing the playstation game as chandler and Monica enter holding hands)

C/M: Hey/hi.

All: Hi.

Ross/Rachel: WE GOT ENGAGED!!

Monica: (whispers to Chandler) See it is possible! (remember TOW with Monica's Thunder Monica said that when Rachel got engaged she was going to announce that she was pregnant, and Chandler said "How is that possible")(Note from the Webmistress: Actually, Chandler said, "How is that ever going to happen" because Mon was so busy arguing with Rachel for them to get busy in the bedroom).

(Rachel shows Monica and Chandler the ring)

Monica: Oh my god you guys!!!!

Chandler: Congratulations you guys!...So what has everyone been up to??

Joey: Well...

Chandler: (interupting) We know Joey he touched you!

Joey: No...but it is about that...Rach told me that they have women who do know move the people that fall asleep...Phoebe said she might look into that job too!

(Everyone is confused except Phoebe and Rachel because she is now giving him "you are so stupid look"; by this time everyone is drinking champagne to celebrate the engagement)

C/M: (at the same time)...that's good Joey but we have good news TOO!

Everyone: WHAT!?


EVERYONE: YAAAAAAAA!! (they all go into that hug thing that they did in TOW the Embryos)

All: When did you find out?!

Monica: Just a few minutes ago. Well, see, I was pretending that the doctor said something know for fun...and I was crying and then I told Chandler who I think was more excited than me...(looks confused) thats how we found out.

Phoebe: Ha...I already knew!

All: WHAT? (confusion again)

Phoebe: I knew that already...I'm psychic.

Ross: Anyways...Congratulations you guys.

All: YEAH!

Joey: Oh, since we're all telling something I'll tell something too. (he looks at Phoebe, she looks at him; he doesn't know if he should tell) Never mind...Phoebe...can I see you in the hall for just one minute?

Phoebe: Sure.

(They exit to the hall)

Joey: When are we going to tell them?

Phoebe: I don't know...I think its exciting...don't you???? No wonder Monica and Chandler kept it a secret for so long when they did it.

Joey: Yeah, I think its exciting...but I can't keep a secret...(whining)

Phoebe: Don't worry about that now OK. Lets go congratulate ALL our friends OK?

[Commercial Break]

[Scene: Chandler is on the couch asleep. Rachel enters]

Rachel: (loudly) HEY!

Chandler: (is awaken by her) wha...what?

Rachel: Where's Mon???

Chandler: I don't know (he hears a throwing up sound coming from the bathroom; points to the bathroom in there...(she walks towards the bathroom) I don't think you want to go in...

Rachel: Whoah...never mind. Hey Chandler, do you remember your engagement night??

Chandler: Yeah, I was there.

Rachel: Well anyways...remember when Mon said she would announce that she was pregnant on my engagement night?

Chandler: Yeah.

Rachel: I just thought that it was a coincidence. I was just wondering if she was just know about her being pregnant...(Chandler looks mad) Ummmm nevermind...bye-bye.

Chandler: No, don't leave. Why would you ever say that. She's your friend, she would never do that. You knew her longer than me and I even knew that Mon would never do that.

Monica: (enters from the bathroom, talking to herself) I'm definitely sterilizing that WHOLE bathroom tomorrow. Oh, hi Rach why are you here??

Rachel: Hi. (feels guilty now)

Chandler: Nothing honey she was just borrowing your great spatula and shes leaving now. (opens the door and pushes Rachel out the door) Ok, go to bed and I'll be there in a minute.

[Commercial Break]

[Scene: Music playing same song that wason during the end scene of TOW the Proposal (Eric Clapton, Wonderful Tonight) You can see Ross and Rachel dancing to it and the flash to Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's apartment. Chandler and Monica are dancing to the same song.]


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